‘The Rich People Who Do Not Know God.’
Ecclesiastes 5:8-12.
a) Ecclesiastes 5:8-9. They oppress the poor.
b) Ecclesiastes 5:10. Are not satisfied with what they have – they always want more.
c) Ecclesiastes 5:11. There is no real gain to them when they increase their goods.
d) Ecclesiastes 5:12. Quite often cannot sleep because of digestion problems or worry.
e) 1 Timothy 6:17. They really need God.
(This QT shows me the sad condition of The Rich People Who Do Not Know God)
‘If We Have Humility And The Fear Of The Lord.’
Proverbs 22:4.
We may have:-
a) Riches.
b) Honour.
c) Life.
(Through this Second one I find what may be mine If I Have Humility And The Fear Of The Lord)
The love of money cannot bring real gain to anyone’s life. It may give them some financial benefit or belongings but those things in themselves cannot produce real gain. Only the knowledge of God can bring real gain to a person’s life.