The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Dear Brother Timothy!
‘Dear Brother Timothy.’
a) 2 Corinthians 1:1; Acts 16:3; 17:15. Was a fellow minister with Apostle Paul.
b) Acts 16:1. Came from a multi-ethnic family.
c) Acts 16:2. Had a good reputation amongst the Believers.
d) Acts 19:22; 1 Corinthians 4:17; Philippians 2:19. Was sent by Apostle Paul to help other churches.
e) 1 Corinthians 16:10. He was to be well received by the churches and not despised because of his youth or ethnic background.
f) Philippians 2:20. Was a genuinely caring person.
g) 1 Thessalonians 3:6. Was a messenger of good reports about the Church.
h) 1 Timothy 1:18. Had been given the prophetic word to help him fight the Lord’s battles.
i) 1 Timothy 4:6; 6:2. Was to teach other people well and then:-
1- He would be a worthy servant of Jesus Christ.
2- He would be nourished by the Word of Faith.
3- He would be nourished by the good Teaching which he had followed.
j) 1 Timothy 6:11. Was a man of God, so:-
1- He was to run away from evil things.
2- He was to pursue Righteousness and a godly life.
3- He was to pursue Faith.
4- He was to pursue Love.
5- He was to pursue perseverance.
6- He was to pursue gentleness.
k) 1 Timothy 6:20. He was to protect himself and avoid foolish discussions with opponents.
l) 2 Timothy 1:3. Apostle Paul thanked God for him and prayed for him.
m) Hebrews 13:23. Had spent time in prison for the sake of the Gospel.
(Through this QT I know more about Dear Brother Timothy)
‘Zacchaeus – An Important Yet Humble Man.’
Luke 19:1-7.
a) Luke 19:1. Jesus was making his way through the city of Jericho.
b) Luke 19:2. Zacchaeus was an influential tax collector for the Roman Government and had become very rich and important in the city.
c) Luke 19:3. He wanted to see Jesus but he was physically too short.
d) Luke 19:4. He ran down the road and climbed a sycamore tree to watch Jesus going past. (Important people do not climb trees!)
e) Luke 19:5. Jesus looked up and Zacchaeus and:-
1- Called him by his name – He knew him.
2- Told him to quickly come down from the tree.
3- Told him to receive Jesus in his home and to give hospitality to Him.
f) Luke 19:6. Zacchaeus joyfully welcomed Jesus to his home.
g) Luke 19:7. The crowds were displeased and grumbling against both Jesus and Zacchaeus. They hated Zacchaeus the tax collector and they could not understand why Jesus would go there.
(Through this Second one: Zacchaeus – An Important And Yet Humble Man, I find the Grace and Love of Jesus expressed in a very meaningful way)
I am so often surprised by the Church’s attitude towards Jesus, we so often put Him in a “respectable” box and do not want Him to “rock our boat” or do unusual or unexpected things. Yet these are often the things that would bring Salvation and Revival into the Church. Also the Church’s attitude towards the Zacchaeus type people in the World should be much less critical and far more welcoming – then they can surely find the Lord and be found of Him.
The Christian Life!
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