The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
We Need To Hear!
‘We Need To Hear.’
Deuteronomy 6:4-5.
a) God’s People were to hear.
b) The Lord is our God – The Lord alone.
c) We must love the Lord with all of our:-
d) Luke 24:44. This need to hear is still for us today.
(This QT strongly reminds me that I Need To Hear)
‘Esther’s Wise Faith.’
a) Esther 4:14. Esther was willing to stand in the gap for her people.
b) Esther 5:1-3. She was bold to go into the presence of the king.
c) Romans 6:23; 3:23. She had confidence because she was free from sin.
d) Revelation 3:21-22. King Jesus welcomes all True Believers.
e) Esther 5:5-6. Haman was called but the plan was not yet revealed. There is a right time for all things.
f) Proverbs 21:1. The king’s heart is in the Hand of the Lord.
g) Esther 5:7-9. Esther gives the invitation to King Xerxes and to Haman to a banquet.
h) Esther 5:9. Mordecai made Haman angry by his actions.
i) Esther 5:10-13. Haman was amazed by the invitation but he was not in peace because of Mordecai.
j) Esther 5:14. Haman had gallows made on which to hang Mordecai. But Esther knew exactly what she wanted.
(This Second one shows me Esther’s Wise Faith)
God’s People were to hear. This is very important. We quickly share our suggestions and comments but we do not take time to hear. We need to hear in our prayer. God will reward those people who diligently seek Him. We need to hear as we read our Bible. We need to hear as we attend God’s House and hear His Word taught and preached.
The Christian Life!
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