The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
God Our Father And Source!
‘God Our Father And Source.’
2 Corinthians 1:2-3.
He gives to us:-
a) Grace.
b) Peace.
c) Mercy.
d) Comfort.
(Through this QT I praise God My Father And Source)
‘When We Love Somewhere Or Someone That Needs The Lord.’
Isaiah 62:1-2.
We pray for them that:-
a) Their Righteousness will shine.
b) Their Salvation will be vibrant and real.
c) They will Glorify God in the Nations.
d) They will have a new identity in Christ.
(This Second one teaches me how I should respond When I Love Somewhere Or Someone That Needs The Lord)
Grace is really an amazing Gift of God. It is the Grace of God that brings Salvation to us. All is of Grace. We are who we are in the Lord by the Grace of God. We should appreciate the Grace of God more and more.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Handling Wealth Well!
‘Handling Wealth Well.’
a) Proverbs 18:11; Jeremiah 48:7; Habakkuk 2:9. It is not our defence, the Lord is.
b) Genesis 31:16; Exodus 12:36; Deuteronomy 8:18. God gives it and He can take it away too.
c) Deuteronomy 8:17; Jeremiah 9:23; Ezekiel 28:5. We should not be proud about it.
d) Deuteronomy 17:17. A ruler or leader must not accumulate much for himself.
e) 1 Kings 3:11. It is not something to ask God for.
f) 1 Chronicles 29:16. Wealth for building Churches and Christian buildings is God’s, not ours.
g) Job 31:24; Psalm 49:6 & 20; Proverbs 11:28. We should never trust its power.
h) Job 36:18. We should not let it seduce us.
i) Job 36:19. It cannot keep us from distress.
j) Psalm 62:10. It should not become the centre of our life.
k) Proverbs 3:9. We should honour the Lord with it.
l) Proverbs 23:4. We should not become weary in trying to gain it.
m) Ecclesiastes 5:10. We should not love it.
n) Hosea 5:7. False religion devours it. (This includes the “prosperity gospel”.)
o) Matthew 6:24. We cannot serve God and wealth.
p) Matthew 13:22. Its deceitfulness can choke the Word of God.
q) Luke 12:21. We are foolish if we store it up but do not have a good relationship with God.
r) Ephesians 5:5; Colossians 3:5. Greed is wealth worship.
s) 1 Timothy 6:17. Wealth should be combined with Faith in God.
(This QT reminds me that I should be Handling Wealth Well whether I have little or much)
‘Right Living.’
a) John 13:10-11. Is living with pure devotion to Christ.
b) Hebrews 4:13. Is a life that is open before God.
c) 1 John 3:20-22; Acts 24:16. Is maintaining a clear conscience.
d) Hebrews 6:9-11. Is working hard for the Lord and loving other people.
(This Second one encourages me to be Right Living)
If we are handling our lives well it means that we are also handling our wealth and finances well. There are some issues in Church that become painful and controversial, not because of God’s Plan but because of the sin and carelessness of His People. As True Believers we need to learn to handle everything about our lives well.
The Ultimate Hospitality And Welcome!
‘The Ultimate Hospitality And Welcome.’
John 14:2.
These are the Words of Jesus Christ.
a) In My Father’s house (Heaven) there are many rooms.
b) Jesus has gone to prepare a place for us (True Believers) there.
c) If this were not so, He would tell us plainly.
(This QT shows me The Ultimate Hospitality And Welcome)
‘Trustworthy People.’
a) 1 Corinthians 4:2. Are faithful with the responsibilities that they have been given.
b) 1 Corinthians 3:8. Serve well in their team and will be rewarded.
c) 1 Corinthians 4:5. Do not judge other people but Fear the Lord and have their expectation in Him.
(Through this Second one I want to be a Trustworthy Person)
When we read about the physical dimensions of Heaven in the Book of Revelation we can find that it is a very huge and wonderful place. I am amazed at the Grace and Care of the Lord in the fact that He is preparing a place for me there. I am looking forward very much to the time when He calls me there.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Dear Brother Timothy!
‘Dear Brother Timothy.’
a) 2 Corinthians 1:1; Acts 16:3; 17:15. Was a fellow minister with Apostle Paul.
b) Acts 16:1. Came from a multi-ethnic family.
c) Acts 16:2. Had a good reputation amongst the Believers.
d) Acts 19:22; 1 Corinthians 4:17; Philippians 2:19. Was sent by Apostle Paul to help other churches.
e) 1 Corinthians 16:10. He was to be well received by the churches and not despised because of his youth or ethnic background.
f) Philippians 2:20. Was a genuinely caring person.
g) 1 Thessalonians 3:6. Was a messenger of good reports about the Church.
h) 1 Timothy 1:18. Had been given the prophetic word to help him fight the Lord’s battles.
i) 1 Timothy 4:6; 6:2. Was to teach other people well and then:-
1- He would be a worthy servant of Jesus Christ.
2- He would be nourished by the Word of Faith.
3- He would be nourished by the good Teaching which he had followed.
j) 1 Timothy 6:11. Was a man of God, so:-
1- He was to run away from evil things.
2- He was to pursue Righteousness and a godly life.
3- He was to pursue Faith.
4- He was to pursue Love.
5- He was to pursue perseverance.
6- He was to pursue gentleness.
k) 1 Timothy 6:20. He was to protect himself and avoid foolish discussions with opponents.
l) 2 Timothy 1:3. Apostle Paul thanked God for him and prayed for him.
m) Hebrews 13:23. Had spent time in prison for the sake of the Gospel.
(Through this QT I know more about Dear Brother Timothy)
‘Zacchaeus – An Important Yet Humble Man.’
Luke 19:1-7.
a) Luke 19:1. Jesus was making his way through the city of Jericho.
b) Luke 19:2. Zacchaeus was an influential tax collector for the Roman Government and had become very rich and important in the city.
c) Luke 19:3. He wanted to see Jesus but he was physically too short.
d) Luke 19:4. He ran down the road and climbed a sycamore tree to watch Jesus going past. (Important people do not climb trees!)
e) Luke 19:5. Jesus looked up and Zacchaeus and:-
1- Called him by his name – He knew him.
2- Told him to quickly come down from the tree.
3- Told him to receive Jesus in his home and to give hospitality to Him.
f) Luke 19:6. Zacchaeus joyfully welcomed Jesus to his home.
g) Luke 19:7. The crowds were displeased and grumbling against both Jesus and Zacchaeus. They hated Zacchaeus the tax collector and they could not understand why Jesus would go there.
(Through this Second one: Zacchaeus – An Important And Yet Humble Man, I find the Grace and Love of Jesus expressed in a very meaningful way)
I am so often surprised by the Church’s attitude towards Jesus, we so often put Him in a “respectable” box and do not want Him to “rock our boat” or do unusual or unexpected things. Yet these are often the things that would bring Salvation and Revival into the Church. Also the Church’s attitude towards the Zacchaeus type people in the World should be much less critical and far more welcoming – then they can surely find the Lord and be found of Him.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
The Name Of The Lord!
‘The Name Of The Lord.’
a) Proverbs 18:10. Is a strong tower.
b) Genesis 4:26; 12:8; 13:4. Can be called upon.
c) Exodus 20:7; Leviticus 24:11 & 16; Deuteronomy 5:11. Should not be taken in vain.
d) Deuteronomy 18:5; 1 Samuel 17:45. We should minister in.
e) Deuteronomy 21:5; 2 Samuel 6:18; 1 Chronicles 16:2. Is a source of Blessing.
f) Deuteronomy 28:58; Psalm 102:15; Isaiah 59:19. Is to be feared.
g) Deuteronomy 32:3; Psalm 102:21. Is to be proclaimed.
h) 1 Samuel 14:39; 20:42; 28:10. Can be the security of a vow.
i) 1 Kings 22:16; 2 Chronicles 18:5. Is the foundation of Truth.
j) 2 Kings 2:24. Is the most powerful curse.
k) Psalm 7:17; 113:1-3; 135:1. We can sing Praises to.
l) Psalm 20:7; Isaiah 50:10; Zephaniah 3:12. Can be trusted.
m) Psalm 118:10-12. In it we can destroy our enemies.
n) Psalm 122:4. We should give thanks to it.
o) Psalm 124:8. Is our help.
p) Isaiah 24:15. We should give Glory to it.
q) Isaiah 56:6. We should love it.
r) Jeremiah 3:17; 1 Corinthians 5:4. We should gather together in it.
s) Acts 9:28. We can speak out boldly in it.
t) 1 Corinthians 6:11. We are justified in it.
u) Colossians 3:17. Whatever we do we should do in it.
v) 1 Thessalonians 5:27; 2 Thessalonians 3:12. Leaders can command and urge the Church in it.
w) 2 Timothy 2:19. If we Name it we should depart from iniquity.
x) James 5:14. We can be anointed with oil in it for:-
1- Comfort.
2- Health.
3- Healing.
(Through this QT I have deep reverence for The Name Of The Lord)
‘Jesus Loves The Little Chidren.’
Matthew 19:13-14.
a) Some children were brought to Jesus that He might lay His Hands on them and Bless them.
b) The Disciples rebuked the people that had brought the children.
c) Jesus found the Disciples did the wrong thing. He said:-
1- Let the little children come to me.
2- Do not forbid them.
3- The Kingdom of Heaven belongs to little children.
(This Second one convinces me that Jesus Loves The Little Children very much)
The Lord! His Name is a very wonderful and powerful Name. We need to Trust in and call on the Name of the Lord more frequently. If we do this we can discover His Heart and His Will.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Real Mercy!
‘Real Mercy.’
Matthew 9:9-13.
a) Matthew 9:9. Jesus called despised tax collector Matthew to follow Him. Matthew simply responded.
b) Matthew 9:10. Matthew wanted to celebrate and give hospitality with a dinner party.
c) Matthew 9:11. The religious teachers attacked Jesus for attending this celebration. They accused Matthew and his friends of being scum.
d) Matthew 9:12. Jesus revealed His Love and Mercy for Matthew and his friends.
e) Matthew 9:13. Jesus called the religious people to be merciful and to remember the purpose of His Coming.
(Through this QT I want to give Real Mercy and I do not want to have the same attitude as the religious teachers)
‘Jesus’ Right Perspective As The Son Of God.’
Matthew 12:46-50.
a) Matthew 12:46. Jesus was speaking to the crowd. His natural mother and brothers were outside, wanting to speak to Him.
b) Matthew 12:47. Someone told Jesus about this situation.
c) Matthew 12:48-49. Jesus pointed out whom He regarded as His mother and brothers.
d) Matthew 12:50. Anyone who does the Will of God He sees as His Mother and His Brothers, that is deep love for them. Jesus was not rejecting His natural family, only He saw those people who do the Will of God as His Family also.
(Through this Second one I can see Jesus’ Right Perspective As The Son Of God)
Jesus did not conform to what the religious teachers expected Him to conform to. Sadly, in some churches today, the attendees have become like the religious teachers, so self righteous and narrow. We need to reject that way and be merciful also giving and receiving hospitality in Mercy.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Jesus At The Centre Of Our Farewells!
‘Jesus At The Centre Of Our Farewells.’
1 Corinthians 16:22-24.
Apostle Paul did a tremendous work for the Corinthian Church for which He gave God all the Glory. He wanted no Glory for himself, he only wrote about himself in ways to help the Church. Let us follow his good example.
a) 1 Corinthians 16:22. The farewell Maranatha, come Lord Jesus.
b) 1 Corinthians 16:23. The Grace farewell. The Grace of the Lord Jesus be with you.
c) 1 Corinthians 16:24. The Love farewell. My Love to you all in Christ Jesus.
(Through this QT I want to keep Jesus At The Centre Of My Farewells)
‘One, Two Or Three?’
Ecclesiastes 4:12.
a) A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated. We all need to have fellowship.
b) Two people can stand back to back and together they can win.
c) Three people together in agreement is very good, a triple braided cord is not easily broken.
(Through this Second one, One, Two Or Three? I realise the danger of loneliness and the benefit of fellowship)
It is so nice to be able to say “good bye” to someone in a godly way when we have to depart. Love and Grace from the Lord can maintain good relationships and having “Maranatha” in our hearts helps to keep our lives right and pure.
Monday, October 25, 2010
We Should Not Be Lazy!
‘We Should Not Be Lazy.’
a) Proverbs 18:9. A lazy person is as bad as someone who destroys things.
b) Proverbs 6:9-11; 10:4; 24:30-34. A lazy person oversleeps and becomes poor.
c) Proverbs 13:4. A lazy person wants much but gets little.
d) Proverbs 20:4. A lazy person will have no food at harvest time.
e) Proverbs 26:13. A lazy person is full of excuses.
f) Isaiah 56:10. A lazy leader cannot look after God’s sheep.
(This QT reminds me that I Should Not Be Lazy)
‘Wise Counsel.’
a) Proverbs 11:14. Is very safe.
b) Proverbs 15:22. Brings success.
c) Proverbs 24:6. Can help us to have victory.
d) Isaiah 19:11-14. Needs to be given by people in good spiritual condition.
e) Acts 15:6-10. Reasons from the Scriptures and by the Holy Spirit.
(This Second one teaches me the importance of Wise Counsel)
Timing is always important. We need to be sensitive to time and not passive about it. “Whatever will be will be” is not a Biblical concept but a worldly one. True Believers need to be good stewards of time and not to waste it.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
A Wayward Son Or Daughter!
‘A Wayward Son Or Daughter.’
a) Luke 15:24. Can be restored in God’s Time.
b) Luke 15:28-30. Should not be the subject of family anger, even though they have been in the wrong. Restoration should be the goal.
c) James 1:2-4. The whole process maybe a really beneficial one for the family eventually.
(This QT teaches me God’s Heart for A Wayward Son Or Daughter)
‘Our Life In The Lord.’
a) Deuteronomy 11:2. We will experience, and not just know about Him, in many ways.
b) Proverbs 20:30. Sometimes we need to go through unpleasant experiences in order for us to be purified.
c) James 1:22. We need to respond to what the Word of God says to us.
d) John 14:21. Our obedience to the Lord proves our love for Him.
e) John 10:10. Jesus came to give us Life.
(This Second one helps me to understand more about My Life In The Lord)
I meet many parents who struggle greatly because of their wayward son or daughter. I believe strongly that God wants to comfort these parents so that they can have His Heart for their children. Anger is a fruit and there may seem many justifiable reasons for the parents of wayward children to be angry but this kind of anger does not solve anything – it only makes it worse.
Loving The Lord!
‘Loving The Lord.’
1 Corinthians 16:22.
a) Is essential for our Salvation.
b) If we love Him we will Worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.
c) God’s purpose is our Redemption.
d) Our life does not consist in the abundance of things that we possess.
e) Isaiah 29:13. God is looking for our hearts.
f) John 14:31. Doing what He requires of us is an evidence of our loving Him.
(This QT simply encourages me to be Loving The Lord)
‘The Importance Of Yielding To God.’
a) John 5:19-20. Jesus Himself yielded His Will to Father God.
b) Mark 3:14. The twelve Apostles were sent by Jesus Christ, they did not just do what they wanted to do.
c) 1 Samuel 3:10. Samuel responded to the Lord’s Calling.
d) Psalm 119:16. We should not forget His Word.
(Through this Second one I realise The Importance Of Yielding To God)
There is absolutely nothing “wrong” with having an abundance of things if God has given us that abundance. The question is: What do we do with it? That abundance, Jesus says, is not our life. So if God has given us an abundance, we should be praying and asking Him how He wants us to be stewards of what He has given to us.
Friday, October 22, 2010
A Fool's Mouth!
‘A Fool’s Mouth.’
Proverbs 18:6-8.
a) Proverbs 18:6. Brings them into strife and constant quarrels.
b) Proverbs 18:6. Begins a conflict that can even turn violent.
c) Proverbs 18:7. Can bring their ruin and undoing upon them.
d) Proverbs 18:7. Is a snare to their soul.
e) Proverbs 18:8. Utters gossip that sinks deep into other people’s hearts.
(Through this QT I am so sure that I do not want A Fool’s Mouth)
‘God Is On The Throne,’
a) Psalm 103:19. His Throne is established in Heaven and His Kingdom rules over all.
b) Job 42:2. God can do anything and all things and no Plan of His can be stopped.
c) Psalm 57:2. God will fulfil His Purpose for us, we can cry out to Him.
d) Psalm 145:13. The Lord:-
1- Has a Kingdom that is an everlasting Kingdom.
2- Rules generation after generation.
3- Is Faithful in all that He says.
4- Is Gracious in all that He does.
e) Hebrews 12:25. We should never refuse Him when He speaks to us.
f) Hebrews 12:28. He welcomes us into His Kingdom, therefore we should:-
1- Be thankful to Him.
2- Be grateful.
3- Worship God in a way that will please Him, with reverence and awe. Remember Worship is 100% for God and not for us.
(This Second one reminds me that God Is Still On The Throne)
We should always consider our responses to God. Although we are His Children we are not His “babies”, I really dislike the thought of calling God “daddy” outside of the Biblical language and context. We are created to Worship Him and to Glorify Him and not to bring Him down to our own concept of Him.
The People Who Become True Believer Christians!
‘The People Who Become True Believer Christians.’
2 Corinthians 5:17.
a) Become new persons.
b) They are not the same any more.
c) The old life has gone.
d) A new life has begun.
(Through this QT I clearly understand who are The People Who Become True Believer Christians)
‘We Need Victory Over Our Enemy.’
a) 1 Peter 5:8. Through being sober and vigilant.
b) Revelation 12:9-11. By overcoming him, the accuser of our souls, in a Biblical way. That is not only praying but also living.
c) 2 Corinthians 11:14-15. By discerning false prophets and ministries who are Satan’s servants.
d) James 4:7. By submitting to God and then resisting the Devil.
e) Psalm 51:10-15. Through personal prayer.
(This Second one reminds me that I Need Victory Over My Enemy)
The Lord wants us to clearly understand His Word. When we clearly understand His Word it will surely shape our lives. The greatest need of the Church today is a return to the clear teaching of God’s Word to all age groups.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
We Should Greet Other People Well!
‘We Should Greet Other People Well.’
1 Corinthians 16:19-21.
a) 1 Corinthians 16:19. As a National Church.
b) 1 Corinthians 16:19. As local Church leaders, on behalf of the Church that they lead.
c) 1 Corinthians 16:20. As brothers and sisters in Christ.
d) 1 Corinthians 16:20. We should greet one another in the Church.
e) 1 Corinthians 16:21. Follow the example of Apostle Paul.
(Through this QT I am reminded that I Should Greet Other People Well)
‘The Word Must Be Taught.’
a) Acts 2:42. It was the early Church pattern.
b) Hebrews 6:1-2. We need to know the basics of the Bible and grow on from there.
c) Titus 1:10; 2 Timothy 4:3. There are many Christians who rebel against right teaching.
d) 2 Timothy 1:13. Hold on to the pattern of right teaching.
(This Second one convinces me that The Word Must Be Taught)
We should greet one another in the Church. If a local Church is Biblical and spiritually healthy we should not feel intimidated by the Church environment, we should be able to greet one another in the Church. If the Church is not Biblical and spiritually healthy fellowship is really very difficult.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
It Is Wrong!
‘It Is Wrong.’
a) Proverbs 18:5; 17:26. For a judge to favour the guilty and condemn the innocent.
b) Deuteronomy 24:6. To rob a person of their living.
c) Job 35:13. To say that God does not listen.
d) Proverbs 24:23. To show favouritism when passing judgment.
e) Romans 14:14. For a person to eat certain foods if they believe that it is wrong.
f) Romans 14:20. To make another person stumble in their Faith life by what we eat.
g) James 4:16. To be proud.
(This QT clearly shows me It Is Wrong)
‘How Can We Give God Glory In The Church?’
Ephesians 3:14-21.
a) Ephesians 3:14-15. We need to pray.
b) Ephesians 3:16. We need God’s mighty inner strength through the Holy Spirit.
c) Ephesians 3:17. We need Christ in our hearts and our roots to go down deep into God’s marvellous love.
d) Ephesians 3:18-19. We need to experience God’s Love through Jesus Christ (not through the Preacher).
e) Ephesians 3:20. We need to welcome God’s Power to work within us. He can do much more than we can ask or imagine.
f) Ephesians 3:21. Then we can give God Glory in the Church.
(This Second one answers my question: How Can I Give God Glory In The Church?)
We receive the Love of God through Jesus Christ and not through the preacher/teacher. This is a pure and Biblical principle. If preacher/teachers set themselves up as the ones who give God’s Love to the people then the Church and the preacher/teacher are in grave danger.
We Need To Hear!
‘We Need To Hear.’
Deuteronomy 6:4-5.
a) God’s People were to hear.
b) The Lord is our God – The Lord alone.
c) We must love the Lord with all of our:-
d) Luke 24:44. This need to hear is still for us today.
(This QT strongly reminds me that I Need To Hear)
‘Esther’s Wise Faith.’
a) Esther 4:14. Esther was willing to stand in the gap for her people.
b) Esther 5:1-3. She was bold to go into the presence of the king.
c) Romans 6:23; 3:23. She had confidence because she was free from sin.
d) Revelation 3:21-22. King Jesus welcomes all True Believers.
e) Esther 5:5-6. Haman was called but the plan was not yet revealed. There is a right time for all things.
f) Proverbs 21:1. The king’s heart is in the Hand of the Lord.
g) Esther 5:7-9. Esther gives the invitation to King Xerxes and to Haman to a banquet.
h) Esther 5:9. Mordecai made Haman angry by his actions.
i) Esther 5:10-13. Haman was amazed by the invitation but he was not in peace because of Mordecai.
j) Esther 5:14. Haman had gallows made on which to hang Mordecai. But Esther knew exactly what she wanted.
(This Second one shows me Esther’s Wise Faith)
God’s People were to hear. This is very important. We quickly share our suggestions and comments but we do not take time to hear. We need to hear in our prayer. God will reward those people who diligently seek Him. We need to hear as we read our Bible. We need to hear as we attend God’s House and hear His Word taught and preached.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Stephenas, Fortunatus And Achaicus!
‘Stephenas, Fortunatus And Achaicus.’
1 Corinthians 16:17-18.
a) These men made Apostle Paul rejoice and be glad.
b) They were willing to travel and serve Apostle Paul.
c) They were a big help to Apostle Paul.
d) They were a wonderful encouragement to Apostle Paul because they had the Gift of Encouragement.
e) They were to be given proper honour in the Corinthian Church because they served so well.
(Through this QT I thank God for Stephanas, Fortunatus And Achaicus – good examples for any Church)
‘Apostle Paul’s Thankful And Powerful Prayer.’
Ephesians 1:16-23.
a) Ephesians 1:16. Paul prayed with a thankful heart regularly for the Ephesian Church.
b) Ephesians 1:17. Paul prayed for them to have Spiritual Wisdom and Understanding so that they could grow in the Knowledge of God.
c) Ephesians 1:18. Paul prayed for their hearts to be flooded with Light so that they could understand the wonderful future that the Lord has promised to those people whom He has called.
d) Ephesians 1:18. Paul prayed that they would realise what a rich and glorious Inheritance God has given to His People.
e) Ephesians 1:19-20. Paul prayed that the Ephesian Church would begin to understand the incredible greatness of His Power for the people who Believe on Him. This is Resurrection Power.
f) Ephesians 1:21-22. Paul prayed about the ultimate Authority of Jesus Christ Who is the Head of the Church.
g) Ephesians 1:22-23. Paul prayed about their understanding that the Church is Christ’s Body and it is to be filled with Him.
(This Second one teaches me about Apostle Paul’s Thankful And Powerful Prayer for the Ephesian Church)
There are many people today who I think are dangerous people and they are also people in danger because they want power, human power and power over humanity. These people are always making trouble in Churches. We should all give place to the Resurrection Power of the Lord Jesus which is also the Power of the Holy Spirit.
The Importance Of Our Words!
‘The Importance Of Our Words.’
a) Proverbs 18:4. They can be:-
1-Life giving water.
2-Words of true Wisdom.
3-Like a bubbling brook.
b) Proverbs 10:11. They can lead to life.
c) Proverbs 13:14. They can be a life giving fountain.
d) Proverbs 20:5. They can be good advice to wise people.
e) Colossians 3:16. They should be from the Words of Christ.
f) Colossians 4:6. They should be gracious and effective.
(This QT clearly shows me The Importance Of My Words)
‘We Are To Love.’
a) Deuteronomy 6:5. The Lord with all our:-
b) Leviticus 19:18. Our neighbours as we do ourselves.
c) Mark 12:19-21. These Truths are affirmed in the Teaching of the Lord Jesus.
d) Ephesians 5:22-6:4. Our immediate family members.
(This Second one reminds me that I Am To Love)
Our words should be life giving. Whatever the situation we may be in and whoever we are talking to, it is God’s plan that our words be a life giving fountain. Even words of correction and discipline should be like this. Shouting and screaming at people in an abusive way is just childish and incorrect behaviour.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Abundant Grace!
‘Abundant Grace.’
Romans 5:20.
a) The Law was given to us to show us how far we have missed the Divine ideal.
b) The Law was given to us to show us how far we came and sometimes still come from living a life that was pleasing and acceptable to God.
c) The Law puts down every thought of self righteousness.
d) The law entered that the offense might abound, but where sin abounded, grace did overflow.
(Through this QT I am so grateful to God for Abundant Grace)
‘We Praise God.’
a) Ephesians 1:3. For all the Spiritual Blessings that we receive from Him.
b) 2 Samuel 22:4; 1 Chronicles 16:25; Psalm 145:3. Because He is Worthy of Praise.
c) Ezekiel 3:12. Because of His Glory.
d) Psalm 148:13. Because His Name is very great.
e) Daniel 2:20; Psalm 21:13. Because He alone has all Wisdom and Power.
f) Psalm 107:8; 63:3. For His Great Love and wonderful deeds to us.
g) Psalm 150:2. Because of His Wonderful works.
h) Isaiah 12:1. Because He Comforts us.
i) Psalm 101:1; 47:7; 63:5. With songs.
j) 1 Kings 8:56. Because He gives rest to His People.
k) Psalm 103:1. With our whole heart.
l) Hosea 14:2. Because He forgives and accepts us.
m) Psalm 71:6. Because He cares for us.
n) Psalm 71:7-8. Because He is our Strength and Protection.
o) Psalm 148:1-5; 150:6. All Creation.
p) Psalm 33:1; 147:1. Because it is fitting to do so.
q) Psalm 119:71. Because the Lord has taught us His Principles.
r) 2 Chronicles 29:30. With the Psalms of David.
(This Second one helps me to understand why I Praise God)
God cares for us. Just this morning I was having a conversation with a Brother in Christ about this fact. So often when we were young Believers we had many exciting and inspiring spiritual experiences from God.
As we grow spiritually there is simply no need for us to have these experiences because in healthy spiritual growth there should be a balance between the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. However far we may be along the road of Faith as a True Believer we have this testimony that God Cares For Us.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Stephanas – A Good Head Of His Family!
‘Stephanas – A Good Head Of His Family.’
1 Corinthians 16:15-16.
a) He was eager to receive the Lord being the first True Believer in Greece together with his family.
b) This family spent their life in service for other Believers.
c) This family was worthy of respect.
d) This family served with such real devotion.
(Through this QT I am so Blessed and Encouraged by Stephanas – A Good Head Of His Family)
‘True Believers Can Live In Freedom.’
John 8:31-32.
a) Jesus was speaking to people who were already True Believers.
b) If they obeyed His Word then they would be True Disciples.
c) If they obeyed His Word then by experience they come to know the Truth.
d) That is the Truth that set them free.
(This Second one gives me great assurance that True Believers Can Live In Freedom)
How lovely – the testimony of Stephanas’ family they were a family worthy of respect. They were pioneers of the Christian Faith in Greece. There is a desperate need today for families in the Churches that are worthy of respect. This respect comes becomes of their life and service as a family that is a powerful and meaningful influence on society and on nominal “Christianity”.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Three Lives That Need To Be Changed!
‘Three Lives That Need To Be Changed.’
Proverbs 18:1-3.
a) Proverbs 18:1. The life of a recluse, because:-
1- Recluse is self indulgent.
2- Recluse snarls at every sound principle of conduct.
3- Recluse pursues selfish desires.
b) Proverbs 18:2. The life of a fool, because:-
1- Fools have no interest in understanding.
2- Fools only want to air their own opinions.
3- Fools want to show off.
c) Proverbs 18:3. The life of a wicked person, because:-
1- Wicked people bring contempt with them.
2- Wicked people bring shame with them.
3- Wicked people bring disgrace with them.
4- Wicked people bring dishonour with them.
(Through this QT I see Three Lives That Need To Be Changed by the Lord)
‘A Good Example.’
a) John 13:15. The Example of Jesus Christ.
b) Luke 22:25-27. The example of a servant.
c) Galatians 6:1-4. The example of the humble restorer.
(This Second one teaches me A Good Example to follow)
We should really want no influence from the life of a wicked person. Sometimes we may know wicked people in our environment of work, study or social life. We should not take on ourselves a burden to help them or try to bring them into Salvation. When we do this it is easy for us to get tied up in a relationship with them. If we have some “heart” to help a wicked person we should share our burden with other True Believer friends so that, as a team, we can reach out to the wicked person.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Our Deliverer!
‘Our Deliverer.’
Psalm 18:17-19.
a) Psalm 18:17. He delivers us from:-
1- Our strong enemy.
2- Those people who hated us.
3- Those people who were too strong for us.
b) Psalm 18:18. The enemies attacked us at the moment when we were weakest – but the Lord upheld us.
c) Psalm 18:19. The Lord led us to a place of safety – He rescued us because He Delights in us.
(Through this QT I extol My Deliverer)
‘Benefits From The Lord.’
Psalm 103:1-6.
a) Psalm 103:1. We can Praise the Lord with our whole heart.
b) Psalm 103:2. We are to Praise the Lord and never forget the good things that He has done.
c) Psalm 103:3. He forgives all of our sins and heals all our diseases.
d) Psalm 103:4. He ransoms us from death.
e) Psalm 103:4. He surrounds us with Love and tender mercies.
f) Psalm 103:5. He fills our life with good things so that our youth is renewed like the eagles.
g) Psalm 103:6. The Lord gives Righteousness and Justice to all people who are treated unfairly.
(Through this Second one I can understand that there are many Benefits From The Lord)
The Lord surrounds us with Love. How wonderful! We may find ourselves surrounded by all kinds of difficult situations and potential dangers but the Lord is with us – He surrounds us with Love.
Good Advice For Every Church!
‘Good Advice For Every Church.’
1 Corinthians 16:13-14.
a) Be alert.
b) Stand firm in the Faith.
c) Be strong.
d) Let all that we do be done in Love.
(In this QT I find Good Advice For Every Church)
‘Living It Out.’
a) Romans 2:24. We should not be causing the Name of God to be shamed.
b) Philippians 3:16. We should be in one mind with our fellow True Believers.
c) Romans 1:16. Not being ashamed of the Good News because it is the Power of God, giving Salvation to everyone.
d) 2 Corinthians 5:17. As a New Creation in Christ.
e) 2 Corinthians 5:21. In Christ given Righteousness.
f) Ephesians 2:6. As those people who are seated together with Christ in Heavenly places.
g) Colossians 2:10. As being complete in Christ.
h) John 15:5. Remaining in Christ and bearing fruit.
i) Philippians 4:13. Believing that we can do all things that Christ wants us to do.
j) Titus 2:12. We turn away from evil and the desires of the World system. We should live wisely and uprightly in the Knowledge of God.
k) 2 Timothy 1:10. Living in the Light of Eternal Life.
(Through this Second one I am reminded to be Living It Out)
Every True Church needs to respond to the good advice given to the Church in the New Testament of the Bible. All Churches, even multi ethnic ones, have a cultural background. The good advice given to the Church is not intended to change cultures. We should be free to express our Faith in God and Worship Him within our culture. The Gospel is not intended to make us conform to another culture, rather it is intended to conform us to the Image of Jesus Christ.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Quiet And Calm!
‘Quiet And Calm.’
Proverbs 17:27-28.
a) A truly Wise person uses few words.
b) People who stay calm have real insight.
c) Even fools are thought to be Wise when they keep silent.
d) When fools keep their mouths shut they seem to be intelligent.
(Through this QT I see the importance of being Quiet And Calm)
‘Cry Out To The Lord Then Sing.’
Psalm 18:1-6.
On the day when we celebrate the rescue of the Chilean miners we can identify with them through David’s experience.
a) Psalm 18:1. David sang this song on the day that the Lord rescued him from His enemies. He expressed his love for the Lord and the desire to sing to Him.
b) Psalm 18:2. The Lord is:-
1- His Rock in whom he finds protection.
2- His Fortress.
3- His Saviour.
4- His Shield.
5- The Strength of his Salvation.
6- His Stronghold.
c) Psalm 18:3. David called upon the Lord Who is Worthy to be Praised. The Lord Saves him from his enemies.
d) Psalm 18:4. The danger of death and destruction had been all around him.
e) Psalm 18:5. The grave and death had stared him in the face.
f) Psalm 18:6. In his distress David cried out to the Lord and he prayed to Him for help. The Lord heard him from His Sanctuary.
(Through this Second one I know that I can Cry Out To The Lord Then Sing)
Sometimes, just like the Chilean miners or King David the grave and death maybe staring us in the face. Life seems to be coming to an end and hope is being lost. When we face such situations we can surely, as True Believers, cry out to the Lord.
Pray For The Nations!
‘Pray For The Nations.’
Isaiah 52:5.
a) The Lord sees.
b) His People are taken away without a cause.
c) They are taken captive and made waste.
d) They cry out for sorrow.
e) All day long the Nations put shame on the Lord’s Name.
(Through this QT I am stimulated to Pray For The Nations)
‘Ricochet Effect Of Sin.’
a) Esther 3:1; 1 Samuel 15:2-11. Haman should never have existed if King Saul had obeyed God there would have been no Haman.
b) Esther 3:2. Mordecai refused to honour this man Haman.
c) Esther 3:3-4. Mordecai was not ashamed of being a Jew and he revealed the fact.
d) Deuteronomy 6:4. As a Jew he proclaimed God.
e) Esther 3:5. Haman was filled with rage and decided to wipe out the Jews.
f) Ephesians 5:11-13. The Light of God in Mordecai revealed Haman’s darkness.
g) Esther 3:7. Haman was desperately trying to find the right time to destroy the Jews, even through occult means.
h) Proverbs 16:33. Even though Haman does this the Lord will make the final decision. (We can trust the Lord)
i) Esther 3:8-15. The evil desire became a legalised plan.
(Through this Second one I see how important it is not to neglect or to try to hide sin, there is a Ricochet Effect Of Sin)
The Nations in many parts of the World are putting shame on the Lord’s Name. This is why as True Believers we need to be living in the Light and also praying for the Nations. The Church has become weak in so many cases because of division and compromise.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Respect The Opinions Of Co-Workers!
‘Respect The Opinions Of Co-Workers.’
1 Corinthians 16:12.
a) Apollos was a brother in the Church – a man of Christian Faith and a Servant of the Lord.
b) Apostle Paul tried hard to get him to join a ministry team that was going to visit Corinth.
c) Apollos was not willing to go at that time.
d) He was, however, willing to go at the right time – God’s time!
(Through this QT I know that I must Respect The Opinions Of Co-Workers as Apostle Paul did)
‘Our Salvation.’
Ephesians 2:8-9.
a) God Saved us by His Grace and Special Favour when we Believed.
b) We cannot take credit for this Salvation – it is a gift from God.
c) Salvation is not a reward for the good things that we have done.
d) None of us can boast about our Salvation – it is all by God’s Grace.
(This Second one has me thanking God for My Salvation – it is all by His Grace)
In some Christian circles today there is a lack of respect for people’s opinions. People just barge ahead making their plans and programmes, even using other people, but never consulting another or respecting their opinions. This is not a Biblical way to do things and eventually hurts the Church.
It Is Not Good!
‘It Is Not Good.’
a) Proverbs 17:26. To punish a Righteous Person.
b) Genesis 2:18. For a person to be alone.
c) Exodus 18:16-18. To unnecessarily carry heavy burdens and not delegate responsibilities.
d) 1 Samuel 26:16. To fail in our duty.
e) Nehemiah 5:9. To neglect walking in the Fear of God.
f) Psalm 36:4. To befriend evil.
g) Proverbs 16:29. To lead our neighbour in the wrong way.
h) Proverbs 18:5. To deprive the Righteous person of Justice.
i) Proverbs 19:2. To be without knowledge.
j) Proverbs 20:23. To be deceptive in business.
k) Proverbs 24:23; 28:21. To show partiality in Judgment.
l) Proverbs 25:27. To eat much honey. (Diabetes)
m) Isaiah 65:2. To walk according to our own thoughts.
n) Matthew 15:26. To take the children’s bread and to throw it to the little dogs.
(This QT teaches me that It Is Not Good to do these things)
‘Sometimes We Need To Cry Out To The Lord.’
Psalm 142:1-4.
a) Psalm 142:1. Sometimes we need to cry out to the Lord with our voice and plead for Mercy.
b) Psalm 142:2. We can pour out our complaint before the Lord and tell Him our trouble.
c) Psalm 142:3. Sometimes our spirit faints within us but God still knows our way.
d) Psalm 142:3. It seems the enemy has set many traps for us.
e) Psalms 142:4. It seems that there is no one to help me.
(This Second one helps me to realise that Sometimes I Need To Cry Out To The Lord)
We can tell the Lord our trouble. This is very real and personal. We should be able to do that if necessary. The Lord is the First One Who can bring help to us in His Way and with His Answer. We can tell other people if it is really necessary, but firstly to the Lord.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Trusting God At Difficult Times!
‘Trusting God At Difficult Times.’
Psalm 34:1-10.
a) Psalm 34:1. David used the Wisdom that God gave him. The end result was very effective. He was able to Praise the Lord.
b) Psalm 34:2. David boasted in the Lord and he asked the discouraged people to take heart.
c) Psalm 34:3. David wanted to exalt the Lord’s Name by telling of His Greatness.
d) Psalm 34:4. David was able to pray to the Lord about his fears and the Lord answered him.
e) Psalm 34:5. Those people who look to the Lord for help will be radiant with Joy, they will not blush for shame.
f) Psalm 34:6. David cried out to the Lord in his suffering and the Lord set him free from all of his fears.
g) Psalm 34:7. The Angel of the Lord guards all the people who Fear the Lord and rescues them.
h) Psalm 34:8. Taste and see that the Lord is Good. How Blessed are those people who Trust in Him.
i) Psalm 34:9. As the Lord’s People we should show Him reverence, for the Lord’s People will have all that they need.
j) Psalm 34:10. Even young lions sometimes go hungry, but those people who Trust in the Lord will never lack any good thing.
(Through this QT I want to be Trusting God At Difficult Times)
‘Responding To The Love Of God.’
a) 1 John 3:16. Real Love is Christ giving up His Life for us. We also ought to give up our lives for our fellow Believers.
b) 1 John 4:10. Real Love is not that we love God but rather that God Loves us and sent His Son Jesus as a Sacrifice to take away our sins.
c) 1 John 4:11. Since God Loved and Loves us that much, we ought also to Love one another.
d) 1 John 4:12. No one has ever seen God (if they claim to, this verse clearly states that they are liars and heretics). If we Love each other God’s Love lives in us and His Love has been brought to full expression through us.
e) 1 John 4:16. We know how much God Loves us and we have put our Trust in Him.
f) 1 John 4:16. God is Love and those people who remain in His Love remain united with God and God remains united with them.
g) 1 John 4:17. As we live in God our love grows more perfect.
h) 1 John 4:18. This Love has no room for fear because perfect Love expels all fear.
i) 1 John 4:19. We love each other as a result of God loving us first.
(Through this Second one I want to be Responding To The Love Of God)
Here is a wonderful goal for all of our lives if we are True Believers that God’s Love will be brought to full expression through us. This can only happen if God’s Love dwells in us. If God’s Love is going to dwell in us we need to know by experience that Christ gave up His Life for us.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Look After The Visiting Lord’s Worker!
‘Look After The Visiting Lord’s Worker.’
1 Corinthians 16:10-11.
a) The time was not certain but when Timothy was to come he was to be treated with respect.
b) Just like Apostle Paul Timothy was doing the Lord’s Work.
c) The visiting speaker was to be honoured in a way that was right and not despised.
d) When he leaves send him on his way in peace and with blessing.
e) He was part of Paul’s ministry team. He was not a wandering spiritual gipsy.
(Through this QT I know that the Church should Look After The Visiting Lord’s Worker)
‘God’s Heart Revealed.’
Psalm 147:1-20.
a) Psalm 147:1. We should give Praise to Him. It is:-
1- Delightful.
2- Right.
3- Pleasing.
4- Beautiful.
b) Psalm 147:2. The Lord is a Rebuilder and He brings exiles back. He is a God of Restoration.
c) Psalm 147:3. He heals broken hearted people and binds up their wounds.
d) Psalm 147:4. He counts the stars and calls them all by name.
e) Psalm 147:5. The Lord:-
1- Is Great.
2- Has absolute Power.
3- Has no limit to His Wisdom.
f) Psalm 147:6. The Lord supports the humble people and He sends sinners down in shame.
g) Psalm 147:7. To the Lord:-
1- Give thanks.
2- Sing Praises.
3- Make melody with musical instruments.
h) Psalm 147:8. His Creative Majesty:-
1- By His Hand the Heaven is covered with clouds.
2- He provides rain for the Earth.
3- He makes green grass grow in mountain pastures.
i) Psalm 147:9. He gives food to the beasts and the birds.
j) Psalm 147:10. He is not impressed or delighted by human strength.
k) Psalm 147:11. The Lord takes pleasure in His Worshippers and in those people who hope in His Unfailing Love.
l) Psalm 147:12. Again it is emphasised – we should give Praise to the Lord.
m) Psalm 147:13. The Lord protects our homes and Blesses our children.
n) Psalm 147:14. The Lord sends Peace and satisfies us with Provision.
o) Psalm 147:15-18. The Lord sends the weather.
p) Psalm 147:19-20. The Lord reveals uniquely to His People:-
1- His Word.
2- His Principles.
3- His Word.
(Through this Second one, in this lovely Psalm I find God’s Heart Revealed)
The Lord takes pleasure in His Worshippers. This is something that we need to fully understand. A Worshipper is not just a song leader or someone who kneels or raises their hands during the Praise and Worship song. Our whole life is intended to be and created for Worship. So the entire Church service is supposed to be a Consecrated and concentrated Worship time.
Do Not Be Foolish!
‘Do Not Be Foolish.’
Proverbs 17:24-25.
a) A fool’s eyes wander to the ends of the Earth. There is no reality, only dreaming.
b) A foolish child brings grief to their father.
c) A foolish child brings bitterness to their mother.
d) Sensible people keep their eyes glued on Wisdom.
(This QT reminds me: Do Not Be Foolish)
‘Loving The Lord.’
Psalm 116:1-6.
a) Psalm 116:1. We can love the Lord because He hears and answers our prayers.
b) Psalm 116:2. Because He bends down and listens to us so that we can pray to Him as long as we live.
c) Psalm 116:3-4. When life is really difficult we can call on the Name of the Lord to save us.
d) Psalm 116:5. This God of ours is:-
1- Kind.
2- Good.
3- Merciful.
e) Psalm 116:6. The Lord preserves simple people. When we are brought low He Saves us.
(Through this Second one I am encouraged to be Loving The Lord)
One of the greatest lessons for us through the Book of Psalms is that we can really express our hearts to the Lord. Some of us may have been brought up in environments where prayer was always restrained and “respectable”. That kind of prayer may have its genuine place in some Church services. The Bible, however, clearly teaches us that in our personal prayer we can really express our hearts to the Lord.
Friday, October 8, 2010
If We Are Called To Serve The Lord!
‘If We Are Called To Serve The Lord.’
a) Acts 6:3. We should from humble beginnings:-
1- Have a good testimony.
2- Be filled with the Holy Spirit.
3- Be filled with Wisdom.
4- Be able to take responsibilities.
b) 1 Timothy 3:1. It is a worthwhile calling.
c) 2 Corinthians 5:14. For the Love of Christ has hold of us.
d) Matthew 10:16. We need to be wise and harmless.
e) Mark 10:45; Matthew 23:11. We are called to serve and to give our lives.
f) Isaiah 40:31. We need to occupy ourselves with the Lord and in so doing renew our strength.
g) Colossians 3:23. Whatever work we do – we do it as to the Lord.
h) 2 Timothy 2:24. The Servant of the Lord:-
1- Should not fight.
2- Should be kind to everyone.
3- Should be a good teacher.
4- Should not be resentful when mistreated.
i) Galatians 6:9. We should not grow weary of doing what is good.
j) Hebrews 10:36. Needs to be patient in doing the Will of God.
k) Proverbs 27:23. We need to take care of the flock.
(Through this QT I realise my responsibilities If I Am Called To Serve The Lord)
‘If Our Gift Is Ministry Or Teaching.’
Romans 12:7.
We should:-
a) Be occupied with it.
b) Fulfil it.
c) Study for it.
d) Prepare for it.
(Through this Second one I know how to respond If My Gift Is Ministry Or Teaching)
The Book of Romans in its whole takes a lot of time and work to study. Many esteemed Bible Teachers and Scholars have written and taught so much about it. There is no need for us to be ignorant of it or confused by it. Let us read and digest the Book of Romans well.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Anointed Common Sense!
‘Anointed Common Sense.’
1 Corinthians 16:5-9.
Apostle Paul had a ministry plan and he tried to keep to it. In the very simple days of the New Testament Church if Christian Leaders had ministry plans how much more necessary are they in these complicated days?
a) 1 Corinthians 16:5. He planned to visit Corinth after going through Macedonia.
b) 1 Corinthians 16:6. He wanted to stay for some time with the Corinthian Church and be sent out by them. He wanted a “sending Church”.
c) 1 Corinthians 16:7. He committed everything to what the Lord allowed.
d) 1 Corinthians 16:8-9. He wanted to remain in Ephesus for a while for a great and effective door of ministry was open to him there. He wanted to be where God was using him obviously.
(Through this QT I find through Apostle Paul’s life Anointed Common Sense)
‘The Benefits That Come Through Giving Thanks To God.’
a) Psalm 116:12-13. We can call on the Name of the Lord.
b) Psalm 50:14-15. We can call upon Him in the day of trouble and He will deliver us and honour us.
c) Psalm 50:23. We can be shown the Salvation of God.
(This Second one reveals to me The Benefits That Come Through Giving Thanks To God)
Apostle Paul made plans but those plans were not his security – his security was in God. That is why He was able to commit everything to what the Lord allowed. It is sensible and reasonable to make Ministry plans but we still need to commit everything to God.
We Should Not Pervert!
‘We Should Not Pervert.’
a) Proverbs 17:23; Exodus 23:8; Deuteronomy 16:19. The course of Justice by bribes given to other people.
b) Exodus 23:2. The course of Justice by siding with a multitude.
c) Exodus 23:6. The course of Justice due to the poor people.
d) Deuteronomy 24:7. The course of Justice due to:-
1- The sojourner.
2- The fatherless.
3- The widow.
e) 1 Kings 14:24; Ezra 9:11. The Nation.
f) 2 Kings 23:7. The House of the Lord.
g) Job 33:27. That which is right.
h) Proverbs 2:12; 8:13. Our speech.
i) Proverbs 6:14. By devising evil and stirring up trouble.
j) Proverbs 31:5. The course of Justice due to the afflicted.
k) Jeremiah 3:21. Our way and forget the Lord our God.
l) Jeremiah 23:36. The Words of the Lord our God.
m) Amos 2:7. The Way of the humble people.
n) Micah 3:9. Everything that is right.
o) Acts 13:10. The True ways of the Lord.
p) Galatians 1:7. The Gospel of Christ.
q) Jude 1:4. The Grace of our God into sensuality.
(This QT clearly tells me that I Should Not Pervert)
‘What A Treasure.’
Isaiah 33:6.
a) If we have the Fear of the Lord it is the key to this treasure.
b) The treasure of stability for our times.
c) The treasure of Salvation.
d) The treasure of Wisdom.
e) The treasure of Knowledge.
(I exclaim “What A Treasure” through this Second one)
In this popular world view the word “treasure” is usually linked with something of material value. We have become so tuned to the material things and financial values that we have forgotten how God sees treasure. The only way for us to have a Biblical world view is for us to read and digest the Bible.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
What The Lord Found Was Not Good!
‘What The Lord Found Was Not Good.’
Isaiah 52:5.
a) The Lord found this situation of His People.
b) His People were taken away captive for no reason.
c) The people of God are being made waste.
d) The Leaders of God’s People were crying out for sorrow.
e) All day long the Nations are putting shame on the Name of the Lord.
(Through this QT I know that What The Lord Found Was Not Good, my question is what does He find today?)
‘Keep Following And Trusting The Lord.’
a) Job 2:1; 1:6; 2 Corinthians 5:10. Standing before the Lord was, is and will be not an unusual thing.
b) Revelation 20:11-15. There will come a day when everyone will stand before the Lord.
c) Job 2:2. Satan still walks around on the Earth. He is now defeated by Christ at the Cross and Resurrection but he is not yet thrown into Hell.
d) Job 2:3. The Lord spoke up for Job.
e) Job 2:4-5. Satan challenged what God said.
f) Job 2:6. The Lord replied to Satan that Job was in his hands but he was to spare Job’s life.
g) Matthew 10:38-39. We need to take up our cross to follow Jesus Christ.
h) Job 2:7. Satan went out from God’s Presence and struck Job with boils.
i) Job 2:8. Job was in a miserable state.
j) Matthew 6:24. We cannot serve God and mammon.
k) 1 Corinthians 15:24-26. There will be ultimate Victory.
l) Job 2:9. Job’s wife turned against him/
m) Job 2:10. Job corrected his wife.
n) Job 2:10. Job in all this difficulties did not sin with his lips.
o) Job 2:11-13. Job’s three friends came to commiserate with him and comfort him.
p) Isaiah 55:8-9. We need to Trust in God and not try to work out what He is doing.
q) Hebrews 13:5-6. The Lord said that He would never leave us or forsake us. Our response to this should be: that we boldly say:-
1-The Lord is my Helper.
2-I will not fear.
3-What can man do to me?
(This Second one calls me to Keep Following And Trusting The Lord)
What does God find today? In our lives does He find Faith? In our families does He find love and unity? In our Churches does He find Glory for His Name? What does God find today in our fellowship? God has given us fellowship so that we can build each other up and encourage each other. Fellowship is not for gossip.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Handle The Missionary Offerings Well!
‘Handle The Missionary Offerings Well.’
1 Corinthians 16:1-4.
a) 1 Corinthians 16:1. This should become a uniform concept for the Church globally.
b) 1 Corinthians 16:2. The offering should be regular – on the Worship day every week.
c) 1 Corinthians 16:2. The missionary offering should be prepared by the Saints in accordance with their resources – which are God given.
d) 1 Corinthians 16:2. Missionary offerings should never be taken as a last minute thing.
e) 1 Corinthians 16:3-4. The missionary offerings should be stewarded well by responsible people.
(Through this QT I pray that the Churches will Handle The Mission Offerings Well)
‘Always The Same.’
Hebrews 13:8.
Jesus Christ is always consistent He never changes – we should Trust Him. He is the same:-
a) Yesterday.
b) Today.
c) Forever.
This Second one reminds me that Jesus Christ is Always The Same)
We need to care well for Missionaries that we send as a Church. There is a responsibility of the Church to look after the Missionaries that they send, not just financially but also pastorally. There is no Biblical justification for Missionaries that are not sent by the Church.
Be Joyful!
‘Be Joyful.’
a) Proverbs 17:22. In our heart, it is good medicine for us.
b) Deuteronomy 16:14. At our fellowship feasts.
c) Deuteronomy 16:15; 1 Kings 8:66; Acts 14:17. As a result of God’s Blessing upon us.
d) 1 Samuel 18:6. In song as a result of God given victory.
e) 2 Chronicles 7:10. In our homes.
f) Ezra 6:22; Psalm 30:11; Isaiah 56:7. The Lord can make us Joyful.
g) Psalm 5:11. Because we love the Name of the Lord.
h) Psalm 47:1; 66:1; 81:1. Shout to God with grateful Praise.
i) Psalm 68:3. Because of being Righteous.
j) Psalm 77:6. At night time.
k) Psalm 94:12. Because of the Lord’s Discipline in our lives.
l) Psalm 98:6. With our musical instruments.
m) Psalm 112:1; 128:1; Proverbs 29:18. Because we Fear the Lord and Delight in Obeying His Commands.
n) Psalm 119:1. Because we are people of integrity who follow the instructions of the Lord.
o) Psalm 144:15. Because God is the Lord.
p) Psalm 146:5. Because we have God as our Helper.
q) Proverbs 3:13. Because we find Wisdom/
r) Ecclesiastes 7:14. In the day of prosperity.
s) Isaiah 52:9. Because of the Lord’s Comfort.
t) Jeremiah 31:4. And Dance.
u) Jeremiah 33:11. At our marriage ceremony.
v) Habakkuk 3:18. In God as a choice.
w) Romans 12:12. In Hope.
x) 2 Corinthians 2:3. It affects other people positively.
y) Hebrews 12:22. The Angels are.
(Through this QT I am encouraged to Be Jotful)
‘A Change Of Heart.’
Romans 2:1-4.
a) Romans 2:1. As True Believers we have no reason to judge one another.
b) Romans 2:1. In passing judgment on another person we condemn ourselves/
c) Romans 2:1. We judge other people and yet we do the very same things.
d) Romans 2:2. The Judgment of God rightly falls on those people who practice evil.
e) Romans 2:3. We should not think that if we are judging other people that we ourselves will escape God’s Judgment.
f) Romans 2:4. We should know that God wants to lead us to repentance and a change of heart through:-
1-His Kindness.
2-His Forbearance.
3-His Patience.
(This QT speaks to me about A Change Of Heart and my attitudes toward other people)
Wisdom is a cause for Joy. When we discover Wisdom it is right for us to be joyful. It is much better to seek Wisdom than to seek fame. It is much better to seek Wisdom than to seek to be successful. If He wants to God can give us both fame and success. Let us seek Wisdom – it is a xource of pure Joy.
Monday, October 4, 2010
God's Promise Is True!
‘God’s Promise Is True.’
Joshua 21:45.
a) When the Lord gives a Promise He is Faithful to keep it.
b) There does not fail of any good thing that He speaks.
c) He speaks primarily to His People.
d) When it is from God – all will come to pass.
(This QT reminds me that God’s Promise Is True)
‘It is Not Up To Us.’
2 Timothy 2:13.
a) Sometimes we are faithless and we do not Believe.
b) God always abides and remains Faithful.
c) God cannot and will not deny Himself.
(This Second one convinces me that It Is Not Up To Me)
God’s Promise is True. Recently I was reading about Abraham in the Bible. He received the Promise of God. God spoke to Him and all that He said to Abraham was for God’s Glory alone and it did not selfishly benefit Abraham. The entire history of the Jewish People and the Church became affected by this Promise of God. There are many peddlers of false promises around the Churches and even on TV today. These people appeal to people’s selfishness or their finances. Sometimes they have the “vision” of a building or a campus that they expect other people to pay for – such behaviour is sin and deception.
In Response To The Victory That God Gives Us!
‘In Response To The Victory That God Gives Us.’
1 Corinthians 15:58.
a) We should be steadfast and unmovable.
b) We should give ourselves to the Work of the Lord.
c) We should know that our work is not in vain in the Lord.
(This QT teaches me how to be In Response To The Victory That God Gives Me)
‘Humility Then Fullness.’
Ephesians 2:11-22.
a) Ephesians 2:11-12. We Gentiles need to humbly remember that in the past we were without Christ. We could not claim to be God’s People. We:-
1-Had no part in God’s Covenant.
2-Had no Hope.
3-Were without God in this World.
b) Ephesians 2:12-13. Now that we are in Christ we are made near to God by His Blood.
c) Ephesians 2:14-16. Christ is our Peace Who breaks down every wall between Believing Jews and Gentiles.
d) Ephesians 2:17. Christ brings us Peace both individually and corporately.
e) Ephesians 2:18. Christ brings us access to God by the Holy Spirit.
f) Ephesians 2:19. We become part of the Family of God.
g) Ephesians 2:20-22. Now we are being built together into a habitation of God in the Holy Spirit,
(Through this Second one I find a good pathway for life: Humility Then Fulness)
There can be no Biblical fullness without Humility being in our lives first. There are some people who pretend fullness and there are some churches and missions that pretend fullness. This kind of pretend fullness is just noise and fleshly exhibitionism. True Biblical fullness is always preceded by humility.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Children Should Not Be Foolish!
‘Children Should Not Be Foolish.’
a) Proverbs 17:21. A foolish child gives pain to the parents.
b) Proverbs 17:25; 10:1. A foolish child brings grief and bitterness to the parents.
c) Proverbs 15:20. A foolish child despises their mother.
d) Proverbs 19:13. A foolish child brings calamity to the father.
(Through this QT I understand that Children Should Not Be Foolish, foolish children make many problems for their family)
a) John 5:17. Is something that God does and we should also whether it is work or study.
b) Genesis 29:20. Working can be motivated by love.
c) 1 Samuel 17:15. Some people work double like David.
d) 2 Samuel 5:9. Needs a sensible strategy.
e) 2 Kings 12:11. Should be rewarded appropriately.
f) Ezra 5:16. Should continue until the work is completed.
g) Nehemiah 3:17; 5:16. Needs to be supervised.
h) Ecclesiastes 5:7. Dreaming instead of it is foolishness.
i) Matthew 12:30. We need to be working with the Lord.
j) Acts 20:35. Our working can help the poor people.
k) Romans 9:16. Does not produce God’s Promise.
l) Ephesians 6:7. Should be done with enthusiasm.
m) Colossians 4:11. For the Kingdom of God.
n) 1 Thessalonians 4:11. Should be a part of our ambition.
(Through this Second one I find the necessity for, and Biblical method of, Working)
Both work and study are types of working. We need to be able to work well at whatever the Lord has given us to do. All work in the Will of God is for the Glory of God. A person who works well will surely be rewarded by the Lord.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Life Is Doing Too!
‘Life Is Doing Too.’
Philippians 2:12-16.
a) Philippians 2:12. We need to keep on obeying the Word of the Lord and our spiritual leaders.
b) Philippians 2:12. We are to keep working out (or outworking) our Salvation with fear and trembling.
c) Philippians 2:13. God is working amongst us and in us, fulfilling His Will.
d) Philippians 2:14. We are to do all things without murmuring and arguing.
e) Philippians 2:15. In the midst of this crooked and perverse generation we are to be:-
1- Blameless.
2- Pure Children of God.
3- Living like lights in the World.
f) Philippians 2:16. Hold on to the Word of Life so that our leaders do not run or labour in vain.
(Through this QT I fully understand that life is not just about being, Life Is Doing Too)
‘Christ Died On The Cross.’
a) Hebrews 9:13-14. So that we might have clean consciences and be able to serve the Living God.
b) Romans 5:6-7. Christ gave up His Life for ungodly people, in order to change their lives.
c) Romans 5:8. As a demonstration of God’s Love for us.
d) Acts 2:23. In God’s set Purpose and Foreknowledge.
(Through this Second one I am so grateful that Christ Died On The Cross for us)
To have a clean conscience is a very blessed state of life. Only Christ by His Blood can give us a clean conscience. Every human being who does not know God through Jesus Christ has some kind of malfunction or uncleanness of conscience. We all need the Blood of Jesus to make us clean in every part.
Ultimate Victory!
‘Ultimate Victory.’
1 Corinthians 15:55-57.
a) 1 Corinthians 15:55. Where is the power and pain of death?
b) 1 Corinthians 15:56. The pain of death is sin and sin gets its power from the Law.
c) 1 Corinthians 15:57. But Thanks be to God Who gives to us the Victory through the Lord Jesus Christ.
(Praise the Lord! I understand through this QT that I have Ultimate Victory through my Lord Jesus Christ)
‘Peter Was Wrong.’
Galatians 2:14.
a) Peter had mistakenly begun a heresy in the Gentile Church.
b) The Gentiles were not walking uprightly in the Truth of the Good News.
c) Apostle Paul rebuked Peter publicly.
d) Why was he forcing the Gentiles to live like the Jews? Peter was wrong.
e) The same principle applies to all missionaries today. The goal is to make the new Disciples like Jesus, not like people from the Nation of the missionary. People need to be able to be True Believers in their own culture.
(This Second one shows me clearly that Peter Was Wrong)
There are so many reasons to give thanks to God. We should be emphasizing those things in our thoughts and Prayers toward God. Yes, we need to pour out our hearts to Him in Prayer but we should not neglect giving of thanks.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Let Us Examine Our Lives!
‘Let Us Examine Our Lives.’
Proverbs 17:19-20.
a) The person who loves transgression loves strife.
b) The people who make their gates tall are courting disaster.
c) The person with a crooked heart does not prosper.
d) The person who speaks perversely will fall into calamity.
(By this QT I am challenged: Let Me Examine My Life)
‘How Great Is Our God.’
Romans 11:33-36.
a) Romans 11:33. How deep are the riches of His Wisdom and Knowledge.
b) Romans 11:33. How unsearchable are His Judgments and Ways.
c) Romans 11:34. No one can know the Mind of the Lord.
d) Romans 11:34. No one can counsel the Lord. Some people try to counsel Him with their prayers.
e) Romans 11:35. We cannot bribe God.
f) Romans 11:36. To God be the Glory forever because all things are:-
1- From Him.
2- Through Him.
3- To Him.
(This Second one calls me to proclaim How Great Is My God)
How Great is our God. Sometimes we are distracted from the greatness of God by the things going on around us. If we lose our focus to God our lives become more complicated. Sometimes Servants of God behave badly and we get hurt or offended, we lose our focus. Let us restore our focus today. How Great is our God.
God Is Great In The Simple Things!
‘God Is Great In The Simple Things.’
Isaiah 28:29.
a) In the crushing of grain.
b) This comes from the Lord of Hosts.
c) His Counsel is wonderful.
d) His Wisdom is excellent.
(This QT teaches me again that God Is Great In The Simple Things)
‘The Son Of God Given To Us.’
Isaiah 9:6.
a) For us the Son Of God was born and is given.
b) Authority rests upon His Shoulders.
c) He is Named:-
1- Wonderful Counsellor.
2- Mighty God.
3- Everlasting Father.
4- Prince of Peace.
(Through this Second one I thank God for The Son Of God Given To Me)
(God’s Counsel is Wonderful. His Counsel is found in His Word. We can be wrong as weak mere human beings but God is never wrong. His Word is always Truth. We can find counsel for all of life’s difficulties in God’s Word. That is why it is important that Christian counsellors know the Word of God and use it well.
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The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...
‘Pharisees Always Question And Doubt.’ John 1:24-25. a) Now those who were sent were from the Pharisees. b) And they asked Him saying: c)...
'The Place Where Our Offerings Should Go.' Leviticus 3:7. a) If he offers a lamb b) For his offering, c) Then he shall offer i...
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