‘Serve God’s People Well.’
a) Colossians 1:28. We should:-
1-Tell them about Christ.
2-Warn them.
3-Teach them with all the Wisdom that God has given to us.
4-Desire to present them to God perfect in their relationship to Christ.
b) Ephesians 4:11. With the gifting that God has given to us.
c) Ephesians 4:12. Equip God’s People to do His Work and build up the Church.
d) Ephesians 4:13. Help God’s People to:-
1-Come to unity in their Faith.
2-Come to the Knowledge of God’s Son.
3-Be mature.
4-Be full grown in the Lord.
5-Measure up to the full stature of Christ.
e) Ephesians 4:14. Help them to be free from unstable childishness.
f) Ephesians 4:15. Help them to hold on to the Truth in Love and become more like Christ.
g) Ephesians 4:16. Teach them, as a Body, to be submitted to the Head Who is Jesus Christ so that the Body will be:-
3-Full of Love.
(Through this QT I am motivated to Serve God’s People Well)
‘Rebuild Well.’
(For all of us True Believers there will be times in our lives when we need to rebuild. It may be the rebuilding of our family relationships, Church relationships or our Mission/Ministry Team relationships. We need to rebuild well. There are three ingredients for rebuilding that we can see in Nehemiah: 1-Investigation. 2-Cooperation. 3-Determination.)
a) Nehemiah 2:11-15. Nehemiah personally and privately investigated the work that needed to be done.
b) Nehemiah 2:16. Until this time Nehemiah had not told anyone in Jerusalem about his plan.
c) Nehemiah 2:17. Then Nehemiah put before the Leaders of the City the challenge to rebuild.
d) Nehemiah 2:18. Nehemiah told them of the Hand of God upon the project and they had full permission to rebuild.
e) Nehemiah 2:19. There was opposition.
f) Nehemiah 2:20. Nehemiah declared that the God of Heaven would help them rebuild and that the opposition simply had no part at all.
g) Luke 14:27-30. Like Nehemiah, in our rebuilding we need to count the cost first. It takes commitment to rebuild well.
h) Amos 3:3. If we are not in agreement how can we walk together?
i) Leviticus 26:8. There were exceptions but generally the principle is that the group together defeats the enemies.
j) Ephesians 4:3; Philippians 2:2-3. During the rebuilding process we learn to keep the Unity that God has given to us.
k) Mark 3:25. The house divided against its self is doomed.
l) Psalm 1:1-3. Do not listen to the opposition. Trust God and His Words and Directions.
(This Second one teaches me how to Rebuild Well when rebuilding may be necessary)
All of us as True Believers go through different experience during our Faith walk. Sometimes we go through Blessed times and sometimes we go through difficult times. Sometimes everything seems to be going so smoothly in every way and at other times we know that it is the time to rebuild.