The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
a) Genesis 1:3; Job 36:30; Isaiah 45:7. Is Created by God.
b) Psalm 97:11. Shines on the godly people.
c) Psalm 104:2; 1 Timothy 6:16. God is dressed in a robe of it.
d) Psalm 118:27. The Lord is God, shining upon us.
e) Isaiah 60:19; 1 John 1:5. The Lord our God is our Everlasting Light.
f) John 1:5. Shines through the darkness.
g) John 1:9; 3:19; 1 John 2:8. Jesus is the True Light.
h) Ephesians 5:8. True Believers have hearts full of Light from the Lord.
i) Ephesians 5:14. Exposes evil deeds.
(This QT reminds me of the importance and necessity of Light)
‘God Blessed The Seventh Day.’
Genesis 2:1-3.
a) Genesis 2:1. Amazing Creation! God completed making the Heavens and the Earth and all things in them.
b) Genesis 2:2. God rested on the seventh day after finishing His Work.
c) Genesis 2:3. God Blessed the seventh day and made it Holy. On that day He took His Rest from all His Work which He had created and done.
(Through this Second one I am assured that God Blessed The Seventh Day)
What an amazing Creation. We have a very wonderful Creator God who made these Heavens and this Earth. If human beings appreciated Creator God more, this Earth would be a much better and safer place to live in.
The Christian Life!
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