‘Secure In The Lord.’
a) Psalm 18:2. The Lord is:-
1- My Rock.
2- My Fortress.
3- My Deliverer.
4- The One in Whom I take Refuge.
5- My Shield.
6- The Horn of my Salvation.
7- My Stronghold.
b) John 10:28. No one can snatch us out of the Lord’s Hands.
c) Romans 8:35-39. Nothing can separate us from the Love of God.
d) Ephesians 1:13-14. We are sealed by the Holy Spirit.
(Through this QT I am so grateful to God that I am Secure In The Lord)
‘Our Righteousness.’
a) Matthew 5:20. Must be more than just outward appearance.
b) Matthew 6:33. We are to seek God’s Righteousness first.
c) John 16:8. The Holy Spirit convinces us of our need of it.
d) Acts 10:35. Can be accepted by God.
e) Romans 1:17; 5:17. Comes from God.
f) Romans 3:22 & 25; 2 Corinthians 5:21. Comes when we Trust in Jesus Christ to take away our sins.
g) Romans 4:5; 9:30-31; 10:4. Is declared because of our Faith and not because of our work.
h) Romans 6:13. We should use our body for it.
i) Romans 6:18. Should be our master.
j) Romans 6:19; 1 Timothy 6:11. We should choose to live it out.
k) Romans 14:17. Is a part of Life in the Kingdom of God.
l) 2 Corinthians 6:7. Is a weapon.
m) Ephesians 4:24. Is there because we have become a new person in Christ.
n) Hebrews 5:13. Should grow as our Christian Life grows.
o) Hebrews 12:11. Can be enhanced by discipleship training.
(Through this Second one I understand more about My Righteousness)
God is the Primary One Who declares us Righteous. He does this because of our Faith in what Christ has done for us at the Cross. Any other testimony of righteousness or affirmation of our righteousness that comes from human beings is Secondary.