The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Paul’s Praise Of The Corinthian Church!
‘Paul’s Praise Of The Corinthian Church.’
This Church had done so well to adapt to Truth above and different from their cultural norm. It was a wonderful work of Grace in the Corinthian Church.
1 Corinthians 11:2.
a) Apostle Paul praised this Church even though they had many difficulties and problems.
b) They remembered all the things that Paul had told them.
c) They held fast to basic Biblical Traditions.
d) They followed specifically the Way that Paul passed on to them.
(This QT gives me more insight about some failures in Modern Mission: Paul’s Praise Of The Corinthian Church)
‘Be Diligent To Enter Our Rest.’
Hebrews 4:1-11.
a) Hebrews 4:1. If we have the fear of coming short we will not come short.
b) Hebrews 4:2. The Good News that was preached did not profit the people because they had no Faith to receive it.
c) Hebrews 4:3. To enter God’s Rest for us we have to Trust Him.
d) Hebrews 4:4. God Himself rested on the seventh day after Creation was completed.
e) Hebrews 4:5. There are some hearers who will not enter.
f) Hebrews 4:6. Disobedience prevents people from entering it.
g) Hebrews 4:7. Today, if we hear God’s Voice speaking to us from His Word we should not harden our hearts.
h) Hebrews 4:8-9. There remains a rest Promised by God for His People.
i) Hebrews 4:10. Let us enter God’s rest for us and cease from trying to do our own religious works.
j) Hebrews 4:11. If we are diligent to enter this rest then we will not fall short because of unbelief or disobedience
(This Second one urgently reminds me to Be Diligent To Enter My Rest)
Disobedience robs us of the Blessing and Promises of God. It does not matter how “spiritual” we may seem to be, or how busy we are with “doing something” for Church or God. If we are in disobedience we miss it. Let us be a people submitted to God and His Word and who obey Him.
The Christian Life!
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