The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Monday, July 19, 2010
God Is Still Working In Us!
‘God Is Still Working In Us.’
a) Hebrews 12:5. The Heavenly Father sometimes disciplines us and corrects us.
b) Hebrews 12:6. It is because He Loves us.
c) Hebrews 12:7. God is treating us as His own children.
d) Hebrews 12:9. We should cheerfully submit to the discipline of our Heavenly Father.
e) Hebrews 12:10. God’s discipline is always right and good for us because it means we will share in His Holiness.
f) 1 Peter 1:7. We go through trials to test our Faith.
g) John 15:2. Heavenly Father prunes the branches that do bear fruit that they will produce even more.
h) 2 Corinthians 1:3-4. God comforts us in our suffering that we may learn to comfort other people with His Comfort.
i) John 4:23. So that we can Worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.
(Through this QT I know that God Is Still Working In Me)
‘Rebuilding – Self, Family or Church.’
a) Haggai 1:5 & 7. We need to consider carefully our own lives first, in the Light of God’s Word.
b) Ephesians 4:1-3. We need to be in unity with our brothers and sisters in Christ.
c) Hebrews 11:6. We need Faith and Determination.
d) Nehemiah 3:1-32. The people who were involved in the rebuilding of the Walls of Jerusalem. Most of them had meaningful names which were recorded by Nehemiah.
e) 1 Corinthians 15:33. Bad company corrupts good morals. Bad company hinders rebuilding.
f) 2 Corinthians 6:14. We should not team up with non believers.
g) Deuteronomy 33:12. We should be as and be with people as the family of Benjamin:-
1-Loved by the Lord.
2-Living in safety by the Lord.
3-Surrounded continuously by the Lord.
4-Preserved by the Lord from every harm.
h) Proverbs 10:19; James 3:6. We should not talk too much.
i) 1 Corinthians 3:11. We should rebuild on the foundation of Jesus Christ.
j) 1 Timothy 6:5. Exclude trouble makers from the rebuilding process until the repent – pray for them and wait.
k) Mark 4:19. We cannot rebuild if we are not fruitful.
(This Second one shows me principles for Rebuilding – Self, Family or Church)
Some people are able very easily to comfort other people, the comfort just flows through them from God and the people in need of comfort are so Blessed. Others of us need to learn to comfort other people with the comfort which we have received from God. Yes, we need to learn it. This means that God wants all of us to be able to comfort other people and this is possible because God is the God of all comfort.
The Christian Life!
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