The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Saturday, September 29, 2018
Somewhat Inconsiderate!
'Somewhat Inconsiderate.'
Genesis 33:12.
a) Then Esau suggested:
b) "Let's set out
c) "And travel together,
d) "But let me go in front of you."
(Through this QT I can read that Esau was Somewhat Inconsiderate)
PRAY: That we will be be considerate towards other people.
'Hallowed Be Your Name.'
Matthew 6:9.
a) The Lord Jesus was teaching His Disciples how and what to Pray.
b) "Therefore you should Pray like this:
c) " 'Our Father in Heaven,
d) 'Your Name be honoured as Holy.'
(This Second one reminds me to Honour the Father's Name when I pray)
PRAY: Always giving Honour to the Father's Name.
Reading the Word of God should be accompanied by the application of the Word of God and its principles to our lives and Prayers. There are some people who Pray through the Scriptures day by day, not as a duty, but they have found that Praying with the Scriptures really helps them (I am one of those people).
There is no better foundation for our Prayers than the Word of God. It is not so helpful for our Prayer life if we only pray from our memory or our feelings, because sometimes that kind of prayer is limited much. It is not so helpful for our Prayer life if we only Pray in a Holy Spirit (tongue) language because we do not know what we are praying; Apostle Paul sets the Biblical pattern for our Prayers when he wrote that Praying both with our understanding and with the Holy Spirit language are good ways to pray, but that Holy Spirit Prayer language should be kept for being a part of our private Prayers.
The Christian Life!
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