The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Saturday, September 22, 2018
Sometimes No-One Knows!
'Sometimes No-One Knows!
John 13:28.
a) No-one at the supper
b) Knew why
c) Jesus had said this
d) To Judas.
(Through this QT I understand that Sometimes No-One Knows)
PRAY: That we will not be distracted from simply obeying God by trying to know things that there is no need for us to know.
'God's Unfulfilled Desire.'
Jeremiah 3:19.
a) Then I said,
b) "How I would like to make you My sons
c) "And give you a pleasing land,
d) "The most beautiful land of the Nations!'
e) And I said,
f) "You will call Me: 'My Father',
g) "And not turn away from following Me."
(This Second one reveals to me God's Unfulfilled Desire)
PRAY: That through Obedience, Faith and Patience we will inherit the Promises of God, that which He desires for us.
There are many things that we do not know. It is very evident that God does not want us to know everything, we can find that right from the beginning in the Bible - the Creation story. Sometimes we are distracted from obeying God and doing His Will by our trying to know, or understand, everything. There are many lessons that God wants us to learn, but also, there are many things that there is no need for us to know.
To be ignorant about God's Word, yet interested in gossip and things that would distract us from doing God's Will and following God's Way for us, is a waste of time and also sin! We need a good foundation in our personal life made of Prayer, the Word of God and Fellowship (where it is possible).
A problem that occurred in this QT is that no-one knew why Jesus said what He said to Judas. Actually, there was no need for anyone to know!
What we really need to know is what God is saying to us, and to follow that every day. God said that He prefers our obedience to our sacrifice. God has given us His Holy Spirit and His Word, we can know what He is saying to us day-by-day.
The Christian Life!
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