The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Monday, September 3, 2018
Christ's Future Call To His Church!
'Christ's Future Call To His Church.'
Song Of Solomon 2:10.
a) My Beloved spoke,
b) And said to me,
c) "Rise up, My love, My fair one,
d) "And come away"
(This QT reminds me of Christ's Future Call To His Church)
PRAY: That your Church will be ready to be a part of Christ's Future and Eternal Call.
'It Is God Who Justifies.'
Romans 8:33.
a) Who will bring any charge
b) Against God's Elect?
c) God is He
d) Who Justifies them.
(Through this Second one I am reminded that It Is God Who Justifies)
PRAY: Thank God that it is He Who Justifies us.
When we read the Song of Solomon we can find Christ's Determined and Future Call and Purpose for His Church. His desire is that in Eternity, He will present His Church to the Father as a Glorious Church. We need to remember that when Christ returns, He is returning for His Church.
Christ will present His Church to the Father "without spot or blemish". This is why, now, there is a purification process going on in the Church. There is a call for "a closer walk with God" for Church Members. When Christ returns, He is coming back for His Church.
There are certain places where it is difficult for Churches to function well because of persecution. There are also places where the current Church has been broken and scattered. Christ does not ignore such places and when He returns, He will call up His People, wherever they are.
This reminds me that the most important part of my life is my personal relationship with God. Fellowship with other Believers, enjoying friendship and food (like above) together, is also good to enjoy.
There is a Biblical pattern for the Church today - Acts 2:42 - Bible Teaching, Fellowship, Breaking of Bread (includes both Holy Communion and Fellowship meals), and Prayer. This Biblical Pattern should be kept in some way, wherever practical or possible
The Christian Life!
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