The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Sunday, September 30, 2018
Jesus Knew His Times!
'Jesus Knew His Times.'
John 13:31.
a) When Judas had gone out,
b) Jesus said,
c) "Now is the Son of Man Glorified,
d) "And God is Glorified in Him."
(This QT reminds me that Jesus Knew His Times)
PRAY: For our alertness, in every way.
'The Discipline That The Lord Gives.'
a) Hebrews 12:6. This Discipline comes from the Lord's motives of Love and Acceptance, the Father Love of God.
b) Hebrews 12:11. Its fruit is very beautiful.
c) Ephesians 6:4. Natural fathers should follow the example of Father God.
(Through this Second one I find The Discipline That The Lord Gives)
PRAY: That Christian families and Churches will follow the model of The Discipline That The Lord Gives.
The Lord Jesus gave us many Teachings, not just from His Words, but also from His Life, one of them is here, in this QT. He knew what was going to happen and yet His responses were continuously and consistently Graceful. He knew that Glory was coming, and the pathway to that Glory was very painful. No human being will ever have to go through what Jesus went through for us in its entirety, although some of us may have to face persecution and even martyrdom. Whatever we may go through, Jesus has been there before us and Jesus has been there for us.
Whenever we, or those people whom we know or love, go through difficult times in our lives, we can take great comfort in this: that Jesus has already been there for us.
Saturday, September 29, 2018
Somewhat Inconsiderate!
'Somewhat Inconsiderate.'
Genesis 33:12.
a) Then Esau suggested:
b) "Let's set out
c) "And travel together,
d) "But let me go in front of you."
(Through this QT I can read that Esau was Somewhat Inconsiderate)
PRAY: That we will be be considerate towards other people.
'Hallowed Be Your Name.'
Matthew 6:9.
a) The Lord Jesus was teaching His Disciples how and what to Pray.
b) "Therefore you should Pray like this:
c) " 'Our Father in Heaven,
d) 'Your Name be honoured as Holy.'
(This Second one reminds me to Honour the Father's Name when I pray)
PRAY: Always giving Honour to the Father's Name.
Reading the Word of God should be accompanied by the application of the Word of God and its principles to our lives and Prayers. There are some people who Pray through the Scriptures day by day, not as a duty, but they have found that Praying with the Scriptures really helps them (I am one of those people).
There is no better foundation for our Prayers than the Word of God. It is not so helpful for our Prayer life if we only pray from our memory or our feelings, because sometimes that kind of prayer is limited much. It is not so helpful for our Prayer life if we only Pray in a Holy Spirit (tongue) language because we do not know what we are praying; Apostle Paul sets the Biblical pattern for our Prayers when he wrote that Praying both with our understanding and with the Holy Spirit language are good ways to pray, but that Holy Spirit Prayer language should be kept for being a part of our private Prayers.
Friday, September 28, 2018
Genuinely Seeking The Lord!
'Genuinely And Persistently Seeking The Lord.'
Song of Solomon 3:2.
a) "I will rise now
b) "And go around all of the city,
c) "Through the streets and the squares.
d) "I will look for the One whom I love
e) "With all of my heart."
f) I looked for Him
g) But could not find Him.
(This QT encourages me to be Genuinely And Persistently Seeking The Lord)
PRAY: For persistence in Seeking The Lord.
'Don't Hold On But Go And Tell Them.'
John 20:17.
a) Jesus said to her:
b) "Don't hold on to Me,
c) "For I haven't yet gone up to My Father.
d) "Go to My brothers and sisters
e) "And tell them:
f) " 'I'm going up to My Father and your Father,
g) " 'To My God and your God.' "
(This Second one reminds me of one of the principles of growth in God's Kingdom - Don't Hold On But Go And Tell Them)
PRAY: For understanding of how, and in what way, Jesus wants us to Go And Tell Them.
Some lovely Christian people have come to tell me of the story of their difficulty in personally coming to the Lord. I wanted to encourage those people and want to encourage all such people who have this difficulty not to give up. The Promise of God is that if we seek Him, we shall find Him. There is a basic Principle of Spiritual Life in this QT today: We are to be persistent seekers of the Lord before being Messengers of the Lord.
Thursday, September 27, 2018
Betrayed In The Darkness!
'Betrayed In The Darkness.'
John 13:30.
a) After receiving the morsel
b) Judas Iscariot
c) Went out
d) Immediately.
e) It was night.
(This QT reminds me that the Lord Jesus was Betrayed In The Darkness)
PRAY: Through our Prayers to dispel all 'spiritual darkness' from our environment and churches.
'A Spirit Of Adoption.'
Romans 8:15.
a) For you have not received a spirit of slavery
b) Leading to fear again,
c) But you have received a Spirit of Adoption as sons
d) By which we cry out: "Abba, Father."
(Through this Second one I have assurance that I have received A Spirit Of Adoption)
PRAYER: To thank God for A Spirit Of Adoption.
A pure gift is a beautiful thing. God is the Initiator of pure giving because it was and is His Love that caused Him to give His only Son, Jesus Christ, to be our Lord and Saviour. This also teaches us that the real motive of pure giving is love. As True Believers, we should never 'give to get'!
Jacob's Pure Motive!
'Jacob's Pure Motive.'
Genesis 33:11.
a) "Please take the present I've brought you,
b) Because God has been gracious to me
c) And has given me all that I need."
d) So Esau took it because Jacob insisted.
(Through this QT we find Jacob's Pure Motive)
PRAYER: That we will conduct our lives with pure motives.
'Our Heavenly Father Knows.'
Matthew 6:32.
(This is extracted from the "Sermon on the Mount", where Jesus was teaching His Disciples)
a) For the Gentiles seek after all these things;
b) For your Heavenly Father knows
c) That you need all these things.
(This Second one makes me realise that Our Heavenly Father Knows)
PRAYER: To trust our Heavenly Father for our needs.
Both of these Scriptures today refer to the Grace and Love of God. We can see the fact of our omniscient Heavenly Father knows about our lives and our needs, but we also see God's Provision through human kindness. I do not think that we have a choice in how we receive God's Provision, the important thing is that we receive it as coming from Him.
Giving in a Biblical way brings release both to the giver and the receiver, we are not left with the feeling that we owe something. Giving in a manipulative way, to put it simply, destroys trust and, ultimately, destroys relationships.
When Jesus said "Give". He simply meant ... give, with no other motive at all.
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
She Missed Him So Much!
'She Missed Him So Much.'
Song of Solomon 3:1.
a) Night after night
b) On my bed
c) I looked for the one I love.
d) I looked for him
e) But did not find him.
(This QT simply shows me that She Missed Him So Much)
PRAYER: For the God of all Comfort to comfort those people who are missing loved ones in some way today.
'A Wonderful And Generous Heavenly Father.'
Matthew 7:11.
a) If you then,
b) Being evil,
c) Know how to give good gifts to your children,
d) How much more
e) Will your Father Who is in Heaven
f) Give good things to those
g) Who ask Him.
(Through this Second one I understand that we have A Wonderful And Generous Heavenly Father)
PRAYER: For those who read this Second one to know A Wonderful And Generous Heavenly Father.
It is not a sin to miss someone, especially someone whom we love in some way. This is a normal human emotion and experience. One of the reasons that God is called the "God of All Comfort" is that this is a part of His Personality and Ministry to us. Many of us would be living in devastation if we did not know the "God of All Comfort", so let us thank Him today for Who His Is.
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
They Still Did Not Understand!
'They Still Did Not Understand.'
John 13:29.
a) For some people were supposing,
b) Because Judas had the money box,
c) That Jesus was saying to him,
d) "Buy the things that we have need of for the feast",
e) Or else,
f) That he should give something to the poor people.
(This QT teaches me that the people were slow to understand: 'They Still Did Not Understand')
PRAYER: That we will understand well the things that the Lord wants us to understand.
'A Father Who Pities His Children.'
Psalm 103:13.
a) As a father
b) Pities His Children,
c) So the Lord
d) Pities those people who fear Him.
(Through this Second One I realize that our God is A Father Who Pities His Children)
PRAYER: For the Lord to teach us what it means to fear Him.
Jesus is alive and He realizes about and understands the experiences and the things that we go through today. There are some frustrating times we face when we think that no-one understands us and our needs, these situations are difficult but the Lord understands! So, when we are facing those lonely and challenging times, we really need to come to the Lord and ask Him to help us with what to say and do.
Monday, September 24, 2018
A Kind Welcome And A Gift!
'A Kind Welcome And A Gift.'
Genesis 33:10.
a) "No, please!"
b) Said Jacob.
c) "If I've pleased you,
d) "Accept this gift from me.
e) "Seeing your face is
f) "Like seeing the Face of God.
g) "You have welcomed me so kindly."
(This QT shows me A Kind Welcome And A Gift)
PRAYER: For our Church and our family to be a welcoming people.
'Members Of God's Family.'
Ephesians 2:19.
a) Therefore, you are not strangers,
b) Neither guests,
c) But inhabitants of the City of the Holy One
d) And Children of the Household of God.
(Through this Second one we can have the assurance of being Members Of God's Family)
PRAYER: That we will have mutual respect of one another as Members Of God's Family.
Jacob's gift was a pure gift that was full of meaning, it was a gift given as a token of reconciliation. In most countries gifts are given from the heart and with a pure motive. There is no thought of manipulation or "buying favor". This is an important lesson to teach from generation to generation.
In these days, God wants to restore the act of pure giving, in every part of society. Bribery and Corruption are not only sinful, but in most countries they are against the law. They are definitely not pure giving.
Sunday, September 23, 2018
a) Song of Solomon 2:17; 4:6; 1 Chronicles 29:15. Will flee away.
b) Jeremiah 6:4. Lengthen.
c) Job 16:16. May ring our eyes if we weep much.
d) Psalm 11:2. May be a place of danger for the upright in heart.
e) Job 7:2. Were a place of rest and protection for the slave.
f) Isaiah 59:9; Psalm 39:6. Sometimes we walk in deep shadows.
g) Joel 2:2. Can be significant in Bible Prophecy.
(Because of this QT I do not want to be in the Shadows)
PRAY: Not to live in the shadows, but to live in the Light of God.
'Brought Near By The Blood Of Christ.'
Ephesians 2:13.
a) But now, in Christ Jesus,
b) You who were once far away,
c) Have been brought near
d) By the Blood of Christ.
(This Second one causes me to give thanks because I am Brought Near By The Blood Of Christ)
PRAY: Thank God for the power of the Blood Of Christ.
Shadows may ring our eyes if we weep much. It seems to me that there are different kinds of, and reasons for, weeping. The shadows ring our eyes if we weep for much time over things that are painful and difficult for us. I am not going to make a list of reasons and causes, but those people who weep much, until shadows ring their eyes, really need the Comfort of God.
This is where, in the Churches there needs to be men who can minister effectively to men and boys: and ladies who can minister to ladies and girls. If there is to be some further ministry offered by pastors and leaders for weeping people, then the one weeping needs to be accompanied by someone of same sex or a parent.
The Church should be a place where we can be open, protected if necessary, and safe. A place of Healing and Restoration!
Saturday, September 22, 2018
Sometimes No-One Knows!
'Sometimes No-One Knows!
John 13:28.
a) No-one at the supper
b) Knew why
c) Jesus had said this
d) To Judas.
(Through this QT I understand that Sometimes No-One Knows)
PRAY: That we will not be distracted from simply obeying God by trying to know things that there is no need for us to know.
'God's Unfulfilled Desire.'
Jeremiah 3:19.
a) Then I said,
b) "How I would like to make you My sons
c) "And give you a pleasing land,
d) "The most beautiful land of the Nations!'
e) And I said,
f) "You will call Me: 'My Father',
g) "And not turn away from following Me."
(This Second one reveals to me God's Unfulfilled Desire)
PRAY: That through Obedience, Faith and Patience we will inherit the Promises of God, that which He desires for us.
There are many things that we do not know. It is very evident that God does not want us to know everything, we can find that right from the beginning in the Bible - the Creation story. Sometimes we are distracted from obeying God and doing His Will by our trying to know, or understand, everything. There are many lessons that God wants us to learn, but also, there are many things that there is no need for us to know.
To be ignorant about God's Word, yet interested in gossip and things that would distract us from doing God's Will and following God's Way for us, is a waste of time and also sin! We need a good foundation in our personal life made of Prayer, the Word of God and Fellowship (where it is possible).
A problem that occurred in this QT is that no-one knew why Jesus said what He said to Judas. Actually, there was no need for anyone to know!
What we really need to know is what God is saying to us, and to follow that every day. God said that He prefers our obedience to our sacrifice. God has given us His Holy Spirit and His Word, we can know what He is saying to us day-by-day.
Friday, September 21, 2018
Brotherly Love!
'Brotherly Love.'
Genesis 33:9.
a) Esau said to Jacob:
b) "I have enough, my brother;
c) "Keep what you have
d) "For yourself."
(This QT teaches me about love between brothers: Brotherly Love)
PRAYER: For the needs of your family members.
'We Shall Be Like Him.'
1 John 3:2.
a) Beloved, we are God's Children now.
b) And what we will be
c) Has not yet appeared;
d) But we know that
e) When He appears
f) We shall be like Him,
g) Because we shall see Him as He is.
(Through this Second one I have Eternal Hope: We Shall Be Like Him)
PRAYER: For our Hope and Confidence in Eternal Life as the Gift of God.
Esau here could have been a greedy man. He had enough, and yet he could have continually received from his brother's reconciliatory attitude and actions. Esau, however had true 'brotherly love' and told his brother Jacob: "I have enough". One of the saddest situations in life comes when someone in our family (natural family) becomes greedy. If we are not careful, need can turn into greed.
It is a very lovely testimony when the family members help one another out as necessary. Needs are met within the family - it is beautiful.
If, however, greed enters into that family relationship, it can easily progress into broken relationships within the family.
The Esau/Jacob relationship was essentially a natural family relationship, and there are things that we can learn from it for our own family relationships.
PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR THE KOREAN PENINSULA: What is happening between the two National Leaders is surely an answer to prayer. Pray for God's Will to be done in this process.
Thursday, September 20, 2018
Confidence In His Love!
'Confidence In His Love.'
Song of Solomon 2:16.
a) I belong to my Lover (Song of Solomon 6:3)
b) And He belongs to me.
c) He pastures His flock among the lilies.
(This QT reminds me to have Confidence In The Lord's Love)
PRAYER: To have confidence in the Lord and His Love.
'How Great A Love.'
1 John 3:1.
a) See how great a love the Father has bestowed on us,
b) That we would be called
c) Children of God;
d) And such we are.
e) For this reason the world does not know us,
f) Because it did not know Him.
(Through this Second one I desire to proclaim: "How great a love!")
PRAYER: Proclaiming the Love of Father God.
All Creation belongs to the Lord, that is the Truth of God's Word. The animals, birds and insects all belong to Him. The trees, mountains and beautiful beaches next to the sea, all belong to Him.
We belong to the Lord - BELONG is a powerful word. It means that we are His: We belong to Him. He is not someone whom we visit on the days that we go to Church or Fellowship. He is with us every moment of every night and day - we belong to Him.
This Scripture also mentions that He belongs to us! Our relationship with Him does not just depend on "Sunday visits"!
If we know that we are His, that we belong to Him, it means that we have confidence to PRAISE Him and PRAY to Him. It also means that we will LOVE HIS WORD.
Some of the Lord's People go through difficult and dark times in their lives, having confidence that we belong to Him really helps them to come through the difficulties. This confidence develops through our relationship with Him.
The relationship with the Lord develops through our time spent deliberately with Him. This happens when we gather with other Believers in proper and real Fellowship, or when we spend quality time alone with Him having deliberate devotions (QT).
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Do It ... Quickly!
'Do It ... Quickly.'
John 13:27.
a) As soon as Judas
b) Took the bread,
c) Satan entered into him.
d) So Jesus told him:
e) "What you are about to do...
f) "Do quickly."
(This QT teaches me that Jesus knew and knows all things: "Do It ... Quickly.")
PRAYER: To keep trusting Jesus Christ when other people around us may be denying Him.
'Sons Of God.'
Galatians 3:26.
a) For you are all
b) Sons of God
c) Through Faith in Christ Jesus.
(Through this Second one I thank God for the privilege of being called one of the "Sons Of God")
PRAY: To God, our Heavenly Father, in the Name of His Son, Jesus Christ.
It was when Judas Iscariot took the bread that Satan actually entered into him. During his life as a Disciple of Jesus Christ, Judas was just a weak human Apostle/Disciple, just like all the others in Jesus' team. It was at that time, designated by Jesus Christ, that Satan actually entered into Judas. I meet some people, sincere Believers, who sometimes fear that they are, or will be, like Judas. This is an awful 'faith-weakening' trial and temptation, Jesus wants to give us victory over it if we suffer from such a thing. It is absolutely incorrect to live with it and God wants to give us full victory over such a fear.
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
Kindness And Favour Cannot Be Bought!
'Kindness And Favour Cannot Be Bought.'
Genesis 33:8.
a) Jacob thought that kindness and favour could be bought.
b) Esau asked the meaning of the herds that he met.
c) Jacob replied that they were a gift to buy Esau's kindness,
d) He replied that he was seeking Esau's favour.
(This QT reminds me that Kindness And Favour Cannot Be Bought)
PRAYER: For genuine manifestations of Kindness and Favour in the Body of Christ.
'Sharing In Christ's Sufferings.'
Romans 8:17.
a) Now if we are children,
b) We are also heirs.
c) We are God's heirs and fellow-heirs with Christ,
d) If indeed we share in His Sufferings
e) In order that
f) We may also share in His Glory.
(Through this Second one I understand that Sharing In Christ's Sufferings may well also be a part of God's Plan)
PRAYER: To accept the Will of God for our lives, whatever it means.
Jacob's heart was very pure in this instance, he genuinely wanted to have a restored relationship with Esau. He was seeking Esau's favour, the big problem here was that favour cannot be bought, it can only be given. This was not cunning manipulation, it was a real desire for reconciliation that came from Jacob's heart. There is a simple lesson here for all of us to learn - favour cannot be bought, it can only be given. If we try to buy someone's favour, the likelihood is that there will be more hurt and confusion on every side. I think that the big 'hidden lesson' here is to try to keep our hearts simple and pure. We should not become complicated and manipulative.
Monday, September 17, 2018
Catch The Little Foxes!
'Catch The Little Foxes.'
Song Of Solomon 2:15.
a) Catch foxes for us -
b) Those little foxes that spoil vineyards,
c) Now that our vineyards are in bloom.
(This QT sends out the Message: Catch The Little Foxes)
PRAYER: For Wisdom, Strategy and Strength to Catch The Little Foxes.
'He Has Given The Right.'
John 1:12.
a) Yet to all who did receive Him,
b) To those who Believed in His Name,
c) He gave the Right
d) To become the Children of God.
(This Second one reminds me that He Has Given The Right)
PRAYER: To claim and live out our right as Children Of God.
We need, as the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, to Pray for Wisdom, Strategy and Strength to Catch The Little Foxes. If we have this Wisdom, Strategy and Strength many necessary actions can be taken! There are many things that we unnecessarily suffer from, many incidents that 'just seem to happen', because we do not try to catch the Little Foxes, but we just passively wait until the Little Foxes turn into big wolves, which are far more difficult to catch and far more dangerous. Go after The Little Foxes before they become big wolves.
Sunday, September 16, 2018
Jesus Knows Perfectly!
'Jesus Knows Perfectly.'
John 13:26.
a) Jesus answered:
b) "It is the one
c) "To whom I have given
d) "This piece of bread
e) "When I have dipped it in the dish."
f) Then, dipping the piece of bread,
g) He gave it to Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot.
(This QT reminds me that we do not have to carry unnecessary fear: Jesus Knows Perfectly)
PRAYER: To trust Jesus Christ more.
'Set Free From Every Sin.'
Acts 13:39.
a) Through Him (The Lord Jesus Christ)
b) Everyone who believes is set free from every sin,
c) A Justification you were not able to obtain
d) Under the Law of Moses.
(Through this Second one I thank God that, through the Lord Jesus Christ, I can be Set Free From Every Sin)
PRAYER: To thank God for the Lord Jesus Christ, Who can set us free from every sin.
Jesus dipped the bread in the dish first, it means that He thoughtfully considered what He did with the bread before giving it to Judas Iscariot. This was not a matter of choice, or like some kind of 'wheel of death' game. (Who is it going to be?) This was not something to feed fear into the hearts of genuine Believers. This was a sole and unique deliberate choice of Jesus Christ that we do not have to 'spiritualize' or be superstitious about. Here was the Message loud and clear, Jesus intended for there to be only one recipient of that particular piece of bread, it was Judas Iscariot, and nobody else. Historically and Biblically there was only one person who betrayed Jesus Christ, it was Judas Iscariot. This happened once only to fulfill the Will of God.
Saturday, September 15, 2018
Joseph And Rachel Came Last!
'Joseph And Rachel Came Last.'
Genesis 33:7.
a) Next, Leah and her children came and bowed down.
b) Last of all came Joseph and Rachel
c) And they too bowed down.
(This QT simply teaches me Joseph's calculative carefulness: Joseph And Rachel Came Last)
PRAYER: For God's Help and Wisdom in all that we do.
'You Were...'
1 Corinthians 6:11.
a) You were sinners who could not inherit the Kingdom of God.
b) But you have been washed,
c) You have been made Holy (Sanctified),
d) You have been Justified,
e) In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
f) And in the Spirit of our God.
(Through this Second one I know what has happened in my life... You Were...)
PRAYER: To live to Glorify God.
Before Joseph and Rachel came to bow down before Esau, Leah was in front of them. There was an 'order of attendance' here which was politely and formally kept, nothing and no-one was 'out of turn' in this family presentation. This kind of behavior, very formal and polite, is not seen in most cultures today. We seem to have arrived at erroneous conclusion that formality and good manners are 'out of date' and only need to be performed by strangers.
It is probably impossible for this kind of behavior to be restored into 'everyday life' now.
Rev. John L. Dagg wrote: "It is clearly the Doctrine of Scripture, that, on believing in Christ, men pass from a state of condemnation into a state of Justification."
Friday, September 14, 2018
Let Me See You Let Me Hear You!
'Let Me See You Let Me Hear You.'
Song Of Solomon 2:14.
a) O my dove,
b) In the clefts of the rock,
c) In the secret place of the steep pathway.
d) Let me see your form,
e) Let me hear your voice;
f) For your voice is sweet
g) And your form is lovely.
(Through this QT I find the Love of Christ for His Church: Let Me See You Let Me hear You)
PRAYER: For the Church to be victoriously visible to the Lord and to the World.
'Believe In The Name Of The Son Of God.'
John 3:18
a) There is no judgment against anyone who believes in Him. (The Lord Jesus Christ)
b) Whoever does not believe in Him stands condemned already
c) Because they have not believed
d) In the Name of God's One and Only Son.
(This Second one reminds me of the necessity to Believe In The Name Of The Son Of God)
PRAYER: To repent and Believe In The Name Of The Son Of God.
The sweet voice of the Church needs to be heard, not only by the Lord, but also, at this time, by the World. For God so loved the World that He gave His Only Son, Jesus Christ, to die as the Sacrifice for the sins of the people. It is through hearing this sweet voice of the Church that people can be exposed to the Gospel and come to know Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord.
Instead of being a 'hidden Church', which many Churches have become, it needs to be a revealed and beautiful Church.
By the 'hidden Church' I am not referring to the secret Churches in lands where Churches are forbidden and Christianity is discouraged, I am referring to Churches that have lost their vision and voice. These Churches, and in my country there are so many, probably more than 90% of them, are really like lost sheep, or sheep that have lost their Vision and realization of what the Church is supposed to be.
May the sweet voice of the Church be restored so that the Lord can pour out His Spirit and His Blessing upon them. May the sweet voice of the Church be restored so that the unchurched and lost people can respond to it and turn or return to the Lord.
Thursday, September 13, 2018
Who Is It Lord?
'Who Is It Lord?'
John 13:25.
a) So the Disciple
b) Leaned back against Jesus
c) And asked Him:
d) "Lord, who is it?"
(This QT reveals to me an unusually frank question that Jesus accepted: Who Is It Lord?)
PRAYER: Ask frank questions to the Lord when we need to.
'Believe And Be Baptized.'
Mark 16:16.
a) Whoever Believes
b) And is Baptized
c) Will be Saved,
d) But whoever does not Believe
e) Will be condemned.
(Through this Second one I thank God for the Way of Salvation: Believe And Be Baptized)
PRAY: That any non-believing family members and friends will Believe And Be Baptized.
This Disciple was obviously confident enough and emotionally close enough to Jesus so that he could ask the question: "Lord, who is it?" This does not mean that there were different 'levels' of love between the Disciples and Jesus, but it does mean that we should be confident enough in our relationship that we can ask Him necessary questions when we need to. It seems that a Disciple has some kind of a relationship with the Lord, a closeness.
Wednesday, September 12, 2018
Beyond Our Cultural Understanding!
'Beyond Our Cultural Understanding.'
Genesis 33:6.
a) Then the maids came near
b) With their children,
c) And they bowed themselves.
(This QT makes me realize that there are some things in the Bible that are Beyond Our Cultural Understanding)
PRAYER: For God's Blessing on slaves, servants and their children, wherever they may live.
'Doing The Will Of The Heavenly Father.'
Matthew 7:21.
a) Not everyone who calls out to Me:
b) "Lord, Lord."
c) Will enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
d) Only those who actually do
e) The Will of My Father in Heaven
f) Will enter.
(Through this Second one I clearly understand the importance of Doing The Will Of The Heavenly Father)
PRAYER: To always be Doing The Will Of The Heavenly Father.
In our modern day, "Westernized" United Kingdom, we rarely see people bowing themselves before another. Except, maybe, in the presence of the Royal Family. This is defined as 'cultural progress'. I have no problem with 'cultural progress', it is progressive modernization of the Nation. There is still, however, the need for a humble heart which is often missing in our cultures today. One of the problems of modern society is that so-called 'progress' sometimes obliterates good manners and kindness. It does not have to ... but sometimes it does.
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
When Summer Is Near!
'When Summer Is Near.'
Song of Solomon 2:13.
a) The fig trees are producing their early fruit.
b) The flowers on the vines are giving off a sweet smell.
c) It is the time for expressed love.
d) Matthew 24:32. Jesus said that we are to learn the lesson from the fig tree.
e) Genesis 8:22. There will always be a summer season.
f) Isaiah 18:4. The Lord is sometimes quiet like summer heat in the late afternoon.
g) Amos 3:15. Some people have summer houses.
(This QT causes me to anticipate with Joy when summer is near)
PRAY: For the poor and elderly people who have difficult times in the Winter season.
'By Our Words.'
Matthew 12:37.
By our words we will be:
a) Found guilty.
b) Found not guilty.
c) Justified.
d) Condemned.
(This Second one teaches me about the power of our words)
PRAY: For our kind and careful speech.
Something that we can always depend on God for are Seasons. Depending in which part of the World we may live, there will always be various Seasons. Where we live now in Scotland there are four: a long winter; a short spring, a short summer and an autumn (or fall). Not all parts of the World are the same. In different parts there are different Seasons. Of one thing we can be sure - all the Seasons come from God.
Monday, September 10, 2018
Simon Peter Wanted To Know!
'Simon Peter Wanted To Know.'
John 13:24.
a) So Simon Peter motioned to the Disciple who was the closest physically to Jesus.
b) To ask Jesus.
c) Of whom He was speaking.
(This QT reminds me that there are some times that we want to know but it is not necessary for us to know)
PRAY: For daily Wisdom in our walk with the Lord. REMEMBER: There is no need for us to know everything.
'Leaning Back Was Very Intimate.'
John 13:25.
a) The Disciple whom Jesus loved
b) Was leaning back on the breast of Jesus,
c) He said to Jesus:
d) "Lord, who it is who is going to betray You."
(Through this Second one I understand that Leaning Back Was Very Intimate)
PRAY: Not to be over-familiar in our relationship with the Lord.
Simon Peter wanted to know when it was not necessary for him to know. The Lord's Business is His Business. This is just the same as anyone, not only for the Lord! Everyone is entitled to their own life and privacy. Invasion of privacy was never something encouraged by Jesus. He always gave to the Disciples their space. The reason that they could all serve together for such a long time as a team was that Jesus gave all His Apostles and Disciples their space. We need especially to remember this when we are involved in Ministry Teams, everyone is entitled to their own space. To take away a person's personal life or space is what a cult may do. Church and Christian Ministry should always respect another's personal space.
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The Christian Life!
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