The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
Lot Hesitated - But The Lord Helped Him!
'Lot Hesitated - But The Lord Helped Him.'
Genesis 19:16.
a) But Lot hesitated.
b) So the men (Angels) seized:
1-His hand.
2-His wife's hand.
3-The hand of Lot's two daughters.
c) For the Compassion of the Lord was upon him.
d) And the Angels brought him out.
e) They put him outside the city.
(This QT teaches me that Lot Hesitated - But The Lord Helped Him)
PRAY: For God's Help when we need it and thanking God for His Help when we receive it.
'The Creator Of All Things.'
Job 26:13.
a) By His Spirit
b) The Lord has garnished the Heavens;
c) His Hand has formed
d) The crooked serpent.
(Through this Second one I am reminded that the Lord is The Creator Of All Things)
PRAY: Thanking God that He is The Creator of all things.
The Angels did not forget Lot's two daughters, this happening includes them. God rescued them! The Lord is the Creator of families too! There is a saying: "the family that prays together stays together". This saying is seen as "old fashioned" by some Christian families, citing all kinds of reasons why they do not want to pray together! The problem is this: Basic family devotion is still something that is very helpful for day-by-day life together as a family.
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