The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Monday, February 13, 2017
a) Leviticus 24:7; Numbers 15:3. Was given as a gift to the Lord.
b) Leviticus 25:6. Came for the people from the land.
c) Leviticus 26:5. Is a part of the Blessing of the Lord.
d) Deuteronomy 2:6 & 28. Needs, most times, to be bought.
e) Deuteronomy 10:18. Is also needed by:-
f) 1 Samuel 1:18. Can sooth our sadness.
g) 1 Samuel 2:5. Can make us fat if we are not careful.
h) 1 Kings 13:8. Men of God need to be careful how, and with whom, they eat it.
i) 1 Kings 13:9. God sometimes commands us not to eat it.
j) 1 Kings 19:8. We may be refreshed and strengthened by food.
k) 1 Kings 21:5. Sometimes, when we are emotionally down, we refrain from it.
l) 2 Kings 4:8. Food is a part of hospitality.
m) 2 Chronicles 35:15. Singers and guards did not have to leave their posts because other people prepared food for them.
n) Psalm 78:30. Some people are too greedy for it.
o) Psalm 106:15. God gives people food to fill their appetites.
p) Psalm 111:15. God gives food to those people who honour Him.
q) Proverbs 31:15. A good wife and mother provides food for her household.
r) Lamentations 1:19. Some people have to look for food to survive.
s) Ezekiel 14:13. God can use His Power against a Nation by cutting off its food supply.
t) Matthew 25:42. We should give food for hungry people.
u) Luke 15:14. Sometimes severe food shortages arise.
v) 1 Corinthians 6:13. Food is for the stomach.
(This QT teaches me some facts about Food)
'Our Response To The Name Of Jesus.'
Philippians 2:9-10.
a) God has Honoured Christ Jesus.
b) God has given Him a Name above all names.
c) At the Name of Jesus, everyone:
1-In Heaven.
2-On Earth.
3-Under the Earth.
d) Should bow.
(This Second reminds me of My Response To The Name Of Jesus)
Some people are too greedy for food! Not hungry for food, but greedy for it. I am not going into the reasons for that greed here, there are many reasons, some of them understandable. I want to address the fact that, as True Believers, we should never be too greedy. We can enjoy our food very much, it is the gift of God, but let's not be too greedy.
The Christian Life!
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