The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Belief Is Important!
'Belief Is Important.'
Luke 1:20.
a) Behold, you shall be dumb.
b) You shall be unable to speak.
c) Until the day when these things take place.
d) Because you did not Believe my (the Angel's) words.
e) Which will be fulfilled in their proper time.
(This QT reminds me that Belief Is Important)
'Our Advocate With The Father.'
1 John 2:1.
a) Old and Wise Apostle John wrote these things to the Church.
b) "My little children,"
c) "I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin.
d) "And if anyone sins."
e) "We have an Advocate with the Father...
f) Jesus Christ the Righteous."
(This Second reveals Our Advocate With The Father)
When God really does speak to us, whether individually, to the Church, or to the Nation, His Words will be fulfilled. The fulfillment comes in its proper time. There are, however three problems here: Firstly, we sometimes say that God has spoken to us when He has not. Secondly, God speaks to us but we do not Pray and Wait for the fulfillment of His Words. Thirdly, we ignore God speaking to us. We need to overcome these things if God's Words are to become fruitful in our lives.
Monday, February 27, 2017
Keep A Positive Focus!
'Keep A Positive Focus.'
Psalm 71:24.
a) My tongue also.
b) Will utter Your Righteousness.
c) All the day long.
d) For they are ashamed.
e) They are humiliated.
f) Who seek my hurt.
(This QT calls me to Keep A Positive Focus)
'Christ's Ministry of Reconciliation.'
Colossians 1:20.
a) Through Christ, the Father reconciled all things to Himself.
b) Christ made Peace through the Blood of His Cross.
c) Through Christ, whether things on Earth or things in Heaven.
(This Second one causes me to Give thanks to the Father for Christ's Ministry Of Reconciliation)
We should not focus on the people who seek, or have sought, to hurt us. If we keep our attitude correct through focusing on, and proclaiming the Lord's Righteousness, then we can begin to experience God's Victory in our situation. God works on our behalf as we follow His Way and not our own.
Sunday, February 26, 2017
Simple Prayer For God's Help And Victory !
'A Simple Prayer For God's Help And Victory.'
Psalm 71:10-13.
a) Psalm 71:10. My enemies talk concerning me.
b) Psalm 71:10. Those people who watch for my life conspire together.
c) Psalm 71:11. They say that his God has abandoned him.
d) Psalm 71:11. "Pursue and seize him because there is no deliverer."
e) Psalm 71:12. Oh God, do not be far from me.
f) Psalm 71:12. My God, hurry to help me.
g) Psalm 71:13. Let them be ashamed; let them perish who are my adversaries.
h) Psalm 71:13. Let them wrap themselves with scorn and disgrace who seek my harm.
(This QT is A Simple Prayer For God's Help And Victory)
'A Lovely Ministry.'
2 Corinthians 5:18.
a) Now.
b) Everything is from God.
c) Who has reconciled us to Himself through Christ.
d) And gave us the Ministry of Reconciliation.
(This Second one reveals A Lovely Ministry)
"Oh God," David prayed, "do not be far from me." The fact was that God was never far from David, even when David made mistakes, or was hounded by his enemies, God was there to rescue him, forgive him and restore him. We sometimes need to remind ourselves that the Promises and Character of God do not change. God is there to rescue, forgive, restore and help us when we need Him to do that.
Saturday, February 25, 2017
Please Be Careful!
'Please Be Careful!'
Leviticus 24:15.
a) Speak to God's People.
b) Tell them that:
c) If anyone speaks evil of His God.
d) That person will bear their sin.
(This QT exhorts me to advise God's People: Please Be Careful)
'One God And One Mediator.'
1 Timothy 2:5.
a) There is One God.
b) There is only One Mediator between God and men.
c) The Man Christ Jesus.
(Through this Second one I am reminded that there is One God And One Mediator)
Please be careful! This is something that many Christians tend to forget! This is the Counsel and Advice of God's Word! These are not the Words of the Counsellor, or the Words of the Bible Teacher, these are the Words of God. We should never speak evil of God, if we do, we will bear our sin. God is Good, God is Love and God is Faithful!
Friday, February 24, 2017
Gabriel The Angel!
'Gabriel The Angel.'
Luke 1:19.
a) Spoke to Zechariah.
b) Stands in the Presence of God.
c) Was sent by God.
d) To tell the good news.
(This QT makes me thank God for Angels: Gabriel The Angel)
'To Be Glorified With Christ.'
Romans 8:17.
a) If we are God's Children.
b) We are Heirs of God.
c) We are co-Heirs with Christ.
d) If so be that we suffer with Christ.
e) So that we also may be Glorified with Him.
(This Second one gives me the desire To Be Glorified With Christ)
Angels are real! We read about them in the Bible, some of them are given a name by God. Angels are still being sent by God in these days. They are obedient to God perfectly. Only Satan was a "fallen angel" who rebelled against God and was cast out of Heaven. We can thank God for the Ministry of Angels, even though we may not know much about them.
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Oh God - Let Them!
'Oh God ... Let Them.'
Psalm 70:2-3.
a) Be put to shame who seek my life.
b) Be put to confusion who seek my life.
c) Let them be turned back who delight in my hurt.
d) Let them be brought to dishonour who delight in my hurt.
e) Let them be turned back because of their shame who say: "Aha, aha." <Cynical mocking>
(With this QT I Pray According To God's Word: Oh God ... Let Them)
'Enabling Us To Be One.'
John 17:22.
a) Jesus prayed: "The Glory that you have given Me."
b) "I have given to them." (Romans 8:30)
c) "That they may be one."
d) "Even as We are One."
(Through this Second one I find Jesus, through His Prayer, is Enabling Us To Be One)
It is possible for us to Pray for people to be "turned back"! Even David did so... I think that, according to God's Word, we can Pray that Prayer for people who mock us, also for people who hurt, or want to hurt, us. Another meaning of "turn back" is to repent! Of course we can Pray for unregenerate people to turn back from their sins and come to God.
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
An Age-Old Problem!
'An Age-Old Problem.'
Leviticus 24:10-14.
a) Leviticus 24:10. There was the son of an Israelite woman.
b) Leviticus 24:10. His father was an Egyptian.
c) Leviticus 24:10. This son went out amongst the Children of Israel.
d) Leviticus 24:10. This son and an Israeli man fought each other in the camp.
e) Leviticus 24:11. The Israelite woman's son blasphemed the Name of the Lord and cursed.
f) Leviticus 24:11. They brought him to Moses.
g) Leviticus 24:11. His mother's name was Shelomith, the daughter of Dibri, she came from the Tribe of Dan.
h) Leviticus 24:12. They put this man in custody, that the Mind of the Lord might be shown to them.
i) Leviticus 24:13. Then the Lord spoke to Moses.
j) Leviticus 24:14. "Take this man who has cursed outside the camp."
k) Leviticus 24:14. "Let all the people who heard him curse lay their hand on his head."
l) Leviticus 24:14. "Let all the Israeli congregation stone him.
(This QT reveals An Age-Old Problem; the confused and difficult relationships between Israelis and other Middle-Eastern peoples. Pray for Peace in the Middle East and Pray for The Peace of Jerusalem)
'The Powerful Position Of Christ Now.'
Ephesians 1:20-23.
a) Ephesians 1:20. God worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead.
b) Ephesians 1:20. God seated Christ at His Right Hand in the Heavenly Places.
c) Ephesians 1:21. Christ is now far above all:
5-Every name that is ever named.
d) Ephesians 1:21. Not only in this age but, also, the ages to come.
e) Ephesians 1:22. God has put all things under Christ's Feet.
f) Ephesians 1:22. God has given Christ to be Head over all things to the Church.
g) Ephesians 1:23. The Church is Christ's Body, the Fulness of Him Who fills all in all.
(This Second makes me understand The Powerful Position Of Christ Now)
The Law of the Old Testament was strong and clear. Those people who heard the man blaspheme the Name of the Lord and curse were to lay their hand on his head, then he was to be stoned to death. Jesus Christ was punished by death sentence on the Cross for us so that we might be forgiven and freed from our sins. He then, remarkably, rose from the dead to give us New and Eternal Life.
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Would We Accept This Man Today?
'Would We Accept This Man Today?'
Matthew 3:4.
a) His clothes were made of camel's hair.
b) He wore a leather belt around his waist.
c) His food was locusts and wild honey.
d) His name was John the Baptist.
(This QT makes me question: Would We Accept This Man Today?)
'They Needed It To Be Written Down.'
Exodus 24:3-4.
a) Moses told the people all the Words of the Lord and all the Rules.
b) All the people answered with one voice.
c) They said that they would do all the Words that the Lord had spoken.
d) Moses wrote down all the Words of the Lord.
e) Moses then rose early and built an altar.
f) It was at the foot of the mountain where He had received the Word of the Lord.
g) There were twelve pillars according to the twelve tribes of Israel.
(This Second reminds me that They Needed It To Be Written Down)
Would we accept John Baptist in the Churches today? The mere fact that he wore unusual clothes would make him suspect in many Churches! When we make plans for evangelism and sharing the Gospel Message, (in whatever part of the World where we may live), are we willing to accept "unusual" and culturally "different" people into the Church?
Monday, February 20, 2017
Zechariah's Response!
'Zechariah's Response.'
Luke 1:18.
a) How shall I know this?
b) I am an old man.
c) My wife is advanced in years.
(This QT reveals Zechariah's Response to the Angel when he was told that he was to become a father)
'John's Clarity.'
John 3:28.
a) These are the words of John the Baptist.
b) John the Baptist was a very humble and honest man.
c) He said: "I am not the Christ".
d) "I have been sent before Him."
(This Second one teaches me about John's Clarity)
It is a challenge to any man when he knows that he is to become a father. I think that there is a special challenge to men who are True Believers in the Lord. The father to be needs to prepare himself for the role of fatherhood. This means reading and researching and not just relying on his own childhood experiences with his own father. For husbands who are True Believers the preparation need also to include Prayer and good understanding and communication with his wife.
Sunday, February 19, 2017
The Permanent Right Of The Priests!
'The Permanent Right Of The Priests.'
Leviticus 24:9.
a) The loaves of bread will belong to Aaron and his descendants, who must eat them in a sacred place.
b) For they are most holy.
c) It is the permanent right of the priests.
d) To claim this portion.
e) Of the Special Gifts presented to the Lord.
(This QT reminds me of The Permanent Right Of The Priests)
'Jesus And The Sabbath.'
Mark 2:26-28.
a) Mark 2:26. Jesus said this to the people in the House of God.
b) Mark 2:26. It was in the days when Abiathar was High Priest.
c) Mark 2:26. Jesus broke the Law by eating the loaves of bread.
d) Mark 2:26. Only the priests were allowed to eat those loaves.
e) Mark 2:26. Jesus also gave some to His companions.
f) Mark 2:27. Then Jesus said to them:
g) Mark 2:27. The Sabbath was made to meet the needs of the people.
h) Mark 2:27. Not the people to meet the requirements of the Sabbath.
i) Mark 2:28. So the Son of Man is Lord, even over the Sabbath.
(This Second one gives me more understanding of Jesus And The Sabbath)
This QT makes me think about two things: Firstly, the Bread belonged to Aaron and his descendants, those serving the Lord in the Days of the Old Testament needed to have their needs met within the House of God. Secondly, that the Sabbath was made to meet the needs of the people, not the people to meet the needs of the Sabbath. The Church should be a place where people get their needs met in several different ways.
Saturday, February 18, 2017
Remember Those In Difficulty!
'Remember Those In Difficulty.'
Hebrews 13:3.
a) Remember those people who are in prison.
b) As if you are in prison with them.
c) Remember those people who are being mistreated.
d) Because we are in the body also.
(This QT challenges me to Remember Those In Difficulty, especially in my Prayer)
'Active Compassion.'
a) Matthew 25:35. I was hungry and you gave Me food.
b) Isaiah 58:7. Caring for:-
1-The hungry people.
2-The homeless poor.
3-Those people who do not have enough clothes to wear.
4-Our own people.
c) Ezekiel 18:7 & 16. The person who does not oppress but gives.
d) James 2:15-16; 1 John 3:17-18. Within the Church Assembly.
(This Second one reminds me of the Ministry of Active Compassion)
We are to remember those people who are in difficulty. First of all, we are to pray for and help for such people in our own Church community. Secondly, we can pray for and help others outside our own Church community, especially as a "mercy ministry team" from the Church, which is the very best way to do it.
Friday, February 17, 2017
An Effective Ministry!
'An Effective Ministry.'
Luke 1:17.
a) Has the Holy Spirit's anointing.
b) Relies on God's Power.
c) Unites families.
d) Makes disobedient people become wise and righteous.
e) Prepares the people to meet with the Lord.
(This QT reveals to me An Effective Ministry)
'God Has Shone In Our Hearts.'
2 Corinthians 4:6.
a) It is God Who said:
b) "Let Light shine out of darkness."
c) Who has shone in our hearts.
d) To give the Light of the knowledge of the Glory of God.
e) In the Face of Christ.
(This Second one challenges me because God Has Shone In Our Hearts)
An effective ministry prepares people to meet with the Lord. There are two ways of considering this statement. Firstly, as people sit under An Effective Ministry week by week, or even day by day, which is made possible in our days through various forms of media, these people will surely be ready to meet with the Lord. Secondly, it challenges every minister to desire and pray to have An Effective Ministry.
Thursday, February 16, 2017
Regular Worship!
'Regular Worship.'
Leviticus 24:8.
a) Regularly.
b) On each Sabbath day.
c) The Bread shall be set out.
d) Before the Lord.
e) On behalf of the Israelites.
f) By an Everlasting Covenant.
(This QT reveals to me a type of Regular Worship)
'Come And Share Your Master's Joy.'
Matthew 25:21.
a) His Master said to him:
b) "Well done my good and faithful servant."
c) "Since you were faithful in small matters."
d) "I will give you great responsibilities."
e) "Come and share your Master's Joy."
(This Second one is most encouraging for a good and faithful servant: Come And Share Your Master's Joy)
God loves to give His People a regular memorial of Himself. Here, the bread was to be set out for the Israelites. This was a part of His Covenant with them. Today, as God's New Testament people we have the Bread and Wine to remind ourselves of the Body and Blood of the Lord Jesus which was given on the Cross for us. This is the "New Covenant".
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
a) Psalm 64:5. They encourage one another in evil plans.
b) Deuteronomy 1:38; 3:28. Encourage good leaders.
c) 2 Samuel 11:25. Encourage Joab.
(Through this QT I want to be a good and positive Encourager)
'Focus On Jesus.'
Hebrews 12:2.
a) We must focus on Jesus.
b) The Source and Goal of our Faith.
c) He saw the Joy ahead of Him.
d) So He endured death on the Cross.
e) He ignored the disgrace that the Cross brought Him.
f) He received the Highest Position in Heaven.
g) He is at the right hand of the Throne of God.
(This Second one encourages me to Focus On Jesus)
Jesus Christ our Lord is now seated at the right hand of the Throne of God. He is in His Rightful place! On Earth, Jesus Christ overcame evil through the Cross, the most evil plans of men were defeated. We really need to focus on every aspect of Jesus as He is revealed to us in the Word of God. He is, and will always be, our Lord and Saviour, my Lord and Saviour.
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
A Simple And Lovely Ministry!
'A Simple And Lovely Ministry.'
Luke 1:16.
a) He (John Baptist) will help many of his people.
b) The People of Israel.
c) Return to the Lord their God.
(This QT reveals to me A Simple And Lovely Ministry)
'Using Our Tongue Very Well.'
Philippians 2:11.
a) Every tongue should confess.
b) That Jesus Christ is Lord.
c) To the Glory of God the Father.
(This Second one encourages me to be Using My Tongue Very Well)
To be using our tongue very well is a great challenge for all True Believers to meet. This is a Biblical challenge and call! If we read the Book of James in the Bible, and also the Gospels, we can find much clear teaching about how we should use our tongues. It is easy to discover how much the people of a Church love the Lord by the way in which they use their tongues.
Monday, February 13, 2017
a) Leviticus 24:7; Numbers 15:3. Was given as a gift to the Lord.
b) Leviticus 25:6. Came for the people from the land.
c) Leviticus 26:5. Is a part of the Blessing of the Lord.
d) Deuteronomy 2:6 & 28. Needs, most times, to be bought.
e) Deuteronomy 10:18. Is also needed by:-
f) 1 Samuel 1:18. Can sooth our sadness.
g) 1 Samuel 2:5. Can make us fat if we are not careful.
h) 1 Kings 13:8. Men of God need to be careful how, and with whom, they eat it.
i) 1 Kings 13:9. God sometimes commands us not to eat it.
j) 1 Kings 19:8. We may be refreshed and strengthened by food.
k) 1 Kings 21:5. Sometimes, when we are emotionally down, we refrain from it.
l) 2 Kings 4:8. Food is a part of hospitality.
m) 2 Chronicles 35:15. Singers and guards did not have to leave their posts because other people prepared food for them.
n) Psalm 78:30. Some people are too greedy for it.
o) Psalm 106:15. God gives people food to fill their appetites.
p) Psalm 111:15. God gives food to those people who honour Him.
q) Proverbs 31:15. A good wife and mother provides food for her household.
r) Lamentations 1:19. Some people have to look for food to survive.
s) Ezekiel 14:13. God can use His Power against a Nation by cutting off its food supply.
t) Matthew 25:42. We should give food for hungry people.
u) Luke 15:14. Sometimes severe food shortages arise.
v) 1 Corinthians 6:13. Food is for the stomach.
(This QT teaches me some facts about Food)
'Our Response To The Name Of Jesus.'
Philippians 2:9-10.
a) God has Honoured Christ Jesus.
b) God has given Him a Name above all names.
c) At the Name of Jesus, everyone:
1-In Heaven.
2-On Earth.
3-Under the Earth.
d) Should bow.
(This Second reminds me of My Response To The Name Of Jesus)
Some people are too greedy for food! Not hungry for food, but greedy for it. I am not going into the reasons for that greed here, there are many reasons, some of them understandable. I want to address the fact that, as True Believers, we should never be too greedy. We can enjoy our food very much, it is the gift of God, but let's not be too greedy.
Sunday, February 12, 2017
Do Not Be Shaken By Bad People!
'Do Not Be Shaken By Bad People.'
Psalm 62:2-4.
a) Psalm 62:2. The Lord is:-
1-Our Rock.
2-Our Salvation.
3-Our High Stronghold.
We shall not be greatly shaken.
b) Psalm 62:3-4. Some bad people may try to attack us:-
1-They will be shattered like a leaning wall.
2-They will be shattered like a tottering fence.
3-They plan to thrust us down from our high position.
4-They are pleased with deception.
5-With their mouths they bless but inwardly they curse.
(This QT counsels me: Do Not Be Shaken By Bad People)
'The Proof Of Christ's Resurrection.'
1 Corinthians 15:4-8.
a) 1 Corinthians 15:4. Christ was buried.
b) 1 Corinthians 15:4. Christ was raised up according to the Scriptures.
c) 1 Corinthians 15:5. The Risen Christ appeared to Peter and the Twelve Apostles.
d) 1 Corinthians 15:6. The Risen Christ appeared to many people at once.
e) 1 Corinthians 15:7. The Risen Christ appeared to James and the Apostles.
f) 1 Corinthians 15:8. The Risen Christ appeared also to Apostle Paul.
(This Second one verifies to me The Proof Of Christ's Resurrection)
Our Salvation is most important. For the True Believer, it is the vital part of our Eternal Life. If we have confidence in our Salvation it means that we have assurance of all that God, in Christ Jesus, has done for us. Simply put: "we know that we are Saved by Grace". Other parts of our private and communal Christian Life are, of course, necessary and important, but, our Salvation is most important.
Saturday, February 11, 2017
John The Baptist!
'John The Baptist.'
Luke 1:15.
a) Was great in the sight of the Lord.
b) Drank no wine.
c) Drank no strong drink.
d) Was filled with the Holy Spirit while he was still in his mother's womb.
(This QT introduces John The Baptist to me)
'Apostle Paul's Dramatic Conversion.'
Acts 9:4.
a) Paul fell to the ground.
b) Paul heard a Voice.
c) The Voice said to him: "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?"
(This Second one reveals to me something of Apostle Paul's Dramatic Conversion)
The mother's womb is supposed to be the safest place in the World for a baby to form in. It has always been God's intention that the womb is like that. God creates the womb and He creates the baby in the womb. For this reason, among others, it is not good to have an abortion. A casual abortion: "because I/we do not want this baby", is taking away a life that God wants us to care for. (This is not referring to other circumstances than a casual abortion, for example a medical reason)
Friday, February 10, 2017
The Presence Of The Lord!
'The Presence Of The Lord (1).'
a) Leviticus 24:6; 1 Kings 7:48. Typified by Bread.
b) Numbers 3:4. Is Holy, we need to obey Him in His Presence.
c) Numbers 9:15. Sometimes came in a cloud.
d) Numbers 16:7. Is the place for worshipping Him .
e) Deuteronomy 4:37. Led His People.
f) Deuteronomy 14:26. Is the place to celebrate Him.
g) Judges 5:5; Psalm 97:5; 100:2. Is a place where the mountains may quake.
h) 2 Samuel 7:13; 1 Kings 5:5. A house (place of Worship) could be built for it.
i) 2 Kings 24:20. In His anger, the Lord may cast people away from it.
j) 1 Chronicles 16:27. Splendour and Majesty are in it.
k) 2 Chronicles 29:11. There are those people who are chosen to stand in it.
l) Job 1:12; 2:7. Satan departed from it.
m) Job 36:33. The Lord's thundering Voice declares it.
n) Psalm 16:11; 21:6. In it there is fulness of Joy.
o) Psalm 31:20. Is a secret hiding place for His People.
p) Psalm 42:5. Helps His People.
q) Psalm 44:3. Gives light.
r) Psalm 68:8. Causes the heavens to pour down rain.
s) Psalm 88:2. Is the Place from which our Prayers may be answered.
t) Psalm 95:2; 100:2. Come into it with a Song of Thanksgiving.
u) Psalm 101:7. The liar cannot continue in His Presence.
v) Psalm 105:4. We are to seek His Presence continually.
w) Psalm 114:7; Nahum 1:5. The Earth trembles at it.
x) Psalm 139:7. We cannot flee from it.
y) Psalm 140:13. The upright people shall dwell in it.
z) Isaiah 19:1. The idols of Egypt shall tremble at it.
(This QT gives me more understanding of The Presence Of The Lord)
'The Presence Of The Lord (2)
a) Isaiah 23:18. Those people who minister in it should be well looked after.
b) Isaiah 63:9. There is an Angel of His Presence.
c) Isaiah 64:2; Ezekiel 38:20. The Nations tremble at His Presence.
d) Jeremiah 5:22. Is a place where we should have the Fear of the Lord.
e) Jeremiah 23:39; 52:3. As punishment, God may send us out of it.
f) Lamentations 2:19. We can pour out our hearts like water before it.
g) Lamentations 4:16. Has the Power to scatter His People.
h) Jonah 1:3. It is not possible to escape from it.
i) Luke 1:19. Angels minister in it.
j) Luke 12:6. Always remembers everything, except our forgiven sins.
k) Luke 21:36. Keep alert and be ready to stand in it.
l) Acts 3:19. May send times of refreshing to us.
m) 1 Corinthians 1:29. No one can boast in it.
n) 1 Thessalonians 2:19. When Christ returns there will be triumphant celebration in it.
o) 1 Timothy 5:21; 2 Timothy 2:14; 4:1. It is a place of solemn charge.
p) Hebrews 9:24. Christ is now in the Presence of God on our behalf.
q) James 4:10. We are to humble ourselves in it.
r) Revelation 14:10. Is the place of Eternal Judgment.
s) Revelation 20:11. Can cause Earth and Heaven to flee away.
(This Second one gives more revelation of the Presence Of The Lord)
I am so grateful to God that He invites me, when I need, to pour out my heart like water in the Presence of the Lord. This means real heart Prayer, not method prayer, it means that we can come to God and tell Him all that is in our hearts.
Thursday, February 9, 2017
Do Not Imagine Bad Things!
'Do Not Imagine Bad Things.'
a) Genesis 11:6. Sin.
b) Psalm 2:1; Acts 4:25. Vain things.
c) Psalm 10:2; 21:11; Hosea 7:5. Evil devices.
d) Psalm 38:12. Deceitful acts.
e) Psalm 62:3; Zechariah 7:10; 8:17. Mischief against another person.
f) Nahum 1:9 & 11. Evil against the Lord.
(This QT clearly teaches me from God's Word: Do Not Imagine Bad Things)
'Stephen's Wonderful Vision Before Being Killed.'
Acts 7:56.
a) He saw the heavens opened.
b) He saw the Son of Man.
c) Standing at the Right Hand of God.
(This Second one is amazing: Stephen's Wonderful Vision Before Being Killed)
We should never imagine evil against the Lord. There are some emotionally, mentally or demonically sick Christians who imagine evil against the Lord. We should tell such people to stop those imaginations. The fact is Biblically and experientially very clear that God is good! Any other thought against God that opposes that can lead to imagining evil against the Lord.
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
We All Begin Life As A Baby!
'We All Begin Life As a Baby.'
Luke 1:14.
a) Baby John was going to make his father Zechariah:-
b) Also many other people.
c) Will be happy.
d) When the Baby is born.
(This QT reminds me that We All Begin Life As A Baby)
'Do Not Just Look Up in The Sky.'
Acts 1:11.
a) Why are you men from Galilee standing here looking at the sky?
b) This Jesus, Who was taken from you into Heaven.
c) Will come back in the same way that you saw Him go to Heaven.
(This Second one reminds me to be a Practical Believer - Do Not Just Look Up In The Sky)
Being joyful is surely an experience that strengthens us. If we are True Believers the Bible tells us that "the Joy of the Lord is our strength". When we have a lovely family, created by the Promises of God, that surely makes us joyful. A Church upon which the Blessing of the Lord rests makes us joyful. This makes me want to Pray for more lovely families to become True Believers and for more Churches to be ready to receive the Blessing of the Lord.
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
A Pattern For Worship!
'A Pattern For Worship.'
Leviticus 24:4.
a) Worship needs to be arranged.
b) Worship needs to project the Lord's Light.
c) Worship is pure.
d) Worship is precious for the Lord.
e) Worship is precious for us.
f) Worship should be regular.
(This QT teaches me A Pattern For Worship)
'A Supernatural Sign Of The Resurrection Of Jesus.'
John 20:12.
a) Mary saw two Angels in white.
b) They were sitting where the Body of Jesus had previously been laid.
c) One was at the head.
d) The other was at the feet.
(This Second Reveals A Supernatural Sign Of The Resurrection Of Jesus)
Worship is precious for us. True and Biblical Worship brings us into the Presence of the Lord. We can come into His Presence with awe and pleasure when we learn to worship with true and Biblical Worship. Worship is simply communion with the Lord that Glorifies Him. It should be simple, humble and pure.
Monday, February 6, 2017
We Need To Overcome!
'We Need To Overcome.'
Psalm 41:5-8.
a) Psalm 41:5. Malicious people.
b) Psalm 41:6. Gossips.
c) Psalm 41:7. Whisperers who make plans to harm.
d) Psalm 41:8. People who tell damaging lies.
(This QT reminds me that We Need To Overcome these people in our Churches)
'They Did Not Believe The Resurrection Of Christ.'
Luke 24:11.
a) The words of the witnesses seemed like an idle tale to the Apostles.
b) They had forgotten the Words of Jesus Christ.
c) They did not believe the witnesses.
(This Second one highlights a problem that still sometimes occurs today: They Did Not Believe The Resurrection Of Christ)
The Churches may have their organisation and programmes but and these can be excellent but the Church is made up of imperfect people. There are still, in most UK Churches (and maybe in other Nations' Churches too), people who speak harmfully or negatively. The best way to handle such people is not to confront them, rather it is to ignore them or to quickly change the subject of the conversation. It is possible for these people, when they realise that they are being ignored, either to be changed by the Lord or to leave the Church.
Sunday, February 5, 2017
Stop Being Afraid!
'Stop Being Afraid.'
Luke 1:13.
a) Here was an Angelic Message.
b) From the Lord to Zechariah.
c) "Stop being afraid."
d) "Your Prayer has been heard."
e) "Your wife, Elizabeth."
f) "Will bear you a son."
g) "You are to name him John."
(This QT encourages me to Stop Being Afraid, and receive the Lord's Answers)
'The First Response To Missing The Presence Of Jesus.'
Mark 16:10.
a) The needed to hear the Truth.
b) They were grieving.
c) They were crying.
d) The Truth was that Jesus was alive!
(This Second one reveals to me The First Response To Missing The Presence Of Jesus)
The Lord spoke to aged Zechariah about his aged wife Elizabeth. Zechariah, firstly was not to be afraid. Fear always paralyses Faith. Zechariah's Prayer had been heard by God. The problem for us is that too few husbands pray for their wives. The Promise of God in response to this Prayer was very simple: Elizabeth will bear you a son, name him John!
Saturday, February 4, 2017
Keep The Lamps Lit!
'Keep The Lamps Lit.'
Leviticus 24:3.
a) Each evening Aaron shell light the lamps.
b) Aaron shall keep the lamps burning until morning.
c) The lamps were:-
1-In the Lord's Presence.
2-Outside the curtain.
3-In the Most Holy Place.
d) This was a permanent law for generations to come.
(This QT reminds me spiritually to Keep The Lamps Lit - especially my Lamp!)
'A Correct Response To Jesus.'
Matthew 28:9.
a) Suddenly Jesus met the women who had been to His tomb.
b) He said to them: "Peace be with you".
c) They:-
1-Came up to Him.
2-Took hold of His (dirty) Feet.
3-Worshipped Him.
(This Second one reveals to me A Correct Response To Jesus)
It was a simple duty for Aaron to keep the lamps burning. The lamps were in the Lord's Presence, but they were outside the curtain in the Most Holy Place. It was not too difficult a task for Aaron. Most of the duties and tasks in the Churches today are similar in that they are not too difficult. Normally, in Church, it is the Pastor who leads the people and advises the people in, and as to, the tasks that are to be done. (In a numerically large Church the Pastor may have advisors). We need to Pray for God's Wisdom for our Pastors as they serve the Church and lead the flock.
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The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...

‘Pharisees Always Question And Doubt.’ John 1:24-25. a) Now those who were sent were from the Pharisees. b) And they asked Him saying: c)...
'The Place Where Our Offerings Should Go.' Leviticus 3:7. a) If he offers a lamb b) For his offering, c) Then he shall offer i...
'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a) And God was doing b) Extraordinary miracles c) By the hands of Paul, d) So that even han...