The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Thursday, July 30, 2015
A Task For The Survivors!
'A Task For The Survivors.'
Isaiah 66:19.
a) God will set a sign among the people.
b) God will send those survivors who are saved to be Messengers to the Nations.
c) Specifically to these Nations:-
d) To all the lands beyond the sea that have not heard of God's Fame or seen His Glory.
e) They will declare God's Glory to the Nations.
(This QT reveals A Task For The Survivors)
'We Are Rescued And Delivered.'
Colossians 1:13.
a) God has delivered us from the power of darkness.
b) God has rescued us from the Kingdom of darkness.
c) God has transferred us.
d) Into the Kingdom of His Dear Son.
(This Second one assures me that I Am Rescued And Delivered)
Libya is a Nation that now very much needs our Prayers. Libya is mentioned in the Scriptures, I am sure that God has Libya on His Heart also. When God moves us to Pray for places that we do not know much about, it is good for us to do some research to discover more about them. This will help us to focus well on the prayers.
The Victorious Song Of Moses And The Lamb!
'The Victorious Song Of Moses And The Lamb.'
Revelation 15:2-3.
a) John saw a sea of glass.
b) Mingled with fire.
c) Those people who had got the Victory over:-
1-The Beast.
2-The Mark of the Beast.
3-The Image of the Beast.
4-The Number of the Beast's Name.
d) They were standing on the sea of God.
e) They were having the harps of God.
f) They sang the Song of Moses, the Servant of God.
g) They sang the Song of the Lamb.
h) They were saying:-
1-Great are Thy Works Lord God Almighty.
2-Marvelous are Thy Works Lord God Almighty.
3-Amazing are Thy Works Lord God Almighty.
4-Just are Your Ways.
5-True are Your Ways.
6-King of the Saints.
7-King of the Nations.
(This QT Teaches me The Victorious Song Of Moses And The Lamb)
'The New Testament Mega-Church.'
Acts 4:32.
a) Ezekiel 11:19. The Multitude of those people who Believed were of one heart and one soul.
b) No one said that anything was their own.
c) Acts 2:44. They had all things in common.
(Through this Second one I get a glimpse inside The New Testament Mega-Church)
No one, except Heavenly Beings, at this time, understands The Mark of the Beast. There is no General Revelation of it yet. When we read of these Songs of Heaven in the Bible, their main purpose is to prepare us for going to Heaven. When we discover some of the purposes of God in Revelation, they surely cause us to come closer to Him.
Monday, July 27, 2015
Claim Back The Land!
'Claim Back The Land.'
a) Leviticus 26:5. Dwell in it securely.
b) Leviticus 26:6. God will give Peace in the Land.
c) Numbers 11:12; Deuteronomy 3:2. God promises a land for His People.
d) Numbers 13:26; Deuteronomy 1:25. Land produces fruit.
e) Numbers 14:9. Do not fear the people of the land.
f) Numbers 14:37. We should not tell lies about the land that God gives to us.
g) Numbers 35:33; Deuteronomy 2:31. Once we have taken possession of the land, we should stay there.
h) Numbers 34:12. The land shall be defined by its borders all around.
i) Numbers 35:34. We should not defile the land.
j) Deuteronomy 1:8. When the land is set before us we should take possession of it.
k) Deuteronomy 1:22. Land may be explored.
l) Deuteronomy 1:25. The land is good.
m) Deuteronomy 5:23. We may live long in the land.
(This QT encourages me to Claim Back The Land)
'In Christ.'
Colossians 1:14.
a) We have Redemption through His Blood.
b) Our Freedom.
c) The Forgiveness of our sins.
(This Second one reminds me of the benefits of being In Christ)
We should not tell lies about the land that God has given to us. We receive many kinds of "land" from the Lord. It is His intention simply to Bless us through that land. Even if, at first, we cannot understand why. There are times, when we do not really know, that we exaggerate, that is sin. Let us always be clear about what the Lord truly gives to us.
Wait And See The Glory Of The Lord!
'Wait And See The Glory Of The Lord.'
Isaiah 66:18.
a) The Lord knows our:-
b) The time is coming when the Lord will gather all:-
c) They will come together.
d) They will see together: The Glory Of The Lord.
(This QT encourages me to Wait And See The Glory Of The Lord)
'Our Redeemer.'
Ephesians 1:7.
a) In the Lord Jesus we have:-
b) Through His Blood we have Forgiveness of our:-
c) This is all in accordance with His Grace.
(This Second one makes me so grateful to My Redeemer)
Our thoughts are private. They are only opened up when we share with other people about them. Thank God that He has given us the ability to think! Sometimes we have negative thoughts and sometimes we have positive thoughts. Most of us have many thoughts every day and yet our thinking process never wears out! Only God knows the privacy of our thought life.
Saturday, July 25, 2015
The Next One Week!
Because of a Travelling Schedule this week the QT will be sporadic and infrequent. This will be just for 5-6 days I hope. Thank you and God Bless You!
Brought To Completion!
'Brought To Completion.'
Revelation 15:1.
a) John saw another sign in Heaven.
b) It was a marvellous event of great significance.
c) Seven Angels were holding the seven last plagues.
d) These plagues would bring God's Wrath to completion.
(This QT encourages me. Things that God does are Brought To Completion)
'God Has Put.'
Ephesians 1:22.
a) God has put.
b) All things under the Authority of Christ.
c) For the benefit of the Church.
(This Second one gives me Joy: God Has Put)
God brings things to completion. There are so many things in life that it are difficult to bring to completion. Our days and weeks are sometimes filled with "unfinished" things. It is not so with God. Everything that He wants to be brought to completion He will surely do, or help us to do together with Him. God brings things to completion.
a) Genesis 41:43. Were for important people.
b) Genesis 46:29. Needed to be prepared before a journey.
c) Joshua 11:6. Can be burned with fire.
d) 1 Kings 22:35. Can be made to be comfortable.
e) 2 Kings 5:21. Were high off the ground.
f) 2 Kings 10:15. Fellowship could be shared in them.
g) 2 Chronicles 1:17. Egyptian ones were of high quality.
h) 2 Chronicles 9:25. There were chariot cities.
i) Micah 5:10; Haggai 2:22. May be destroyed by the Lord.
(By this QT I can envision more about Chariots)
Colossians 2:10.
a) We are complete through our union with Christ.
b) Christ is the Head.
c) Over every:-
(This Second one makes me Rejoice in being Complete)
Fellowship could be shared in chariots! This is a very lovely reminder to me about the practical ways in which to have Fellowship whilst travelling and serving the Lord. It is sometimes more practical and convenient to share with someone whilst travelling. I have experienced God's comforting and healing Grace being shared with other people even in a travelling environment. (This is not for vehicle drivers, they share fellowship at break times or after the journey!)
The Lord Is Coming With Fire!
'The Lord Is Coming With Fire.'
Isaiah 66:15-16.
a) The Lord is coming with fire.
b) His swift chariots roar like a whirlwind.
c) He will render His Anger with fury.
d) He will bring the flaming fire of His hot rebuke.
e) He will Punish and Judge the World by:-
(This QT reminds me that The Lord Is Coming With Fire)
'Life And Godliness.'
2 Peter 1:3.
a) By His Divine Power.
b) God has given to us everything we need.
c) For living a Godly Life.
d) This means Life and Godliness.
e) The One Who calls us to Himself.
f) By means of:-
1-His Marvellous Glory.
2-His Excellence.
3-His Virtue.
(This Second one reveals to me Life And Godliness)
The Lord is surely, in His Perfect Time, going to Punish and Judge the World. This is an undeniable fact that is repeated much in the Scriptures. As True Believers we need to be living ready for this Judgment. This is very much a part of the Gospel, that through our living for, and knowledge of, Jesus Christ, we will be ready for that day.
Friday, July 24, 2015
They Were Squeezed!
'They Were Squeezed.'
a) Revelation 14:20. Grapes were squeezed in the wine-press.
b) Genesis 40:11. Grapes were squeezed into the king's cup.
c) Judges 6:38. Dew was squeezed out of the fleece.
(This QT causes me to think. They Were Squeezed)
'Our Gracious And Giving God.'
Romans 8:32.
a) God did not spare His Own Son.
b) God gave Him up.
c) For us all.
d) Then with His Son.
e) He will freely give us.
f) All things.
(Through this Second one I find My Gracious And Living God)
It is through the Word of God that we can best discover our Gracious and Giving God. God's Word is so special, it is our spiritual 'food'. We very soon become dry Believers if we do not read, meditate on and put into action, God's Word in our lives. It is surely not just for the sake of Christian History, or the study of 'Christian World View'. God's Word is living and active for us today ... now!
A Simple Truth!
'A Simple Truth.'
Proverbs 14:11.
a) The house of the wicked people.
b) Will be destroyed.
c) The tent of the upright people.
d) Will flourish.
(This QT teaches me A Simple Truth)
'The Holy Spirit And The Birth Of Jesus Christ.'
a) Matthew 1:18. Mary was with Child from the Holy Spirit.
b) Isaiah 7:14. This Birth was Prophesied about.
c) Luke 1:35. The Holy Spirit came upon Mary.
d) Luke 2:25-28. The Holy Spirit in the environment at Christ's Birth.
e) Matthew 1:20. Joseph learned from the Angel about Mary being pregnant by the Holy Spirit.
(Through this Second one I see clearly about The Holy Spirit And The Birth Of Jesus Christ)
When I have my QT times (usually on a regular basis), these times really Help and Bless me in several ways. Firstly, I come closer to God through them. Secondly, God teaches me through them. Thirdly, I am challenged to live out the Life of Faith by them. Fourthly, I come to understand more of God and His Word.
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
New Strength From God!
'New Strength From God.'
Isaiah 66:14.
a) Through seeing good.
b) Through a glad heart.
c) Through new strength in our bones.
d) Through knowing that the Hand of the Lord is with us.
e) Through seeing God's Anger revealed to those people who hate Him.
(Through this QT I desire New Strength From God)
The True God And His Son.'
1 John 5:20.
a) We know that God's Son has come.
b) God has given to us the Understanding.
c) To know Him Who is the True God.
d) We are joined together with the True God.
e) Through His Son Jesus Christ.
f) He is the True God.
g) He is the Life that lasts forever. (Eternal Life)
I have no doubt that eventually God's Anger will be revealed to those people who hate Him. When True Believers see this and the things associated with it, their hearts will be glad and they will rejoice. We should Trust the Word of God - He is Righteous - He is Pure. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom for this and similar situations.
The Great Wine Press Of The Fury Of God!
'The Great Wine Press Of The Fury Of God.'
Revelation 14:19.
a) The Angel used his sickle on the Earth.
b) The Angel gathered the vine of the Earth.
c) The Angel cast the branches.
d) Into the great wine press.
e) The wine press was full of God's Anger.
(This QT reveals to me The Great Wine Press Of The Fury Of God)
'This Is How We Know.'
1 John 4:13.
a) This is how we know that we abide in the Lord.
b) This is how we know that the Lord abides in us.
c) The Lord has given to us.
d) The Holy Spirit.
(Here is a clear lesson for me: This Is How I Know)
Wow... the winepress was full of God's Anger. Anything that went into this winepress was destroyed. This is another thing about Eternity that we need to consider. Do we have a Saving Faith in Jesus Christ? If we do it means that we never have to face the Wine Press that is full of God's Anger. God is a living and loving God, His Word is always True.
Real Brothers In Christ!
'Real Brothers In Christ.'
a) Matthew 25:40. We should serve them.
b) Hebrews 2:11-12. Are called so by Jesus Christ.
c) Acts 9:30. Co-operate.
(This QT gives me the desire to be amongst Real Brothers In Christ)
'We Are Made By God.'
Ephesians 2:10.
a) We are God's Workmanship.
b) He made us.
c) To belong to Christ Jesus.
d) So that we can work for Him.
(Through this Second one I am assured that I Am Made By God)
There is a lack in these days, especially in many of the Western churches of a desire to serve one another. Yes, there are sometimes acts of kindness which are very nice. Usually, though, because of other (justifiable) commitments there is a lack. If the Church can harness well those people who desire and who are able to serve and help in some way, I am sure that the Church will be Blessed.
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Reconciliation With Others - God's Way!
'Reconciliation With Others - God's Way.'
Matthew 5:24.
a) Leave our gift at the Altar.
b) Go and make right.
c) What is wrong between you and the other.
d) Then come back.
e) To offer your gift at the Altar.
(This QT teaches me Reconciliation With Others - God's Way.
'Made Right With God.'
2 Corinthians 5:21.
a) Christ never sinned.
b) But God put our sin on Him.
c) That we are made right with God.
d) Through what Christ has done for us.
(This Second one causes me to Rejoice: Made Right With God)
To offer our gift at the Altar of God is actually a part of our Worship. We need to take "offering time" seriously and not glibly. Those people who are serving in some capacity within the Ministry of Giving to God should be sombre and honest, their Ministry is a very important part of Church life that should not be taken lightly.
Heavenly Comfort!
'Heavenly Comfort.'
Isaiah 66:11-13.
a) Isaiah 66:11. Brings:-
b) Isaiah 66:12. The Lord will give:-
3-Loving kindness.
c) Isaiah 66:13. The Lord Himself is the Comforter.
(Through this QT I discover Heavenly Comfort)
'A New Creation.'
2 Corinthians 5:17.
a) If we truly belong to Christ.
b) We become a new person.
c) The old life has gone.
d) A new life has begun.
(This Second one reminds me that I am A New Creation)
Heavenly Comfort brings delight! Delight is one of the Gifts that God wants to give us for ourselves. There are many Gifts that He gives us that He wants us to share with others. Heavenly Comfort is for us, when we receive this Comfort it benefits us in so many different ways.
Monday, July 20, 2015
The Perfect Time!
'The Perfect Time.'
Revelation 14:18.
a) Another Angel.
b) Who had power over fire.
c) Came out from the Altar.
d) This Angel said to the other Angel, who had a very sharp knife:-
1-Use your knife.
2-Gather in the grapes.
3-From the vine of the Earth.
4-They are ready to gather.
(This QT reveals to me The Perfect Time)
'It's All About God.'
1 Corinthians 1:30.
a) God Himself made the way.
b) So that we can have New Life through Christ Jesus.
c) God gave us Christ to be our Wisdom.
d) Christ:-
1-Made us right with God.
2-Set us apart for God.
3-Made us Holy.
4-Bought us with His Blood.
5-Made us free from our sins.
(Through this Second one I confess that It's All About God)
Angels seem to be very good communicators. They communicate well with each other in Heavenly business and duties. They communicate well as they carry out God's Will upon the Earth. They communicate, under the Lord's instructions with True Believers on the Earth. Yes Angels are good communicators.
Ask In Christ's Name!
'Ask In Christ's Name.'
John 14:13-14.
a) Jesus said that whatever we ask in His Name.
b) He will do it.
c) Then the shining greatness of the Father.
d) May be seen in the Son.
e) If you ask anything in My Name.
f) Jesus said that He would do it.
(This QT calls me to Ask In Christ's Name)
'On That Day'
John 14:20.
a) When the Day comes.
b) When we shall see Jesus Christ.
c) We will know that Christ is in the Father.
d) We will know that we are in Christ.
e) We will know that Christ is in us.
(Through this Second one I am reminded of what will happen On That Day)
Jesus said to His Disciples that, if they asked anything in His Name then He would do it. He encourages us, through the Scriptures, to ask Him. There are times in which God simply wants us to take these bold steps of Faith in our Prayer. I am very sure that it is the Father's desire to be Glorified in the Son.
Sunday, July 19, 2015
For God's City!
'For God's City.'
Isaiah 66:10.
a) Rejoice.
b) Be Glad.
c) Give Love.
d) Be Joyful for her.
e) Do not have sorrow any more.
(This QT teaches me how to respond For God's City, wherever that City may be)
'Abiding In Christ.'
John 6:56.
a) This is for "whoever".
b) Eats Christ's Flesh. (At Holy Communion)
c) Drinks Christ's Blood. (At Holy Communion)
d) That "whoever" lives in Christ.
e) Christ also lives in that "whoever".
(Through this Second one I long to be constantly Abiding In Christ)
Do not have sorrow anymore. These are Words that are given to God's People in both the Old and New Testaments. One of God's Goals is that He will take all ungodly sorrow away from our hearts and lives. The only sorrow that should remain is the Godly Sorrow that will lead us to repentance.
Gather In The Grain!
'Gather In The Grain.'
Revelation 14:15-17.
a) Revelation 14:15. Another Angel came out from the House of God in Heaven.
b) Revelation 14:15. This Angel called out to the Lord in a loud voice.
c) Revelation 14:15. The Angel said:-
1-Use Your knife.
2-Gather in the grain.
3-The time has come to gather the grain.
4-The Earth is ready.
d) Revelation 14:16. He Who sat on the cloud.
e) Revelation 14:16. Raised His knife over the Earth.
f) Revelation 14:16. The grain was gathered in.
g) Revelation 14:17. Then another Angel.
h) Revelation 14:17. Came out from the House of God in Heaven.
i) Revelation 14:17. He had a sharp sickle for cutting grain also.
(This QT encourages me to Gather In The Grain)
'If We Are In Christ Jesus.'
Romans 8:1.
a) There is now no condemnation for us.
b) Because we are in Christ Jesus.
c) Because we belong to Christ.
d) Because we do not walk according to the flesh.
e) Because we walk according to the Holy Spirit.
(This Second one Teaches me how life should be If I Am In Christ Jesus)
It is the season for gathering in the grain. This is another phrase in the Bible that is used for 'Harvest Time.' This refers to an end time Move of God during which many people will come to Christ. It is a time when National Crime rates drop and in which many marriages and families get restored.
Saturday, July 18, 2015
Beloved Of God!
'Beloved Of God.'
a) Jeremiah 31:3. God's Love is an Everlasting Love.
b) Ezekiel 16:8. God's Love is truly Fatherly.
c) Romans 1:7. God's Love first, then His Calling.
d) Ephesians 2:4. God's Love is Great Love.
(This QT causes me to be grateful that I am Beloved Of God)
'Identification And Affirmation.'
Romans 16:7.
a) Paul greeted his fellow countrymen.
b) Paul greeted people who were of the same family in Christ.
c) Paul greeted True Believers that were affirmed by his fellow Apostles.
d) Paul greeted True Believers who were more established in the Lord than he.
(This Second one teaches me much about Identification And Affirmation)
Identification and Affirmation are two most important parts of the Fellowship that we share in the Body of Christ. Never do we find Apostle Paul jealous or manipulative towards anyone. Generally, we fine that people who are jealous and manipulate do it to other people both inside and outside of the Body of Christ. If there are folk in the Church with this problem they should be confronted. If they truly repent and submit to oversight then they should stay and grow in the Church. If they refuse to repent, they can potentially do great damage to the Church and should be asked to leave.
Shall I? I Shall!
'Shall I? I Shall!'
Isaiah 66:9.
a) The Lord shall bring to the time of Birth.
b) The Lord shall cause delivery.
c) The Lord is the One.
d) The Lord causes to give birth.
e) The Lord will not shut the womb.
(This QT teaches me the Lord's Question and Answer: Shall I? I Shall!)
'Apostle Paul - A Good Example Minister.'
Acts 18:18.
a) Apostle Paul was committed to his calling. He did not want to leave anywhere until God told him to go.
b) When it was time to go, he left well.
c) He had it clearly in his mind what and where were next.
d) He took Aquila and Priscilla with him, the foundation of a Ministry Team.
e) He made an open stand for holiness.
(This Second one reveals to me Apostle Paul - A Good Example Minister)
When the Lord Promises Birth, He will not shut the womb. It is not a question of us wanting here, it is of the Lord Promising! What the Lord Promises He surely will bring to pass. This can be a Positive Promise or a Negative Promise. When God says something to us - we need to listen.
Friday, July 17, 2015
The Lord Of The Harvest!
'The Lord Of The Harvest.'
Revelation 14:14.
a) Revelator John looked.
b) John beheld a white cloud.
c) On the cloud.
d) Sat One.
e) Like the Son of Man.
f) He had on His Head a golden crown.
g) In His Hand was a sharp sickle.
(This QT reveals to me The Lord Of The Harvest)
'An Unjust Beating.'
Acts 18:14-17.
a) Acts 18:14. Gallio rejected the Jews' complaint.
b) Acts 18:14. Gallio spoke before Apostle Paul had the chance to speak.
c) Acts 18:15. Gallio rejected this case because he was a civil judge and not a judge according to Jewish Law.
d) Acts 18:16. Gallio threw out the case.
e) Acts 18:17. Then they all took Sosthenes, the Synagogue leader.
f) Acts 18:17. They beat him up in front of the Judgment seat.
g) Acts 18:17. Gallio took no notice.
(This Second one tells me about An Unjust Beating)
John beheld a white cloud. If we look through the Book of Revelation we find so many fine and shining white things, especially garments. There is no need for Heaven necessarily to be a very colourful place, apart from the miraculous colours that are caused by light. All the garments worn by the inhabitants of Heaven are gloriously white, it speaks to me of purity. Perfect purity!
Clothe Oursleves With This Truth!
'Clothe Ourselves With This Truth.'
Colossians 3:12.
a) We are the Elect of God.
b) We are the Holy People that God Loves.
c) We are God's Chosen people.
d) We are the Choice Ones of God.
(Through this QT I know that I must Clothe Myself With This Truth)
'Religious Opposition.'
Acts 18:12-13.
a) Gallio was the pro-consul of Achaia.
b) All the Jews made a united attack upon Paul.
c) The Jews brought Paul before Gallio's Judgment Seat.
d) The Accusation against Paul:-
1-He persuaded men.
2-To Worship God.
3-Contrary to the Law.
(This Second one reveals the fruitlessness of Religious Opposition)
If we are True Believers we need to clothe ourselves with the Truth that we are also the Elect of God. This means also that we are the Holy People that God Loves. We need to look back into the earlier Chapters of Genesis to discover more about God's Love and God's Calling in our lives. Reading through those earlier Chapters of Genesis and Apostle Paul's letters to the Roman and the Ephesian Churches help us to understand more of God's Love, Grace and Standards.
Amazing Birth!
'Amazing Birth.'
Isaiah 66:8.
a) Here is something not heard of before.
b) Here is something not seen before.
c) Shall the Earth be made to give birth to a land in one day?
d) Shall a Nation be born at once?
e) As soon as Zion was in labour.
f) She gave birth to her children.
(This QT reveals to me an Amazing Birth)
'A Commitment To Teach.'
Acts 18:11.
a) Apostle Paul stayed in Corinth.
b) For a year and six months.
c) Teaching the Word of God among the Churches.
(Through this Second one I desire continually to have A Commitment To Teach)
Zion was in labour and gave birth to her children. The Bible clearly tells us that we have been 'born again'. This is a spiritual re-birth that occurs the moment that we receive Jesus Christ as our personal Saviour. We need, always, to acknowledge the supernatural work of Grace in our Salvation.
Those People Who Die In The Lord!
'Those People Who Die In The Lord.'
Revelation 14:13.
a) This comes with a Voice from Heaven.
b) The Voice said:-
1-Blessed are the dead.
2-Who die in the Lord.
3-From now on.
c) The Holy Spirit says:-
2-That they may rest from their labours.
3-Their works follow them.
(This QT calls me to consider Those People Who Die In The Lord)
'When God Is With Us In The City.'
Acts 18:10.
a) When the Lord is with us.
b) No one will attack us to hurt us.
c) No one will lay a hand on us to harm us.
d) For the Lord has many people in the City.
(This Second one reveals what life is like When God Is With Us In The City)
When the Holy Spirit says "Yes", He means Yes! He does not mean that there is a possibility, He does not mean "maybe". When the Holy Spirit says "Yes" there is no deception - He really means "Yes". We need to be sensitive to the "Yes" and "No" of the Holy Spirit
Thursday, July 16, 2015
Put Them On!
'Put Them On.'
Colossians 3:12.
a) We need to put on.
b) Because we are:-
1-God's Chosen ones.
c) We put on:-
1-Compassionate hearts.
(This QT teaches me that I need to Put Them On)
'A Vision Of The Night.'
Acts 18:9.
a) One night.
b) The Lord spoke to Apostle Paul.
c) In a Vision:-
1-Do not be afraid.
3-Do not be silent.
(This Second one explains A Vision Of The Night that came to Apostle Paul)
We are Holy, this is what the Word of God teaches about every True Believer. Holiness is a part of the Life of a True Believer. This Holiness has nothing to do with our self-righteousness. This Holiness is not simply trying our best not to do or say anything bad. This Holiness is what we have because we are God's Redeemed Children.
a) Isaiah 66:7; Jeremiah 22:23; 50:43. The pain related to childbirth - labour pain.
b) Jeremiah 4:18. Our heart may be in pain, emotional pain.
c) Jeremiah 4:19; 51:29; Joel 2:6. Some people writhe in pain.
d) Jeremiah 15:18. Some pain is perpetual.
e) Jeremiah 30:15. Some pain is incurable.
f) Jeremiah 49:24. We may be gripped by pain.
g) Jeremiah 51:8. Balm may help pain.
h) Lamentations 1:13. May cause shock.
i) Ezekiel 30:4 & 9; Daniel 10:16. Is sometimes great.
j) Nahum 3:19; 1 Peter 2:19. Our cruelty may cause other people pain.
k) Matthew 8:12; 13:42 & 50. Some people grit their teeth in pain.
l) Matthew 27:34. May be eased.
m) Mark 5:26. May even, sometimes, be caused by doctors.
n) Mark 5:34; Luke 7:21. Jesus Christ may heal us from it.
o) Luke 12:50. Hard tests may cause us a lot of it.
p) 2 Corinthians 2:3. May be caused to Church Leaders by Church Members.
q) 2 Corinthians 2:4; 7:8. Emotional pain may be associated with Love.
r) 2 Corinthians 2:5. Sexual sin in the Church causes the Church much pain.
s) Revelation 9:5. Some pain is tortuous.
t) Revelation 16:11. Unrepentant sinners may curse the God of Heaven for their pain.
u) Revelation 20:10. In eternal pain will be:-
1-The Devil.
2-The Beast.
3-The False Prophet.
v) Revelation 21:4. In Heaven there will be no more pain.
w) Genesis 34:25. May weaken people physically.
x) Numbers 5:24 & 27. Bitter water may cause pain.
y) Job 2:13. Is sometimes terrible.
z) Job 14:22. We only feel our own pain.
(This QT teaches me much more about Pain)
'They Became Believers.'
Acts 18:8.
a) Crispus Believed in the Lord.
b) All Crispus' household Believed in the Lord.
c) The Corinthian Church pattern:-
1-They heard the Word of the Lord.
2-They Believed the Word of the Lord.
3-They got Baptised.
(Through this Second one I can clearly see that They Became Believers)
We know that ultimately the Victory we have is in Jesus Christ. It is a total and perfect Victory. The end of the Devil will be in eternal and terrible tormenting pain. We need to keep our focus always on Christ and on the Word of God. We have the Victory in Jesus Christ and let's not forget it.
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The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...

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