The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Saturday, January 31, 2015
The Struggles And Sins Of The Pergamos Church!
'The Struggles And Sins Of The Pergamos Church.'
Revelation 2:14-16.
a) Revelation 2:14. The Lord said that He has a few things against this Church.
b) Revelation 2:14. Because some of them continued to hold on to the Doctrine of Balaam.
c) Revelation 2:14. The Doctrine of Balaam was:-
4-Balaam was a prototype of all corrupt teachers.
d) Revelation 2:15. The Pergamos Church also followed the Doctrine of the Nicolaitans.
e) Revelation 2:15. God hated this Doctrine, it tried to dominate and conquer people's wills and was also accepting immorality.
f) Revelation 2:16. The Pergamos Church needed to repent.
g) Revelation 2:16. If they did not repent God was going to come to them quickly.
h) Revelation 2:16. God would fight against them.
i) Revelation 2:16. With the Sword of His Mouth.
j) 1 Peter 4:17. Judgment begins at the House of God.
(This QT teaches me about The Struggles And Sins Of The Pergamos Church)
'Selfless Apostleship.'
Philippians 1:25.
a) Apostle Paul was very confident and sure of this fact.
b) He would remain and continue with the Philippian Church.
c) This was for their:-
3-Joy of Faith.
(This Second one inspires me: Selfless Apostleship)
This Doctrine of Balaam is not just something we read of in the Early Church History. It is also pervading in the Churches today. Corruption is being exposed in some Churches, especially where the Spiritual Leadership is involved in business. Immorality is still being exposed in the leadership of Churches until now. There are so many forms of idolatry that is unprofitable for us to read a list of them. Let us Endeavour and Pray to get the Doctrine of Balaam out of the Churches.
The Christian Life!
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'The Place Where Our Offerings Should Go.' Leviticus 3:7. a) If he offers a lamb b) For his offering, c) Then he shall offer i...
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