The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Friday, January 16, 2015
The Lord Said 'Write'!
'The Lord Said "Write".'
Revelation 1:17-20.
a) Revelation 1:17. When John saw the Lord.
b) Revelation 1:17. He fell at His Feet as though dead.
c) Revelation 1:17. The Lord placed His Right Hand on John.
d) Revelation 1:17. The Lord said to John:-
1-Do not be afraid.
2-I am the First.
3-I am the Last.
e) Revelation 1:18. The Lord identifies Himself to John as the Living One Who was dead.
f) Revelation 1:18. The Lord called John to look.
g) Revelation 1:18. The Lord is now alive for ever and ever.
h) Revelation 1:18. The Lord now holds the keys of death and Hades.
i) Revelation 1:19. The Lord called John to write about what:-
1-He had seen.
2-Was the present.
3-Would take place later.
j) Revelation 1:20. The mystery of the seven stars that he saw in the Lord's Right Hand.
k) Revelation 1:20. And of the seven golden lampstands.
l) Revelation 1:20. Is this:
m) Revelation 1:20. The seven stars are the Angels of the Seven Churches.
n) Revelation 1:20. The seven lampstands are the Seven Churches.
(This QT teaches me what was revealed when The Lord said: "Write".)
'We Should Not Just Please Ourselves.'
Romans 15:1.
a) We who are strong.
b) Ought to bear.
c) With the failings of the weak.
d) Not Just to please ourselves.
(This Second one reminds me that I Should Not Just Please Myself)
Some good Christians, True Believers, concentrate on the future. They get caught up with all kinds of future prophetic teachings. There are other good Christians, True Believers, who concentrate far too much on the past. They waste people's time attempting to be overtly 'spiritual' attempting to delve into and bring 'healing' to people's inner man. The Lord wanted John also to write about the present. In our churches and ministries, let's not get caught up with the past and the future, but essentially minister in the present.
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