The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Weak Willled Shepherd Leaders!
'Weak Willed Shepherd Leaders."
Isaiah 56:9-12.
a) Isaiah 56:9. Beasts of the field and forest come to devour.
b) Isaiah 56:10. The watchmen are:-
c) Isaiah 56:11-12. The shepherds are:-
5-Revelling in drunkenness.
(This QT points out Weak Willed Shepherd Leaders)
'Grace And Care For The Handicapped Person.'
2 Samuel 9:1-7.
a) 2 Samuel 9:1. David wanted to show kindness to any of Saul's family that were left alive.
b) 2 Samuel 9:1. This was for Jonathan's sake.
c) 2 Samuel 9:2. There was a family servant of Saul's house named Ziba.
d) 2 Samuel 9:2. He was a good and willing servant.
e) 2 Samuel 9:3. King David asked Ziba if there was anyone remaining of the household of Saul to whom he could show the kindness of God.
f) 2 Samuel 9:3. Ziba's response was immediate.
g) 2 Samuel 9:3. He spoke about Jonathan's son who was lame in his feet.
h) 2 Samuel 9:4. The king established the location of this son.
i) 2 Samuel 9:5. King David had him brought into his royal presence.
j) 2 Samuel 9:6. His name was Mephibosheth.
k) 2 Samuel 9:6. He came very humbly before King David.
i) 2 Samuel 9:7. David Blessed Mephibosheth in several ways.
1-He told him not to fear.
2-He told him that he would show him kindness for his father Jonathan's sake.
3-He was going to restore to him all of Saul's land.
4-He would always be welcome to eat at David's table.
(This Second one reveals Grace And Care For The Handicapped Person)
Weak Willed Shepherd Leaders can do much damage to the Church. (the people whom they are supposed to lead) These Leaders are never ready to lead and never ready to make good and clear decisions. They allocate their responsibilities to other people in the Church and then live to regret it afterwards. Let us pray for weak - willed leaders to acknowledge their need and then to be strengthened by the Lord.
Endure Our Discipline From The Lord!
'Endure Our Discipline From The Lord.'
Hebrews 12:4-8.
a) Hebrews 12:4. We have struggled against sin.
b) Hebrews 12:4. But our struggles have not killed us.
c) Hebrews 12:5. We have forgotten the exhortation that the Lord speaks to us as His Children.
d) Hebrews 12:5. The Lord speaks to us as His Children.
e) Hebrews 12:5. He exhorts us not to despise His chastening.
f) Hebrews 12:5. He exhorts us not to be discouraged when we are rebuked by the Lord.
g) Hebrews 12:6. Whom the Lord loves, He chastens.
h) Hebrews 12:6. Whom the Lord selects as His Child, He severely disciplines.
i) Hebrews 12:7. If we endure chastening God deals with us as His Children.
j) Hebrews 12:7. What son is there that a Father does not chasten.
k) Hebrews 12:8. If we are without chastening then we are illegitimate children.
l) Hebrews 12:8. We are not a part of the Family.
(This QT calls me to Endure My Discipline From The Lord)
'Crippled By An Accident.'
2 Samuel 4:4.
a) Jonathan, Saul's son.
b) Had a son who was lame on his feet.
c) This happened when he was five years old.
d) His Nurse took him up to flee to Gittaim.
e) She was in a hurry, making haste.
f) He fell from her arms.
g) His Name was Mephibosheth.
(This Second one reveals Mephibosheth to me: Crippled By An Accident)
For the vast majority of us, our struggles that we go through in our lives as True Believers have not killed us. For most of us who have these 'struggle' experiences there is a growth motive from God inside the experience. Yes, there is sometimes pain to be endured. God has neither forgotten us or forsaken us, in the difficult times we need to continue to trust Him.
The Struggles And Sins Of The Pergamos Church!
'The Struggles And Sins Of The Pergamos Church.'
Revelation 2:14-16.
a) Revelation 2:14. The Lord said that He has a few things against this Church.
b) Revelation 2:14. Because some of them continued to hold on to the Doctrine of Balaam.
c) Revelation 2:14. The Doctrine of Balaam was:-
4-Balaam was a prototype of all corrupt teachers.
d) Revelation 2:15. The Pergamos Church also followed the Doctrine of the Nicolaitans.
e) Revelation 2:15. God hated this Doctrine, it tried to dominate and conquer people's wills and was also accepting immorality.
f) Revelation 2:16. The Pergamos Church needed to repent.
g) Revelation 2:16. If they did not repent God was going to come to them quickly.
h) Revelation 2:16. God would fight against them.
i) Revelation 2:16. With the Sword of His Mouth.
j) 1 Peter 4:17. Judgment begins at the House of God.
(This QT teaches me about The Struggles And Sins Of The Pergamos Church)
'Selfless Apostleship.'
Philippians 1:25.
a) Apostle Paul was very confident and sure of this fact.
b) He would remain and continue with the Philippian Church.
c) This was for their:-
3-Joy of Faith.
(This Second one inspires me: Selfless Apostleship)
This Doctrine of Balaam is not just something we read of in the Early Church History. It is also pervading in the Churches today. Corruption is being exposed in some Churches, especially where the Spiritual Leadership is involved in business. Immorality is still being exposed in the leadership of Churches until now. There are so many forms of idolatry that is unprofitable for us to read a list of them. Let us Endeavour and Pray to get the Doctrine of Balaam out of the Churches.
The Lord God The Gatherer!
'The Lord God The Gatherer.'
Isaiah 56:8.
a) The Lord God.
b) Who gathers the outcasts of Israel.
c) Says:
d) That He will gather and bring together others.
e) To join those people who are already gathered.
(This QT reveals to me The Lord God The Gatherer)
'Strongly Persuaded.'
2 Timothy 1:12.
a) Apostle Paul was suffering because he was telling other people the Good News.
b) Apostle Paul wrote that he was not ashamed.
c) Because he knew the One in Whom he had Believed.
d) He was:-
1-Strongly Persuaded.
e) That He was able to keep that which Apostle Paul committed to him.
f) Until that Day, the final Day of Judgment and Reward.
(Through this Second one I agree with Paul in that I Am Strongly Persuaded)
God loves to gather His People together. He does this firstly in His Church. The Church is supposed to be the Family of God, coming together to Worship Him. He also loves to gather His People to serve Him. Especially in the ministries of evangelism and other forms of outreach, when God gathers His People for that task. Thirdly, we are usually weak at this, God gathers True Believers together to demonstrate His Love (across the board) in the town or village community in which we live. Jesus, when on this Earth, was so obviously concerned about those who were 'outside'. As Churches so should we be.
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Consider Him And Do Not Be Discouraged!
'Consider Him And Do Not Be Discouraged.'
Hebrews 12:3.
a) Consider Him.
b) Who endured such hostility.
c) From Sinners.
d) This hostility was all against Himself.
e) Then you will not grow weary.
f) Also you will not grow faint-hearted.
(This QT urges me to Consider Him And Do Not Be Discouraged)
Being Fully Convinced.'
Romans 4:21.
a) Be fully convinced.
b) That what God has or had Promised.
c) He was and is also able to perform.
(This Second one Teaches me the necessity of Being Fully Convinced)
I am convinced that God does not want us to grow weary in the Ministry (or ministries) that He has Given to us. When we are weary we can retain all kinds of negative attitudes that can damage the Lord Work and our testimonies. Surely God wants us to have calm and peaceful hearts as we consider doing His Will. If we are considering Him then we can have calm and peaceful hearts.
Positive Aspects Of The Pergamos Church!
'Positive Aspects Of The Pergamos Church.'
Revelation 2:12-13.
a) To the Angel of the Church in Pergamos write.
b) These things says He Who has the sharp two-edged sword.
c) I know your works.
d) I know where you dwell.
e) You dwell where Satan's throne is.
f) You hold fast to the Name of the Lord.
g) You did not deny the Lord's Faith:-
1-Even in the days when Antipas was martyred.
2-He was martyred amongst the Church people.
3-Even in the place where Satan dwells.
(This QT reveals to me Positive Aspects Of The Pergamos Church)
'Convinced To Do Contrary Things.'
Acts 26:9.
a) Apostle Paul thought that he must do many things contrary to the Name of Jesus Christ.
b) Apostle Paul was convinced that he ought to do many things to oppose the Name of Jesus Christ.
c) Apostle Paul received Mercy.
d) Because he had acted ignorantly in unbelief.
e) Apostle Paul had formerly ravaged the Church.
f) He went from house to house.
g) Committing the people to prison.
(Through this Second one I understand how simple it is to be Convinced To Do Contrary Things)
The Lord knows our works. This can be a very comforting statement of Scripture for those people who are worshipping the Lord in a very difficult environment. Sometimes we receive "prayer bulletins" from such people and we can hardly understand their situation. The most important thing is that we can pray according to their prayer requests and thank God for their willingness to serve Him in such difficult circumstances.
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
The Foreigners Who Joined Themselves To The Lord!
'The Foreigners Who Joined Themselves To The Lord.'
Isaiah 56:6-7.
a) These foreigners have chosen to follow the Lord.
b) To Serve the Lord.
c) To Love the Name of the Lord.
d) To be the Lord's Servants.
e) They will keep the Sabbath as a special day of Worship.
f) They will hold fast to their Covenant with the Lord.
g) The Lord will bring them to His Holy Mountain.
h) The Lord will make them joyful in His House of Prayer.
i) The Lord will accept and be pleased by their offerings and sacrifices.
j) The Lord's House.
k) Will be called a House of Prayer for all Nations.
(This QT teaches me about The Foreigners Who Joined Themselves To The Lord)
'Everything In Its Place.'
Luke 20:6.
a) We should be careful what we should say about other Believer's beliefs.
b) The Baptism of John the Baptist was not just from men.
c) It was a Baptism of Repentance.
d) The people will not accept it if the Apostolic Team just say that John's Baptism was just from men.
e) All the people Believed that John was a Prophet.
(This Second one reminds me to keep Everything In Its Place in my conversations)
The Foreigners had chosen to follow the Lord. They would keep the Sabbath as a Special Day of Worship. This was a wonderful Testimony for the Glory of God. They became committed True Believers and they clearly followed the Lord's Way and not their own. It is very clear here that the Lord Himself is pleased with them and will lead them.
Keep Looking Unto Jesus!
'Keep Looking Unto Jesus.'
Hebrews 12:2.
a) We should be looking to Jesus.
b) The Author and Finisher of our Faith.
c) Who, having Joy set before Him.
d) Endured the Cross.
e) He despised the shame.
f) He is now sat down.
g) At the Right Hand of The Throne of God.
(This QT calls me to Keep Looking Unto Jesus)
'Serving God Acceptably.'
Hebrews 12:28.
a) We are receiving a Kingdom.
b) Which cannot be shaken.
c) Let us have Grace.
d) By which we may serve God acceptably.
e) With Reverence and Godly Fear.
(Through this Second one I want to be Serving God Acceptably)
Jesus despised the shame at the time of the Cross. He rejected being overcome with shame, even though it was a criminal's death. There are times when the Lord allows us to go through experiences that we do not understand. We are tempted to feel shame, we may feel tempted to hide. This is not what the Lord wants. He wants us to come to Him and trust Him.
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Listen To This!
'Listen To This.'
Revelation 2:11.
a) We need to listen.
b) To what the Holy Spirit is saying to the Churches.
c) If we overcome.
d) We shall not be hurt by the second death.
(This QT reminds me that I should Listen To This)
'The Words Of Glorified Abraham.'
Luke 16:31.
a) If your brothers will not listen to Moses.
b) If they will not listen to the prophets.
c) They will not be persuaded.
d) Even though someone comes back from the dead.
(This Second one reveals to me The Words Of Glorified Abraham)
There are many things said in the Bible that we deeply need to listen to. If we do not take time to ponder then we are prone to wander! There is so much Wisdom for Life in the Bible. If we apply this Wisdom to our lives we would surely live a happy and victorious life in Christ. There are so many things said in the Bible that we should never get tired of reading them and living them out.
The Eunuchs Who Kept God's Sabbaths!
'The Eunuchs Who Kept God's Sabbaths.'
Isaiah 56:4-5.
a) The Lord spoke to the Eunuchs:-
1-Who keep God's Sabbaths.
2-Who choose what pleases Him.
3-Who hold fast the Covenant of the Lord.
b) God will give to them in His House.
c) Within His Walls a place.
d) Within His Walls a name better than the name of sons and daughters.
e) The Lord will give to them.
f) An everlasting name.
g) That shall never be cut off.
(This is for The Eunuchs Who Kept God's Word)
'Be Fully Convinced.'
Romans 14:5.
a) One person esteems one day above another.
b) Another person esteems every day alike.
c) Let each person be fully convinced.
d) I their own mind.
(This Second one encourages me to Be Fully Convinced)
God gives gifts and ministries in His House. We need to, firstly, ensure that the appointments in God's House are not man made. It is a big temptation and mistake to do what we want to do or appoint who we want to appoint. We need to always pray and seek God for His appointments. God's gifts and ministries are really the best.
Monday, January 26, 2015
Run With Endurance!
'Run With Endurance.'
Hebrews 12:1.
a) We also.
b) Are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses.
c) We need to lay aside every weight.
d) We need to lay aside the sin that so easily ensnares us.
e) We need to run with endurance.
f) The race that is set before us.
(This QT urges me to Run With Endurance)
'Unity Brings Victory.'
Judges 7:23.
a) The men of Israel gathered together.
b) From Naphtali, Asher and all Manasseh.
c) They pursued the Midianites.
(This Second one helps me realise that Unity Brings Victory)
The Christian Life is not a sprinting race, it is a lifetime race. We need to be ready to race every day. Whatever our activity, or lack of activity, we cannot count ourselves out of the race. The most important thing to do in this race is to obey our Master and Lord, Jesus Christ. We should not become distracted, we should run the race.
Be Faithful And Do Not Fear!
'Be Faithful And Do Not Fear.'
Revelation 2:10.
a) Do not fear.
b) Any of the things that you are about to suffer.
c) The Devil is about to throw many of you into prison.
d) It is a time of testing.
e) There will be tribulation for ten days.
f) Be Faithful unto death.
g) The Lord will give you a Crown of Life.
(This QT urges me to Be Faithful And Do Not Fear)
'The Power Of The Trumpets.'
Judges 7:22.
a) When the three hundred men blew their trumpets.
b) The Lord set every man's sword against his companion.
c) This happened throughout the whole camp.
d) The enemy army fled as far as Beth Acacia.
e) Towards Zererah.
f) As far as the border of Abel Meholah.
g) By Tabbath.
(This Second one teaches me about The Power Of The Trumpets)
There will be tribulation for ten days. The Lord knows about all the tribulation that we will be called to face. He wants us to know that He will be with us through and in tribulation. Tribulation is not a punishment from God. If we are walking with the Lord the tribulations that we face will help us to grow in Faith and persistence.
Sunday, January 25, 2015
They Shall Not Complain Anymore!
'They Shall Not Complain Anymore.'
Isaiah 56:3.
a) The foreigners.
b) Who have joined themselves to the Lord.
c) The sons of the foreigners.
d) Who Worship the Lord.
e) They will:-
1-Never say that the Lord has utterly separated them from His People.
2-Must not say, if they are eunuchs, that they are like dried up trees.
3-It means that they shall not complain anymore.
(This QT is a reminder to me that I Shall Not Complain Anymore)
'The Enemy Fled.'
Judges 7:21.
a) Gideon's army.
b) Stayed in their positions.
c) They were all around the camp.
d) The enemy soldiers:-
2-Cried out.
(This Second one reveals to me a Victory: The Enemy Fled)
When people from a non-believing background come to the Lord then changes will begin to take place in their lives. As they continually walk with the Lord, so the process of change that comes from God also continues in their lives. These people have a change of heart, a change of motives, and a change of priorities in their lives. It is a wonderful thing to come to the Lord.
Our Rescuing Deliverer!
'Our Rescuing Deliverer.'
2 Timothy 4:18.
a) The Lord will deliver me from every evil work.
b) The Lord will rescue me from every evil action.
c) The Lord will preserve me for His Heavenly Kingdom.
d) To Him be Glory forever and ever.
e) Amen.
(This QT reveals My Rescuing Deliverer)
'A Wonderful Plan.'
Judges 7:19-20.
a) Gideon and his one hundred men.
b) Moved to the outpost of the enemy camp.
c) It was at the beginning of the middle watch of the night.
d) The guards of the camp had just changed shift.
e) Gideon and his army blew their trumpets.
f) They smashed the jars that were in their hands.
g) All three units of Gideon's army blew their trumpets and smashed their jars.
h) They all held torches.
i) They all continued to blow their trumpets.
j) This army cried out: "the sword of the Lord and of Gideon."
(This Second is A Wonderful Plan)
The Word "Amen" expresses agreement with what has been prayed or said in a Christian environment. It is a strong word in that expressing agreement means unity and unity is just what is needed in the Churches today. Before we exclaim "Amen" we should always remember its meaning and not just saying it by habit.
The First And The Last Knows!
'The First And The Last Knows.'
Revelation 2:8-9.
a) The Lord is sending His Message.
b) To the Church in Smyrna.
c) These are the Words of:-
1-The First.
2-The Last.
3-The One Who was dead.
4-The One Who came to life.
d) He knew that they were rich, and yet they had:-
1-Their Works.
6-Pressing trouble.
e) He knew the blasphemy of those people who claimed to be Jews but were not.
f) They came from the synagogue of Satan.
(Through this QT I am confident that The First And The Last Knows)
'Trumpets Brought Victory.'
Judges 7:18.
a) Gideon gave the instruction.
b) Gideon also participated in the battle.
c) Gideon was not just an observing Leader.
d) Gideon was a participating Leader.
e) Gideon would blow the trumpet together with those people who were with him.
f) Then everyone else in Gideon's army.
g) Would blow their trumpets on every side of the camp.
h) The Army of Gideon shouted:
i) The Sword of the Lord and of Gideon.
(Through this Second one I am amazed that Trumpets Brought Victory)
Jesus Christ our Lord is the On Who came back to life. One of His Names is "The Resurrection And The Life". Jesus Christ rose from the dead to die no more. He is the Author of our Eternal Salvation. From His present place at the Father's Right Hand Jesus Christ sees all things and knows all things. This fact brings me both Hope and Comfort.
Blessed Is The One Who Does This!
'Blessed Is The One Who Does This.'
Isaiah 56:1-2.
a) This is the Word of the Lord.
b) We should keep Justice.
c) We should do Righteousness.
d) For the Lord's Salvation is about to come.
e) The Lord's Righteousness is to be revealed.
f) We will be Blessed if we do this.
g) We will be Blessed if we lay hold on this.
h) We will be Blessed if we do not defile our Sabbath.
i) We will be Blessed if we keep our hand from doing any evil.
(This QT teaches me that Blessed Is The One Who Does This)
'Look And Learn.'
Judges 7:17.
a) Gideon said to his army that they were to look on him.
b) And do like wise.
c) They were to watch.
d) They were to behold.
e) When Gideon brought them to the edge of the enemy camp.
f) They were to do as Gideon did.
This is a Blessed thought for me as I prepare QT before going to the Sunday Worship. The Lord's Righteousness is to be revealed. I long to experience more of this manifestation in my own life and in our home. This is my Prayer also for Church today. I desire to see the Lord's Righteousness revealed. If this happens, then surely there will be other manifestations from the Goodness of God.
Saturday, January 24, 2015
The Witness Of Our Charge!
'The Witness Of Our Charge.'
2 Timothy 4:1.
a) All True Believers who follow and serve God.
b) Have received a Charge.
c) It is correct to know what our Charge is.
d) The Charge is given to us before God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
e) It is Christ Who will Judge the living and the dead.
f) At His Appearing.
g) And at His Kingdom.
(This QT teaches me about The Witness Of Our Charge)
'Gideon's Army Had Simple Weapons.'
Judges 7:16.
a) They were divided into three groups of 100.
b) Gideon put a trumpet into every man's hand.
c) He gave them empty pitchers.
d) He gave them torches to go inside the pitchers.
(This Second one reveals that Gideon's Army Had Simple Weapons)
It is Christ Who will Judge the living and the dead. We need to understand that every person who was ever created on this Earth will have to face Christ as their Judge, Face to face. This is a very necessary part of the Gospel, it has nothing to do with Salvation itself, it has to do with works. It has to do with Godly Fruit in our lives.
For Victorious People!
'For Victorious People.'
Revelation 2:7.
a) The person who has ears.
b) Should hear.
c) What the Holy Spirit says.
d) To the Churches.
e) To the person who is Victorious.
f) Jesus will give them the right.
g) To eat from the tree of life.
h) This Church grows in the Paradise of God.
(Through this QT I have a Holy desire: For Victorious People)
'Motivated By A Dream.'
Judges 7:13-14.
a) Gideon arrived at the enemy camp just as a man was telling his friend about his dream.
b) In his dream he saw.
c) A round loaf of barley bread.
d) Came tumbling into the Midianite camp.
e) It struck the tent with such force.
f) That the tent overturned and collapsed.
g) The man's friend responded.
h) That this could be nothing other than the sword of Gideon, son of Joash, the Israelite.
i) God has given the Midianites and the whole camp into his hands.
(This Second one shows me what it is to be Motivated By A Dream)
If we are True Believers then we should be able to know what the Holy Spirit is saying to the Church or Churches. It is clear from the Word of God (the Bible) that God desires to speak to the Churches that are willing to listen to Him. The problem is either people do not realise, or reject the thought, that the Holy Spirit can speak to the Church today.
Friday, January 23, 2015
This Will Endure Forever!
'This Will Endure Forever.'
Isaiah 55:12-13.
a) God's People will go out with Joy.
b) God's People will be led forth in Peace.
c) The mountains and hills.
d) Will burst into song.
e) Before God's People.
f) All the trees of the field.
g) Will clap their hands.
h) Instead of the thorn bush.
i) The Juniper tree will grow.
k) Instead of briers.
l) The myrtle tree will grow.
m) This will be for the Lord's Renown.
n) For an everlasting sign.
o) That will not be cut off.
(This QT shows me that This Will Endure Forever)
'The Huge Camp.'
Judges 7:12.
a) When Gideon and Purah arrived at the camp.
b) This was the situation:-
1-The Midianites settled in the valley.
2-The Amalekites settled in the valley.
3-All other Eastern people groups settled in the valley.
4-They were like locusts for multitude.
c) It was impossible to count all the camels that were there.
(This Second one teaches me about Faith being challenged: The Huge Camp)
All the other Eastern people groups settled in the Valley. The 'People of the East' have played a very significant and positive part in my life. From the early days in Malaysia, more than 30 years ago, to Hong Kong and then R of Korea. Visiting also many different Nations of the Orient. I love these people, their commitment to the Lord, and their potential as Messengers of Christ to the Nations.
Then The End Will Come!
'Then The End Will Come.'
1 Corinthians 15:24.
a) Then the end will come.
b) When Jesus Christ hands over the Kingdom.
c) To God the Father.
d) After He has destroyed all:-
(This QT teaches me that Then The End Will Come)
'Listen And Be Encouraged.'
Judges 7:11.
a) God told Gideon and Purah to listen.
b) Especially listen to what the enemies were saying in their camp.
c) Then they will be encouraged.
d) They will realise that they are strong enough.
e) Then Gideon and Purah went down to the outposts of the camp.
f) They went to listen.
(This Second one calls me to Listen And Be Encouraged)
The words 'dominate' and 'dominion' are clearly related. There is so much dominion within the World system, even today. It is not just an historical issue but also a current day issue. May Nations, that even call themselves 'democracies' actually have a system of dominion over the people. When the end comes, all the dominion will cease.
Thursday, January 22, 2015
The Practices And Works Of The Nicolaitans!
'The Practices And Works Of The Nicolaitans.'
Revelation 2:6.
a) The Ephesian Church hated these practices.
b) God Himself also hated these practices.
c) The practices and works were:-
1-As disciples of Nicolas they had unrestrained appetites for unlawful food.
2-They had unrestrained immoral sexual desire.
3-They had departed from correct Doctrine.
4-They were deceived into thinking that they were presenting an "improved" and "modernised" form of Christianity.
(This QT explains to me about The Practises And Works Of The Nicolaitans)
'God's Answer To Gideon's Fear.'
Judges 7:10.
a) God knew that Gideon was afraid.
b) He was afraid of going alone to spy on the enemy camp.
c) The fear was not to stop him from going there.
d) God told Gideon to take Purah, his servant, with him to go there.
e) Fellowship helps us to overcome fear.
(This Second one shows me God's Answer To Gideon's Fear)
It is amazing how food has caused many True Believers to fall down in some spiritual or emotional way. The original temptation of Eve and Adam was to do with food. Gluttony can really negatively influence the life of a True Believer. Even Ministers can get caught in the trap of gluttony if the do not guard themselves and monitor the invitations they receive from the Church members. Self control, not refusal, can really be beneficial at such times.
The Accomplishment Of God's Word!
'The Accomplishment Of God's Word.'
Isaiah 55:10-11.
a) As the rain and snow come down from Heaven.
b) They do not return there.
c) They water the Earth.
d) They make the Earth:-
3-Bring forth.
5-Give seed for the sower.
6-Give bread for the eater.
e) God's Word that goes out of His Mouth.
f) Shall not return to Him empty.
g) It will:-
1-Accomplish what He Desires.
2-Accomplish what He Purposes.
3-Prosper in the thing for which He Sent It.
(This QT reminds me of The Accomplishment Of God's Word)
'When God Speaks.'
Judges 7:9.
a) It was during the night.
b) That the Lord spoke to Gideon.
c) The Lord said three things to Gideon:-
1-Get up.
2-Go down against the camp.
3-I am going to give it into your hands.
(This Second one shows me that When God Speaks He Speaks clearly)
The result of the rain and snow coming upon the Earth is that the Earth will bud. When I look at buds I think of New Life. God not only gives us New Life when the Holy Spirit and Word of God work in our hearts like the rain and snow, He also produces New Life in nature, especially the trees and plants in the spring time.
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Worthy Of The Kingdom Of God!
'Worthy Of The Kingdom Of God.'
2 Thessalonians 1:5.
a) There is evidence that God's Judgment is correct.
b) This evidence is (vv3-4):-
1-Growing Faith.
2-Increasing Love.
3-Enduring persecutions and trials.
c) As a result of God's Judgement.
d) The Thessalonian Church would be counted.
e) Worthy of the Kingdom of God.
(Through this QT my desire is to be Worthy Of The Kingdom Of God)
'Few, But Well Equipped.'
Judges 7:8.
a) Apart from the three hundred men.
b) Gideon sent the remainder of the Israelites home.
c) These three hundred men kept the provisions and trumpets of the others who were sent home.
d) The camp of Midian was below them in the valley.
(This Second one teaches me that it is good to have a team that may be Few, But Well Equipped)
All True Believers, in some way and at some time, will face persecutions and trials that the Lord has called them to endure. It is not always wise to change a plan simply because we know that there is a difficult time ahead. There are times that, instead of quitting or moving because of persecutions and trials, God actually wants us to stay.
Remember And Consider!
'Remember And Consider.'
Revelation 2:4-5.
a) The Lord had something against the Church in Ephesus.
b) They had forsaken.
c) They had abandoned.
d) The love that they had at first.
e) They were to remember and consider.
f) How far they had fallen.
g) They were to repent.
h) They were to do the things that they did at first.
i) If they did not repent.
j) The Lord would come to them.
k) The Lord would remove their lampstand from its place.
(This QT calls me to Remember And Consider)
'The Lapping Test.'
Judges 7:4-7.
a) Judges 7:4. The Lord gave instructions to Gideon.
b) Judges 7:4. There were still too many men in his army.
c) Judges 7:4. He was to take all his men down to the water.
d) Judges 7:4. The Lord would sift out Gideon's men at the water.
e) Judges 7:4. The Lord would say clearly that this man will go with you against the Midianites.
f) Judges 7:4. And this man will not go.
g) Judges 7:5. Gideon took the men down to the water.
h) Judges 7:5. At the water the Lord told Gideon what to do.
i) Judges 7:5. Gideon was to separate those men who lapped the water in the same way that a dog laps.
j) Judges 7:5. From those men who knelt down to drink.
k) Judges 7:6. Three hundred men lapped like dogs.
l) Judges 7:6. All the rest of the men knelt down to drink.
m) Judges 7:7. Then the Lord said to Gideon.
n) Judges 7:7. With the three hundred men that lapped.
o) Judges 7:7. The Lord would save His People.
p) Judges 7:7. The Lord would give the Midianites into Gideon's hands.
q) Judges 7:7. Gideon was to let all the other men go back to their homes.
(This Second one Teaches me about The Lapping Test)
The Lord gave instructions to Gideon. Those instructions were very clear and easy both to understand and to obey. This is the way in which the Lord always gives His instructions, because He desires that we understand them. After the Lord gives us instructions we should simply obey what He says.
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Our Thoughts And Ways!
'Our Thoughts And Ways.'
Isaiah 55:8-9.
a) The Lord declares that:
b) His thoughts are not our thoughts.
c) Our ways are not His ways.
d) As the heavens are higher than the Earth.
e) So the Lord's ways are higher than our ways.
f) The Lord's thoughts are higher than our ways.
(This QT makes me consider My Thoughts And Ways)
'The Fearful And Trembling Should Not Fight.'
Judges 7:3.
a) This was a time when the Lord was preparing His People for a battle.
b) They were the Lord's Army.
c) Getting ready to do His Will.
d) Gideon had to make a proclamation.
e) From the Lord to His Army.
f) Whoever is fearful and trembling please return home.
g) They were to leave Mount Gilead.
h) Twenty two thousand men left to go home.
i) Ten thousand men remained.
(This QT teaches me that The Fearful And Trembling Should Not Fight)
It is good for us to sometimes consider our thoughts and ways. Maybe a good time to do this is before we go to Church, or gather together with other True Believers. The Desire of the Lord is that we walk humbly with Him and obey Him. There are occasions in both the Old and New Testaments when the Lord calls us to consider our thoughts and ways.
Paul's Hebrew Christian Co-Workers!
'Paul's Hebrew Christian Co-Workers.'
Colossians 4:11.
a) Jesus Justus was one of Paul's Hebrew Christian Co-Workers.
b) There were a few Hebrew Christians among Paul's Co-Workers.
c) They worked for the extension of the Kingdom of God.
d) They proved a relief for Paul.
e) They proved a comfort for Paul.
(This QT teaches me about Paul's Hebrew Christian Co-Workers)
'Gideon And The Lord In The Early Morning.'
Judges 7:1-2.
a) It was early morning.
b) Gideon (Jerub-Baal) and all of his men.
c) Camped at the spring of Harod.
d) The camp of Midian.
e) Was north of them in the valley.
f) Near the hill of Moreh.
g) The Lord spoke to Gideon.
h) The Lord told Gideon that he had too many men.
i) The Lord could not deliver Midian into their hands.
j) If He did, then Israel would boast against the Lord.
k) That their own strength had saved them.
(This Second one reveals an encounter between Gideon And The Lord In The Early Morning)
There were a few Hebrew Christians among Paul's Co-Workers. Even way back in the times of the New Testament the Lord moved amongst the various peoples that had been evangelised and accepted the Message of the Gospel. It is very evident in Acts 2 that God's intention was (and still is) to reach the Nations with the Gospel. One of the results of this should be multi-ethnic Churches within multi-ethnic communities.
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The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...

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'The Place Where Our Offerings Should Go.' Leviticus 3:7. a) If he offers a lamb b) For his offering, c) Then he shall offer i...
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