Saturday, December 22, 2012

They Needed To Become Sound!

They Needed To Become Sound.
Titus 1:12-14.
a)  Titus 1:12. The Cretan Prophet said of his own people that they were:-
1- Always liars.
2- Evil beasts.
3- Lazy gluttons.
b)  Titus 1:13. Apostle Paul said that this information was true.
c)  Titus 1:13. These Cretan Christians needed to be rebuked sharply so that they could become sound in the Faith.
d)  Titus 1:14. These Cretan Christians had become devoted to Jewish myths. (Rather than the Truths of Gods Word)
e)  Titus 1:14. These Cretan Christians Had been listening to the commands of people who turn away from the Faith.
(Through this QT I know of the Cretan Christians that They Needed to Become Sound)
We Should Treasure The Correct Way.
2 Timothy 1:13-14.
a)  We should set examples for the next generation of True Believers by living and speaking correctly.
b)  We should remain in the Faith and Love that are in our union with Christ Jesus.
c)  The good things that have been entrusted to us we should guard and keep by the Holy Spirit.
(This Second one reminds me that I Should Treasure The Correct Way)
Apostle Paul said and wrote that the information he had received of the Cretian Christians was true. I rarely use the word Christian when referring to True Believers because the word Christian has become vague and that is spiritually dangerous because some hell bound people think that they are not going hell because they are Christian, this, to me is a huge tragedy and great failing of the Church and the Churches missionaries. Jesus told us to make disciples and not just give people labels.

Unusual Miracles!

  'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a)  And God was doing  b)  Extraordinary miracles c)  By the hands of Paul, d)  So that even han...