‘Bribery Is Sin.’
a) Proverbs 21:14. A gift in secret averts anger.
b) Proverbs 21:14. A concealed bribe in the bosom averts strong wrath.
c) Proverbs 17:23. Wicked people take bribes to pervert the course of Justice.
d) Job 15:34. Fire consumes the tents of bribery.
(Through this QT I am reminded that Bribery Is Sin)
‘Before We Knew Christ.’
Titus 3:3.
a) We were foolish.
b) We were disobedient.
c) We were led astray.
d) We were slaves to various passions and pleasures.
e) We were passing our days in malice.
f) We were passing our days in envy.
g) We were despicable.
h) We were hating other people.
(This Second one makes me so grateful that I know Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour: Before I Knew Christ)
Before we knew Christ! Every True Believer has a time in their life which they talk about as the time before they knew Christ. Many of the things that happened during that time are things which we know are now forgiven and covered by the Love of God and the Blood of Jesus Christ. Our life as a True Believer is usually far from easy but we trust in the Word of God, the Grace of God and the Atoning Blood of Jesus Christ to keep us and answer for us.