‘Acquire Honestly.’
Proverbs 21:6.
a) The acquisition of treasures is not forbidden in the Bible is it is done honestly.
b) We are not to acquire treasures with and by a lying tongue.
c) If we acquire treasures with and by a lying tongue they will be a fleeting vapour.
d) If we acquire treasures with and by a lying tongue we are following the pursuit of death.
(Through this QT I can see that the only way to acquire something is to Acquire Honestly)
‘The Result Of Christ’s Authority Over All Flesh’
John 17:2.
a) God the Father has given Jesus Christ Authority over all flesh.
b) For all the people that God the Father has given to Jesus Christ there is something special.
c) All these people are given Eternal Life by Jesus Chris.
(Through this Second one I find with Joy The Result Of Christ’s Authority Over All Flesh)
The only way to acquire something is to acquire it honestly. People think that they are “clever” when they make dishonest gains. I have met and heard people who boast about their dishonest gains and achievements. In the Old Testament we can read the true story of the time when God saw Moses kill the Egyptian, even though he thought no one was looking, God saw everything. It is exactly the same with our dishonest gains, God sees everything.