The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Big “No No’s” For All True Believers!
‘Big “No No’s” For All True Believers.’
Ephesians 5:3-7.
a) Ephesians 5:3. The things that are not even to be named among us and are not proper for True Believers:-
1- Sexual immorality.
2- Impurity.
3- Covetousness.
b) Ephesians 5:4. Things that are not correct for us.
1- Filthiness.
2- Foolish talk.
3- Crude joking.
c) Ephesians 5:4. Let there be Thanksgiving coming from our hearts and mouths.
d) Ephesians 5:5. We can be sure that these people have no inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ or of God:-
1- Sexually immoral.
2- Impure.
3- Covetous.
e) Ephesians 5:6. Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience.
f) Ephesians 5:7. We, as True Believers, should not become partners with these people.
(This QT clearly teaches me Big “No No’s For All True Believers)
‘Submit To The Son Over Us.’
Hebrews 3:6-8.
a) Hebrews 3:6. Christ is Faithful as a Son over God’s House.
b) Hebrews 3:6. We are God’s House if we keep on being very sure about our great Hope.
c) Hebrews 3:7. We should listen to what the Holy Spirit says.
d) Hebrews 3:8. The Holy Spirit tells us not to be stubborn as in the past. In the past we turned against God and tested Him when we were in the desert.
(This Second one reminds me to Submit To The Son Over Me)
Sexual immorality is something we should not be talking or gossiping about in the fellowship of True Believers. If this sin occurs within the Church it needs to be dealt with in a proper way. If we have any struggles in the area of sexual immorality we need to be restored in our relationship with God first before making any further decisions about our life and future. Normally this restoration process includes another mature True Believer who knows all the facts and is helping us.
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