The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Good Friends!
‘Good Friends.’
a) Proverbs 17:17. Love at all times and are loyal.
b) Proverbs 18:24. Are closer than a blood brother.
c) 1 Samuel 18:3; 20:17. Make promises that they will keep.
d) 1 Samuel 23:16. Encourage each other in their Faith.
e) John 15:13. Are willing to lay down their life for their friends.
(This QT teaches me the reality of Good Friends)
‘If Christ Lives In Us By The Holy Spirit.’
Romans 8:10-11.
a) Our bodies are dead because of sin.
b) Our spirit is alive because of Righteousness.
c) If the Holy Spirit lives in us then the same Holy Spirit will give life to our human bodies – new life in Christ.
(This Second one helps me to understand my life If Christ Lives In Me By The Holy Spirit)
We all need good friends. The best place for us to have good friends is in the Church. This kind of pure friendship between True Believers can make us strong in Faith and strong in the Lord. If this is so, we can reach out to the lost people and people in the World System and befriend them for Christ’s sake.
Monday, May 30, 2011
What A Comparison!
‘What A Comparison!’
Philippians 3:8.
a) All things that Apostle Paul once thought were so important were gone from his life.
b) He was much “better off” knowing Jesus Christ as Lord.
c) There was nothing compared with the high privilege of knowing Jesus Christ as Master.
d) Because of Christ Apostle Paul considers everything else as worthless.
e) Apostle Paul threw his old lifestyle away to gain Christ.
(In this QT: What A Comparison, I see a wonderful example for modern day important people who want to follow Jesus)
‘After Job Lost Everything.’
Job 1:20-21.
a) He was in grief.
b) He turned to God and Worshipped.
c) He declared that the Lord had given and the Lord had taken away.
d) He Praised the Name of the Lord.
(This Second one shows me what happened After Job Lost Everything)
Jesus Christ as Master! This is a phrase that is not commonly used today and yet it a significant and meaningful title for Him. He is Master of everything and over everyone. When we truly acknowledge Him as our Master we can be sure of Him leading us in His Will as His Servants.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
All Are One In Christ!
‘All Are One In Christ.’
Galatians 2:11-16.
a) Galatians 2:11. Apostle Paul opposed Peter because at this time he was completely wrong.
b) Galatians 2:12-13. He joined in Jewish hypocrisy and even changed his eating habits.
c) Galatians 2:14-15. Apostle Paul clearly corrected Peter and spoke against what he was doing.
d) Galatians 2:16. He spoke about the necessity of Faith in Christ. No one is Saved by doing religious works.
(Through this QT I rejoice that All Are One In Christ)
‘Peter’s Total Commitment.’
John 21:18-19.
a) Jesus told Peter guaranteed Truth about his future.
b) In his old age Peter would be held a captive prisoner.
c) Peter’s death would Glorify Jesus.
d) Then Jesus restored Peter from his failure and called him to follow Him,
(This QT teaches me about Peter’s Total Commitment, he made many mistakes as a Believer, but Jesus loved him and he became the author of part of God’s Holy Word)
Apostle Paul clearly corrected Peter and Peter eventually accepted that correction. Peter’s understanding of God’s Word and Jewish people was incorrect. He was mistaken and restored. Peter was a good man not a bad man, he was affirmed by Jesus. When restoring people who have gone into incorrect doctrine we need to look at this example.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
It Is Pointless!
‘It Is Pointless.’
Proverbs 17:16.
a) For a fool to have money in their hand.
b) Wanting to buy Wisdom.
c) When this fool does not have the mind to retain it.
(This QT shows me that It Is Pointless)
‘Powerful Redemption.’
Galatians 3:13.
a) Christ paid the price at the Cross to free us from the curse that God’s Law brings.
b) Christ became cursed instead of us.
c) The Scripture says that everyone who is hung on a tree is cursed.
(Through this Second one I thank God for Powerful Redemption)
We are Redeemed with Powerful Redemption if we are True Believers. It means that we have accepted the fact of and repented from our total sinfulness. We utterly depend on the Power of the Cross and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ to give us New Life.
a) 1 Corinthians 15:56-57. Spiritually comes from sin that has a power which can only be broken through Jesus Christ.
b) Ecclesiastes 12:7. Is the termination of life.
c) Psalm 104:29; Genesis 3:19. Occurs when God takes away our breath.
d) 2 Corinthians 5:1. Is the Gateway to Heaven for the True Believer.
e) 2 Peter 3:9. God wants everyone to repent before they face it.
f) Philippians 1:23. For the True Believer it means going to be with Christ.
g) Luke 2:29. For True Believers the Promise of God is that we might die in Peace.
h) Romans 8:6; Ephesians 2:1-3; Colossians 2:13. When the sinful nature controls to our mind it leads to spiritual death.
(This QT makes me want to be ready always for my time of Death)
‘Jesus’ Insistence About Water Baptism.’
Matthew 3:16.
a) Jesus said to John that His Baptism had to be carried out.
b) There was some urgency it was the correct time – now.
c) It was the proper thing to do fulfil all Righteousness.
d) It was something that God required.
e) Then John consented to Baptise Jesus.
(Through this Second one: Jesus’ Insistence About Water Baptism, I am reminded of the importance of this meaningful ritual even to this day)
God wants everyone to repent before they face death. This is definitely not a popular statement in most parts of the World but it is a very necessary one. A phrase I heard a long time ago “stuck” with me, it is: “No repentance – no Salvation.” How true, how clear! This is why the Bible commands everyone to repent.
Friday, May 27, 2011
The Good Suggestion Of James, Peter And John!
‘The Good Suggestion Of James, Peter And John.’
Galatians 2:10.
a) They made this suggestion to Paul and Barnabas.
b) Paul and Barnabas were to remember to help the Gentile poor people.
c) Apostle Paul was certainly eager to do this.
(This QT shows God’s Heart for the poor: The Good Suggestion Of James, Peter And John)
‘Guaranteed Truth.’
John 5:24.
a) Those people who listen to the Message of the Lord Jesus.
b) They also Believe in God Who sent Him.
c) Will have Eternal Life.
d) They will not be condemned for their sins.
e) They have already passed from death to life.
(This Second one thrills me with Guaranteed Truth)
We have been looking in several recent QT times at the Epistle of Paul to the Galatian Church. We remember that Paul was the Apostle to the heathen Gentiles whose varied religious practices were very different to the Jewish norm of worship and practice. In the Jewish culture the poor were always taken care of by God’s Law. The Gentiles had no such provision that is why this instruction was given to Paul and Barnabas, they were to help the poor Gentiles.
God Really Does Not Like It!
‘God Really Does Not Like It.’
Proverbs 17:15.
a) The person who approves of and justifies wicked people.
b) The person who condemns Righteous people.
c) These people are disgusting to the Lord and an abomination to Him.
(This QT simply shows me that God Really Does Not Like It)
‘The People Vainly Battle Against God.’
Joel 3:10.
a) They beat their plough blades into swords.
b) They beat their pruning hooks into spears.
c) The weak people vainly proclaim that they are strong.
(Through this Second I know that The People Vainly Battle Against God, He will defeat them every time)
The People vainly battle against God. The Battle against God can be sometimes very obvious when people who hate God and True Believers try to eradicate them through persecution. Sometimes it can be proud Christians who are fighting against God’s Will being done in the Church. Finally it can be individual Believers who resist the Will of God and end up trying to battle against Him. The fact is: God wins every time.
The Miracle With Salt!
‘The Miracle With Salt.’
2 Kings 2:20-21.
a) Elisha called for a jar with salt in.
b) They brought it to him.
c) Elisha went to the spring of bad water and threw the salt into it.
d) Then Elisha brought the Word of the Lord.
e) The Lord said:-
1- He has healed and purified the water.
2- There would be no more deaths.
3- There would be no more unproductive land or crop failur
(This QT shows me The Miracle With Salt and reminds me that Jesus said that we are salt on this Earth)
‘God Can Do It.’
Exodus 14:21.
a) Moses had Faith and stretched his hand over the sea.
b) All that night the Lord pushed the sea back with a strong east wind.
c) The sea became dry ground.
d) The sea waters were divided.
(This Second one reminds me that God Can Do It)
Elisha went to the spring of bad water and threw the salt into it. Moses had Faith and stretched out his hand over the sea. The Bible says that without Faith it is impossible to please God. Lord, please increase my Faith.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Clear Direction And Calling!
‘Clear Direction And Calling.’
Galatians 2:7-9.
a) Galatians 2:7. Apostle Paul was recognised by the Church Elders in Jerusalem as an Apostle to the Gentiles. He was affirmed as such. Apostle Peter’s calling was to preach the Gospel to the Jewish people.
b) Galatians 2:8. This was the Lord’s appointment – not manmade choice.
c) Galatians 2:9. There was complete harmony amongst the Church Leaders and Apostles about these decisions.
(Through this QT I can see the Clear Direction And Calling of the Early Church Leaders and I pray that the same might be manifested today)
‘The Genesis Flood.’
Genesis 7:10-12.
a) The flood came upon the Earth.
b) When Noah was six hundred years old all of the springs at the bottom of the oceans burst open and God opened the sky.
c) Rain came pouring down on the earth for forty days and nights.
(This Second one has me in awe of God: The Genesis Flood)
Apostle Paul was recognised by the Church Elders in Jerusalem. This is an important principle for all Christian Ministries, they need to be recognised by Denominational or significant Church Leaders. Those who call themselves “Prophets” “Evangelists” or “Apostles” really need this kind of care so that their ministries can progress Biblically and well.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
It Is Wise To Keep Good Relationships!
‘It Is Wise To Keep Good Relationships.’
Proverbs 17:13-14.
a) The person who gives evil in return for good will always have trouble in their home.
b) Starting a quarrel is like opening a floodgate.
c) Stop quarrelling before it gets out of control and becomes a fight.
(This QT reminds me that It Is Wise To Keep Good Relationships)
‘Sheer Practical Christianity.’
Galatians 6:1-10.
a) Galatians 6:1. If a person in the Church does something wrong then the spiritual people in the Church should turn that person away from their wrongdoing. This should be done in a gentle way lest the spiritual people are also tempted to do wrong.
b) Galatians 6:2. By carrying each others’ burdens we follow Christ’s Teachings.
c) Galatians 6:3. If anyone thinks that they are important when really they are not important, they are fooling themselves.
d) Galatians 6:4. Each person should judge their own actions and not compare themselves with other people. They should be well pleased with their own achievements.
e) Galatians 6:5. Each person should be responsible for themselves.
f) Galatians 6:6. The person who is being taught the Word of God should share good things with their Teacher.
g) Galatians 6:7. Do not make any mistake about this, we cannot deceive God, whatever we plant we shall harvest.
h) Galatians 6:8. If we plant to satisfy our sinful and corrupt selves then that sinful and corrupt self will bring us ruin.
i) Galatians 6:8. If we plant to please the Holy Spirit, we will receive Eternal Life from the Holy Spirit.
j) Galatians 6:9. We must not become tired of doing good. We will receive our harvest of Eternal Life at the right time if we do not give up.
k) Galatians 6:10. Whenever we have the opportunity to help anyone we should do it. We should give special attention (but not exclusively) to God’s Family.
(In this Second one I find Sheer Practical Christianity and I am challenged)
We should not plant to satisfy our sinful and corrupt selves. Even in Church we are sometimes very calculative with our seeming “generosity” and relationships. We sow and plant in a way so that really we are looking after our sinful and corrupt selves. God is not pleased with such behaviour, maybe our flesh could possibly be satisfied with the result, but our actually Spiritual benefit will be zero.
Things That Cannot Be Done!
‘Things That Cannot Be Done.’
a) Romans 8:8. Please God if we are still under the control of our sinful nature.
b) Matthew 5:14. Be hidden if we are the Light of the World.
c) Matthew 5:36. Make our own hair white or black.
d) Matthew 6:24; Luke 16:13. Serve two masters – God and money.
e) Matthew 6:27. Worry cannot add a single moment to our life.
f) Matthew 9:15. Wedding guests mourn whilst celebrating with the groom.
g) Matthew 12:34. Evil people speak what is good and right.
h) Matthew 26:42; 27:42. The cup of suffering to be taken away if it is in the Will of God.
i) Mark 3:23. Satan cast out Satan.
j) Mark 3:24. A Kingdom be divided by civil war – it will collapse.
k) Mark 5:3. Demonised people to be restrained.
l) Mark 6:5. Healing miracles because of unbelief.
m) Mark 7:18. The food that we eat cannot defile us.
n) Mark 7:24. Keep secrets in a tightly knit community.
o) Luke 6:39. One blind person cannot lead another.
p) Luke 6:42. Hypocrites cannot help other people.
q) Luke 13:11. People that are bent double for eighteen years cannot stand upright.
r) Luke 14:26. Be a Disciple of Jesus without paying the price.
s) Luke 14:27. Be a Disciple of Jesus if we do not carry our own cross to follow Him.
t) John 1:46. For anything good to come from Nazareth.
u) John 3:4. For an old man to go back into his mother’s womb and be born again.
v) John 3:5. Enter the Kingdom of God without being born of the Spirit.
w) John 5:19 & 30. Jesus doing something by Himself.
x) John 5:44. Believe, if we do not care about the honour that comes from God.
y) John 6:44 & 65. Come to Jesus unless the Father draws us.
z) John 6:60. Accept something that is very hard to understand.
aa) John 10:21. A demon cannot open the eyes of blind people.
bb) John 10:29. No one can snatch us from the Father’s Hands.
cc) John 10:35. The Scriptures cannot be altered.
dd) John 16:12. We cannot bear all the things that the Lord wants us to know at one time.
ee) Acts 5:39. Overthrow something that is from God.
ff) Acts 13:39. The Law of Moses cannot declare us to be right with God.
gg) 1 Corinthians 2:14. People who are not spiritual cannot receive Truths from the Spirit of God.
hh) 1 Corinthians 3:11. To lay any other foundation apart from Jesus Christ.
ii) 1 Corinthians 12:3. To speak by the Spirit of God and curse Jesus.
jj) James 4:2. To have what we want if we do not ask God for it.
(Through this QT I realise again the fallacy of extreme “faith” teaching that tells us we can do all things without any Scriptural Authority. According to God’s Word there are many Things That Cannot Be Done)
‘God’s Amazing Preparations.’
1 Corinthians 2:9.
a) The Scripture says.
b) No eye has seen.
c) No ear has heard.
d) No mind has imagined.
e) All the things that God has prepared for those people who love Him.
(This Second one has me enthralled by God’s Amazing Preparations)
God’s amazing preparations that He specially prepares for those people who love Him are indeed special preparations. These are clear promises of the Word of God. Our biggest need is a consistent and genuine love for God. We are His Children and He is our Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
God Does Not Show Partiality!
‘God Does Not Show Partiality.’
Galatians 2:6.
a) Influential people did not affect Paul in any way.
b) All people were the same to him.
c) God does not show partiality.
(Through this QT I am reminded that God Does Not Show Partiality)
‘Lovely Tabitha.’
Acts 9:36.
a) She was a Disciple who lived in the City of Joppa.
b) Her Greek name was Dorcas.
c) She:-
1- Always helped people.
2- Was full of good deeds.
3- Participated in charitable giving to the poor people.
(Through this Second one I am Blessed by the life of Lovely Tabitha)
Galatians clearly shows us about the Character of God and also what the character of every True Believer should be like. It is so easy for us to make excuses for our weaknesses but actually God does not encourage us to do such things. Rather God wants to transform us by His Word and by His Holy Spirit.
Live In Wisdom!
‘Live In Wisdom.’
Proverbs 17:10-12.
a) Proverbs 17:10. A reprimand impresses and enters into a wise person more than one hundred lashes impress a fool.
b) Proverbs 17:11. An evil person seeks only rebellion therefore a cruel messenger will be sent against them.
c) Proverbs 17:12. It is better to meet a bear robbed of its cubs than a fool carried away in their stupidity.
(Through this QT I see how important it is to Live In Wisdom)
‘The Proper Response.’
Acts 15:7.
a) The Message needs to be spoken.
b) The Message needs to be heard.
c) The Message is the Word of the Gospel.
d) This Message needs to be Believed.
(This Second one clearly shows The Proper Response to the Message of the Word of the Gospel)
A reprimand impresses and enters into a wise person. Wise people do not suddenly become wise, they grow up being encouraged to be wise. The reason that Korean people are mostly successful throughout the World is that Korean parents make every possible effort to help their children to be wise.
They Had Nothing To Say!
‘They Had Nothing To Say.’
a) Acts 4:14. When they saw the healed beggar standing beside Peter and John.
b) Matthew 22:12. The man who was in the wedding feast but not properly dressed.
c) Luke 14:6. When Jesus questioned the Jewish teachers about Mercy.
(This QT teaches me that when in the Presence of God I Have Nothing To Say, just I need to honour and submit to that Presence)
‘The First Appointment Of Church Deacons.’
Acts 6:1-7.
a) Acts 6:1. Came because of conflict in a natural matter in the Church.
b) Acts 6:2. Came because of Apostolic solution to the conflict.
c) Acts 6:3. The Deacons had to be quality men:-
1- Having a good reputation.
2- Full of the Holy Spirit.
3- Full of Wisdom.
4- Responsible in attitude.
d) Acts 6:4. Their ministry was fully practical whilst the Apostles’ job was praying and preaching.
e) Acts 6:5. The Deacons were chosen.
f) Acts 6:6. The Apostles prayed over and laid hands on these Deacons, therefore commissioning them.
g) Acts 6:7. Now the Work of God was able to grow and prosper.
(This Second one reveals the importance of The First Appointment Of Church Deacons, the purity of motive should still affect the appointment of Church deacons today)
The entire pattern of Early Church Leadership has been lost down the years of the History of the Church. Today, the modern Church is very far away in Leadership values and standards from the Early Church. While it is almost impossible to go back to the days of the New Testament, it surely is, and must be possible, to restore some of the original Biblical concepts of Church Ministry and Leadership.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Give Them No Place!
‘Give Them No Place.’
Galatians 2:4-5.
a) False brothers were secretly brought into the Church in order to make trouble for the Church from the Jewish legalists.
b) They slipped in like spies to spy out the liberty that the True Believers had in Christ Jesus.
c) They hope to find a way to bring the True Believers into bondage and control them.
d) Apostle Paul and the other True Believers did not give in to them for one moment.
e) The Truth of the Good News had to continue to be preached.
(Through this QT I know that I must Give Them No Place)
‘The Simple Way.’
Acts 2:41.
a) The people received the Gospel Message.
b) They were baptised.
c) They were added to the Church.
(This Second one clearly and simply shows me The Simple Way)
The Jewish legalists caused much trouble for the Early Church with their insistence on following many of the Old Testament Laws. This still happens sometimes even today. The Bible clearly teaches that there is no difference, Jew of Gentile, bond or free, all are one in Christ Jesus. We need to hold on to and proclaim this Truth, it will not offend True Believers.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
A Practical Manifestation Of Love!
‘A Practical Manifestation Of Love.’
a) Proverbs 17:9. Forgiving people when they wrong us.
b) Proverbs 10:12. Allowing Love to make up for all offences.
c) Psalm 32:1. Forgiving other people and giving them Joy.
d) 1 Peter 4:8. Deep Love covers a multitude of sins.
e) Proverbs 16:28. Not participating in trouble making or gossip.
(This QT shows me A Practical Manifestation Of Love)
‘New Life Means New Existence Too.’
Acts 3:1-10.
a) Acts 3:1. Peter and John were going to the Temple to pray.
b) Acts 3:2. A man who was lame all his life was carried to the Temple gate every day and there he begged for handouts.
c) Acts 3:3. When this man saw Peter and John going into the Temple he begged them for money.
d) Acts 3:4. Peter and John looked straight at him and as a beggar his eyes would be down. Peter told him to look at them.
e) Acts 3:5. The beggar watched them closely, expecting to receive money.
f) Acts 3:6. Peter told the beggar:-
1-I have no money at all.
2-I will give you what I have.
3-In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.
g) Acts 3:7. Peter took him by his right hand and helped him up. At once the beggar's feet and ankles became strong.
h) Acts 3:8. The beggar:-
1- Jumped up.
2- Stood on his feet.
3- Started walking around.
4- Went into the Temple with Peter and John.
5- Was walking, leaping and Praising God.
i) Acts 3:9. All the people saw him walking and Praising God.
j) Acts 3:10. All the people recognised him as the beggar who used to be at the gate of the Temple and they were amazed.
(Through this Second one I know that New Life Means New Existence Too)
The beggar jumped up in response to the command of Apostle Peter. He had been so used to being a beggar. He not only made money in that way but I am sure that those people who carried him to the Temple gate also received some of his money. When the opportunity came for this beggar to have new life he took it spontaneously, there was no hesitation. That is how God wants us to respond to His Word as He speaks to us from it…spontaneously.
Our Compassionate And Powerful Lord!
‘Our Compassionate And Powerful Lord.’
Luke 1:52-53.
a) He brings down the mighty rulers from their thrones.
b) He exalts the humble people.
c) He fills the hungry people with good things.
d) Rich people He sends away empty.
(This QT reveals Our Compassionate And Powerful Lord and we can see here His Heart for the humble poor people)
‘Jesus’ Meaningful Answer To Herod And The Pharisees.’
Luke 13:31-33.
a) Luke 13:31. The Pharisees told Jesus:-
1- To get out.
2- To go somewhere else.
3- Herod wants to kill you.
b) Luke 13:32. Jesus responded:-
1- Go and tell Herod the fox.
2- I cast out demons today and tomorrow.
3- I heal people today and tomorrow.
4- I will finish My Work on the third day.
c) Luke 13:33. Jesus would go on His Way today, tomorrow and the next day.
d) Like 13:33. It was not possible for a Prophet to die outside Jerusalem.
(Through this Second one I have much to ponder over: Jesus Meaningful Answer To Herod And The Pharisees)
Jesus told the Pharisees to go and to tell Herod the fox. Jesus had some very strong words to say to hypocritical religious leaders and hypocritical rulers. In all of His Earthly Ministry Jesus never compromised with hypocrisy, He hated it. I am convinced from the Word of God that He still hates hypocrisy today. He willingly forgives sinners and sins – but He hates hypocrisy.
God Does Not Like Religious Bigotry!
‘God Does Not Like Religious Bigotry.’
a) Galatians 2:3. People who say that circumcision is necessary for the True Believer.
b) Isaiah 65:5. People with a ‘holier than you' attitude.
c) Mark 2:16; Luke 15:2; 18:9-14. Religious people with the attitude of Pharisees.
d) Luke 9:49-50; Acts 10:28. People who manifest religious exclusivity.
e) Acts 18:12-13. Religious traditionalists.
f) John 4:27. People bound by culture.
g) John 5:18. People who deny the Divinity of Christ.
h) Mark 10:13; Luke 18:15. People who exclude children from the Presence of Jesus.
i) Romans 10:2-3. Religious people who refuse to accept God’s Way.
j) 1 Thessalonians 2:15-16. Jews who reject the Message of Good News for the Gentiles.
(Through this QT I know that God Does Not Like Religious Bigotry)
‘It Is Faith That Did It.’
Matthew 9:31-32.
a) The woman thought that she would get well if she could touch the clothes of Jesus. She had an incorrect cultural concept.
b) Jesus turned to her and saw her.
c) He told her to cheer up because it was her Faith that made her well.
d) Then she was instantly healed.
(Through this Second one: It Is Faith That Did It, I am amazed at the kindness of Jesus)
God does not like religious people with the attitude of Pharisees. This attitude also prevails in some Churches and some Denominations today. They think that they are “protecting” something, but actually they are destroying the Ministry of the Gospel. Religious purity is not a matter of outer appearance, it is a matter of the condition of the heart.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Be Good Stewards Of Money!
‘Be Good Stewards Of Money.
Proverbs 17:8.
a) Money is powerful both positively (if used in the correct way) and negatively.
b) If a person has money in their hand sometimes they are tempted to do what they like with it because for them money = power.
c) If a person has money in their eyes sometimes they do anything they can to get hold of it.
(This QT reminds me to Be A Good Steward Of Money)
‘To Follow Jesus.’
a) Luke 9:23. We should take up our cross.
b) Romans 6:6 & 12. We no longer serve sin.
c) Colossians 2:11. We are circumcised by Christ, removing our corrupt nature.
d) Romans 6:16. We offer ourselves in obedience to God.
e) Colossians 3:5. We put to death the wrong things in our lives.
f) Matthew 1:21. We trust in Jesus Christ to save us from our sins.
(Through this Second one I always want to be ready To Follow Jesus)
We should be good stewards of the money that God gives to us. This is a very important subject, no one should be telling us what to do with the money that God has given to us. If we are True Believers we have both the Word of God and the Holy Spirit as our Guides. For another person to be telling us what to do with the money that God has given to us is really not correct.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Spiritual Death!
‘Spiritual Death.’
Romans 7:13.
a) It is not caused by something good.
b) We should never think that it is something good.
c) Spiritual death is caused by sin.
d) This causes sin to be recognised for what it is – a destroyer.
e) Through the Word of God sin is seen to be what it really is.
(Through this QT I fully understand Spiritual Death)
‘We Are Really Helped By The Holy Spirit.’
Romans 8:13.
a) If we live by our flesh and corrupt nature, we are going to die.
b) We need, by the Holy Spirit, put to death the deeds of the flesh.
c) Then we shall live.
(Through this Second one I know that I Am Really Helped By The Holy Spirit)
Through the Word of God sin is seen to be what it really is. We live in days of compromise when people have their own standards about sin, suited to their own convenience. God does not like compromise. The Word of God is very clear about sin and also clearly defines sin and what constitutes sin. If in doubt, find out – from the Word of God.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
All People May Hear The Gospel!
‘All People May Hear The Gospel.’
Galatians 2:2.
a) Apostle Paul was testifying about his ministry in Jerusalem.
b) He went there by revelation – led by the Holy Spirit.
c) He presented to them the Good News that he had been sharing with the Gentiles.
d) For esteemed people Paul preached the Gospel privately, this was great Wisdom. This was so the work He was doing for the Gospel’s sake would not be a waste of time.
(Through this QT I realise that All People May Hear The Gospel. The Gentiles, The Jews and the esteemed people. Rich or poor – all should hear!)
‘True Confession Of Sin.’
Psalm 51:4.
a) Confession of sin to God alone first.
b) Making it personal – “I have sinned.”
c) “I have done evil in the Eyes of God.”
d) God is Righteous in all of His Ways.
e) God is Pure in all of His Judgments.
(Here, in this Second one I find True Confession Of Sin)
Some people work for the sake of the Gospel and and it is a waste of time. If we have enthusiasm but no Wisdom it is a waste of time. If we are serving with a team that lacks unity it is a waste of time. All Mission and Ministry in the Name of Jesus should be inspired by and led by the Holy Spirit. James tells us that we can ask God for Wisdom.
When Excellent Speech Is Useless!
‘When Excellent Speech Is Useless.’
a) Proverbs 17:7; 26:7. When it is in the mouth of a fool.
b) Psalm 50:16-17. When it is in the mouth of someone who does not really obey God.
c) Matthew 7:5. When someone is a hypocrite.
(Through this QT I can see When Excellent Speech Is Useless)
‘The Presence Of The Lord.’
a) Psalm 90:8. Does not hide our secret sins.
b) Psalm 139:7. Is something that we cannot get away from.
c) Psalm 140:13. Godly people live in it.
d) Isaiah 52:13. Kings will stand speechless in it.
e) Jonah 2:4. He sometimes drives people from it.
f) Micah 7:17. His enemies will tremble in terror at it.
g) Nahum 1:6. Mountains crumble to dust.
h) Zephaniah 1:7. We should stand in silence in it.
i) Matthew 25:32. All Nations will be gathered in it.
j) 1 Corinthians 1:29. No one can ever boast in it.
k) Ephesians 3:12; Colossians 1:22. Because of Christ and our Faith in him, we can now come boldly and confidently into it.
l) 1 Thessalonians 3:9. We can have great Joy in it.
(Through this Second one I highly esteem The Presence Of The Lord)
Excellent speech is useless in the mouth of someone who does not really obey God. We are so often easily deceived by people who speak excellently. These people, through their speech can get positions of power and gather wealth. We need to have God’s Word as our standard, not merely our impressions.
Clever But Blind!
‘Clever But Blind.’
John 9:40-41.
a) The Pharisees were trying to outwit Jesus by challenging His Teachings.
b) They wanted to know if Jesus was telling them that they were spiritually blind. They were so proud because they were Jewish religious teachers.
c) Jesus told them that if they were really blind they would not be guilty of sin.
d) Because these Pharisees claimed to see, their guilt remained.
(Through this QT I can see a very pitiful state to be in: Clever But Blind)
‘A Graceful And Amazing Question.’
Mark 10:51.
a) Jesus saw this blind man and knew that he had Faith.
b) Jesus asked him what he wanted Him to do for him.
c) The blind man called Jesus “Master”. He really knew Who Jesus was.
d) He said to Jesus that he wanted to see. (Jesus, of course, healed him)
(Through this Second one: A Graceful And Amazing Question, I am greatly encouraged)
Pride not only blocked the Pharisees from really encountering God through Jesus Christ and pride will do exactly the same in our lives if we have it. The Pharisees made all kinds of religious claims about themselves and wanted to be seen as “special” amongst the general public but actually they were enemies of God and became enemies of the Cross and Resurrection of Christ. Later the Pharisees became enemies of the New Testament Church. Let us beware of pride.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
a) Galatians 2:1; Acts 13:4 & 14; 14:1. Was a fellow Minister with Apostle Paul.
b) Acts 4:36. His name means “Son of Encouragement”.
c) Acts 9:27. He introduced Paul to the original Apostles.
d) Acts 11:24. He was a:-
1- Good man.
2- Full of the Holy Spirit.
3- Strong in Faith.
e) Acts 11:30. Was a trusted messenger.
f) Acts 13:1. Was also a prophet and Church teacher.
g) Galatians 2:13. Was temporarily led away into Peter’s hypocritical cultic belief.
(Through this QT I thank God for Barnabas – the son of Encouragement)
‘Faithful God.’
Luke 1:53-54.
a) He fills the hungry with good things.
b) The unrepentant rich people he sends away empty.
c) He helps His Servants.
d) He remembers and gives His Mercy.
(This Second one causes me to give Thanks to Faithful God)
We see a very beautiful pattern in the early New Testament Church of ministry teams. Whether it is in the local Church, or on the Mission field, when there is a good ministry team working together we can find the most effective ministry. If the churches learned more about effective ministry teams they would surely grow very well.
Monday, May 16, 2011
a) Proverbs 17:6. Should be able to be proud of their parents.
b) Exodus 20:12; Matthew 19:19; Ephesians 6:2-3. Should honour their parents.
c) Leviticus 19:3. Should respect their parents.
d) Proverbs 1:8; 4:1; 23:22. Should listen to their parents.
e) Proverbs 6:20; Ephesians 6:1; Colossians 3:20. Should obey their parents.
f) Exodus 13:8; Deuteronomy 6:7; 11:19. Need explanation of the Word of God.
g) Exodus 13:14. May ask their parents the meaning of spiritual things.
h) Deuteronomy 31:13; Psalm 34:11. Need to learn to Fear the Lord.
i) Proverbs 23:25. Should give their parents Joy.
j) Matthew 18:4. Are humble.
k) Matthew 19:14. Should be allowed to come to the Lord.
l) Psalm 103:17. Can be Blessed with Salvation.
m) Isaiah 65:23. May be Blessed by the Lord.
n) 1 Corinthians 7:14. Are made Holy by a Christian parent.
o) Proverbs 29:15 & 17. Need discipline.
p) Ephesians 6:4. Should be brought up in the Way of the Lord.
q) Colossians 3:21. Should not be aggravated by their fathers.
(Through this QT I realise how much attention and love Children need)
‘Lord, Please Do Not Delay.’
Psalm 70:5.
a) I am poor.
b) I am needy.
c) Come to me quickly.
d) You are my Help.
e) You are my Saviour.
f) You are my Deliverer.
(Through this Second one: Lord, Please Do Not Delay, I am drawn to pray again for the suffering people in Japan)
We can pray: “Lord, please do not delay” when we are praying selfless prayers. The Lord does care about our lives and situations. Sometimes, the trials of Faith that we go through enable our Faith to grow. Family prayers are also very important, especially the prayers of parents for their children when their children are still going through school or university.
Follow The Correct Way!
‘Follow The Correct Way.’
Ephesians 4:17-19.
a) Ephesians 4:17. This is the Lord’s Word – not just that of Apostle Paul.
b) Ephesians 4:17. Do not go along any more in the profitless and sinful ways of the Gentiles, their minds are turned to bad things.
c) Ephesians 4:18. The Gentile way which we are not to follow is:-
1- Having dark thoughts.
2- Having no knowledge of God. God being like a stranger to them.
3- Having hardened hearts.
d) Ephesians 4:19. The Gentile way has no clear conscience and pure thinking.
e) Ephesians 4:19. In the Gentile way it is easy to get into sexual obsession and perversion.
(Through this QT I really want to Follow The Correct Way)
‘Without God It Is Foolish.’
James 4:13.
a) Today or tomorrow we are going to have a big change in our lives and not sincerely pray about it.
b) To plan our times ahead without praying about it.
c) To imagine material Blessings without seeking God’s real way and plan.
(This Second shows me so clearly that Without God It Is Foolish)
When the Lord shows us and teaches us something from His Word we really need to take heed to it. The Lord speaks to us in various ways. The important thing is that we are ready to respond to His Word and what He says to us in whichever way that He chooses.
A Humble And Simple Beginning!
‘A Humble And Simple Beginning.’
Galatians 1:16-24.
a) Galatians 1:16. Apostle Paul knew his calling and he knew the best way to prepare himself. He did not want to be confused by the opinions of other people.
b) Galatians 1:17. He went away into Arabia and Damascus, Syria.
c) Galatians 1:18. He was away and out of the Church “scene” for three years before going up to Jerusalem for 15 days where he met with Peter.
d) Galatians 1:19. At that time he also met James the brother of Jesus Christ.
e) Galatians 1:20. Paul feared God and God was his Witness.
f) Galatians 1:21. He went on to Syria and Cilicia.
g) Galatians 1:22-23. The Churches in Judaea knew about Paul’s new life, they had heard the gossip.
h) Galatians 1:24. The Churches in Judaea began to Glorify God for what had happened to Paul.
(Through this QT I see A Humble And Simple Beginning of the Ministry of Apostle Paul. He was so wise and prepared himself well. A lesson for all prospective Servants of the Lord)
‘Jesus Perceives Deceit.
Luke 20:20-26.
a) Luke 20:20. The Jewish chief scribes and priests were watching Jesus.
b) Luke 20:20. They sent out secret emissaries with a view to trapping and arresting Jesus.
c) Luke 20:21. These emissaries asked Jesus a nice question but they did not mean it.
d) Luke 20:22. They then asked Him a trick question.
e) Luke 20:23. Jesus perceived their deceit.
f) Luke 20:24-25. Jesus gave them God’s answer.
g) Luke 20:26. The emissaries were silent – they could not say or do anything.
(This Second one assures me that Jesus Perceives Deceit)
This is a clear fact that it is impossible to change, Jesus perceives deceit. Deceit is very common in the World system today. It has almost become a part of modern life. It has even come into the Church. In fact it is quite common in the Church. If this problem is not dealt with abruptly in the Church then Church just becomes a religious “show” with no meaning. Jesus does not accept deceit – He is totally against it.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
People Who Need To Repent!
‘People Who Need To Repent.’
Proverbs 17:4-5.
a) Evildoers who listen to wicked lips.
b) Liars who give heed to damaging tongues.
c) The person who mocks the poor people.
d) The person who is glad at calamity.
(Through this QT I can clearly see People Who Need To Repent)
‘Jesus Giving Basic Discipleship Training.’
Luke 6:27-36.
a) Luke 6:27. Love your enemies.
b) Luke 6:27. Do good to those people who hate you.
c) Luke 6:28. Give Blessing to those people who curse you.
d) Luke 6:28. Pray for those people who abuse you.
e) Luke 6:29. Turn the other cheek and do not withhold your shirt.
f) Luke 6:30. Give to those people who ask from you and do not attempt to get it back again.
g) Luke 6:31. Do to other people as you would wish them to do to you.
h) Luke 6:32-35. Learn to love those people who do not love us.
i) Luke 6:36. Be merciful even as our Heavenly Father is Merciful.
(Through this Second one I am greatly challenged by Jesus Giving Basic Discipleship Training and I realise my need of Abundant Grace and more change in my life)
The person who mocks poor people needs to repent. Sometimes people mock the poor people because they have their own fear of becoming poor. Other people mock the poor because they themselves were poor in the past and see their old life in the poor people. Yet other people mock the poor because they despise failure and only live for success. If we mock the poor we need to repent.
Gentle And Powerful Creator God!
‘Gentle And Powerful Creator God.’
Genesis 1:26-31.
a) Genesis 1:26. He made humankind in His Own Image and gave them dominion over all creation on the Earth.
b) Genesis 1:27. He made male and female in His Own Image.
c) Genesis 1:28. He Blessed them and told them to:-
1- Be fruitful.
2- Multiply.
3- Fill the Earth.
4- Subdue the Earth.
5- Have dominion.
d) Genesis 1:29-30. He gave mankind and all of His Creation food.
e) Genesis 1:31. He saw everything He made and it was all very good.
(This QT reveals to me Gentle And Powerful Creator God)
‘Jesus Rejected Revenge.’
Matthew 5:38-39.
a) We are not to religiously justify it.
b) We are to listen to the Word of the Lord.
c) Romans 12:19. If people are doing evil personally towards you – do not take revenge. Let God take revenge on them.
d) Be gentle rather than aggressive.
(This Second one reminds me that Jesus Rejected Revenge and so should I)
Multiply! This was the Lord’s original command to His Creation – Adam and Eve. Our megacities are a result of this Command of the Lord. The megacities are full of people who need Christ! The Church that reaches out to the megacity is surely in the Will of God. To hide ourselves away from the responsibility of multiplication is the opposite of God’s Will. Through Church, through media ministry and through effective lives as Believers, let us fulfil our part of God’s Command that the Kingdom of God will also multiply.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Chosen And Called!
‘Chosen And Called.’
Galatians 1:15-16.
a) Apostle Paul was and knew the Pleasure of God.
b) It pleased God in His Kindness to choose him and call him.
c) This happened even before Paul was born and is a grand exhibition of the Mercy and Grace of God.
d) God revealed His Son to Paul and in him.
e) Then he was ready to be a messenger of the Good News to the Gentiles.
(Through this QT I thank God for the privilege of being Chosen And Called and for the remainder of my life on this Earth I want to Glorify God)
‘Believe God’s Word.’
a) Galatians 2:17. We are irrefutably made right with God through Jesus Christ.
b) 2 Corinthians 3:4; Galatians 2:20. We Trust in God through Jesus Christ.
c) 2 Corinthians 3:17. We have the Holy Spirit and therefore we have Freedom.
d) 2 Corinthians 3:18. We are being changed to become more Christ-like by the working of the Holy Spirit within us.
(This Second one causes me to Believe God’s Word and to pray that it will be effective in me)
Apostle Paul became ready to be a Messenger of the Good News to the Gentiles. Intellectually he was very well equipped for this, even before he became a Believer. There was still the need for emotional and spiritual preparation to be a Messenger of the Good News though. That is why there is a gap which we know just a little about before he became an effective Minister. It is important that we prepare well after our initial calling and not be in too much of a hurry to go out. Local Church, seminary, team ministry and learning to serve well under a good leader in Church and in Mission are all good ways of preparation.
Things That May Be Tested!
‘Things That May Be Tested.’
a) Proverbs 17:3; 1 Chronicles 29:17. The emotional heart.
b) Genesis 42:15-16. Our story.
c) Job 7:18; 23:10; Psalm 11:4. Ourselves.
d) Job 12:11; 34:3. The words that we hear.
e) Psalm 17:3; Jeremiah 12:3. Our thoughts.
f) Psalm 26:2. Our motives.
g) Psalm 81:7. Our Faith.
h) Jeremiah 11:20. Our deepest thoughts and secrets.
i) Jeremiah 20:12. Righteous people.
(This QT reveals to me Things That May Be Tested)
‘A Reason That We Need God’s Grace.’
James 3:10.
a) Even if we keep the whole of God’s Law.
b) But stumble in one point.
c) We are guilty of all.
(This Second one gives A Reason That We Need God’s Grace)
God tests our emotional heart and He may clearly show us the condition of our heart. He does this because He loves us and He loves the people that we may be in contact with day by day. It is good for us to echo the prayer of David asking God to create in us a clean heart.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Fear And Pride Made His Ministry Go Wrong!
‘Fear And Pride Made His Ministry Go Wrong.’
Galatians 2:11-16.
a) Galatians 2:11. When Apostle Peter came to Antioch Apostle Paul rebuked him because he was clearly wrong.
b) Galatians 2:12. Apostle Paul and Peter were freely fellowshipping and eating with the Gentile Believers – that was right and good.
c) Galatians 2:12. When the Jewish missionaries arrived from Apostle James’ team Peter drew back from his fellowship with the Gentiles and isolated himself from them – only having fellowship with the Jewish team.
d) Galatians 2:13. Peter was dishonest, this was legalism and nationalism, even Barnabas was caught up in it.
e) Galatians 2:14-15. This was simply offensive Jewish nationalism.
f) Galatians 2:16. Apostle Paul reminded Peter of the Truth of the Gospel. We are not saved by keeping Jewish law – we are Saved by Grace alone. We are made right with God by Believing in Christ.
(Through this QT there is a big lesson for all missionaries: Fear And Pride Made His Ministry Go Wrong)
‘Depend On Grace – Not On Obeying The Law.’
Galatians 3:10.
a) If we depend on obeying God’s Law we are under a curse.
b) Deuteronomy 27:26. The Book of Deuteronomy states that if the People of God in the Old Testament failed to keep the Law in just one point – they were under God’s Curse.
c) They had to do all things ordered. Now the Law is our Guide – showing what is right and wrong. Showing us God’s Principles.
(This Second one reminds me to Depend On Grace – Not On Obeying The Law)
If we carefully read the book of Galatians as True Believers we can find a tremendous wealth of advice, counsel and instruction for living the New Life in Christ. One of the tragedies of the Church today is lack of basic discipleship. I believe that Biblical discipleship of some form is the Will of God for every True Church.
Apostle Paul's Past Misdemeanours!
‘Apostle Paul’s Past Misdemeanours.’
Galatians 1:13-14.
Like many of us, before we knew the Lord we lived in sin. Apostle Paul’s sin was public and his repentance was public too.
a) He was:-
1- In the Jewish religion.
2- He attacked the Church of God and was cruel without measure.
3- He did great damage to the Church and tried to destroy it.
b) He became an advanced leader in the Jewish religion.
c) He tried harder than anyone else to follow the teachings passed down by his ancestors.
(Through this QT: Apostle Paul’s Past Misdemeanours, I can fully understand his desire for the Jewish people to be saved)
‘Simple Principles For The Early Church.’
Acts 15:28-29.
a) This was given by the Holy Spirit and confirmed by the Church leadership.
b) These things were necessary:-
1- Stay away from food that is offered in idol worship, (that is special ceremonies in which the food is offered).
2- Stay away from eating animals that have been strangled.
3- Stay away from eating blood.
4- Stay away from sexual sin.
c) If they stayed away from these things they would do well and be happy.
(Through this Second one I understand the value of the Simple Principles For The Early Church and I wish the Church was as simple today)
There are many religions which use food and drink in various ceremonies within them. As True Believers we are not to partake in those ceremonies. We should keep ourselves pure from all forms of heathen worship. As far as ordinary restaurant food is concerned, we simply give thanks for the food, sanctify it and eat it.
A Wise Employee!
‘A Wise Employee.’
a) Proverbs 17:2. Will rule over their master’s disgraceful son.
b) Proverbs 14:35. Will cause their employer to rejoice.
c) Genesis 24:4-8. Will be sensitive to the instructions of their employer.
(Through this QT I understand it is necessary for an employer to encourage A Wise Employee)
‘The Poor People.’
a) Galatians 2:10. May need continual help from the Church.
b) Exodus 23:6; Psalm 72:2; 82:3. Should not be denied Justice.
c) Leviticus 19:10. Should be treated mercifully.
d) Deuteronomy 15:10. We should give generously to them.
e) Deuteronomy 24:14. We should not take advantage of them.
f) 1 Samuel 2:7; Proverbs 22:2. Are created by the Lord.
g) Proverbs 14:21; 22:9. We will be Blessed if we help them.
h) Isaiah 25:4. The Lord is a Tower of Refuge for them.
i) Matthew 26:11. Will always be around. Poverty will never totally be alleviated.
j) Proverbs 17:5. Should not be mocked.
k) James 2:5. Can be rich in Faith.
(Through this Second one I find God’s Heart for The Poor People)
All employers have responsibilities. They first have responsibilities for their own families, that family needs be met. Secondly, they have responsibility for their workers, that they treat their workers properly. Finally, True Believer employers have a responsibility before God to be good stewards of their employees.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Pure Good News!
‘Pure Good News.’
Galatians 1:11-12.
a) Is not based on a human point of view.
b) Is not merely received only from a human source.
c) Is not just taught intellectually.
d) Comes through a revelation of Jesus Christ.
(This QT gives me the desire to be a messenger of Pure Good News)
‘Discreet And Anointed Ministry.’
Galatians 2:2-3.
a) Is by the clear leading of the Holy Spirit.
b) Presents the Good News of the Gospel.
c) May be discreetly shared with people of repute and fame.
d) Insensitive ministry ruins the work of the Gospel.
e) All messengers of the Good News need cultural wisdom but not cultural bondage.
(This Second one reminds me of the need for Discreet And Anointed Ministry even today in this generation)
The presentation of the Gospel is not just putting forth a human point of view. If that was the case, the Gospel would be totally useless in these days of intellectual advancement. No, the Gospel needs to be presented in the Anointing and Leading of the Holy Spirit for what it is, the Pure Good News.
A Peaceful Environment Is Good!
‘A Peaceful Environment Is Good.’
a) Proverbs 17:1. Even in a poor environment it is better than feasting and strife.
b) Genesis 45:24; 2 Corinthians 13:11. So do not quarrel.
c) Leviticus 26:6. It is the Promise of God.
d) Proverbs 12:20. It leads to Joy.
e) Matthew 5:9. God will Bless those people who try to make a peaceful environment.
f) 1 Corinthians 14:33. God is the God of Peace for all meetings in the Church.
g) Ephesians 4:3; 1 Thessalonians 5:13; 2 Timothy 2:22. We have to do our part to make it happen.
h) 1 Timothy 2:2. A National environment of Peace can be maintained when True Believers Pray for the Nation in which they dwell.
(Through this QT I am thoroughly persuaded that A Peaceful Environment Is Good)
‘Resolving Differences Of Opinion And Not Fighting About Them.’
Acts 15:1-2.
a) The Church teachers who came down from Judaea to the Church in Antioch were incorrectly insisting that new Believers be circumcised.
b) Paul and Barnabas had some argument and discussion with these Judaea Church teachers because they knew this was incorrect teaching.
c) To resolve the matter, rather than there being an unpleasant scene, the Church leaders in Antioch asked Paul and Barnabas to go to Jerusalem. It was the main centre of the mission to the World at that time, to ask the leaders of the Church there about the circumcision problem. Then all could be resolved well.
(In this Second one: Resolving Differences Of Opinion And Not Fighting About Them, especially in a Church context, I see the importance of sound denominational leadership actively participating in local Churches where necessary)
Resolving matters rather than there being an unpleasant scene in Church matters is always a good way. The greatest danger is the Church itself, if the Church’s attitude is one of pride and if it has forgotten Grace and forgiveness then there is great negative potential for unpleasant scenes and division. The Church was never intended to be a democracy – rather it should be a theocracy where the Leaders of the Church do their best to keep the Church in submission to God’s Will. Denominational oversight and care can never be a wrong concept if that oversight is healthily and humbly maintained. “People power” should really be kept out of God’s Church.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Jesus Christ Our Passover Lamb!
‘Jesus Christ Our Passover Lamb.’
a) 1 Corinthians 5:7. Our Passover Festival is ready, Christ the Passover Lamb has been sacrificed for us.
b) 1 Corinthians 5:7. We need to take away the old yeast of sin because of what Christ has done for us, we can then we become new dough without sin.
c) Exodus 12:2. The Passover was to be a time of new beginnings.
d) Exodus 12:3. There was to be one lamb for every family. Salvation should be personal but also it should affect our family too.
e) 2 Corinthians 5:21. For Him who had no knowledge of sin God made to be sin for us; so that we might become the Righteousness of God in Him.
f) Hebrews 9:22. It was the death of the Passover Lamb that bought forgiveness of our sins.
g) Matthew 26:28. The Blood of the Covenant which was given for the forgiveness of our sins.
h) Exodus 12:7 & 22. The blood of the Passover Lamb was to be splashed over the entrance to the houses of God’s people.
i) Exodus 12:22. On the night of Passover everyone was to stay inside their house, covered by the Blood of the Passover Lamb.
j) Exodus 12:13. When the Angel of Death saw the blood of the Passover Lamb then all people inside that house were safe.
(This QT makes me so grateful for Jesus Christ, my Passover Lamb)
‘A Purposeful Return.’
a) Galatians 2:1. After fourteen years Apostle Paul went again to Jerusalem together with Barnabas and Titus.
b) Galatians 1:18-19. On Paul’s first journey to Jerusalem he got to meet and to know Peter and James.
c) Acts 4:36-37; 11:22. Barnabas was already well accepted by the Church leaders in Jerusalem.
d) 2 Corinthians 2:13; 7:6; 8:23. Titus was a very dear Brother in the Lord to Paul.
e) 2 Corinthians 8:6 & 16; 12:18. Titus was an excellent Servant of the Lord.
(This Second one teaches me about A Purposeful Return, Apostle Paul’s return to Jerusalem after fourteen years)
Meeting the right people on our journey of Faith is a very important part of that journey. If we meet the wrong people we can be easily led astray and out of the Will of God. Some people we meet may have erroneous views about God’s Word and Principles – those people can easily lead us astray. Some people are so negative and always gossiping and spreading rumours, these people can cause us to stumble in our Walk of Faith. We need to pray that we will meet the right people. I am sure that our God will answer that prayer.
News Of A Different Kind!
‘News Of A Different Kind.’
Galatians 1:6-10.
a) Galatians 1:6. This news causes people to turn quickly away from the Gospel and Grace of Jesus Christ.
b) Galatians 1:6. This is news of a different kind.
c) Galatians 1:7. This is not good news at all, it is trouble, it attempts to distort the pure Gospel of Christ.
d) Galatians 1:8-9. Anyone who produces the wrong kind of news in the name of “good news” will be cursed.
e) Galatians 1:10. Apostle Paul did not want to be a “man-pleaser”, he wanted to win God’s approval and serve Christ.
(As a result of this QT I want to avoid News Of A Different Kind)
‘Are We Sure That Our Names Are In The Book Of Life?’
Revelation 13:8.
a) Revelation 13:1-8. There are many people on the Earth at the End time who will worship the Beast.
b) All people whose names are not written in the Book of Life will worship the Beast.
c) This Book of Life belongs to the Lamb of God Who was slain from before the Creation of the World.
(This Second one causes me to ask myself the question: Am I Sure That My Name Is In The Book Of Life?)
There are today many manifestations of people who are producing the wrong kind of news. This news sometimes denies the Divinity of Christ and the Truth of the Trinity. This news sometimes presents a “Cross-less Christianity”. This news sometimes presents a prosperity gospel that deceives people and causes wrong belief about finance, belongings and health. True Believers who are well trained in the Word of God need not fear the wrong kind of news.
Monday, May 9, 2011
a) Proverbs 16:33. Even chance ones, are allowed by the Lord.
b) Exodus 28:15. The best way is to seek them from God Himself.
c) Deuteronomy 1:17. Spiritual Leaders should be very conscious of the decisions they are making as they are God’s representatives.
d) Joshua 24:22. Should be made to serve the Lord.
e) Isaiah 11:3. Jesus Christ never made a decision based on appearance or hearsay.
f) Matthew 18:17. The Church should be capable of making them.
(Through this QT I realise the importance of making good Decisions)
‘The Message Of The Cross.’
1 Corinthians 1:18.
a) Is foolishness to those people who are on their way to destruction.
b) To those of who are being Saved.
c) The Message of the Cross is the Power of God.
(Through this Second one I am urged to keep preaching and teaching The Message Of The Cross)
The best way to make decisions is to seek them from God in our Prayers. We may get good advice from sincere friends who love us and care for us by giving it, that is good and a part of what fellowship is all about. We should not, however, allow our friends to make decisions for us. Most definitely we should not expect people with a gift of “prophecy” to make decisions for us – this is false “prophecy”. The True Gift of Prophecy in the Church and amongst True Believers is for edification, exhortation and comfort, not for guidance or decision making.
Repent Of Sins Of Omission!
‘Repent Of Sins Of Omission.’
Numbers 32:23.
a) Moses is referring to things that are not done that should be done.
b) This is sinning against the Lord.
c) These sins shall be found out in some way.
(This QT reminds me strongly that I should Repent Of Sins Of Omission)
‘Here Is Blessing.’
James 1:12.
a) For the person who is steadfast under trial.
b) When this person has withstood this test they will receive a crown of life.
c) This crown God has promised to those people who love Him.
(Through this Second one I discover Here Is Blessing)
There are sometimes neglected sins of omission in our lives. God wants us to do something about these sins and not just neglect them. Just like other sins, if we are True Believers, God will convict us of these sins. If this happens then we need to repent of them.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
All Glory To God!
‘All Glory To God.’
a) Galatians 1:5; Philippians 4:20; 1 Timothy 1:17. Forever and ever.
b) Psalm 72:19. To His Glorious Name.
c) Isaiah 24:15; 42:12. From all over the World.
d) Luke 2:14. In the highest Heaven.
e) Romans 11:36. For everything is intended for His Glory.
f) Romans 16:27; Ephesians 1:12; Jude 1:25. Through Jesus Christ.
g) Revelation 4:11. For He alone is Worthy to receive it.
h) Revelation 7:12. For it belongs to Him.
(Through this QT I proclaim All Glory To God)
‘Understand The Power Of Temptation.’
James 1:14-15.
a) This Truth is applicable to every human being.
b) When we are tempted we are turned out of the correct way and enticed by the bait of our own desire.
c) When the time comes, this desire gives birth to sin.
d) When sin is fully grown it gives birth to death.
(Through this Second one I fully Understand The Power Of Temptation)
God alone is Worthy to receive Glory. There is no offence in congratulating a human being when they have done well, they deserve it! However, when we start giving Glory to people we go on to dangerous ground. The Bible clearly states that all Glory only belongs to God. When we give Glory to people we are robbing God and also we are committing idolatry.
Three People Whom I Respect!
‘Three People Whom I Respect.’
Proverbs 16:31-32.
a) The old person who lives in Righteousness.
b) The person who is slow to be angry.
c) The person who has control over their own spirit.
(Through this QT I find Three People Whom I Respect)
‘Exalt And Extol The Lord.’
a) 1 Chronicles 16:28-29. All the Nations of the Earth.
b) Psalm 50:23. As we sacrifice thank offerings to Him.
c) John 15:8. By bearing much fruit.
(This Second one calls me to Exalt And Extol The Lord)
We are to exalt and extol the Lord. This is not something that we simply give mental assent to – it is something that we are to physically do. The entirety of our Worship Life is about exalting and extolling the Lord. By Worship I do not mean our Praise Songs only, I mean our lives as the Church.
Passing On The Truth To Other People!
‘Passing On The Truth To Other People.’
2 Timothy 2:2.
a) There was no secrecy here. Apostle Paul reminded Timothy of the things that he had shared with him publicly.
b) Timothy was to entrust these messages to Faithful True Believers.
c) These Faithful True Believers could also pass the messages to other people.
(This QT reminds me of the importance of Passing On The Truth To Other People)
‘Ready To Spread The Gospel.’
a) Matthew 28:18. Jesus has the Authority to commission and send people to preach the Gospel.
b) Matthew 28:19. Disciples are to go and make Disciples of all Nations.
c) Matthew 28:19-20. New Believers are to be Baptised and Taught the Word of God.
d) Matthew 28:20. Jesus promised and promises to be with those people who go out to make Disciples of all Nations.
e) Mark 16:15. True Believers are to go into all the World and Preach the Gospel.
f) Luke 24:47-48. The Witnesses of Jesus Christ were to go and Proclaim repentance and forgiveness of sins to all Nations.
g) John 20:21. Jesus sent the Disciples out in Peace.
h) John 20:23. The Disciples had authority to bring Forgiveness of sins to people.
i) John 20:22; Acts 1:8. To do this work of being a Disciple maker and Messenger of the Gospel the Disciples needed to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
(This Second one challenges me to be Ready To Spread The Gospel)
Jesus sent the Disciples out in Peace. He told them that He was giving them His Peace. This was, and still is, a very wonderful Promise from the Lord, the Promise of Peace. This World is full of people who complain of having no Peace, they need the Christ of the Gospels, then they can have Peace with God, Peace from God and Peace between themselves.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
What Jesus Christ Has Come To Do!
‘What Jesus Christ Has Come To Do.’
a) Galatians 1:3-4. He has come:-
1- Together with God the Father to give us Grace and Peace.
2- To give His Life for our sins.
3- Rescue us from the evil World system in which we live.
b) Malachi 3:2-3. Be a Refiner of people’s lives.
c) Matthew 1:21. Save His People from their sins.
d) Matthew 3:11. Baptise people with the Holy Spirit.
e) Matthew 3:11-12. Baptise people with the fire of Judgment.
f) Matthew 4:23; Luke 4:43; 8:1. Announce the Good News of the Kingdom of God and heal people.
g) Matthew 5:17. Accomplish the purpose of the Law of Moses and of the Writings of the Prophets.
h) Matthew 9:13; Mark 2:17; Luke 5:32. Call those people who know that they are sinners.
i) Mark 10:45. Serve other people and give His Life as a Ransom for many people.
j) Luke 2:32. Be a Light that reveals God to the Nations.
k) Luke 22:35. Send people out to Preach the Good News.
l) John 4:34. Do the Will of God.
m) John 10:10. Give rich and satisfying life.
n) John 12:47. Save the World.
o) Romans 14:9. Be Lord of both the living people and the dead people.
p) Romans 15:9. To cause the Gentiles to give Glory to God.
q) Hebrews 2:18. Help us when we are being tested.
r) 1 John 3:8. Destroy the works of the Devil.
(Through this QT I understand again What Jesus Christ Has Come To Do)
‘A Commissioning Emphasis.’
John 20:21.
a) Jesus repeated this Message to His Disciples. He wanted to be sure that they understood and obeyed.
b) Peace was to be with them.
c) In the same way that the Father sent Jesus Christ His Son.
d) So now Jesus was sending His Disciples.
(This Second one stirs my heart: A Commissioning Emphasis)
Jesus Christ has come to cause the Gentiles to give Glory to God. God is Glorified by all that the Lord Jesus does in our lives as we respond to Him. There is no virtue in just simply going to Church if our lives are not open and responsive to God. We need to attend Church fellowship in the same manner as the Early Church people in the Book of Acts. These early True Believers had commitment to the Lord first and therefore fully benefited from their “in Church” lives
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The Christian Life!
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