‘God Spoke, God Saw And God Did.’
Genesis 1:3-5.
a) Genesis 1:3. God said: “Let there be Light”, and there was Light. (God spoke)
b) Genesis 1:4. God saw that the Light was good and He separated the Light from the darkness. (God saw and God did)
c) Genesis 1:5. God called the Light "day," and the darkness He called "night." And there was evening, and there was morning--the first day.
(Through this QT I find some of God’s wonderful ways: God Spoke, God Saw And God Did)
‘Moses’ Honest Humility Before The Lord.’
Exodus 4:10-12.
Here we find Moses’ response to the Call of God on his life. We know that God chose Moses and that the Bible tells us that Moses was the most humble of all people, not perfect, but humble. God looks for humble people that He can use.
a) Exodus 4:10. Moses said to the Lord that he was not eloquent enough to do the task for which God had called him.
b) Exodus 4:11. God said that He had given to Moses his mouth and his sight.
c) Exodus 4:12. God said to Moses:-
1- Go – and do My Will.
2- I will help you to speak.
3- I will teach you what to say.
(Through this Second one I find, and am touched by, Moses’ Honest Humility Before The Lord)
If we are privileged to have the faculties of speech and sight it is because of the Goodness and Grace of the Lord. As True Believers we have a responsibility to be good stewards of what God has given to us and also, just like Moses, to obey Him.