‘The Blessings Of A Heart In Good Condition.’
Deuteronomy 5:29.
a) This heart is inclined to Fear the Lord.
b) This heart is inclined to keep all the Lord’s Commands always.
c) It will go well for the people with this heart.
d) It will go well with their children forever.
(This QT shows me The Blessings Of A Heart In Good Condition)
‘Trust In The Lord God Almighty.’
Psalm 84:11-12.
a) He is a Sun that gives Light.
b) He is a Shield that keeps us safe.
c) He bestows favour and honour upon His People.
d) No good thing does He withhold from those people whose lives are blameless.
e) Blessed is the person who Trusts in Him.
(Through this Second one I am persuaded to Trust In The Lord God Almighty)
God is the God of “always”. He is totally consistent and unchanging. If we belong to Him we can Trust Him. God is a God Who keeps His Promises and cares about His People and all that He leads us through is for His Glory and our best.