The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Treat Faith As Being Precious!
‘Treat Faith As Being Precious.’
a) Acts 13:8. Other people may try to turn us away from it.
b) 1 Timothy 6:10. Craving money can cause people to turn away from it.
c) 1 Timothy 6:21. Foolish discussions about religious matters can cause some people to wander away from it.
d) 1 Timothy 5:8. Those people who do not look after their family’s needs have denied it.
e) 2 Timothy 3:8; Matthew 24:11. False teachers have counterfeit faith and fight against the Truth, we should not follow them.
f) Matthew 24:10. Do not turn away from Jesus.
(This QT strikingly reminds me to Treat Faith As Being Precious)
‘The Holy Spirit’s Warning.’
1 Timothy 4:1-6.
a) 1 Timothy 4:1. Some people will turn away from the Faith to lying spirits and demonically inspired teachings.
b) 1 Timothy 4:2. These false teachers are hypocrites and liars, they pretend to be religious but their consciences are dead.
c) 1 Timothy 4:3. Their teaching forbids marriage.
d) 1 Timothy 4:3. Their teaching forbids certain foods, but God created those foods to be eaten as His Provision for us.
e) 1 Timothy 4:4. Everything God created is good, we should not reject any of it on a religious basis.
f) 1 Timothy 4:5. God’s Provision is made Holy by the Word of God and Prayer.
g) 1 Timothy 4:6. Pastor and Bible Teachers need to teach this practical Truth to the True Believers.
(This Second one shows me The Holy Spirit’s Warning)
False teachers have counterfeit faith and fight against the Truth. Very often the false teachers attempt to influence the people who are settled in their local Church. Instead of helping the local Church they try to draw people away from it. False teachers often talk about “further revelation” or “new revelation” or the established Church being “out of date”. We must stay away from these false teachers.
The Christian Life!
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