The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
God Is Not A God Of Disorder!
‘God Is Not A God Of Disorder.’
1 Corinthians 14:27-33.
a) 1 Corinthians 14:27. At the most there may be three manifestations of the gift of diverse languages in Church meeting and these must be interpreted.
b) 1 Corinthians 14:28. If there is no one present who has the gift of interpretation of diverse languages then there should be no manifestation of either gift.
c) 1 Corinthians 14:29. All gifts of prophecy may be discerned and judged. They do not have to be just received.
d) 1 Corinthians 14:30-31. The gift of prophecy does not make a person a “prophet”, all True Believers may prophesy according to the leading of the Holy Spirit and in due course, with restraint as to the number of manifestations in one meeting – maybe one or two. The result being that by this gift the Church is:-
1- Encouraged.
2- Instructed.
3- Edified.
4- Comforted.
5- Not confused by “hyper-spirituality”.
e) 1 Corinthians 14:32. People who have the gift of prophecy should control themselves well.
f) 1 Corinthians 14:33. God is a God of Peace and order in all congregations.
(Through this QT I have great assurance that God Is Not A God Of Disorder)
‘Turn In The Correct Direction.’
Leviticus 20:6.
a) Turn to the Lord. Have a good relationship with Him and then turning to Him is the natural thing to do.
b) Do not turn to people who have familiar spirits, if we do, we become unfaithful to God. Many, not all, modern day “prophets” are people with familiar spirits.
c) We get cut off from God, and eventually cut off from His Family, if we turn to the wrong people.
(This Second one strongly reminds me to Turn In The Correct Direction)
The Book of Leviticus is not the True Believers enemy! We need to learn to love that Book. Not only is it God’s Word but it also reveals God’s Holy Law and healthy Law as well as His Heart.
Decision Making!
‘Decision Making.’
a) Proverbs 16:33. The Lord should be consulted over our big decisions.
b) Exodus 22:9. To resolve conflicts comes from God.
c) Deuteronomy 17:10. Needs to be in a peaceful and a godly place when we are making important decisions.
d) Joshua 24:22. We are accountable for our decision to serve the Lord.
e) 2 Samuel 19:29; 1 King 1:20. Is important for leaders.
f) 1 Kings 3:28. Needs to be made with God given Wisdom.
g) Zechariah 8:15. God sets a good example for us.
h) Luke 18:7. Should be just.
i) Acts 15:25. Can sometimes be unanimous.
(This QT helps me with Decision Making)
‘The Gospel Good News.’
a) Mark 1:1; Romans 1:9; 1 Thessalonians 3:2. Is about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God.
b) Romans 1:2. Was Promised long ago by God through His Prophets in the Holy Scriptures.
c) 2 Corinthians 4:4. Is about the Glory of Christ Who is the exact likeness of God.
d) Galatians 3:8. Was Promised to Abraham long ago.
e) Ephesians 1:13. That God Saves us.
f) Ephesians 6:15; Acts 10:36. Of Peace.
g) 1 Thessalonians 2:9; Mark 1:14. Of God.
h) 2 Thessalonians 1:8. Needs to be obeyed.
i) 1 Timothy 1:11. Is Glorious.
j) Matthew 4:23; 9:35; Luke 8:1. Is about the Kingdom of God.
k) Revelation 14:6. Is Everlasting and for every:-
4-People group.
(Through this Second one I desire to be a good messenger of The Gospel Good News.
Decision making is important for leaders. The leader of a family needs to make good decisions for their family, without good decisions it is possible for the family to break up. The leader of an educational establishment needs to make good decisions so that the people attending get the best possible education. The leader of a workplace needs to make good decisions that are going to benefit both the employees and the customers. The leader of a Church needs to make good decisions so that God will be Glorified.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Getting Ready For Macedonia!
‘Getting Ready For Macedonia.’
Acts 16:1-10.
a) Acts 16:1. Paul and Silas came to Derbe and Lystra where they met Timothy. Timothy came from a Greco-Jewish multi-ethnic family.
b) Acts 16:2. The local brothers spoke well of Timothy.
c) Acts 16:3. Paul wanted to take Timothy along with the team and had him circumcised for the sake of the Jews.
d) Acts 16:4. Paul’s team travelled from town to town delivering the decisions reached by the Apostles and Elders in Jerusalem for the people to obey.
e) Acts 16:5. The Churches were strengthened in Faith and grew daily in numbers.
f) Acts 16:6-8. Paul and the team were specifically led by the Holy Spirit, it means also that they were sensitive to the Holy Spirit.
g) Acts 16:9-10. Then came the Macedonian call to which Paul and the team responded.
(In this QT, Getting Ready For Macedonia, we can see three major parts of this team’s readiness. 1-They were submitted to their leader, Paul. 2-They proclaimed Truth wherever they went. 3-They were sensitive to the Holy Spirit)
‘Stay Blameless.’
Deuteronomy 18:9-13.
a) Deuteronomy 18:9. When we enter the land that the Lord is giving to us we are not to enter into the pagan customs of that land, even if they seemingly get mixed up with Church culture.
b) Deuteronomy 18:10-11. Things to clearly and definitely avoid. Maybe false prophets and lying miracles are included in this list?
c) Deuteronomy 18:12. These aforementioned practices are an abomination to the Lord.
d) Deuteronomy 18:13. We are to stay blameless before the Lord our God.
(This Second one is a clear message to me: Stay Blameless)
We must not get involved with pagan customs in any land, including our own. Sometimes, when we go to foreign lands we are tempted to take an interest in their pagan customs, we should not do this but avoid them.
Possibilities For The Believers’ Meeting!
‘Possibilities For The Believers’ Meeting.’
1 Corinthians 14:26.
a) It is a meeting of Brothers and Sisters in Christ.
b) Someone may have a song.
c) Someone who is a Teacher or Pastor/Teacher may have a teaching.
d) Someone may give a gift of revelation that God has given.
e) Someone may have a gift of diverse languages and, if so, will be accompanied by another person who has the gift of interpretation of the diverse language gift.
f) Everything done in the meeting must be useful for all Believers present.
g) Everything done in the meeting should build all Believers present up in the Lord.
(In this QT I find Possibilities For The Believers’ Meeting)
‘Telling Everyone About Christ.’
a) Colossians 1:28. It is an everywhere Message.
b) Colossians 1:28. It is a Message with a warning.
c) Colossians 1:28. It is a Message that needs to be taught with all the Wisdom God has given to us.
d) Colossians 1:28. We should have the goal of presenting people to God perfect in their relationship to Christ.
e) Mark 1:1. The Good News is about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God.
f) Luke 19:10. For He, the Son of Man, has come to seek and to Save lost people.
g) Romans 1:16. The Good News about Christ is the Power of God at work, Saving everyone who Believes.
h) 1 Corinthians 15:3-4. Telling about Christ’s:-
(This Second one challenges and reminds me that as a True Believer I should be Telling Everyone About Christ both with my teaching and my life)
The gift of interpretation of languages is very important for the Church in which the gift of diverse languages is practiced. It is often very confusing for the non believer if there is a manifestation of the gift of diverse languages and no gift of interpretation along with it. The Scriptures encourage us to pray for the gift of interpretation of languages specifically so that all attendees can understand what is being said.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
The Better Person!
‘The Better Person.’
Proverbs 16:32.
a) Is not the mighty person.
b) Is the person who is slow to anger.
c) Is not the one who captures a city.
d) Is the one who rules their own spirit.
(Through this QT I want to be The Better Person)
‘The Reason Why Saul Lost His Anointing.’
a) 1 Samuel 15:23. Because of his rebellion.
b) 1 Samuel 15:23. God says that rebellion is as the sin of divination.
c) Deuteronomy 18:10. Is what God says about divination.
d) 1 Samuel 15:23. He was disobedient to God.
e) 1 Samuel 15:23; 1 Samuel 13:14. He was rejected by God.
(Through this Second one I find and should learn from The Reason Why Saul Lost His Anointing)
The better person is slow to anger. Getting into an angry temper quickly is never God’s way for us to be. If we have that problem we need to ask God to help us to be free from it. Being slow to anger is a virtue. Being quickly angry breaks relationships, hurts other people and can make us dislike ourselves and put ourselves into some kind of bondage.
Jesus Did Much For Him!
‘Jesus Did Much For Him.’
Mark 5:1-20.
a) Mark 5:1-6. When Jesus came to the area of the Gerasenes this demonised man came and threw himself at Jesus’ feet. He was obviously very tormented by evil spirits and wanted to be free.
b) Mark 5:7-12. Jesus had quickly began to cast out the evil spirits and one of them reacted verbally through the man. They were a legion of evil spirits and begged Jesus to send them into a herd of pigs. They knew they had to leave the man because Jesus had and has all authority.
c) Mark 5:13. They went into the herd of pigs and the entire herd ran down the steep bank into the lake and drowned.
d) Mark 5:14. The pig herd attendants rushed off and told everyone they met what had happened.
e) Mark 5:15-17. This was such a powerful miracle that the people were afraid and begged Jesus to leave the region.
f) Mark 5:18. Jesus got ready to leave and as He got into the boat the man who was set free from the legion asked Jesus to let him come too.
g) Mark 5:19. Jesus told him to go back to his family and tell them the great things that were done for him and tell them about the Lord’s Mercy.
h) Mark 5:20. So the man went into the Gentile Decapolis region and told them all that the Lord Jesus had done for him. All the listeners were amazed.
(Through this QT I can see how this man responded with such positive action because Jesus Did Much For Him)
‘Only One Anointed King.’
1 Samuel 16:13-14.
a) Samuel anointed David as the next king of God’s People.
b) With this anointing the Spirit of the Lord came upon David in power.
c) The Spirit of the Lord departed from the former king Saul even though he was still officially the king.
d) An evil spirit from the Lord came to Saul and began to torment him from that time.
(This Second one shows me that, for God’s People in the Old Testament there could be Only One Anointed King)
We should consider how much the Lord has done for us. If we get caught up with complaining and thinking that God does not really care about our lives, we really need to stop that because our negatives can also pull down other people. Stop! And consider how much the Lord has done for you and I.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Considering The Unbelievers!
‘Considering The Unbelievers.’
1 Corinthians 14:23-25.
a) 1 Corinthians 14:23. If the unbelievers come into our meetings and hear everyone speaking in the Gift of diverse languages they will think that we are strange or crazy.
b) 1 Corinthians 14:24. If we have the Gift of prophecy in our meetings when unbelievers come in, they will hear the Message of edification, exhortation and comfort and may well be convicted of their sin and need of repentance.
c) 1 Corinthians 14:25. Through the Messages of preaching, teaching and prophecy the unbelievers may realise that their heart’s secrets are know by the Lord. They will be influenced into acknowledging God’s Presence and Worshipping Him.
(Through this QT I know that it is wise for the assembled Church to be Considering The Unbelievers who may be attending)
‘Our Life As True Believers.’
This subject is so important. I have been impressed to reiterate and reconsider in this Second one something that I have been pondering upon over the past few days.
a) 1 Corinthians 15:1. We have welcomed the Good News and still do.
b) 1 Corinthians 15:1. Our Faith is built on the Good News.
c) 1 Corinthians 15:2; Titus 2:11. The Good News Saves us.
d) 1 Timothy 1:10-11. We receive correct Teaching that comes from the Good News.
e) 2 Timothy 1:10. Through Jesus our Saviour we have found the Way to Everlasting Life through the Good News.
f) Titus 2:10. Should be a life that reflects correct Teaching.
g) Titus 2:12. We are to turn from godless living and sinful pleasures.
h) Titus 2:12. We should live in this World system with:-
1-Self control.
2-Right conduct.
3-Devotion to God.
i) Titus 2:13. We are looking forward to that wonderful event when the Glory of our Great God and Saviour Jesus Christ will be revealed.
(This Second one is a Scripture picture of what My Life As A True Believer should be)
God speaks in the Church in various ways. Mainly God speaks through Preaching and Teaching. We are fed week by week through the Preaching and Teaching messages that are brought into the Church in various services and meetings. God may also speak in the Church through the Gift of prophecy bringing edification, exhortation and comfort to the Church. We should be cautious about “testimony” meetings, “personal prophecies” and attempting to “hear God’s voice” in public services and meetings as there is very little Scriptural justification for such things.
Friday, August 27, 2010
The Way Of Righteousness - 2!
‘The Way Of Righteousness.’
a) Proverbs 16:31. Is suitable for elderly people.
b) Proverbs 8:20. Is to walk in the paths of justice.
c) Proverbs 12:28. Is the way of Eternal Life.
d) Matthew 21:32. Was revealed by John the Baptist.
e) 2 Peter 2:21. We should not turn from it.
(This QT gives me more understanding about The Way Of Righteousness)
‘Forbidden But They Did It.’
Nehemiah 13:23-24.
a) Against the teachings of God’s Law in the Old Testament the Jewish men married women from:-
1- Ashdod.
2- Amnon.
3- Moab.
b) The children of these marriages spoke the languages of their mothers.
c) The children of these marriages could not speak Hebrew.
(The Jewish men knew God’s Word, they knew what was Forbidden But They Did It)
We need to continually gain understanding of God’s Word and understanding of God through His Word. Today I understand more of the close link between language and culture. When we lose the language we lose the culture and maybe we create a new culture, join an existing one, or have an identity crisis.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Unnecessary Suffering Of The Levites!
‘Unnecessary Suffering Of The Levites.’
Nehemiah 13:10.
a) Nehemiah learned that the Levites had not been given the offering shares that the Lord had said should be theirs.
b) The Levites and singers had to leave their regular Temple duties.
c) They had to go back and farm their own fields.
(This QT shows me that when God’s People are living outside of His Will there will be Unnecessary Suffering Of The Levites)
‘They Neglected The Lord’s Day.’
Nehemiah 13:15-16.
a) Some men in Judah were stomping on grapes in the winepresses on the Sabbath.
b) Other men were bringing in the grain and putting it on the asses.
c) These men and other men also, were bringing their goods into Jerusalem on the Sabbath day to market them.
d) The men of Tyre also came to sell fish and other goods in Jerusalem on the Sabbath day.
(This Second one shows me how in the Old Testament days, when God’s People were not in good condition spiritually They Neglected The Lord’s Day)
There is, of course, need for service industries and public services to be running seven days a week. If, however, Believers use the Lord’s (Church) day merely to try to make more profit for their businesses it is not good.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Another Aspect Of Diverse Languages Gift!
‘Another Aspect Of Diverse Languages Gift.’
1 Corinthians 14:21-22.
a) Here is a Prophecy of Scripture from the Old Testament.
b) Apostle Paul interprets it thus:- The Gift of speaking in diverse languages is a proof for those people who do not believe.
c) This happens when the person who is speaking in and with the Gift speaks and does not understand but the hearers understand. There are instances on the mission field and in other environments in this generation where this has happened.
d) The Gift of prophecy is spoken for those people who are True Believers, for their:-
1- Edification.
2- Exhortation.
3- Comfort.
(Through this QT I find Another Aspect Of Diverse Languages Gift)
‘Let Me Leave.’
a) Nehemiah 13:6. Nehemiah requested of the King of Babylon, so that he could go back to Jerusalem where he was needed.
b) 1 Kings 11:22. When Hadad had heard of the deaths of King David and Joab, commander of the army he asked Pharaoh to let him leave.
c) Genesis 33:15. Esau, at a time of reconciliation with Jacob wanted to leave some of his men to help Jacob, but Jacob said that it was not necessary.
(Through this Second one, Let Me Leave, I can see the importance of considering other people in our decision making)
Respect for authority is a theme of the Bible through both Old and New Testaments. People who do not and will not respect authority are out of order and cannot be trusted. God will honour those people who respect authority.
Beware Of Plotters!
‘Beware Of Plotters.’
a) Proverbs 16:30; Psalm 71:10; 83:3. They are often silent and unobtrusive.
b) Genesis 37:18; Esther 8:3; Psalm 52:2. They want to destroy other people in some way.
c) Judges 9:25. We should hearken to warnings about them.
d) 2 Samuel 3:34; Psalm 37:12; 140:8. They are wicked.
e) Esther 2:22; 6:2; 9:25. They should be exposed to higher authority if necessary.
f) Esther 2:23; Psalm 59:5; Isaiah 29:20. They should be dealt with appropriately.
g) Job 21:27; Psalm 31:13. They are schemers.
h) Psalm 21:11; Matthew 12:14. If they are against the Lord they will not succeed.
i) Psalm 35:20. They plot against innocent people who mind their own business.
j) Psalm 58:2. They plot injustice.
k) Psalm 64:6. They plot crimes therefore they are criminals.
l) Psalm 106:43. They sink deeper into their sin.
m) Psalm 119:23. Sometimes they are influential people.
n) Psalm 140:2; Proverbs 6:14; 24:2. They are troublemakers.
o) Ecclesiastes 8:3. We are not to associate with them.
p) Jeremiah 11:18. The Lord looks after us when they are around.
q) Jeremiah 12:6. They can sometimes be our own family members.
r) Daniel 11:27. Sometimes National Leaders do it against each other.
(Through this QT I heed the warning: Beware Of Plotters)
‘When We Clearly Understand The Word Of God.’
Nehemiah 8:12.
a) We can go and enjoy a fellowship or family meal. (Fellowship)
b) We can send food to other people who need it. (Compassion)
c) We can Rejoice.
d) We have understood the Words that have been made known to us. (How it should be in every Worship Service)
(Through this Second one I find how I should respond When I Clearly Understand The Word Of God – unless God’s Word to me is about Prayer and Fasting!)
Sometimes the message preached is beyond the understanding of the congregation, that is so miserable and the fault of the preacher. Sometimes the message preached is political in content and therefore not the Word of God. The Message preached that is God’s Word and anointed by the Holy Spirit will be effective for the Glory of God.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
A Challenge For Us!
‘A Challenge For Us.’
Romans 12:1-3.
a) Romans 12:1. This is written by Apostle Paul to the entire Church in Rome because of the Mercy of God.
b) Romans 12:1. We are to present our bodies to God:-
1- As a living sacrifice.
2- Holy.
3- Acceptable to God.
c) Romans 12:1. This is our reasonable Worship and Service.
d) Romans 12:2. If we follow verse one then we can be partakers of the three things mentioned here in verse two:-
1- Our life and behaviour will not be conformed to the World system.
2- We can be transformed by the renewing of our thinking mind.
3- We can prove by experience what is the Will of God for our lives. This Will of God is:-
A- Good.
B- Acceptable.
C- Perfect.
e) Romans 12:3. Paul writes this because of and in Grace:-
1- We are not to think of ourselves more highly than we ought to think.
2- We are to think soberly.
3- We are to think according to the measure of Faith that we have.
(This QT presents A Challenge For Me)
‘God’s Covenant With Abraham.’
a) Galatians 3:18. Was given as a Promise.
b) Galatians 3:16. Includes Jesus Christ.
c) Psalm 105:9-12. Was not dependent on numbers.
d) Psalm 105:42. He will not forget.
e) Micah 7:18-20. Was to all of His People.
f) Luke 1:54-55 & 72-73. Is a Merciful Covenant.
g) Hebrews 6:13-14. Was a Covenant of Blessing.
h) Hebrews 6:15. Had to be received with Faith and Patience.
(This Second one reminds me of God’s Covenant With Abraham and what it means for me)
When we receive the Promise of God and Promise from God there are certain things that we need to ascertain. Firstly, are we sure that this Promise is for us? We should not “use” the Word of God out of context for our benefit. Secondly, do we have the quiet confidence and Faith to hold on to the Promise God has given to us? Thirdly, are we willing to be Patient to receive the Promise from God? Fourthly, if the Promise was given to us through another person are we sure that it was God’s Word to us and not just their words?
Monday, August 23, 2010
Good Thinking!
‘Good Thinking.’
1 Corinthians 14:20.
a) This is written to the Family of God – True Believers.
b) We are not to be childish in our thinking.
c) We are to be childlike in regards to evil – in other words we live in purity and innocence.
d) We are to be mature in our thinking.
(This QT encourages me to have Good Thinking)
‘Look First.’
Nehemiah 2:12-16.
Nehemiah had this great task of rebuilding the broken down walls of Jerusalem, a task given by the Lord. From beginning to end he went about it so wisely.
a) Nehemiah 2:12. At night time Nehemiah got up and:-
1- Took with him a small band of men.
2- Did not tell anyone what God had laid on his heart to do for Jerusalem.
3- Took no extra beast.
b) Nehemiah 2:13. He went out to inspect the broken down walls of the city.
c) Nehemiah 2:14-15. He completed the inspection and returned inside the city – all under the cover of night.
d) Nehemiah 2:16. Nobody else knew anything except the men who went with Nehemiah and they did not really know what he was doing.
(This Second one reminds me that it is wise to Look First)
It is good that we do not make public all of our thoughts and moves. It is not wise to do that. Sometimes we need to quietly look first before we make any decision or announcement. Our primary accountability is to the Lord, other accountabilities are secondary.
Good For Nothing Worthless People!
‘Good For Nothing Worthless People.’
Proverbs 16:27-29.
a) Proverbs 16:27. Are designers of evil.
b) Proverbs 16:27. Speak like a burning fire.
c) Proverbs 16:28. Have twisted and perverse purposes that cause strife.
d) Proverbs 16:28. Gossip and make trouble between friends.
e) Proverbs 16:29. Are violent and put evil desires into their neighbour’s minds.
f) Proverbs 16:29. Lead other people in ways that are not good.
(This QT has me praying for the Church to be free from Good For Nothing Worthless People)
‘Our King Sees.’
Matthew 25:40.
a) He wants us to have assurance about this fact.
b) What we do, even for the least of our brothers and sisters in the Lord.
c) We are doing it for our King and Lord.
(This Second one reaffirms my realisation that My King Sees)
Strife is not normally caused by the devil and his minions it is usually caused by people. It is the peacemakers that will be Blessed, those are the Words of our Lord. Some people delight in causing trouble and creating strife. Such people cannot be Blessed until they change their ways.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Take Care!
‘Take Care.’
Ephesians 5:15.
a) Be careful how we are living.
b) We should not live as unwise and ignorant people.
c) We should live as wise people.
(This QT tells me that I should Take Care how I live)
‘Is It Right?’
a) Matthew 19:3; 22:17; Mark 12:14. Is sometimes asked of True Believers by unbelievers in a “trick” question.
b) Jonah 4:4 & 9. To be angry with selfish anger when serving the Lord?
c) 1 Corinthians 11:13. To dress in a culturally different way that draws attention to oneself in the Worship service and that also shows disrespect?
(This Second one reminds me that it is sometimes good to ask myself the question: Is It Right?)
Be careful how we are living. This is a short but powerful statement. It first refers to God and His Glory. Secondly, it refers to our lives as True Believers in front of other people and, thirdly it refers to our own good and benefit.
Verbal Spiritual Gifts And Self Control!
‘Verbal Spiritual Gifts And Self Control.
1 Corinthians 14:13-19.
a) 1 Corinthians 14:13. If a person has the Gift of diverse languages they should pray for the power to interpret - the Gift of interpretation of diverse languages.
b) 1 Corinthians 14:14. When we pray using diverse languages our spirit prays but we do not understand what we pray.
c) 1 Corinthians 14:15. What are we to do? We are to pray with diverse languages and we can even sing praises with the same Gift. Also we are to pray and sing praises in our own language that we understand too.
d) 1 Corinthians 14:16-17. If we only use the Gift of diverse languages to pray, how can anyone say “Amen” to our prayer?
e) 1 Corinthians 14:18. Apostle Paul prayed a lot with the Gift of diverse languages.
f) 1 Corinthians 14:19. In the Church service Paul would rather speak five words in a language that was understood than ten thousand words with the Gift of diverse languages.
(Through this QT I learn an important Biblical Truth about Verbal Spiritual Gifts And Self Control)
‘Freedom From Shame.’
a) Luke 16:3. Through being humble.
b) 2 Corinthians 10:8. Through understanding it is God’s Work and not ours.
c) Philippians 1:20; Mark 8:38; Luke 9:26. Through living to honour Christ.
d) 1 John 2:28. Through living in Fellowship with Christ.
e) 1 Peter 4:16; 2 Timothy 1:12. Through being willing to suffer for being a True Believer.
f) Romans 1:16. Through recognising that the Gospel is the Power of God at work.
(This Second one encourages me to have Freedom From Shame)
Sometimes we take responsibility for the wrong things and that does not help us at all. Firstly, we are not to take responsibility and credit for what God has done or maybe doing through us. Secondly, when we have made a mistake, it is our mistake and we should take responsibility for it and not blame someone else or God.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
How Is Our Appetite?
‘How Is Our Appetite?’
a) Proverbs 16:26. The worker's appetite works for them because their hunger urges them on.
b) Numbers 11:6. If we are not grateful to God for our food it can be lost.
c) Deuteronomy 14:6. It is given by God.
d) Job 6:7. It sometimes disappears when we are faced with tasteless food.
e) Job 20:20. It should be satisfied in a good way.
f) Job 33:19-21. It is sometimes lost when we are sick.
g) Psalm 102:4. It sometimes lost when our emotional heart is sick.
h) Proverbs 13:25. Righteous people will have enough to satisfy their appetite.
i) Proverbs 23:1-2. It should be controlled when we sit to eat with a ruler.
j) Ecclesiastes 6:9. It sometimes wanders.
k) Hosea 4:8. Some people have an appetite for sin.
l) Philippians 3:19. Some people make their appetite their god.
(This QT causes me to examine myself: How Is My Appetite?)
‘Stay Alert And Be Good Stewards.’
Matthew 25:13-30.
a) Matthew 25:13. As True Believers we always need to be alert.
b) Matthew 25:14. The Lord Jesus Christ has entrusted us as stewards of many things.
c) Matthew 25:15. We all have different responsibilities and talents from the Lord.
d) Matthew 25:16-17. We need to be good stewards of what the Lord has given to us.
e) Matthew 25:18. We are not to keep what the Lord has given to us hidden.
f) Matthew 25:19. One day the Lord Jesus Christ will return.
g) Matthew 25:20-23. Those Believers who have been good stewards of what the Lord has given will be rewarded.
h) Matthew 25:24-28. The Lord had much to say to the man who kept what He had given to him hidden. There was no reward but there was loss for him.
i) Matthew 25:29. For everyone who has something will be given more, so that he will have more than enough; but from anyone who has nothing, even what he does have will be taken away.
j) Matthew 25:30. Let us not be worthless servants of the Lord.
(This Second one teaches me to Stay Alert And Be A Good Steward)
We are not to keep what the Lord has given to us hidden. Usually people do this because they have some kind of character problem or they are not living the right kind of life before the Lord.
Sadness Shows!
‘Sadness Shows.’
Nehemiah 2:2.
a) Nehemiah’s master, the king, Nehemiah was his cup bearer could see that Nehemiah was sad.
b) The king new that Nehemiah was not sick, but he looked sick because of the sadness.
c) Nehemiah looked like a man with deep troubles.
d) Then, after the king’s comments, Nehemiah became full of fear. So often one negative emotion can lead to another if we do nothing about it.
(Through this QT I can see that Sadness Shows, as True Believers we need to come to the Lord when we are sad, whatever the reason for our sadness, and the Lord will help us and comfort us)
‘Avoid Doom Through Turning To God.’
Revelation 21:8.
This is one of the clearest Scriptures about the fate of people in sin whoever they are and whatever religion they may belong to if they have any religion. These people will have their part in the Lake of Fire, which is the second death.
a) Cowards who turn away from God.
b) People who refuse to believe in God even though they have heard the way of Salvation.
c) People who are corrupt in their dealings.
d) Murderers.
e) Immoral people.
f) People who practice witchcraft.
g) Idol worshippers.
h) All liars.
(This Second one is a clear warning to Avoid Doom Through Turning To God)
A very key point on Judgment day is to do with accountability. There are many people who have heard the Good News but rejected it. If those people are mentally healthy they will be held accountable by God on the Day of Judgment if they do not repent beforehand.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Clearly And For The Good Of The Church!
‘Clearly And For The Good Of The Church.’
1 Corinthians 14:7-12.
a) 1 Corinthians 14:7. A musical instrument has to make clear and pleasant music.
b) 1 Corinthians 14:8. The bugle/trumpet sounding the battle call needs to make a clear call.
c) 1 Corinthians 14:9. If we speak out in a language that no one will understand – what is the sense? We are out of order.
d) 1 Corinthians 14:10-11. There are so many languages in the World, to understand each other we need to speak in a common language or have an interpreter that will help us to understand.
e) 1 Corinthians 14:12. It is good to be eager for spiritual gifts especially with the motive of helping the Church to grow.
(Through this QT I am assured that verbal Spiritual Gifts in the Church must be spoken Clearly And For The Good Of The Church)
‘A Good Way To Begin A New Church Project Or Mission.’
Nehemiah 1:6.
a) Prayer to the Living God.
b) Continual prayer – not just one brief prayer.
c) Specific confession of sin in prayer.
(This Second one shows me A Good Way To Begin A New Church Project Or Mission)
I thank God for the Gift of diverse languages. “Tongues” is an old English word for “Languages”. There has been over the years a real lack of teaching and even some strange heretic teaching about this Gift given by God. Let us examine the Scriptures carefully, especially 1 Corinthians 12 – 14, to learn more about this Gift and not be led astray by mere “experience seekers”.
Seek God For The Right Way!
‘Seek God For The Right Way.’
a) Proverbs 16:25; 14:12. There is a way that seems right for people to take but it ends in death.
b) Proverbs 21:2. People may think they are doing what is right but the Lord examines the heart.
c) Romans 8:14. We should be led by the Holy Spirit.
(This QT encourages me to Seek God For The Right Way)
‘Glory To The Lord.’
a) Revelation 4:11. The Lord our God is Worthy to receive Glory.
b) Revelation 11:15. He will Reign forever and forever.
c) Psalm 145:13. Because:-
1-His Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom.
2-He is Faithful in all that He says.
3-He is Gracious in all that He does.
d) Romans 11:36. Because:-
1-Everything comes from Him.
2-Everything exists by His Power.
3-Everything is intended for His Glory.
e) Isaiah 42:8. He will not give His Glory to anyone else.
(By this Second one I proclaim Glory To The Lord)
It is imperative for the True Believer to seek God for the right way, especially when there are big decisions to be made. If we fail to seek God we make for ourselves all kinds of unnecessary problems.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
When We Are Led Out By The Lord!
‘When We Are Led Out By The Lord.’
Jeremiah 29:4-10.
a) Jeremiah 29:4. We should keep paying heed to what the Lord says, especially if we are reluctant family members. Going into captivity in the Will of God is not necessarily a bad thing.
b) Jeremiah 29:5-6. Settle well in the place that the Lord has sent us to. Drop the “where next” mentality.
c) Jeremiah 29:7. For the place that the Lord has taken us to:-
1- Work for its peace.
2- Seek for its peace.
3- Pray for it.
d) Jeremiah 29:8-9. Do not be tricked by false prophets. God allows them sometimes so that He tests our obedience to Him and to His Calling.
e) Jeremiah 29:10. God always fulfils His Will in His Perfect Time.
(This QT teaches me how to respond and how to keep on responding When I Am Led Out By The Lord)
‘Ezra Went Back To Jerusalem.’
Ezra 7:6-10.
a) Ezra 7:6. Ezra:-
1- Was equipped by the Word of God.
2- Was given permission to go back.
3- Had the good Hand of God upon Him.
b) Ezra 7:7. Ezra took a spiritual and helpful team with him.
c) Ezra 7:8-9. God helped Ezra to go back to Jerusalem.
d) Ezra 7:10. Ezra:-
1- Studied the Word of the Lord.
2- Did what the Word of the Lord said.
3- Taught the Word of the Lord.
4- Shared the Lord’s Judgements with the people.
(Through this Second one I can find a very meaningful journey: Ezra Went Back To Jerusalem)
We can see today the need to be serving together with others in Mission. This may mean going with a team or going to a team. It may mean going to a place where the missionary is covered by the local Church. People who go off “unattached” are both dangerous and in danger.
Verbal Gifts That Help The Church!
‘Verbal Gifts That Help The Church.’
1 Corinthians 14:4-6.
a) 1 Corinthians 14:4. If we speak to God with the Gift of diverse languages we may strengthen ourselves personally in the Lord.
b) 1 Corinthians 14:4. If we speak out a Gift of prophecy we strengthen the entire Church.
c) 1 Corinthians 14:5. Apostle Paul desired that all the Corinthian Church had the Gift of diverse languages – but even more he desired them to have the Gift of prophecy. (Prophecy is edification; exhortation and comfort)
d) 1 Corinthians 14:5. Prophecy is a greater and more useful Gift than speaking with diverse languages.
e) 1 Corinthians 14:5. The only way that the Church can get some good out of the Gift of diverse languages is if someone has a Gift of interpretation. (In a Believers’ prayer meeting all participants may speak to God in diverse languages as a part of their mutual prayer, provided it is done in an orderly way)
f) 1 Corinthians 14:6. If the preacher or teacher speaks in the
Gift of diverse languages how can that help the Church?
g) 1 Corinthians 14:6. The preacher or teacher should be able to bring help to the Church through:-
2-Special knowledge.
(This QT shows me Verbal Gifts That Help The Church)
‘God’s Mighty Word Frees Us.’
a) John 1:1. The Word already existed in the beginning. The Word was with God and the Word was God.
b) John 1:14.The Word:-
1-Became human.
2-Lived here on Earth amongst humanity.
3-Was full of unfailing Love.
4-Was full of Faithfulness.
5-Manifested the Glory of the only Son of the Father.
c) Hebrews 2:1. Listen very carefully to the Truth we have heard.
d) 1 Peter 1:25. The Word of the Lord will last forever and that Word was the Good News that was preached to us.
(In this Second one I rejoice because God’s Mighty Word Frees Me)
If the Church today was taught about the Gifts of the Holy Spirit in a Biblical and fearless way then the extreme charismatic and fringe movements that are getting and giving such a bad name to Christianity and causing division would be stopped because the Holy Spirit could work more freely in the Church.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Out Of Our Mouths!
‘Out Of Our Mouths.’
Proverbs 16:23-24.
a) The heart of the wise person is the teacher of their mouth.
b) The heart of the wise person gives increased learning to their lips.
c) Pleasant Words:-
1- Are like honey.
2- Are sweet to the soul.
3- Give us health and new life to the bones.
(This QT calls attention to what comes Out Of My Mouth)
‘Present A Clear Gospel Message.’
a) Romans 3:23. All people have sinned and come short of the Glory of God.
b) Ephesians 2:8. It is by Grace that we are Saved, through Faith.
c) 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. We are not our own but we are bought at a price.
d) 2 Corinthians 5:17. If we are in Christ we are a new creation. The old has gone and the new has come.
e) Romans 8:29. In Christ we should be being conformed to His Likeness.
f) Philippians 1:6. He Who has begun a good work in us is able to complete it.
g) Ephesians 4:30. God has given us the Holy Spirit to seal us for the Day of Redemption.
(This Second one urges me to Present A Clear Gospel Message)
We live in days when the Gospel is being distorted and watered down through the mass media and even in some churches too. People are hunting for “blessing” and “healing” when they have never responded to the Gospel. We need to go back to making the preaching of the Gospel as the unique way to Salvation through Jesus Christ.
Faithful People!
‘Faithful People.’
a) Nehemiah 7:1-3. Can be appointed to positions of responsibility.
b) 1 Corinthians 4:2. May be appointed as stewards in the Church.
c) Nehemiah 8:1-3 & 8. Can explain the Word of God to other people.
d) Nehemiah 8:4-7. Can serve well with other people in team ministry.
e) Nehemiah 8:9. Give comfort to other people.
f) Nehemiah 8:10-12. Are joy givers.
g) 1 John 1:9; Romans 5:8. Have experienced God’s Faithfulness.
h) James 1:2; Psalm 30:5. Sometimes go through various trials.
i) Isaiah 61:1-3; John 4:32. Have a vision from the Lord.
j) Hebrews 12:2. Keep their eyes on Jesus.
k) 2 Corinthians 9:7. Learn how to be cheerful givers.
(Through this QT I want to be a Faithful Person)
‘God’s Gracious Gift.’
a) Romans 5:15. Is the generous Gift of Forgiveness.
b) Romans 5:16. Is the free Gift of being accepted by Him.
c) Romans 5:17. Is the wonderful and gracious Gift of Righteousness.
d) Ephesians 1:4. Makes us Holy and without fault in His Eyes.
e) Ephesians 1:5. Is that through Jesus Christ we are adopted into His family.
f) Ephesians 2:5. Is Life, when He raised Christ from the dead.
g) 1 Peter 2:10. Is His Mercy.
(This Second one makes me very thankful for God’s Gracious Gift of Salvation)
Ministry. This simple word draws all kinds of thoughts and imaginations in our mind. We should not forget that the real meaning of the word is service. The call to ministry is a very high calling whether we are called as full time ministers or lay ministers. There is, however, no room for pride here, the minister is a servant.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Love Comes First!
‘Love Comes First.’
1 Corinthians 14:1-3.
a) 1 Corinthians 14:1. There are three clear instructions for the Corinthian church here:-
1- Pursue love.
2- Be zealous for Spiritual Gifts.
3- Seek the gift of prophecy.
b) 1 Corinthians 14:2. Generally, when we use the Gift of diverse languages we are speaking to God and not to people. No other person can understand – it is a mystery to them.
c) 1 Corinthians 14:3. The Gift of prophecy has Bible boundaries and is different to the ministry gift of Prophet. The ministry gift Prophet speaks:-
1- Vision to the Church.
2- Direction to the Church.
3- Correction to the Church. The Church may be:-
A- Local.
B- Regional. (Such as in Apostle Paul’s letters).
C- Global.
The Holy Spirit gift of prophecy is for:-
4- Edification.
5- Exhortation.
6- Comfort.
The gift of prophecy in the New Testament is not a “fortune telling” gift! The nearest it comes to that is as confirmation of what God was already saying, as in the case of Apostle Paul’s journey to trial. Old Testament style prophecy came to its fulfilment in Jesus Christ Who is Prophet, Priest and King and so is no more needed.
(Through this QT I am strongly persuaded that Love Comes First)
‘Every True Believer Fits In.’
Ephesians 4:11-12.
We see here that God has made the Church so that everyone fits in if they are a True Believer.
a) Apostle. One who plants a Church in a place where there is no other Church and “fathers” that Church.
b) Prophet. One who speaks to the Church as in the QT above.
c) Evangelist. One who goes out amongst non believers and shares the Gospel with them in some way and spends most of their ministry in that field.
d) Pastor. Shepherds God’s flock.
e) Teacher. Teaches God’s flock. (Sometimes Pastor/Teacher can be the same person)
f) Saints. Church members who are True Believers and are in God’s perfecting process.
g) Workers. In the ministry of the Church.
h) Being built up all together as the Body of Christ.
(Through this QT I see that Every True Believer fits in to the life of the Church – the Body of Christ)
The Book of Ephesians in the Bible is a good read for all of us, especially as True Believers. It clearly explains our need of Salvation and our place in Jesus Christ. It helps us to understand how the Church should function. It prepares the Church for persecution when it tells about spiritual weapons and armoury.
Have Discretion!
‘Have Discretion.’
a) Proverbs 16:22. Discretion is a life giving fountain for those people who have it.
b) 1 Samuel 5:23. Abigail was a discerning woman.
c) 1 Chronicles 22:12. It is something that the Lord gives to us.
d) 1 Chronicles 26:14. Zechariah had unusual discretion.
e) 2 Chronicles 2:12. Solomon had it.
f) Ezra 8:18. Sherebiah had it.
g) Nehemiah 8:8. Can be imparted to us by the Word of God.
h) Job 17:4. Sometimes God closes people’s minds to it.
i) Psalm 111:10. Will come to us as we have reverence for the Lord.
j) Proverbs 12:8. Everyone admires a person with us.
k) Proverbs 19:11. And restrain our anger.
(This QT urges me to Have Discretion)
‘Faith’s Important Part.’
a) Romans 3:28; 5:1. We are made right with God through Faith.
b) Romans 5:2. Because of our Faith, Christ has brought us into this place of highest privilege where we now stand.
c) Hebrews 11:6. Without Faith it is impossible to please God.
(This Second one reminds me of Faith’s Important Part)
Praise and Glory was given to the Lord because He had given Solomon, a wise and discerning son to King David. Surely David did not deserve such a son because of his past faults and failures. This was God’s Grace and Love. God has the same Grace and Love for His Children today.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Teach The Way To Young Children!
‘Teach The Way To Young Children.’
a) Proverbs 22:6. Then they will not depart from it.
b) Genesis 18:19. Until they are grown up, to keep the Way of the Lord and to do what is right and just.
c) Deuteronomy 4:9. Pass on to the children and grandchildren what we have seen the Lord do us
d) Deuteronomy 6:7. Repeat God’s Word again and again to our children.
e) Psalm 78:4. We will not hide these truths from our children but will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the LORD. We will tell of his power and the mighty miracles he did.
f) Psalm 78:5-6. God commanded the early fathers to teach His Word to their children.
g) Ephesians 6:4. Fathers are to bring up their children with the Discipline and Instruction approved by the Lord.
h) 2 Timothy 3:15. Timothy was taught the Holy Scriptures from childhood. Those Scriptures gave Him the Wisdom to receive the Salvation that comes by trusting in Christ Jesus.
(This QT encourages me and encourages me to teach other people, especially parents, to Teach The Way To Young Children)
‘Where Is The Lamb?’
Genesis 22:7.
a) This proves that Isaac was more grown up than just being a little child when Abraham was willing to sacrifice him on the altar to God. He could ask meaningful questions.
b) He could have a conversation with his father.
c) He was physically able to carry a lot of wood for the sacrificial fire.
d) He knew about sacrificial lambs.
(Through this Second one: Where Is The Lamb? I realise that Isaac was already of sufficient age, strength, and intellect when Abraham was ready to sacrifice him on the altar)
Sometimes we neglect the bringing up of children in a Biblical concept and way. In some of the Western countries we say that the children should grow up without being taught religion, then when they are grown they can make up their own minds. In some of the Eastern countries Confucian influence is there and tending to children’s spiritual needs is seen as a secondary chore whether it is in home, school or church. God’s dealings with His People in the Old Testament really gives light and understanding on His Way and desire for the bringing up of children.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
The Greatest!
‘The Greatest.’
1 Corinthians 13:13.
Three things remain in the life of a True Believer.
a) Faith.
b) Hope.
c) Love.
d) The greatest of these three is Love.
(This QT is a source of comfort to me: The Greatest is Love)
‘God Said Get To Know This.’
Deuteronomy 6:1-23.
a) Deuteronomy 6:1. These Commandments were given by God to be taught and lived out.
b) Deuteronomy 6:2. Through these Commandments the generations of God’s People were to have the Fear of the Lord and live long lives.
c) Deuteronomy 6:3. God said they were to hear and do then they would increase mightily.
d) Deuteronomy 6:4. God again said hear. God knew and knows the weaknesses of His People to talk and not to listen,
e) Deuteronomy 6:5. God said they were to love Him totally and exclusively.
f) Deuteronomy 6:6. God said these words were to be in His People’s hearts.
g) Deuteronomy 6:7. God said that these words were to be taught diligently to their children.
h) Deuteronomy 6:8-9. God said that these words were to be made physically into His People’s environment.
i) Deuteronomy 6:10-13. God said that these words were not to be forgotten.
j) Deuteronomy 6:14-15. God said that His People were not to go after strange gods.
k) Deuteronomy 6:16. God said that His People were not to tempt Him by their obstinacy.
l) Deuteronomy 6:17-19. God again reminded His People to keep His Word and do it.
m) Deuteronomy 6:20-23. God again reminded His People of the important part that parents play in the spiritual life of their children.
(Through this Second one I realise that if God Said Get To Know This, then it is important)
God speaks to True Believers about His Word and He tells us what to do with it. We live in days when so called “spiritual experiences” are being chased after – even by True Believers. This is the beginning of a very dry period of time spiritually in the Nations where God’s People have fallen to this temptation. It is not “revival” but a curse on the Churches. We need so desperately to come back to God’s Word and make it the centre of our lives, living it out day by day.
Effective Speaking!
‘Effective Speaking.’
a) Proverbs 16:21. Instruction is appreciated if it is well presented.
b) Job 16:5; Proverbs 10:32. Speak in a way that helps other people.
c) Psalm 15:2; Zechariah 8:16; Matthew 12:35. Speak the Truth from a sincere heart.
d) Psalm 37:30; Proverbs 10:21 & 31. Godly people offer good counsel, they know what is right from wrong.
e) Proverbs 10:11. The words of godly people lead to life.
f) Proverbs 10:13; 15:7; 16:23. Wise words come from the lips of people with understanding.
g) Proverbs 15:1. A gentle answer turns away wrath.
h) Proverbs 15:4. Gentle words bring life and health.
i) Proverbs 16:24. Kind words are like honey, sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
j) Proverbs 25:11. Timely advice is lovely.
k) Proverbs 25:15. Soft speech can crush strong opposition.
l) Ecclesiastes 12:9-11. Wise teachers prepare their teaching well.
(This QT teaches me the beauty of Effective Speaking)
‘Full And Free Salvation In Christ.’
a) 1 Timothy 2:5. He is the only One Who can reconcile God and people.
b) 1 Timothy 2:6. He gave His Life to purchase freedom for everyone.
c) Acts 4:12. There is Salvation in no one else.
d) Acts 4:12. There is no other name in all of Heaven for people to call on to save them.
e) 1 Peter 1:18-19; Revelation 5:9. God paid a ransom to Save us with the precious life blood of Christ the sinless and spotless Lamb of God.
f) Hebrews 7:25. He is able, once and forever, to Save everyone who comes to God through Him.
g) Romans 8:34. Christ Jesus is the One Who:-
1-Died for us.
2-Was raised to life for us.
3-Is sitting at the place of highest honour next to God, pleading for us.
(Through this Second one I thank God for Full And Free Salvation In Christ)
We should learn, as True Believers, to speak in a way that helps other people. To often Church people are careless in their ways of speech. This careless speech can cause many problems and even division in the Churches. Surely it is not God’s Will for Churches to be hurting like that! Let us speak in a way that helps other people.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Jesus Was Unmoved By The Betrayer!
‘Jesus Was Unmoved By The Betrayer.’
a) Matthew 26:25. Jesus knew it was Judas who was to betray Him.
b) Matthew 26:26. Whilst they were eating Jesus took the bread and spoke of His Body being broken.
c) Matthew 26:27. Jesus took the cup and gave thanks for it. He asked all present to drink of it.
d) Matthew 26:26-27. The betrayer also took this first Holy Communion.
e) John 13:27. Jesus knew that the Devil entered Judas the betrayer.
(This QT encourages me and gives hope to those people who have been betrayed: Jesus Was Unmoved By The Betrayer and He can give us strength to be unmoved in the same way)
‘God Is The Initiator.’
John 3:16; 1 John 4:10.
a) It was and is God Who so loved the people of the World.
b) God gave His only begotten Son Jesus Christ.
c) Whoever Believes in the Son shall not perish but have Everlasting Life.
d) True love is that God loved and loves us and He sent His Son Jesus Christ to be the Propitiation for our sins.
(Through this Second one I find that God Is The Initiator of my love relationship with Him)
Jesus knew very well all those people at the first “Lord’s Supper” and He knows us all just as well. To close the Holy Communion Service to only include all who are our “Church Members” may be a little exclusive and not God’s Way. A simple announcement that if we love the Lord Jesus we can partake should be both invitation and restraint alike.
Only Temporary!
‘Only Temporary.’
1 Corinthians 13:9-12.
a) 1 Corinthians 13:9. Now we know so little – even if we have gifts from the Holy Spirit.
b) 1 Corinthians 13:10. When the End comes all these gifts from the Holy Spirit will disappear.
c) 1 Corinthians 13:11. We need to put away our childish behaviour.
d) 1 Corinthians 13:12. Now we see and understand things:-
e) 1 Corinthians 13:12. When the End comes we will see and understand things:-
1-With perfect clarity.
3-Just as God knows us now.
(This QT reminds me that all things that we know now are Only Temporary)
‘The Scriptures Meet Our Needs.’
a) 2 Timothy 3:15. They give us the Wisdom to receive the Salvation that comes by Trusting in Jesus Christ.
b) 2 Timothy 3:16. They are inspired by God and:-
1-Are useful to teach us what is True.
2-Make us realise what is wrong in our lives.
3-Straighten us out.
4-Teach us to do what is right.
c) 2 Timothy 3:17. They are God’s way to prepare us in every way and be fully equipped for every good thing God wants us to do.
d) 2 Peter 1:20-21. They are inspired by the Holy Spirit.
e) Luke 24:47. They were quoted and explained by Jesus Christ.
f) Luke 24:45. We need Christ to open our minds to understand them.
g) Titus 2:11. They reveal the Grace of God that brings Salvation to all people.
h) 1 Timothy 1:11. They contain the Glorious Good News.
(This Second one makes me rejoice because The Scriptures Meet My Needs)
Now our seeing and understanding of all things is imperfect. It is very good and commendable to increase our learning and knowledge which will give us more seeing and understanding. However much we may learn though, our seeing and understanding will still be imperfect. If God is leading us to increase our learning and knowledge we can and should definitely do so that we will be better equipped to Serve and Glorify Him.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
True Closeness To God!
‘True Closeness To God.’
a) Proverbs 16:20; 13:13. Can be found by listening to Instruction from His Word.
b) Proverbs 16:20; Psalm 118:8-9. Can be found by trusting Him.
c) Psalm 2:12. Can be found by finding protection in Him.
(This QT gives me a desire for True Closeness To God)
‘For Our Benefit.’
1 Corinthians 10:11-12.
a) The experiences of the Children of Israel in the Old Testament are written for our benefit. We should learn from them.
b) They are written so that we True Believers do not make the same mistakes.
c) Even though we are towards the end of Time and they were at the beginning of it we can be tempted to make the same mistakes as they did.
d) We should not be naïve and self confident.
e) We should take heed lest we fall.
(This Second one helps me to understand that the Old Testament History was recorded For My Benefit)
God’s Word is so precious and practical. Through God’s Word we can discover closeness to Him as He Strengthens us and Comforts us. Through God’s Word we can go through the important true stories of the history of His People in the Old Testament and learn from them.
Stand Fast In The Truth!
‘Stand Fast In The Truth.’
a) Galatians 5:1. And do not get entangled again with a yoke of bondage.
b) 1 Corinthians 6:12. We should not be put under the power of something that is not good.
c) Nehemiah 5:1-4. We should not give way to internal dissention.
d) Nehemiah 5:5. We should not take advantage of other people at difficult times.
e) Nehemiah 5:6-13. We should take a stand for what is right.
f) Ephesians 4:26. We should not go to bed angry.
g) Nehemiah 5:14-19. By fearing God and praying to Him.
h) Matthew 7:13-14. Follow the narrow way.
i) Matthew 23:24. We should not follow or be “blind guides”.
j) 1 John 4:19. Respond positively to God’s Love.
k) 1 John 1:8; Romans 3:10. We should not deceive ourselves about sin.
l) 1 John 2:1. We should trust in what Jesus Christ has done for us.
(Through this QT I want to Stand Fast In The Truth)
‘God Is Good.’
a) Mark 10:18. Jesus Christ said so.
b) Romans 3:22; Isaiah 53:6; 1 John 2:1. We are made right in God’s sight when we trust in Jesus Christ to take away our sins.
c) Revelation 5:14. He is Worthy of Worship.
d) Revelation 5:9-10. Because He gave His Son Jesus Christ to be the Lamb of God that ransoms us to Himself from every:-
5-They will become God’s Kingdom and His Priests.
(This Second one has this theme resounding in my heart: God Is Good)
As True Believers we should take a stand for what is right. It is not our business to try to change the World System. Jesus Christ never did that and He is our Prime Example. Nor should we follow the miserly and compromising stand that the World takes. As True Believers we should take a stand for what is right and correct.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Love Never Fails!
‘Love Never Fails.’
1 Corinthians 13:8.
a) Love never fails.
b) Prophecies shall be done away with, become redundant.
c) Speaking in tongues shall cease.
d) The Gift of the Word of Knowledge shall be done away with.
(This QT reminds me that Love Never Fails)
‘Real Strength.’
2 Corinthians 12:9-10.
a) The Lord said these words to Apostle Paul and they also apply to us.
b) His Grace is sufficient for us.
c) His Power is perfected in our weakness.
d) We may boast in our physical weaknesses that the Power of Christ may dwell upon us.
e) For Christ’s sake we take pleasure in:-
1- Weaknesses.
2- Insults.
3- Necessities.
4- Persecutions.
5- Distresses.
f) For when we are weak, then we are powerful.
(This Second one shows me the Source of Real Strength)
We often need to be reminded that it is love that never fails. We get so excited about Charismatic manifestations that we forget that our life in Christ is all about love. The Love of God for us. Our love for God. Our love for each other in the Body of Christ. Our love for those people who do not yet know Jesus Christ.
Living In Pride Or Humility?
‘Living In Pride Or Humility?’
Proverbs 16:18-19.
a) Pride goes before destruction.
b) Pride goes before a fall.
c) It is good to live humbly with the poor.
d) It is not good to share plunder with proud people.
(This QT challenges me, am I Living In Pride Or Humility? Those people who expose prideful religion must be willing to be crucified)
‘Being A True Believer.’
a) 1 Corinthians 15:1. Means that we welcome the Good News and let our Faith be built on it.
b) 1 Corinthians 15:2. Means that we firmly Believe the Good News Saves us.
c) 1 Corinthians 15:3-4. Means that we Believe what the Scriptures tell us about:-
1-Christ’s Death.
2-Christ’s Burial.
3-Christ’s Resurrection.
d) 1 Timothy 1:10-11. Means that we receive the right teaching that comes from the glorious Good News.
e) 2 Timothy 1:10. Means that we Believe in Jesus Christ as our Saviour. He has broken the power of death and showed us the Way to Everlasting Life. He is the Way!
f) Titus 2:11-14. Means that the Grace of God is practically applied to our lives.
(Through this Second one I understand more about what Being A True Believer Means)
Maybe we all face the same challenging question at times: “Am I living in pride or humility?” When we face this question we need to turn to God’s Word for it is our life mirror. It is not good to ask any human being this question. Only God’s Word will give us the correct and complete answer.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Confidence To Pray!
‘Confidence To Pray.’
1 John 5:14.
a) This is the Confidence that we should have in God.
b) Whatsoever we ask according to His Will.
c) He hears us.
d) James 4:3. We need to ask correctly.
(This QT gives me Confidence To Pray)
‘An Effective Witness.’
John 13:34-35.
a) This is a new Commandment from Jesus Christ.
b) We are to love one another in the same way that Christ loves us.
c) By THIS shall all people know that we are Christ’s Disciples.
d) If we love one another.
(Through this Second one I discover how the Church can be An Effective Witness)
We need to have confidence to pray. The most effective way to pray with confidence is to pray with the Word of God. God’s Word should stimulate our regular daily prayers. The Bible mentions several ways to pray but for consistent confidence to pray it is good to pray with the Word of God. My wife and I pray through the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Love Is...!
‘Love Is!’
1 Corinthians 13:4-7.
Here we find love in a spiritual context. Love as the motive for the exercise of Spiritual Gifts and Ministry.
a) 1 Corinthians 13:4. Patient.
b) 1 Corinthians 13:4. Kind.
c) 1 Corinthians 13:4. Not envious.
d) 1 Corinthians 13:4. Not boastful.
e) 1 Corinthians 13:4. Not arrogant.
f) 1 Corinthians 13:5. Not rude.
g) 1 Corinthians 13:5. Not insisting on its own way.
h) 1 Corinthians 13:5. Not irritable.
i) 1 Corinthians 13:5. Not resentful.
j) 1 Corinthians 13:6. Not rejoicing in wrong doing.
k) 1 Corinthians 13:6. Rejoicing in the Truth.
l) 1 Corinthians 13:7. Bearing all things.
m) 1 Corinthians 13:7. Believing all things.
n) 1 Corinthians 13:7. Hoping all things.
o) 1 Corinthians 13:7. Enduring all things.
(This QT shows me how Love Is exercised in the Ministry of the Church)
‘Our Thoughts.’
a) 2 Corinthians 10:5. Wrong and rebellious ones need to be brought into obedience to Christ.
b) 2 Corinthians 2:11; 4:4. That come from Satan need to be overcome.
c) 2 Corinthians 3:14. Veil our minds and prevent us from understanding the Truth.
d) 2 Corinthians 11:3. Lead us away from our pure and simple devotion to Christ.
e) Philippians 4:7. Can be filled with God’s Peace.
(This Second one gives me the desire to handle My Thoughts correctly)
We can and should bring our thoughts into obedience to Christ. This should not be difficult because we have, if we are True Believers: one, the Holy Spirit to help us; two, the Word of God and three, the indwelling Christ.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Until August 10!
This QT blog will be suspended until August 10 because of computer inaccessibity.
Please read through the book of Colossians by one chapter a day.
God bless you,
Please read through the book of Colossians by one chapter a day.
God bless you,
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Keep Following The Right Path!
‘Keep Following The Right Path.’
a) Proverbs 16:17. It leads away from evil and we will be safe.
b) Proverbs 10:9. And stay on a firm footing.
c) Proverbs 19:16. By keeping God’s Commandments.
d) Matthew 24:13. By enduring to the end.
e) Hebrews 10:39. Live with Faith that assures our Salvation.
f) Jude 1:21. Live in such a way that God's love can bless us as we wait for the Eternal Life that our Lord Jesus Christ in His Mercy is going to give us.
g) Jude 1:24. God is able to keep us from stumbling.
h) Revelation 3:10. Persevere.
(This QT urges me to Keep Following The Right Path)
‘True Disciples Of Jesus.’
John 15:8.
a) Want to Glorify God.
b) Bear much fruit (not result).
c) Then we can really be called Disciples of Jesus.
(Through this Second one I want to be numbered amongst the True Disciples Of Jesus)
We need to stay on a firm footing as we follow the path that the Lord has laid out for us both generally and personally. If we stay on that path we can be our most fruitful for the Glory of God. It is when we wander of the path that unnecessary problems come.
Treat Faith As Being Precious!
‘Treat Faith As Being Precious.’
a) Acts 13:8. Other people may try to turn us away from it.
b) 1 Timothy 6:10. Craving money can cause people to turn away from it.
c) 1 Timothy 6:21. Foolish discussions about religious matters can cause some people to wander away from it.
d) 1 Timothy 5:8. Those people who do not look after their family’s needs have denied it.
e) 2 Timothy 3:8; Matthew 24:11. False teachers have counterfeit faith and fight against the Truth, we should not follow them.
f) Matthew 24:10. Do not turn away from Jesus.
(This QT strikingly reminds me to Treat Faith As Being Precious)
‘The Holy Spirit’s Warning.’
1 Timothy 4:1-6.
a) 1 Timothy 4:1. Some people will turn away from the Faith to lying spirits and demonically inspired teachings.
b) 1 Timothy 4:2. These false teachers are hypocrites and liars, they pretend to be religious but their consciences are dead.
c) 1 Timothy 4:3. Their teaching forbids marriage.
d) 1 Timothy 4:3. Their teaching forbids certain foods, but God created those foods to be eaten as His Provision for us.
e) 1 Timothy 4:4. Everything God created is good, we should not reject any of it on a religious basis.
f) 1 Timothy 4:5. God’s Provision is made Holy by the Word of God and Prayer.
g) 1 Timothy 4:6. Pastor and Bible Teachers need to teach this practical Truth to the True Believers.
(This Second one shows me The Holy Spirit’s Warning)
False teachers have counterfeit faith and fight against the Truth. Very often the false teachers attempt to influence the people who are settled in their local Church. Instead of helping the local Church they try to draw people away from it. False teachers often talk about “further revelation” or “new revelation” or the established Church being “out of date”. We must stay away from these false teachers.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Loveless-Ness Is Uselessness!
‘Loveless-ness Is Uselessness.’
1 Corinthians 13:1-3.
a) 1 Corinthians 13:1. If we speak with tongues without love, we are just like a noisy cymbal, an atrocious noise!
b) 1 Corinthians 13:2. Without love it is useless to:-
1- Prophesy.
2- Have revelation gifts.
3- Have Faith.
c) 1 Corinthians 13:3. Though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it is useless.
(This QT reminds me that Loveless-ness Is Uselessness)
‘God Will Supply.’
a) Philippians 4:19-20. God will supply all our needs that He may be Glorified in our lives.
b) 2 Corinthians 9:8-11. Generous God:-
1-9:8. God is able to make all Grace abound towards us so that we always have sufficient abundance to do Good Works.
2-9:9. In His Righteousness God disperses abroad and gives to the poor.
3-9:10. God is the One that supplies the seed and multiplies the seed that we sow.
4-9:11. God enables us to be generous.
c) Matthew 10:7-8. The Holy Spirit so that we can serve people who need freedom.
d) Philippians 2:12-15. God gives us Grace so that we can Obey Him.
(This Second one gives me the assurance that God Will Supply)
It is the Character of God to be Righteous because God is Righteous. God is Love. God is Good. God is Faithful. God is Righteousness. It is the Righteousness of God that should stimulate our helping the poor people – not just the Love of God.
Better Than Gold Or Silver!
‘Better Than Gold Or Silver.’
a) Proverbs 16:16. Wisdom and Understanding are.
b) Job 28:12-15. Wisdom cannot simply be purchased by them.
c) Proverbs 3:14; 8:19. The profit and wages of Wisdom are.
d) Proverbs 8:10. Choose the instruction of Wisdom and Knowledge more than them.
(This QT clearly shows me what is Better Than Gold Or Silver)
‘What Do We Do With Faith?’
a) Hebrews 4:14; 1 Timothy 3:9. We are to hold fast to our profession of it.
b) Acts 14:22. Continue in it.
c) 1 Corinthians 16:13. Stand firm in it.
d) 2 Timothy 4:7. Keep it.
e) 1 Peter 5:9; Acts 16:5; Titus 1:13. Be strong in it.
f) Colossians 2:7. Grow in it.
g) 1 Timothy 4:6. Be fed by its message.
h) Acts 6:7. Obey it.
i) Galatians 6:10. Actively belong to its household – the Church.
j) 1 Timothy 6:12; Jude 1:3. Fight the good fight for it.
k) Galatians 1:23. Preach it.
l) Ephesians 4:13. We are to come into unity with other Believers in it.
m) Romans 12:6; 1 Corinthians 14:3. We may prophesy in proportion to it. What is prophecy?:-
1-Words of Edification.
2-Words of Exhortation.
3-Words of Comfort.
(Through this Second one I find the answer to my question: What Do I Do With Faith?)
Our priorities in life must be sensibly ordered and executed. Of course finance is important within the structure of lifestyle and culture in our local environment. We have responsibilities and many things that need to be done that require money. Yes, whatever our lifestyle and culture, money is important. Wisdom, understanding and knowledge are, however, far more important and should be among the top priorities in our life.
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The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...
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'The Place Where Our Offerings Should Go.' Leviticus 3:7. a) If he offers a lamb b) For his offering, c) Then he shall offer i...
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