a) Proverbs 14:23; 10:4. If we only talk and not work we will experience it.
b) Genesis 45:11. God will look after His People when it is in the environment.
c) Leviticus 25:25. Should be avoided in the families of God’s People.
d) Deuteronomy 24:15. People living in it need their salary to be paid on time.
e) 1 Samuel 2:7. Is sent by the Lord.
f) Proverbs 11:24; 28:22. Can be the end result of a mean person’s life.
g) Proverbs 20:13. Comes to people who sleep too much.
h) Proverbs 23:21. The drunkard and the glutton will come to it.
i) Ecclesiastes 4:14. Some people are born into it.
j) Mark 12:44. Cannot hinder real Worship.
k) 2 Corinthians 8:9. Is something that Jesus Christ took upon Himself on our behalf.
(This QT gives to me a clearer understanding of Poverty)
‘How Do We Present Ourselves?’
Romans 6:16.
a) We present ourselves as obedient slaves.
b) We become the slave of the one we obey.
c) If we obey sin – it leads us to death.
d) If we obey obedience – it leads us to Righteousness.
(This Second one challenges me with the question: How Do I Present Myself?)
This is a very relevant question in today’s passive society which is so full of blame. How do we present ourselves? It can be noticed from this question that all rationally healthy human beings are able to make choices and decisions that they alone are responsible for.