‘Gifts From God.’
a) 1 Corinthians 7:7. Marriage and Singlehood.
b) Isaiah 42:6. Messengers of Truth.
c) John 3:16. Jesus Christ, His Son.
d) John 4:10. Living water.
e) John 6:32. The True Bread from Heaven.
f) James 4:6. Grace.
g) James 1:5. Wisdom.
h) Acts 11:18. Repentance of sin and Eternal Life.
i) Ephesians 2:8. Salvation.
j) Philippians 1:29. The privilege of Trusting in Christ and suffering for Him.
k) Matthew 6:33. Everything we need.
l) Genesis 27:28. Abundant harvests of grain
and bountiful new wine.
m) 2 Chronicles 1:12. God gave:-
1- Wisdom.
2- Knowledge.
3- Wealth.
4- Riches.
5- Fame.
n) Leviticus 26:6; John 14:27. Peace.
o) 1 Chronicles 22:9. Peace and quiet.
p) Ecclesiastes 3:13. God gives:-
1- Psalm 136:25; 145:15; Matthew 6:11. Eating.
2- Drinking.
3- Enjoying the fruit of our labour.
q) Deuteronomy 8:18. Power to be successful.
(Through this QT I am so grateful to God for Gifts From God and I have new insights into understanding my giving God. It is not just “Gifts of the Holy Spirit” for ministry)
‘Have Faith In God’s Ability.’
a) Hebrews 13:8. Jesus Christ is eternally unchanging.
b) Joshua 3:5. The Lord is able to do amazing things.
c) Joshua 1:5. The Lord will never leave us or forsake us.
d) Psalm 63:3. God’s Love is better than Life.
e) Zephaniah 3:17. The Lord our God is with us:-
1- He is Mighty to save.
2- He takes great delight in His children.
3- He will quiet us with His Love.
4- He will Rejoice over us with singing.
(This Second one calls me to Have Faith In God’s Ability)
One of the things that sometimes seems to be missing in Church today is gratefulness to God. There is so much for us to be grateful to Him for and yet there is little room given for the Family of God to be able in Worship to express their gratefulness to Him.