Are We Willing?
a) Psalm 110:3. To serve the Lord in the day of battle?
b) Exodus 35:29. To help in the Work that the Lord has given to us and to bring our offerings to Him?
c) Exodus 36:3. To donate materials for the completion of the Sanctuary?
d) Leviticus 7:16. To give a freewill offering so that other people can enjoy good food?
e) Leviticus 23:38; Deuteronomy 12:6; Ezra 3:5. To offer freewill offerings to the Lord?
f) Numbers 15:3. To give a freewill offering to please the Lord?
g) Deuteronomy 12:17. Not to eat our freewill offerings at home?
h) Deuteronomy 16:10. To bring the Lord a freewill offering in proportion to the Blessings that we have received from Him.
i) Deuteronomy 23:23. Make vows to the Lord and carefully carry them out?
j) Ezra 1:4. To help God’s People and God’s House?
k) Ezra 8:28. To give as a freewill offering to the Lord:-
1- Treasures?
2- Silver?
3- Gold?
l) Psalm 54:6. To Praise the Lord as we offer sacrifice to Him?
m) Psalm 119:108. To offer grateful thanks to the Lord and to learn His Word?
(This QT challenges me: Am I Willing?)
‘Come To The Lord Jesus.’
Matthew 11:28-30.
a) Matthew 11:28. All people who are weary and heavily burdened. He will give you rest.
b) Matthew 11:29. And take His yoke upon us, learn from Him.
c) Matthew 11:29. He is gentle and humble in heart.
d) Matthew 11:29. We will find rest for our souls.
e) Matthew 11:30, His yoke is easy and His burden is light.
(This Second one invites me to Come To The Lord Jesus)
This is one of the simplest and yet most wonderful invitations that can ever be given – Come to the Lord Jesus – and yet many people find and make excuses not to come to Him. What a tragedy!.When we do not respond to His invitation we miss so much.