The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Friday, April 2, 2010
a) Proverbs 14:13. Maybe hiding heart ache and grief.
b) Genesis 21:6. God can make it for us.
c) Job 8:21. God can fill our mouths with it.
d) Psalm 126:1-2. Because of Restoration.
e) Ecclesiastes 2:2; 7:6. Is sometimes foolish.
f) Ecclesiastes 7:3. Sorrow is better than it.
g) Ecclesiastes 10:19. A feast is made for laughter.
h) Jeremiah 7:34; 16:9; 25:10. God can put an end to it
i) Jeremiah 33:11. Weddings are a time for it.
j) James 4:9. Needs sometimes to be changed to mourning.
(Through this QT I can understand more about Laughter)
‘Our Lives Are In The Hands Of The Lord.’
Matthew 6:19-34.
a) Matthew 6:19. We are not to store up for ourselves treasures on Earth.
b) Matthew 6:20. We are to store up for ourselves treasures in Heaven.
c) Matthew 6:21. For where our treasure is, there our heart will be also.
d) Matthew 6:22-23. We should be filled with Light.
e) Matthew 6:24. We have to make the choice, do we serve God or do we serve money?
f) Matthew 6:25. There is no need for us to worry about our lives.
g) Matthew 6:26. Our Heavenly Father feeds the birds and we are much more valuable than them.
h) Matthew 6:27-28. We are not to worry.
i) Matthew 6:29. Solomon in all his splendour cannot compare with God’s Provision.
j) Matthew 6:30. We are to trust in God and not be “little faith” people.
k) Matthew 6:31.-32. We are not to worry because our Heavenly Father knows our needs.
l) Matthew 6:33. Seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness, and all these things will be provided for us.
m) Matthew 6:34. We are not to worry about tomorrow.
(Through this Second one I am so grateful that My Life Is In The Hands Of The Lord)
Sometimes we are very attracted by the gloss and splendour of the World system. Sometimes we even get into it and can become very competitive. However rather than comparing ourselves with the World system, let us Trust God for His Provision.
The Christian Life!
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