The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Friday, April 30, 2010
If It Is Possible – Keep Your Marriage!
‘If It Is Possible – Keep Your Marriage.’
a) 1 Corinthians 7:27. If you have a wife, do not end the marriage.
b) 1 Corinthians 7:12. Do not leave your wife just because she in not a Believer yet.
c) 1 Corinthians 7:13. The same principle applies to a Believing wife with a non believing husband.
d) 1 Corinthians 7:14. The Christian spouse brings Holiness into the marriage and sanctifies the children.
e) 1 Corinthians 7:20. Continue on as God has called you.
(This QT is my message to all married people: If It Is Possible – Keep Your Marriage)
‘Jesus’ Response To Popularity.’
Luke 5:15-16.
a) News about Jesus and His Ministry was spreading everywhere.
b) Great numbers of people came to listen to His Teaching.
c) People who were sick came to Him to be cured.
d) Jesus went by Himself to desert places to Pray.
(Through this Second one I find Jesus’ Response To Popularity)
What a privilege it is, and it should be, to have a Believing spouse. When both partners in a marriage are True Believers then it is really possible to have a Godly home. If one partner is not yet a Believer then the life of the Believing partner should be a Godly influence into the family.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
A True Witness!
‘A True Witness.’
a) Proverbs 14:25. Saves people’s lives.
b) Proverbs 14:5. Never lies.
c) Revelation 3:14. Has Jesus Christ as their example.
(Through this QT I desire to be A True Witness)
‘Living Right.’
a) Colossians 3:5. Put to death therefore your members which are on the earth:-
1- Sexual immorality.
2- Uncleanness.
3- Passion.
4- Evil desire.
5- Covetousness, which is idolatry.
b) Romans 7:5-6. For while we were living in the flesh, our sinful passions, aroused by the law, were at work in our members to bear fruit for death. But now we are released from the law, having died to that which held us captive, so that we serve not under the old written code but in the new life of the Spirit.
c) 2 Corinthians 6:17. Therefore, Come out from among them, and be separate, says the Lord, Touch no unclean thing. I will receive you.
d) Jeremiah 33:11. Praising the Lord in the House of the Lord.
e) Jeremiah 33:16. Living under the banner of “The Lord is our Righteousness”.
(This Second one exhorts me to be Living Right)
Dry religion really has no meaning apart from being a mere religious exercise. God really does not want us to serve Him like that. If our Christianity is only about us and not about Him, then it is dry religion.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Do Not Be Sinfully Angry!
‘Do Not Be Sinfully Angry.’
a) Proverbs 15:1. This anger can be turned away by a gentle answer.
b) Ecclesiastes 7:9; Proverbs 12:16. It is foolish.
c) Matthew 5:22. Jesus forbade it.
d) Proverbs 14:29. It will cause us to make mistakes.
e) Proverbs 27:4. It is cruel.
f) Ephesians 4:31; Colossians 3:8. Get rid of it.
g) Psalm 37:8. Stop it.
h) Ephesians 4:26. Be careful – it can control us.
i) 1 Timothy 2:8. We can only pray properly when we are free from it.
j) Proverbs 29:8. It can be calmed by wise people.
(I heed this QT – Do Not Be Sinfully Angry)
‘The Most Beautiful Women In God’s Sight.’
1 Peter 3:3-4.
a) May look and dress in a beautiful way – but that is not the main point.
b) They have beauty of the inner self.
c) They have the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit.
d) These are of great price in the Eyes of God.
(This Second one shows me who are The Most Beautiful Women In God’s Sight)
The answer to most ugly anger problems is very simple – stop it. We have no excuse for an anger “problem”. There is no such thing in the Bible as anger management. Anger cannot be managed. It has to stop.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
It Is Good!
‘It Is Good.’
a) 1 Corinthians 7:26. Not to get married during a time of persecution in our locality.
b) Genesis 2:9. To eat what God provides.
c) Numbers 10:29; Psalm 37:27; 1 Samuel 25:15. To do good to other people.
d) Psalm 4:6. To believe God for better times.
e) Isaiah 52:7. News of Peace and Salvation.
f) 1 Samuel 12:23. To learn what is good and right.
g) 1 Kings 3:9. To know the difference between right and wrong.
h) Proverbs 12:2. To be good and have the Lord’s approval.
i) 1 Chronicles 16:34; Psalm 145:9. To give thanks to the good Lord.
j) Genesis 1:4. God’s Creation.
k) Luke 18:18. The Teaching and Personality of Jesus Christ.
l) Titus 2:5. For young wives to do good.
m) Luke 6:45; Titus 2:7. To produce good deeds from a good heart.
n) Romans 7:13. God’s Law.
o) 2 Timothy 4:7. The fight we are to fight.
p) Matthew 13:23. To have hearts that are good soil for God’s Word.
q) Ephesians 1:9. To trust in God’s good pleasure.
r) Luke 4:43; Revelation 14:6. The News of the Kingdom of God.
(Through this QT I exclaim It Is Good)
‘Keep Ready.’
Revelation 3:11.
a) The Lord is coming quickly.
b) Keep that which we have.
c) So that no one may take our crown.
(Through this Second one I am urged to Keep Ready)
The Message of the Kingdom of God as it is portrayed in the Scriptures is a very good Message. Sometimes the cults distort the Message for their own ends, but if we read our Bible we can find life, healing and peace (among other good things) in the Message of the Kingdom of God.
a) Proverbs 14:24. Their Wisdom is a crown to the wise people.
b) Genesis 49:26. The consecrated person wears one.
c) Leviticus 8:9; Zechariah 6:11. The Lord commanded Moses that a high priest should wear one.
d) Deuteronomy 33:16. The person who wears one must be a separated person.
e) 2 Chronicles 23:11. A King or Ruler should have:-
1-A crown.
2-The Word of God.
3-An anointing.
f) Esther 1:11; 2:17. May be worn by a queen too.
g) Job 19:9. May be removed and taken away by God.
h) Psalm 132:18. May flourish.
i) Psalm 149:4. Humble people will be crowned with Salvation.
j) Proverbs 10:6. Blessings crown the head of Righteous People.
k) Proverbs 14:18. Prudent people are crowned with Knowledge.
l) Proverbs 27:24. Is not secure for all generations.
m) Isaiah 28:5. The Lord is a Glorious Crown for His People.
n) Isaiah 35:10; 51:11. Everlasting joy will crown the heads of the people that are Ransomed by the Lord.
o) Isaiah 61:3. Those of God’s People who mourn will be given a Crown of Joy instead of ashes.
p) Lamentation 5:16. When we sin the crown may fall from our heads.
q) Ezekiel 16:12. May be given by God.
r) Matthew 27:29; Mark 15:17. Jesus wore a crown of thorns.
s) 1 Corinthians 9:25; 1 Peter 5:4. Believers strive for an imperishable crown.
t) 2 Timothy 2:5. To receive a crown we have to compete according to the rules.
u) 2 Timothy 4:8. A Crown of Righteousness may be awarded to us by the Lord.
v) Hebrews 2:7 & 9. Jesus is crowned with Glory and Honour.
w) James 1:12. Blessed is the person who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the Crown of Life, which God has promised to those people who love Him.
x) Revelation 2:10. If we are Faithful unto death the Lord will give us a Crown of Life.
y) Revelation 19:12. There are to be many crowns in Heaven.
(Through this QT I learn more about Crowns)
‘Our Response To Faith.’
Hebrews 12:1.
a) There are many witnesses of Faith in Hebrews 11.
b) We are to lay aside every weight.
c) We are to lay aside the sin which so easily besets us.
d) We are to run the race that is set before us with patience.
(This Second one shows me clearly what My Response To Faith should be)
The Hebrew Church were given many challenges in the Epistle to the Hebrews. God was really calling them to a life of Faith and new life in Christ. It does us good to read through this Epistle and become more spiritually alert.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Fear Not!
‘Fear Not.’
a) Isaiah 41:10. The Lord says to His People:-
1- Have no fear.
2- I am with you.
3- I am your God.
4- I will give you Strength.
5- I will be your Helper.
6- 1 Peter 5:6. My True right hand will be your support.
b) 1 Peter 5:7. Put all of our troubles to God for He takes care of us.
c) John 3:16. God loves us and has proved His Love by sending Jesus Christ to die for our sins.
d) Psalm 23:4. Even in the shadows of the valley of death:-
1- We need not fear.
2- God is with us.
3- God comforts us.
e) Daniel 3:17. God is able to keep us safe.
(Through this QT I am reminded to Fear Not)
‘Do Not Allow Ourselves To Get Fatigued Doing Good.’
Galatians 6:9.
a) At the right time.
b) We will harvest a good crop.
c) If we do not give up.
(Through this Second one I have new motivation: Do Not Allow Myself To Get Fatigued Doing Good)
We sometimes need to be reminded not to fear – the Lord says to us: “Fear not.” In life we face many situations which, if we have not Faith, could leave us very insecure. We are reminded today, fear not.
Opinions Need To Be Sanctified!
‘Opinions Need To Be Sanctified.’
a) 1 Corinthians 7:25. Apostle Paul made his based on the Mercy of God.
b) 1 Kings 18:21; John 10:19. They should never cause us to be double minded.
c) Proverbs 18:2. They must be preceded by Understanding. Opinion without Understanding is foolishness.
d) Romans 14:1. Some people are too strong in opinions but weak in Faith.
e) Romans 14:22. They should never be imposed on other people.
f) 1 Corinthians 2:10. We should rely on the Holy Spirit more than our own opinions.
g) 2 Timothy 4:3. They are not an alternative to solid Teaching of the Word of God.
(Through this QT I am sure that Opinions Need To Be Sanctified)
‘Free From Condemnation.’
Romans 8:1-2.
a) There is now no condemnation to those people in Christ Jesus.
b) The law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus.
c) Sets us free from the law of sin and death.
(This Second one causes me to give Thanks to God that I am Free From Condemnation)
Being weak in Faith is not a good condition for any Believer to be in. When we are weak in Faith we think thoughts that can cause us unbelief and we make wrong decisions. Being weak in Faith is not good for us.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
a) Proverbs 14:23; 10:4. If we only talk and not work we will experience it.
b) Genesis 45:11. God will look after His People when it is in the environment.
c) Leviticus 25:25. Should be avoided in the families of God’s People.
d) Deuteronomy 24:15. People living in it need their salary to be paid on time.
e) 1 Samuel 2:7. Is sent by the Lord.
f) Proverbs 11:24; 28:22. Can be the end result of a mean person’s life.
g) Proverbs 20:13. Comes to people who sleep too much.
h) Proverbs 23:21. The drunkard and the glutton will come to it.
i) Ecclesiastes 4:14. Some people are born into it.
j) Mark 12:44. Cannot hinder real Worship.
k) 2 Corinthians 8:9. Is something that Jesus Christ took upon Himself on our behalf.
(This QT gives to me a clearer understanding of Poverty)
‘How Do We Present Ourselves?’
Romans 6:16.
a) We present ourselves as obedient slaves.
b) We become the slave of the one we obey.
c) If we obey sin – it leads us to death.
d) If we obey obedience – it leads us to Righteousness.
(This Second one challenges me with the question: How Do I Present Myself?)
This is a very relevant question in today’s passive society which is so full of blame. How do we present ourselves? It can be noticed from this question that all rationally healthy human beings are able to make choices and decisions that they alone are responsible for.
Friday, April 23, 2010
The Humility Of Christ And Its Results!
‘The Humility Of Christ And Its Results.’
Philippians 2:8-11.
a) Philippians 2:8. In His human form He humbled Himself to the lowest place.
b) Philippians 2:8. He died a criminal’s death on the Cross.
c) Philippians 2:9. For this reason God has put Him in the highest place.
d) Philippians 2:9. God has given to Him the Name that is greater than every Name.
e) Philippians 2:10. At the Name of Jesus every knee will bow:-
1- In Heaven.
2- On Earth.
3- Under the Earth.
f) Philippians 2:11. Every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the Glory of God the Father.
(This QT has me pondering upon The Humility Of Christ And Its Results)
‘When Christ Was Lifted Up On The Cross.’
John 12:31-32.
a) The Time of Judgment for the World began.
b) The ruler/prince of this World system was cast out.
c) Christ began to draw everyone to Himself.
(Through this Second one I understand more about the time When Christ Was Lifted Up On The Cross)
The focal point of the Faith of the True Believer begins as they consider the time when Christ was lifted up on the Cross. If our Faith has its initial focus anywhere else, it is faulty Faith that needs correcting by the Word of God.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
a) 1 Corinthians 7:24 & 17. With God in the state in which we were called.
b) Genesis 24:55; Numbers 9:20-22; 2 Samuel 11:12. Until it is really time to go.
c) Exodus 16:29. In our place on the Sabbath. (In present day terms it means please avoid work or going from house to house if possible)
d) Exodus 33:11; Leviticus 8:35. In God’s House when it is our duty.
e) Joshua 8:4. And be ready.
f) 1 Samuel 1:22. Consecrated to God.
g) Psalm 4:4. Silent and do not let anger control us.
h) Psalm 27:3; Hebrews 3:6. Confident.
i) Psalm 119:101; 2 Timothy 3:14 . Obedient to the Word of God.
j) Proverbs 2:21. Where we are because of your integrity.
k) Jeremiah 42:12. Because of the Lord’s Mercy.
l) Zechariah 12:6. Secure, living at home.
m) Malachi 2:15; Hebrews 13:4. Loyal to the wife of our youth.
n) Matthew 26:38. And Pray when Jesus wants us to.
o) Luke 10:7. In the same house that is giving us hospitality until it is time to go.
p) John 8:31. Faithful to the Teachings of Jesus Christ.
q) John 15:4-10; 1 John 2:27. In Jesus Christ.
r) Acts 11:23; 1 John 2:28. Faithful to the Lord with steadfast purpose.
s) Acts 14:22. True to the Faith.
t) 1 John 2:24. To what we have been taught from the beginning.
u) Revelation 2:10; 13:10; 14:12. Faithful.
v) Revelation 2:13. True to the Lord’s Name.
(This QT clearly calls me to Remain)
‘Leaders Of The Church.’
1 Peter 5:1-3.
a) 1 Peter 5:1. Should only be exhorted or trained by mature Leaders.
b) 1 Peter 5:2. Shepherd the flock willingly.
c) 1 Peter 5:2. There should be no professional pastors, just doing ministry to make money.
d) 1 Peter 5:3. Be examples to the flock and not dominators.
(This Second one reminds me of the special tasks given to the Leaders Of The Church)
We can only benefit from being taught if we are teachable. One of the major flaws in the churches today is that people have ceased from being teachable. Sometimes this is due to a declining relationship and desire for God. At other times it is due to listening to too much teaching through the media and then despising live teaching in Church.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
God’s Unfailing Love And Faithfulness!
‘God’s Unfailing Love And Faithfulness.’
a) Proverbs 14:22. Are with those people who plan good.
b) Genesis 24:27. Are deserving of our Praises.
c) Psalm 25:10. Are for those people who keep His Covenant and who obey His Decrees.
d) Psalm 61:7. Are appointed by God for those people whom He chooses.
e) Matthew 5:7. Are for Merciful people.
f) John 1:17. Comes through Jesus Christ.
(This QT gives me a longing for God’s Unfailing Love And Faithfulness)
‘Publicly Behave Well.’
1 Peter 2:12-15.
a) 1 Peter 2:12. Be of good behaviour amongst the Gentiles, even if they are accusing you of doing wrong. They will see your good life and they will give Glory to God when He comes to be their Judge.
b) 1 Peter 2:13. Keep all the laws of the Nation because the Lord wants us to.
c) 1 Peter 2:14. Obey the public officials who have authority from the Government. They have power to punish those people who do wrong and to praise those people who do right.
d) 1 Peter 2:15. Our good behaviour puts to shame and stops the gossip talk of foolish people.
(This Second one reminds me to Publicly Behave Well)
God’s unfailing Love is surely something that we all want to experience. If we live the kind of life that is pleasing to the Lord then His Word promises us that He will give to us His unfailing Love.
Heed The Words Of The Lord!
‘Heed The Words Of The Lord.’
John 12:47-48.
a) The Lord is not going to Judge the person who hears His Words but does not obey them.
b) The Lord Jesus did not come to Judge the people of the World but to save the people of the World.
c) Those people who put the Lord on one side and those people who do not obey His Word will be Judged by the Word that they have heard.
(This QT strongly calls me to Heed The Words Of The Lord)
‘Following Christ’s Example In Difficult Times.’
1 Peter 2:21-23.
a) 1 Peter 2:21. This is the Purpose of God.
b) 1 Peter 2:21. Jesus Himself suffered for us and gave to us an example to follow.
c) 1 Peter 2:21. We should do as Jesus did.
d) 1 Peter 2:22. The Lord did no evil and He never lied.
e) 1 Peter 2:23. People insulted the Lord Jesus but He did not insult them in return.
f) 1 Peter 2:23. When the Lord Jesus was undergoing pain, no angry word came from His lips.
g) 1 Peter 2:23. The Lord Jesus put Himself in the Hands of God Who Judges rightly.
(Through this Second one I want to be Following Christ’s Example In Difficult Times)
We are strongly called, as True Believers, to heed the Words of the Lord. If we belittle the Words of the Lord through our pride or indifference then we are putting ourselves into a very difficult position spiritually.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Be Content!
‘Be Content.’
a) 1 Corinthians 7:24. In our situation as new Believers having a relationship with God.
b) Psalm 16:6. With the Inheritance that we receive from the Lord.
c) Proverbs 15:13. A glad heart makes a happy face.
d) 1 Corinthians 7:17. Accept whatever situation the Lord has put us in.
e) Hebrews 13:5. Be satisfied with what we have for the Lord has said that He will never leave us or forsake us.
(Through this QT I am reminded to Be Content)
‘Simple And Clear.’
a) Micah 6:8. The Lord has told us what is good and this is what He requires of us:-
1- To do Justice.
2- To love Kindness.
3- To walk humbly with God.
b) Deuteronomy 30:14. The Word of God is very near to us. It is in our mouths and hearts so that we may do it.
c) Deuteronomy 30:15. We are to choose the Life and Good that God has set before us.
d) Lamentations 3:24. Because the Lord is our Portion we have Hope in Him.
e) Lamentation 3:25. The Lord is good to those people who wait for Him, to the person who seeks Him.
(This Second one shows me that when the Lord speaks to us from His Word it is Simple And Clear)
The Word of God should be in our mouths and hearts if we are True Believers. The Word of God in our hearts should govern the way that we live and the Word of God in our mouths should govern the way that we talk.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Have Mercy!
‘Have Mercy.’
a) Proverbs 14:21. On the poor people.
b) Exodus 33:19; Deuteronomy 30:3. The Lord does, He shows us a good example.
c) Judges 1:24. On people who help us.
d) Job 19:21. On people that are going through a difficult time.
e) Psalm 4:1; 6:2; 9:13. Can be the subject of our Prayer.
f) Proverbs 28:13. The person who confesses and forsakes their sin will.
g) Matthew 18:33. On our fellow servant.
h) Jude 1:22. On some people who doubt.
(This QT encourages me to Have Mercy)
‘A Good Answer To A Tiring Question.’
Matthew 19:1-6.
a) Matthew 19:1. Jesus had been teaching in Galilee and came away to another place.
b) Matthew 19:2. Great multitudes followed Him and He healed them.
c) Matthew 19:3. The Pharisees asked Jesus this question as a religious trick question, they were not really seeking a genuine answer. They knew Jesus was tired and they resented the healings.
d) Matthew 19:4. Jesus referred them back to the Scripture.
e) Matthew 19:5. For this cause will a man go away from his father and mother, and be joined to his wife; and the two will become one flesh.
f) Matthew 19:6. Whom God has joined together let no man separate.
(This Second one gives me a good example as a teacher. Jesus gave A Good Answer To A Tiring Question)
Holy Scripture, the Word of God, must be an important part of the life of every True Believer. The Early Church, our pattern, whichever country we may come from, had four major components: Bible Study; Fellowship; Breaking Bread; and Prayer. Outreach and Mission were also important activities of the Early Church.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Resolving Conflicts In Church!
‘Resolving Conflicts In Church.’
Matthew 18:15-18.
a) Matthew 18:15. If your brother does wrong to you, go, make clear to him his error between you and him in private: if he gives ear to you, you have got your brother back again.
b) Matthew 18:16. If this person does not listen to you, take two or three witnesses with you so that the facts can be witnessed and established.
c) Matthew 18:17. If the offender still does not listen then the Church should be told.
d) Matthew 18:17. If the offender still does not listen the person should be treated like a heathen person – no longer a member of Christ’s Body.
e) Matthew 18:18. The Church has Authority that it should use.
(This QT teaches me Jesus’ way of Resolving Conflicts In Church)
‘Departing And Separating.’
a) 1 Corinthians 7:10-11. It is not good for spouses to depart and separate from each other.
b) Matthew 19:6; Mark 10:9. If God has put them together then let no one separate them.
c) Acts 1:4. Do not depart until God’s Will is fully achieved.
d) Acts 18:1. Apostle Paul departed from Athens in the Will of God.
e) Acts 18:2. Aquila and Priscilla had to depart from Rome because of ethnic cleansing of the Jewish people and they went to live in Corinth.
f) Romans 8:35-39. Nothing can separate us from the Love of God in Jesus Christ.
g) 1 Corinthians 7:15. A non-believer spouse is allowed to depart and separate.
h) Philemon 1:15. Onesimus departed in rebellion but returned a much better person because the Lord transformed him.
i) Hebrews 7:26. Although He identified with sinful people Jesus Christ is separated from sinners and sin.
(Through this Second one I understand more about departing and separating)
Husband and wife Aquila and Priscilla had to depart from Rome because of the circumstances. Sometimes we suffer similar experiences. Who enjoys having to leave when we do not want to leave? The right attitude of Aquila and Priscilla in this painful situation enabled them to continue in and grow in serving the Lord.
Purchased At High Cost!
‘Purchased At High Cost.’
a) 1 Corinthians 7:23. So we should not be the servants of the World system.
b) 1 Corinthians 6:20. So we must honour God with our body.
c) Leviticus 25:42. So we should not act as slaves to sin.
d) Acts 20:28. So our spiritual leaders should take good care of us.
e) Titus 2:14. So we should be totally committed to doing what is right.
f) 1 Peter 1:18-19. So we should have no more empty life.
g) 1 Peter 3:18. So that we can come safely home to God.
h) Revelation 5:9. People from every:-
1- Tribe.
2- Language.
3- People.
4- Nation.
(Through this QT I appreciate that I am Purchased At High Cost)
‘Not In The Beginning.’
Matthew 19:7-9.
a) Matthew 19:7. They questioned Jesus about Moses giving permission for divorce.
b) Matthew 19:8. Moses gave this permission because of the hardness of their hearts.
c) Matthew 19:9. I tell you that whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery; and he who marries her when she is divorced commits adultery.
(This Second one reminds me that it was Not In The Beginning)
Moses gave permission. Jesus Christ gave permission. Apostle Paul gave permission – these are some examples of respected Leadership in the Bible. We live in days when often Leaders are despised and people do not want to listen to, or to seek the permission of their Leaders.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
The Poor People! (2)
‘The Poor People.’
a) Proverbs 14:20. Are not popular in the World System.
b) Exodus 22:27; Psalm 147:6. Have a Merciful God Who helps them.
c) Exodus 23:6; Psalm 140:12; 146:7. Should be given equal justice in court.
d) Exodus 23:11; Leviticus 19:9-10; 23:22. May be helped by charitable deeds.
e) Leviticus 25:43. We should not be cruel to them.
f) Deuteronomy 15:9. Selfish people refuse to help them.
g) Deuteronomy 16:10; Luke 14:13. Should be invited to harvest festival.
h) Deuteronomy 26:12. Should be given 10% of the income of the wealthy people.
i) Deuteronomy 27:14. Anyone who prevents the poor people from getting Justice, the Lord will put a curse on them.
j) 1 Samuel 2:8; Psalm 113:7; 115:4. The Lord raises them from the dust.
k) Job 5:8 & 16. Should have Hope.
l) Job 5:11. God gives them prosperity.
m) Job 5:15. God rescues them from the cutting words of the strong.
n) Job 20:12; Proverbs 13:23; Proverbs 22:22. Decadent capitalists have exploited them.
o) Job 24:4. Are thrust off the road by the wealthy people.
p) Job 29:12; Psalm 72:9. Need to be rescued when they cry for help.
q) Job 29:16. Need helpers with a father’s heart.
r) Job 34:19. God does not favour the rich people over the poor.
s) Psalm 9:9; 10:14; 69:33. Can run to the Lord.
t) Psalm 14:6. Are protected by the Lord.
u) Psalm 22:26; 68:10. Will eat and be satisfied.
v) Psalm 22:29; 74:21. Can become worshippers.
w) Psalm 35:10. God saves them from those people who hurt them.
x) Psalm 41:1. God will bless the people who care for the poor.
y) Psalm 72:4; Proverbs 29:14. Should be defended by National rulers.
z) Psalm 107:33. God gives them a safe place to live.
aa) Proverbs 14:31; 17:5. If we oppress them we insult out Maker.
bb) Proverbs 15:15. Have a hard life.
cc) Proverbs 19:7. Are despised even by their own relatives.
dd) Proverbs 28:11. Can see through the proud rich people.
ee) Proverbs 29:7. Have rights.
ff) Isaiah 3:13. The Lord knows that sometimes the Leaders of His People mistreat them.
gg) Isaiah 25:4. The Lord is their Stronghold.
hh) Isaiah 61:1; Matthew 11:5. Can hear the Good News of the Gospel.
ii) Jeremiah 22:16. Caring for the poor people is a part of knowing God.
jj) Matthew 26:10. Will always be with us for the rest of our lives.
kk) Acts 6:1; Romans 15:26. Caring for them should be a part of the Work of the Church.
ll) James 2:5. Are chosen by God to be rich in Faith.
(This QT reveals to me God’s Heart for The Poor People)
‘Words That Come From Grace.’
Romans 12:3.
a) These words are for the attention of every True Believer.
b) We are not to think of ourselves more highly than we should.
c) We are to have wise thoughts.
d) We should think according to the measure of Faith that God has given to us.
(In this Second one I receive these Words That Come From Grace)
Words that come from Grace should always be noted well. They are words that have been written or spoken to us with the correct motive, the motive of Grace. We can always trust words that come from Grace.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Exercise Our God Given Faith!
‘Exercise Our God Given Faith.’
Matthew 17:20.
a) Jesus sees our Faith level.
b) His Words are always Truth.
c) Even if we have Faith the same size as a grain of mustard seed, the smallest seed.
d) We will say to the mountain to move. (Not another person saying it for us)
e) The mountain will move.
f) If we have Faith nothing will be impossible for us (in the Will of God).
(This QT encourages me to Exercise My God Given Faith)
‘Hearing Is Important.’
a) Romans 10:17; 1 Thessalonians 2:13. Faith comes by hearing the Word of God.
b) Matthew 11:15; 13:14; Mark 4:23. If we are willing to hear, we should listen and understand.
c) Acts 22:8-10. Apostle Paul heard the Voice of the Ascended Jesus.
d) John 5:25 & 28. All the dead people will hear the Voice of the Ascended Jesus.
e) John 3:8. Hearing the wind is truly amazing if we think about it.
f) Acts 23:35. The hearing of judges in courts.
g) Matthew 18:17. Hearing when being subject to Church discipline.
h) 2 Peter 2:8. Righteous people are distressed when they hear about wickedness. Wickedness is not gossip material for them.
i) Hebrews 5:11. Passive people find it difficult to hear.
j) Matthew 14:1. People need to hear about Jesus.
k) Galatians 3:5. Hearing about Christ opens the way for us to receive the Holy Spirit.
l) Acts 28:27. Our heart condition affects our hearing.
(This Second one reminds me that Hearing Is Important)
Righteous people are good people to be around. These people are distressed when they hear about wickedness, so their response will be to turn to God in Prayers. Righteous people can help other people to stand well in God because they show a good example.
Live The Life That The Lord Has Assigned To Us!
‘Live The Life That The Lord Has Assigned To Us.’
1 Corinthians 7:17-22.
a) 1 Corinthians 7:17. It is the Life that the Lord has given to us.
b) 1 Corinthians 7:17. We should go on living in the Purposes of God.
c) 1 Corinthians 7:17. This is applicable to every Church everywhere.
d) 1 Corinthians 7:18. We should not be bound by religious traditions of men.
e) 1 Corinthians 7:19. To keep the Commandments that God gives to us is a valuable thing to do.
f) 1 Corinthians 7:20. We should remain in our calling.
g) 1 Corinthians 7:21. If we were a servant when God called us we should not try to break free from being a servant, rather let God give us freedom if that is His Plan.
h) 1 Corinthians 7:22. Whether we are servants or free people we are all God’s People and we belong to Him.
(This QT strongly reminds me to Live The Life That The Lord Has Assigned To Me now)
‘Faith That Was Tested.’
Matthew 15:21-28.
a) Matthew 15:21. Jesus went on to another region.
b) Matthew 15:22. A Canaanite woman came to Jesus:-
1- She cried for the Lord, the Son of David, to have Mercy on her.
2- Her daughter had a big problem.
3- She was severely oppressed by a demon.
c) Matthew 15:23. Jesus did not answer her.
d) Matthew 15:23. The Disciples asked Jesus to send her away because she was troubling them.
e) Matthew 15:24. Jesus said that He was only sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
f) Matthew 15:25. The woman:-
1- Came to Jesus.
2- Knelt before Him.
3- Said: “Lord, help me.”
g) Matthew 15:26. Jesus answered, "It is not right to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs."
h) Matthew 15:27. She said, "Yes, Lord, yet even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters' table."
i) Matthew 15:28. Jesus said to her:-
1- That her Faith was great.
2- That it would be done for her as she desired.
3- So that her daughter was healed instantly.
(This Second one reveals to me Faith That Was Tested)
There are times that Church people act in very anti social ways. We sometimes want to send away from Church people whom we think are troubling us because their behaviour or appearance is not “the norm” of other Church people. We need to ask ourselves: ‘Would the Lord send them away?’
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Upright People!
‘Upright People.’
a) Proverbs 14:19. Will see sinners go down into the dust at their doors.
b) Genesis 7:1; Job 36:7. God sees their uprightness.
c) Genesis 18:23; Numbers 23:10; Matthew 21:32. Are Righteous people who are in right standing with God.
d) Leviticus 26:13. Are no longer in bondage.
e) Deuteronomy 32:4; 2 Samuel 22:26. Have an upright God.
f) 1 Samuel 29:6. Are honest.
g) 2 Chronicles 19:11. Will know that the Lord is with them.
h) Job 1:1 & 8. Are blameless.
i) Job 17:9. Hold to their ways.
j) Psalm 5:12; 112:2; 119:1. Will be Blessed by the Lord.
k) Psalm 7:10. God saves them.
l) Psalm 11:7. Will behold the Face of the Lord.
m) Psalm 32:11; 97:11. Can shout for Joy.
n) Psalm 37:18. The Lord knows their days.
o) Psalm 64:10. Shall glory.
p) Psalm 73:1; 125:4. Can experience the Goodness of God.
q) Psalm 94:15. Follow Justice.
r) Psalm 111:1. The congregation of God’s People should be.
s) Psalm 119:7. Can Praise the Lord.
t) Proverbs 2:21. Will inhabit the land.
u) Proverbs 10:20. Speak valuable words.
v) Proverbs 10:29; Hosea 14:9. Are strengthened by the Way of the Lord.
w) Proverbs 11:3. Shall be guided by their integrity.
x) Proverbs 11:20. Delight the Lord.
y) Proverbs 14:11. Will see their home flourish.
z) Proverbs 20:11. Even a child can be.
aa) Proverbs 21:29. Give thought to their ways.
bb) Ecclesiastes 7:29. Are made like that by God.
cc) Matthew 25:46. Have Eternal Life.
dd) Romans 1:17. Live by Faith.
ee) Titus 1:8. Church leaders must be.
(Through this QT I highly esteem Upright People)
‘We Must Believe And Obey The Bible.’
a) John 15:18. Because we do not have an identity in the World System.
b) 1 Peter 5:8. Because we have a spiritual enemy.
c) 2 Timothy 3:16. Because it is inspired by God.
d) 2 Peter 1:21. Because it is the only true Prophecy.
e) John 16:13. Because Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would lead us into Truth.
f) Hebrews 4:12. Because it is a sharp two edged sword.
g) Romans 12:2. Because through it our minds can be renewed.
(Through this Second one it is again confirmed to me that I Must Believe And Obey The Bible)
Upright people live by Faith. The Life of Faith is a life that is lived with a practical Faith in God. Faith is application of God’s Word into our lives on a daily basis. All True Believers live by Faith.
Ask God In Faith For Wisdom!
‘Ask God In Faith For Wisdom.’
James 1:6.
a) Acts 10:20; Romans 4:20. Faith trusts what God really says. We really expect Him to answer our prayer. We cannot partly believe in God’s Power, that limits God. Abraham sets a good example for us.
b) 1 Timothy 2:8. Sometimes corporate prayer is necessary.
c) Isaiah 57:20; Ephesians 4:14. A doubtful mind is as unsettled as the waves of the sea. This doubtful mind is really a God rejecting mind. A doubtful minded person is an immature person.
d) That doubtful mind is driven and tossed by the wind.
(This QT encourages me to Ask God In Faith For Wisdom)
Hebrews 11:1-28.
a) Hebrews 11:1. Faith is being sure of what we hope for and being certain of what we do not see.
b) Hebrews 11:2. Faith brings God’s Approval.
c) Hebrews 11:3. Faith gives us understanding of God as Creator.
d) Hebrews 11:4. By Faith we are commended as being Righteous.
e) Hebrews 11:5. By Faith we please God.
f) Hebrews 11:6. By Faith we Believe that God exists and that He rewards those people who diligently seek Him.
g) Hebrews 11:7. By Faith we become Heirs of Righteousness.
h) Hebrews 11:8. Faith causes us to obey God.
i) Hebrews 11:9. By Faith we make our home in our promised land.
j) Hebrews 11:10 & 14-16. By Faith we look forward to a Heavenly Eternity.
k) Hebrews 11:11 & 17-19. By Faith we consider God Faithful Who makes His Promises to us.
l) Hebrews 11:12. Faith makes it possible to see the Promises of God fulfilled.
m) Hebrews 11:13. Faith is something that God gives us Grace to receive until we die.
n) Hebrews 11:20-21. By Faith we are able to speak Blessings over other people.
o) Hebrews 11:22. By Faith we can know the next step.
p) Hebrews 11:23. Faith causes us to well protect our children as much as is humanly possible.
q) Hebrews 11:24-27. Faith causes us to be identified with God’s People.
r) Hebrews 11:28. Faith causes us to remember the Blood of Christ.
(This Second one stimulates my Faith)
By Faith we look forward to a Heavenly Eternity. This is the True Believer’s biggest Hope. Our life on this Earth may be especially Blessed, or it may be very difficult, however if we are True Believers we have the Hope of a Heavenly Eternity.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
A Good Believing Wife!
‘A Good Believing Wife.’
a) 1 Corinthians 7:16. Can be the cause of her husband’s Salvation.
b) Matthew 1:24; 2:14. Trusts the Spiritual sensitivity of her husband.
c) Matthew 19:5; Mark 10:7. Starts a new family together with her husband.
d) Matthew 27:19. May sometimes help her husband through her Spiritual sensitivity.
e) Luke 17:32. Needs to remember Lot’s wife.
f) John 19:25. Is close to the Cross of Jesus.
g) Acts 21:5. Joins in corporate prayer.
h) Romans 7:2; 1 Corinthians 7:10 & 39. Remains loyal and faithful to her husband for as long as he lives.
i) 1 Corinthians 7:3. Gives conjugal rights to her husband.
j) 1 Corinthians 7:4. Gives authority over her body to her husband.
k) 1 Corinthians 7:34. Considers how to please her husband.
l) 1 Corinthians 9:5. Can accompany her husband’s ministry team.
m) 1 Corinthians 11:3; Ephesians 5:22-24; Colossians 3:18. Has her husband as her head.
n) 1 Corinthians 11:5. Is sensitive to Church culture when she prays publicly or prophesies.
o) Ephesians 5:25, 28 & 33; Colossians 3:19. Should be loved by her husband.
p) 1 Timothy 3:11. If a leader’s wife she must be:-
1- Reverent.
2- Not a slanderer of other people.
3- Exercising self control.
4- Faithful in everything she does.
(This QT shows to me A Good Believing Wife)
‘A Healthy Longing.’
a) 1 Peter 2:2-3; 1:23. For the milk of the Word of God.
b) Isaiah 44:3. For the Lord to pour out His Spirit upon us.
c) Genesis 43:30. For our own family members.
d) Psalm 42:1-2. To come and appear before God.
e) Psalm 84:1. For the courts of God’s House.
f) Psalm 119:74; Isaiah 33:2. For the Lord’s Salvation.
g) Psalm 34:8. To taste and see that the Lord is Good.
(This Second one gives to me A Healthy Longing)
A leader’s wife needs to exercise self control. This is an example to the entire Church. Every member of the Church needs to exercise self control. This is one of the ways in which the Church can be a testimony to the lost World.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
They Will Be Crowned!
‘They Will Be Crowned.’
a) Proverbs 14:18. Prudent people – with Knowledge.
b) Psalm 8:5; Hebrews 2:7. Mankind – with Glory and Honour.
c) Song of Solomon 3:11. The bridegroom on the day of his wedding ceremony.
d) Isaiah 35:10; 51:11. Those people who have been Ransomed by the Lord – with Everlasting Joy.
e) 2 Timothy 2:5. The athlete who competes according to the rules.
f) Hebrews 2:9. Jesus – with Glory and Honour because He suffered death.
(Through this QT I understand that They Will Be Crowned and some are already Crowned)
‘The Person Who Fears The Lord.’
Psalm 112:1-4.
a) Psalm 112:1. Will be Blessed and finds great delight in the Lord’s Commands.
b) Psalm 112:2. Will have children that are mighty in the land and they will be Blessed.
c) Psalm 112:3. Will have wealth and riches in their house and their righteousness will endure forever.
d) Psalm 112:4. Light will dawn in their darkness.
e) Psalm 112:4. They will be known as people who are:-
1- Gracious.
2- Compassionate.
3- Righteous.
(This Second one teaches me about The Person Who Fears The Lord)
The person who Fears the Lord will have children that are mighty in the land. The Government of Korea – South just recently passed a law cutting off certain computer games at midnight. This is mainly aimed at young people in an attempt to prevent excessive gaming. In my opinion this is a very sad measure to have to take because it indicates that many Korean parents have lost their authority and the reality of relationship with their children. The Government has had to become a substitute in place of the parents.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Are We Willing?
Are We Willing?
a) Psalm 110:3. To serve the Lord in the day of battle?
b) Exodus 35:29. To help in the Work that the Lord has given to us and to bring our offerings to Him?
c) Exodus 36:3. To donate materials for the completion of the Sanctuary?
d) Leviticus 7:16. To give a freewill offering so that other people can enjoy good food?
e) Leviticus 23:38; Deuteronomy 12:6; Ezra 3:5. To offer freewill offerings to the Lord?
f) Numbers 15:3. To give a freewill offering to please the Lord?
g) Deuteronomy 12:17. Not to eat our freewill offerings at home?
h) Deuteronomy 16:10. To bring the Lord a freewill offering in proportion to the Blessings that we have received from Him.
i) Deuteronomy 23:23. Make vows to the Lord and carefully carry them out?
j) Ezra 1:4. To help God’s People and God’s House?
k) Ezra 8:28. To give as a freewill offering to the Lord:-
1- Treasures?
2- Silver?
3- Gold?
l) Psalm 54:6. To Praise the Lord as we offer sacrifice to Him?
m) Psalm 119:108. To offer grateful thanks to the Lord and to learn His Word?
(This QT challenges me: Am I Willing?)
‘Come To The Lord Jesus.’
Matthew 11:28-30.
a) Matthew 11:28. All people who are weary and heavily burdened. He will give you rest.
b) Matthew 11:29. And take His yoke upon us, learn from Him.
c) Matthew 11:29. He is gentle and humble in heart.
d) Matthew 11:29. We will find rest for our souls.
e) Matthew 11:30, His yoke is easy and His burden is light.
(This Second one invites me to Come To The Lord Jesus)
This is one of the simplest and yet most wonderful invitations that can ever be given – Come to the Lord Jesus – and yet many people find and make excuses not to come to Him. What a tragedy!.When we do not respond to His invitation we miss so much.
Practical Common Sense About Marriage!
‘Practical Common Sense About Marriage.’
1 Corinthians 7:8-15.
Here is godly common sense written by Apostle Paul that is applicable to every culture.
a) 1 Corinthians 7:8. It is better for the unmarried and widows to stay as they are.
b) 1 Corinthians 7:9. But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.
c) 1 Corinthians 7:10-11. A wife must not separate from her husband. If she does she should remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband.
d) 1 Corinthians 7:11. A husband must not divorce his wife.
e) 1 Corinthians 7:12-13. If our spouse is not a believer that is not a reason for separating from them or divorcing them.
f) 1 Corinthians 7:14. The believing spouse sanctifies the entire family.
g) 1 Corinthians 7:15. If the unbelieving spouse leaves, let them do so. The believing partner is not bound in these circumstances.
h) 1 Corinthians 7:15. God has called us to live in Peace.
(In this QT I find Practical Common Sense About Marriage)
‘The Death Of Our Old Self.’
Romans 6:6-7.
a) Galatians 2:20. We know that our old self was crucified with Christ.
b) The body ruled by sin needs doing away with.
c) We should no longer be slaves to sin.
d) Anyone who has died has been freed from sin.
(This Second one reminds me of the importance of The Death Of My Old Self)
Although it is clearly a Biblical teaching and principle, yet the subject of the death of the old self is rejected in some Christian circles. People make excuses for their sin, abusing Apostle Paul’s testimony in Romans 7. Let us live as Biblical True Believers, believing and practising the death of the old self.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Crafty People!
‘Crafty People.’
a) Proverbs 14:17. Will be hated by other people.
b) Genesis 3:1. Satan is crafty.
c) 1 Samuel 23:22. David became crafty because of fear.
d) 2 Samuel 13:3. Jonadab was a very crafty man who was evil.
e) Job 5:12. God will frustrate the plans of crafty people.
f) Job 15:5. Crafty people sin with their mouths.
g) Psalm 83:3. Some people craftily oppose God’s People.
h) Proverbs 7:10. Prostitutes have crafty intentions.
i) Proverbs 12:2. The Lord condemns a crafty person.
j) Proverbs 25:23. Stimulate anger.
k) Hosea 12:7. Love to cheat.
l) 2 Corinthians 12:16. Apostle Paul was falsely accused of being crafty.
(Through this QT I am reminded that Crafty People often think that they are being clever but actually God will frustrate them because being crafty comes from Satan)
‘Because Christ Lives We Should Live A New Life.’
a) Romans 6:10. Christ lives for the Glory of God - we can too.
b) Romans 6:11. So we should consider ourselves dead to sin and able to live for the Glory of God through Christ Jesus.
c) Romans 14:8-9. We live to please our Lord.
d) 2 Corinthians 5:15. We now no longer live to please ourselves, we live to please God.
(This Second one pointedly reminds me that Because Christ Lives I Should Live A New Life)
The Lord condemns a crafty person. The Scripture is very clear about this. It is not “clever” to be crafty – it is sinful. Satan is the originator of craftiness. If we have a pride in being crafty we really need to repent of it and live another way.
Friday, April 9, 2010
So That We Can Worship The Living God!
‘So That We Can Worship The Living God.’
Hebrews 9:14.
a) The Blood of Christ will purify our hearts from deeds that lead to death.
b) By the Power of the Eternal Spirit Christ offered Himself to God.
c) Christ is a Perfect Sacrifice for our sins.
(I realise what Christ has done for me So That I Can Worship The Living God)
‘Be Cleansed From Sin.’
a) Genesis 2:17; 1 Corinthians 15:56. Its punishment is death.
b) 1 John 3:4. It opposes the Law of God.
c) 1 John 3:8. Sin indicates the Devil’s work in our lives.
d) James 4:17. It is sin to know what we ought to do and then not do it.
e) Romans 14:23. If we do anything we believe is not right, we are sinning.
f) Psalm 90:8. Even our secret sins are seen by God.
g) 1 Timothy 5:24. It will all be revealed eventually.
h) Hebrews 12:1. It easily hinders our progress.
i) Isaiah 1:18. God can remove its stain.
j) Romans 5:12; Galatians 3:22; 1 Kings 8:46. Everyone has sinned.
(This Second one reminds me to Be Cleansed From Sin)
True Worshippers, the Bible tells us, Worship God in Spirit and in Truth. Worship is not simply a nice feeling or responding to stimulating music that we like. God is seeking for Worshippers, those people who Worship in Spirit and in Truth. Worship is a lifestyle and Worship is for those people who realise what Christ has done for them.
Gifts From God!
‘Gifts From God.’
a) 1 Corinthians 7:7. Marriage and Singlehood.
b) Isaiah 42:6. Messengers of Truth.
c) John 3:16. Jesus Christ, His Son.
d) John 4:10. Living water.
e) John 6:32. The True Bread from Heaven.
f) James 4:6. Grace.
g) James 1:5. Wisdom.
h) Acts 11:18. Repentance of sin and Eternal Life.
i) Ephesians 2:8. Salvation.
j) Philippians 1:29. The privilege of Trusting in Christ and suffering for Him.
k) Matthew 6:33. Everything we need.
l) Genesis 27:28. Abundant harvests of grain
and bountiful new wine.
m) 2 Chronicles 1:12. God gave:-
1- Wisdom.
2- Knowledge.
3- Wealth.
4- Riches.
5- Fame.
n) Leviticus 26:6; John 14:27. Peace.
o) 1 Chronicles 22:9. Peace and quiet.
p) Ecclesiastes 3:13. God gives:-
1- Psalm 136:25; 145:15; Matthew 6:11. Eating.
2- Drinking.
3- Enjoying the fruit of our labour.
q) Deuteronomy 8:18. Power to be successful.
(Through this QT I am so grateful to God for Gifts From God and I have new insights into understanding my giving God. It is not just “Gifts of the Holy Spirit” for ministry)
‘Have Faith In God’s Ability.’
a) Hebrews 13:8. Jesus Christ is eternally unchanging.
b) Joshua 3:5. The Lord is able to do amazing things.
c) Joshua 1:5. The Lord will never leave us or forsake us.
d) Psalm 63:3. God’s Love is better than Life.
e) Zephaniah 3:17. The Lord our God is with us:-
1- He is Mighty to save.
2- He takes great delight in His children.
3- He will quiet us with His Love.
4- He will Rejoice over us with singing.
(This Second one calls me to Have Faith In God’s Ability)
One of the things that sometimes seems to be missing in Church today is gratefulness to God. There is so much for us to be grateful to Him for and yet there is little room given for the Family of God to be able in Worship to express their gratefulness to Him.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Those People Who Shun Evil!
‘Those People Who Shun Evil.’
a) Proverbs 14:16. Are wise people who Fear the Lord.
b) Job 1:8; 2:3. Job was such a person.
c) Isaiah 59:15. Are not popular in the World system.
(This QT gives to me great respect for Those People Who Shun Evil)
‘People Who Are Godly.’
a) Psalm 1:1. These people:-
1- Do not walk in the counsel of the wicked people.
2- Do not stand in the way of sinners.
3- Do not sit in the seat of mockers.
b) Psalm 1:2. Delight in the Word of God and meditate day and night in it.
c) Psalm 1:3. These people will become like trees that are:-
1- Well watered.
2- Fruitful.
3- Consistent.
4- Prospering.
d) Psalm 4:3. Are set apart by the Lord for Himself and He hears their prayers.
e) Psalm 5:11. These people are protected by the Lord and they:-
1- Take refuge in Him.
2- Ever sing for Joy.
3- Love the Lord’s Name and Rejoice in Him.
(Through this Second one I want to be counted amongst the People Who Are Godly)
It is really not a good thing to walk in the counsel of wicked people, whether they are Christians or not. Anyone who encourages another person to tell lies for their own benefit is a wicked person. Please avoid the counsel of wicked people.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Our Guardian And Teacher!
‘Our Guardian And Teacher.’
2 Corinthians 12:7-10.
a) 2 Corinthians 12:7. God did not want Apostle Paul to become conceited because he was being given many experiences of the Holy Spirit.
b) 2 Corinthians 12:7. God gave to him:-
1-A thorn in his flesh.
2-A messenger of Satan.
3-Something to keep him from becoming too elated.
c) 2 Corinthians 12:8. Three times Apostle Paul pleaded with the Lord to take it away.
d) 2 Corinthians 12:9. God told him that His Grace is sufficient and His Power is made perfect in weakness.
e) 2 Corinthians 12:9. Then Apostle Paul understood. “I will all the more gladly boast of my weaknesses, that the Power of Christ may rest upon me.”
f) 2 Corinthians 12:10. When we are weak, then we are strong. For the sake of Christ Apostle Paul was content with:-
1- Weaknesses.
2- Insults.
3- Hardships.
4- Persecutions.
5- Calamities.
(This QT affirms to me my Lord Jesus as My Guardian And Teacher)
‘Arm Ourselves With The Same Attitude As Christ.’
1 Peter 4:1-19.
a) 1 Peter 4:1. Christ suffered in His Body. When we are suffering in our bodies we cease from sin.
b) 1 Peter 4:2. So now we live for the Will of God and not evil fleshly desires.
c) 1 Peter 4:3. The time is now finished for living a worldly lifestyle.
d) 1 Peter 4:4. Worldly ex friends may accuse us.
e) 1 Peter 4:5. Those worldly people will have to give their own account to God.
f) 1 Peter 4:6. Response positively to the Gospel brings a new and godly lifestyle.
g) 1 Peter 4:7. The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that we can Pray.
h) 1 Peter 4:8. We should Love each other deeply because Love covers a multitude of sins.
i) 1 Peter 4:9. We should make a practice of hospitality toward each other without grumbling.
j) 1 Peter 4:10. God has given to us Grace Gifts, we should use them to serve other people.
k) 1 Peter 4:11. Let us speak to other people as the Lord’s Messengers for His Glory.
l) 1 Peter 4:12. We are not to be surprised at the painful trials we suffer.
m) 1 Peter 4:13. We should Rejoice as we share Christ’s sufferings.
n) 1 Peter 4:14. When the Spirit of Glory and God rests upon us sometimes we will be insulted for the Name of Christ. Do not panic – but Rejoice.
o) 1 Peter 4:15-16. We are not to be ashamed if we suffer as a True Believer.
p) 1 Peter 4:17-18. We need to remember that Judgment begins at the House of God.
q) 1 Peter 4:19. If we are suffering according to God’s Will we should commit ourselves to our Faithful Creator and continue to do good.
(This Second reminds me to Arm Myself With The Same Attitude As Christ)
When something goes as we do not expect it to go – we should not panic or doubt God – rather we should Rejoice. God is Faithful and He is still with us. Even when we lose control of a situation God is still in control.
Apostle Paul Was Answering Their Question!
‘Apostle Paul Was Answering Their Question.’
Here Paul was not taking the initiative to teach practical things about family and marriage but rather answering the Corinthians’ written question to him.
1 Corinthians 7:1-6.
a) 1 Corinthians 7:1. It is good for a man not to marry.
b) 1 Corinthians 7:2. Because of so much immorality in the Corinthian culture each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband.
c) 1 Corinthians 7:3. Both husband and wife should perform their conjugal rights to each other.
d) 1 Corinthians 7:4. The wife’s body does not belong to herself but to her husband. The husband’s body does not belong to himself but to his wife.
e) 1 Corinthians 7:5. Do not deprive one another except perhaps by agreement for a set time, to devote yourselves to prayer, and then come together again, so that Satan may not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.
f) 1 Corinthians 7:6. This was not written as a command but as a concession.
(Through this QT I understand that Apostle Paul Was Answering Their Question)
‘When We Go Through Difficult Times.’
2 Corinthians 1:3-11.
a) 2 Corinthians 1:3. We should always be Praising the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the Father of Compassion and the God of all Comfort.
b) 2 Corinthians 1:4. God comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.
c) 2 Corinthians 1:5. Both the sufferings of Christ and the consolation from Christ are abundant for us.
d) 2 Corinthians 1:6. If we are distressed it is for the Comfort and Salvation of other Believers.
e) 2 Corinthians 1:6. If we are comforted it is for the Comfort of other Believers so that they may have patient endurance in their sufferings.
f) 2 Corinthians 1:7. We should share Hope. Other Believers who are also sharing in suffering will also share in Comfort.
g) 2 Corinthians 1:8. The tremendous hardships that Apostle Paul and his team had been through.
h) 2 Corinthians 1:8-9. They felt like they were under a death sentence. All they could do was rely on God.
i) 2 Corinthians 1:10. God rescued them and continued to rescue them. They could set their Hope in God as the One Who rescues them.
j) 2 Corinthians 1:11. Prayer and Thanksgiving is an important and effective way of helping people When They Go Through Difficult Times.
(Through this Second one I realise the Faithfulness of God and my need of the Body of Christ When I Go Through Difficult Times)
Our Life in Christ is essentially something that we share with other people, both Believers and not. There are so many Blessings and Benefits that God has for us. Comfort is one of the unseen and yet vital Blessings that God gives to us so that we can share it with other people.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Consider Well!
‘Consider Well.’
a) Proverbs 14:15. Prudent people carefully consider their steps.
b) Leviticus 13:13. Priests should consider before making a decision.
c) Numbers 15:15. A good example for us. The Lord considers all people the same.
d) Deuteronomy 4:39. We should consider this in our hearts. The LORD He is God in Heaven above and upon the Earth beneath: there is none else.
e) Deuteronomy 8:5. We should consider this in our hearts. As a man chastens his child, so the Lord chastens us.
f) Deuteronomy 11:2. Consider:-
1- The discipline of the Lord our God.
2- The Lord’s Greatness.
3- The Lord’s Mighty Hand.
4- The Lord’s outstretched Arm.
g) Deuteronomy 32:29. Our latter end.
h) 1 Samuel 12:24; Psalm 64:9. What great things the Lord has done for us.
i) 2 Chronicles 19:6. Judges are to Consider what you do, for you judge not for man but for the LORD. He is with you in giving judgment.
j) Job 5:17. Consider the joy of those corrected by God! Do not despise the Discipline of the Almighty when you sin.
k) Job 34:27. We are to Consider the Lord’s Ways and not turn back from Him.
l) Job 37:14. The many wonders of God.
m) Psalm 8:3; Ecclesiastes 7:13. When I consider Thy Heavens, the work of Thy fingers, the moon and the stars which Thou hast ordained,
n) Psalm 77:5. The days of old, the years long ago.
o) Psalm 107:43. The Steadfast Love of the Lord.
p) Psalm 119:95. The Lord’s testimonies.
q) Psalm 119:128. All God’s precepts to be right.
r) Proverbs 6:6. The ways of the ant.
s) Proverbs 23:1. When thou sittest to eat with a ruler, consider diligently what is before thee.
t) Ecclesiastes 7:14; James 1:2. In the day of adversity.
u) Isaiah 51:1. Consider the rock from which you were cut, the quarry from which you were mined.
v) Daniel 9:23. The Word and understand the vision.
w) Haggai 1:5. Our ways.
x) Matthew 6:28. The lilies of the field.
y) Luke 12:24. The ravens.
z) Romans 6:11. Ourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus.
aa) 1 Corinthians 1:26. Our Calling.
bb) Philippians 2:3. Other people as more important than ourselves.
cc) 2 Timothy 2:7. The Word of the Lord and the Lord will give us understanding.
dd) Hebrews 3:1. Jesus, the Apostle and High Priest of our confession.
ee) Hebrews 7:4. How great Melchizedek was.
ff) Hebrews 10:24. How to stir up one another to Love and good works.
gg) Hebrews 12:3. Consider Him Who endured from sinners such hostility against Himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted.
hh) Hebrews 13:7. The outcome of our leader’s way of life.
ii) James 5:7. The farmers who patiently wait for the rains in the fall and in the spring.
(This QT urges me to Consider Well)
‘Apostle Paul Discovered The Answer In Jesus.’
Romans 7:15-25.
a) Romans 7:15. Apostle Paul could not understand himself at all. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.
b) Romans 7:16. Paul was troubled in his conscience about what he was doing.
c) Romans 7:17. Paul could not help himself. It was sin inside him that made him do those evil things.
d) Romans 7:18. I know I am rotten through and through so far as my old sinful nature is concerned. No matter which way I turn, I can't make myself do right. I want to, but I can't.
e) Romans 7:19. Paul found himself doing wrong all the time.
f) Romans 7:20. Sin was causing him to do wrong.
g) Romans 7:21. Paul discovered this fact in his life. It seems to be a fact of life that when I want to do what is right, I inevitably do what is wrong.
h) Romans 7:22. Paul loved God’s Word with all his heart, only the Word was having no effect on his life.
i) Romans 7:23. Paul was living a defeated life.
j) Romans 7:24. Paul was living in misery because of this problem.
k) Romans 7:25. Thank God! Apostle Paul found the Answer to his problem. The Answer was in the Lord Jesus Christ.
(Through this Second one there is Hope for all people, Apostle Paul Found The Answer In Jesus)
Wanting to do what is right should surely be the desire of every True Believer. If we claim to be Believers but we do not want to do what is right then there must be something very wrong in our lives and our understanding of God. There is Hope for everyone who wants to do what is right, no matter how weak they may be.
So Much To Know About God!
‘So Much To Know About God.’
a) Deuteronomy 6:6-7. These things should be in our hearts and taught to our children.
b) Romans 2:4. The Kindness of God leads us to repentance.
c) Isaiah 30:18. The Lord:-
1- Longs to be Gracious to us.
2- Will be Exalted to have Mercy on us.
3- Is a God of Justice.
d) Galatians 6:7. God cannot be mocked.
e) Psalm 115:16. He has given the Earth to mankind.
f) Galatians 5:1. Stand fast in the Freedom that Christ has given to us.
g) Matthew 10:16. The Lord is the One Who sends us out as sheep in the midst of wolves.
h) 1 Samuel 12:22. For the sake of His Great Name the Lord will not forsake His People.
(This QT shows to me that there is So Much To Know About God)
‘The Lord Of Hosts Is With Us.’
Psalm 46:1-11.
a) Psalm 46:1. God is:-
1- Our Refuge.
2- Our Strength.
3- A very present Help in trouble.
b) Psalm 46:2-3. We will not fear even though the environment may be difficult.
c) Psalm 46:4. There is a river that brings Gladness to the Holy Place where God dwells.
d) Psalm 46:5. Because God is with us and He will help us then we will not fail.
e) Psalm 46:6. When God utters His Voice then the angry Earth melts.
f) Psalm 46:7 & 11. The Lord Almighty is with us. The God of Jacob is our Refuge.
g) Psalm 46:8-9. We need to behold the Works of the Lord.
h) Psalm 46:10. Be still and know that He is God and that He will be Exalted.
(This Second one convinces me that The Lord Of Hosts Is With Me)
God is with His People and He will help His People. Sometimes we are very narrow and selfish in our expectations of God. We think only of Him filling what may seem to us to be the empty spaces in our lives or environments. God is much bigger than that and His Ways are not the same as our ways. Let us Trust Him and His Word that He will help us in His Way.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Our Bodies Are Not Our Own!
‘Our Bodies Are Not Our Own.’
1 Corinthians 6:18-20.
a) 1 Corinthians 6:18. We are to keep far away from all sexual sins.
b) 1 Corinthians 6:18. When people commit sin it is outside their body but sexual sins are against one’s own body.
c) 1 Corinthians 6:19. Our bodies are Temples of the Holy Spirit Who is in us if we are True Believers.
d) 1 Corinthians 6:19. We have received the Holy Spirit from God and we do not belong to ourselves.
e) 1 Corinthians 6:20. Christ has paid the price for us.
f) 1 Corinthians 6:20. We are to use our bodies in a way that honours God.
(This QT reminds me that My Body Is Not My Own)
‘God’s Answer To Solomon’s Prayer.’
1 Kings 9:3-5.
a) 1 Kings 9:3. God said that He heard Solomon’s Prayer and Plea.
b) 1 Kings 9:3. God consecrated the temple which Solomon built.
c) 1 Kings 9:3. Forever God put at the temple His:
1- Name.
2- Eyes.
3- Heart.
d) 1 Kings 9:4. What God required of Solomon:-
1- Walk before God in integrity and uprightness.
2- Do all that God commands.
3- Obey God’s rules and laws.
e) 1 Kings 9:5. Then God would set up Solomon’s throne forever from generation to generation.
(This Second one shows to me God’s Answer To Solomon’s Prayer)
The Name of the Lord is a Strong and Mighty Tower and a Refuge for our souls. This is a popular Christian song that is sung with meaning in the Churches and it is also Biblical Truth. Let us revere the Name of the Lord.
They Will Be Rewarded! (3)
‘They Will Be Rewarded.’
a) Proverbs 14:14; Ruth 2:12. Good people for their good ways.
b) 2 Samuel 22:21 & 25; Psalm 18:20; Proverbs 13:21. According to the cleanliness of their hands - meaning their innocence.
c) 2 Chronicles 15:7. Those people who work well and do not give up.
d) Proverbs 9:12. The Wise Person is rewarded by Wisdom.
e) Proverbs 10:16. Good people are rewarded with Life.
f) Proverbs 11:31. Good people will be rewarded here on Earth.
g) Proverbs 12:14. People will be rewarded for what they say and do.
h) Proverbs 13:13. The person who respects a command.
i) Proverbs 14:18. Wise people are rewarded with Knowledge.
j) Proverbs 14:24. Wise people are rewarded with wealth.
k) Proverbs 18:20-21. People will be rewarded for what they say; they will be rewarded by how they speak.
l) Proverbs 27: 18. Workers who protect their employer’s interests.
m) Jeremiah 31:16; 1 Corinthians 3:8. Your work will be rewarded.
n) Matthew 10:42. For giving cold water to drink for a follower of Jesus Christ.
o) Luke 12:37. Servants who are ready and waiting for Christ’s return.
p) 1 Timothy 3:13. Those people who do well as deacons.
q) Hebrews 10:35. Our confidence will be richly rewarded.
(This QT reminds me that through the Grace and Love of God I Will Be Rewarded)
‘We Worship And Give Thanks To God.’
Psalm 138:2.
a) For His unfailing Love.
b) For His Faithfulness.
c) For His Promises.
d) For His Name.
(By this Second one I Worship And Give Thanks To God)
We should freely and really thank God for His Grace and His Love. Because of His Grace and His Love we receive so much. This provision is not just in the visible sphere but also in the invisible too. Our Living God is a good God.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Who We Are In Jesus Christ!
‘Who We Are In Jesus Christ.’
a) John 17:16. We are not of this World system.
b) Romans 8:16-17. We are God’s Children.
c) Colossians 1:13. We are brought into the Kingdom of the Lord.
d) Romans 8:29. We are chosen to become like Jesus Christ.
e) 1 Peter 2:24. We are forgiven and healed through the Cross.
f) 1 John 4:18. We are able to be free from fear because of His Love.
g) Romans 8:32. We are recipients of God’s gifts to us.
h) 1 John 5:11-12. We are recipients of Eternal Life.
i) Galatians 3:14. We are recipients of the promised Holy Spirit through Faith.
j) Ephesians 1:3. We are Blessed with every Spiritual Blessing in Heavenly realms.
k) Ephesians 2:10. We are God’s Masterpiece.
l) Philippians 4:19. We are those people whose needs are met through Jesus Christ.
m) Colossians 1:12. We are able to share the inheritance that belongs to God’s Holy People who live in the Light.
n) John 15:7. We are able to know answered Prayers because we are praying with the indwelling Word.
o) Colossians 2:6. We are able to live in obedience to Him.
p) Colossians 1:10. We are people who live in this way:-
1- To Honour the Lord.
2- To Please the Lord.
3- To continually do good.
4- Doing kind things for other people.
5- Learning to know God better and better.
q) John 8:32. People who live in Freedom through receiving the Truth.
r) Romans 8:14. We are led by the Spirit of God.
(This QT reminds me of Who I Am In Jesus Christ)
‘We Should Be Praising The Lord.’
1 Peter 2:9.
a) We are a Chosen People.
b) We are a Holy Nation.
c) We are a People belonging to God.
d) We are called out of darkness in God’s Wonderful Light.
e) All this is so that we can declare His Praises.
(Through this Second one I know that I Should be Praising The Lord)
Being led by the Holy Spirit should be a part of the normal Christian Life of every True Believer. God puts it very simply that if we are His Children we will be led by the Holy Spirit. Through God’s Word, through our sanctified thoughts and choices and by sensitivity to the Spirit of the Lord within us we can all be led by the Holy Spirit.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Joined And United Correctly!
‘Joined And United Correctly.’
1 Corinthians 6:16-17.
a) If we are joined together with an immoral person we become tied to them, body to body.
b) The two people become one flesh.
c) If we are joined to the Lord then we become one with Him in the Holy Spirit.
(This short QT reminds me very clearly to be Joined And United Correctly)
‘Be Reconciled.’
a) 2 Corinthians 5:20. Be reconciled to God should be the Message of all people who proclaim the Gospel.
b) Psalm 119:79. All True Believers should be reconciled to those people who Fear the Lord and know His Decrees.
c) Matthew 5:24. Prior to Worship if there are people that we need to reconcile with, if possible, we should do it.
d) Ephesians 2:16. Christ reconciles people groups with each other in His Body.
e) Colossians 1:20. By Christ God reconciled everything to Himself. He made Peace with everything in Heaven and on Earth by means of His Blood on the Cross.
(Through this Second one I am so grateful to the Lord that I can Be Reconciled)
The Holy Spirit’s Work is always so vast and amazing. Sometimes when people hear the Name the Holy Spirit they just think about gifts. If this is the case these people are missing so much of God. It is the Work of the Holy Spirit, among a multitude of other things, to join us to Christ.
Friday, April 2, 2010
a) Proverbs 14:13. Maybe hiding heart ache and grief.
b) Genesis 21:6. God can make it for us.
c) Job 8:21. God can fill our mouths with it.
d) Psalm 126:1-2. Because of Restoration.
e) Ecclesiastes 2:2; 7:6. Is sometimes foolish.
f) Ecclesiastes 7:3. Sorrow is better than it.
g) Ecclesiastes 10:19. A feast is made for laughter.
h) Jeremiah 7:34; 16:9; 25:10. God can put an end to it
i) Jeremiah 33:11. Weddings are a time for it.
j) James 4:9. Needs sometimes to be changed to mourning.
(Through this QT I can understand more about Laughter)
‘Our Lives Are In The Hands Of The Lord.’
Matthew 6:19-34.
a) Matthew 6:19. We are not to store up for ourselves treasures on Earth.
b) Matthew 6:20. We are to store up for ourselves treasures in Heaven.
c) Matthew 6:21. For where our treasure is, there our heart will be also.
d) Matthew 6:22-23. We should be filled with Light.
e) Matthew 6:24. We have to make the choice, do we serve God or do we serve money?
f) Matthew 6:25. There is no need for us to worry about our lives.
g) Matthew 6:26. Our Heavenly Father feeds the birds and we are much more valuable than them.
h) Matthew 6:27-28. We are not to worry.
i) Matthew 6:29. Solomon in all his splendour cannot compare with God’s Provision.
j) Matthew 6:30. We are to trust in God and not be “little faith” people.
k) Matthew 6:31.-32. We are not to worry because our Heavenly Father knows our needs.
l) Matthew 6:33. Seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness, and all these things will be provided for us.
m) Matthew 6:34. We are not to worry about tomorrow.
(Through this Second one I am so grateful that My Life Is In The Hands Of The Lord)
Sometimes we are very attracted by the gloss and splendour of the World system. Sometimes we even get into it and can become very competitive. However rather than comparing ourselves with the World system, let us Trust God for His Provision.
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The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...
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