The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
The Way Of Righteousness!
‘The Way Of Righteousness.’
a) Proverbs 12:28. In it there is Life.
b) Proverbs 8:20. We need to walk in it.
c) Proverbs 16:31. Is something we should follow until our old age.
d) Matthew 21:32. Was the Way for John the Baptist and should be the Way for every True Minister of the Gospel.
e) 2 Peter 2:21. We should know it and keep it.
(Through this QT I want to follow The Way Of Righteousness)
‘Anistemi – Rise Up.’
a) Acts 2:32; Mark 8:31; 9:31. God raised Jesus from the dead.
b) Matthew 9:9. Matthew rose up to follow Jesus.
c) Mark 1:35. Jesus Christ rose up early in the morning to Pray.
d) Mark 5:42. The healed girl rose up.
e) Mark 12:25. The dead Believers will rise up.
f) Luke 4:16. Jesus Christ rose up to read the Scriptures.
g) Luke 4:39. The sick lady rose up because she was healed and prepared a meal.
h) Luke 5:25. The healed man:-
1- Rose up.
2- Picked up his mat.
3- Went home praising God.
i) Luke 8:54-55. Jairus’ Daughter came back to life by a miracle from Jesus Christ. She immediately rose up and stood up.
j) Luke 11:8. We will rise up and give our friend what he wants if he keeps knocking.
k) Luke 11:32. The people of Nineveh will rise up against this generation on Judgment day and condemn it, because they repented at the preaching of Jonah.
l) Luke 17:19. Jesus said: “Rise up and go, your Faith has made you well.
m) Luke 22:45-46. Jesus rose up after His agonising Prayer only to find His Disciples asleep.
n) John 6:39-40, 44 & 54; 1 Thessalonians 4:16. Jesus Christ will raise up True Believers to Eternal Life on the Last Day, that is the Will of Heavenly Father.
o) Acts 1:15; 15:7. Peter rose up to Preach the first New Testament Sermon.
p) Acts 5:34. Gamaliel, a good and popular lawyer rose up to speak wisdom.
q) Acts 9:18. Saul:-
1- Got his eyesight restored.
2- Rose up.
3- Was Baptised.
r) Acts 9:34. Aeneas rose up because he was healed in the Name of Jesus Christ.
s) Acts 9:40. Peter spoke to Tabitha to rise up.
t) Acts 11:28. Agabus stood up to prophesy.
u) Acts 12:7. Angelic deliverance! Peter rose up to come out of prison.
v) Acts 23:9. Some religious teachers rose up to take Paul’s side.
w) Acts 26:16-18. Rise up and get on with the Lord’s Commission for you.
x) Ephesians 5:14. Rise up and Christ will give you Light.
(In this Second one the Lord clearly speaks to me Anestemi – Rise Up)
Good Believing Lawyers are very important people to serve the Church and True Believers in these days when the Church is having a time of readjustment in society. In the past “Christian Age”, especially of the western world and culture, the Church had an important voice. This is no longer so and good Believing Lawyers are necessary to help the Churches in the many new situations they face. This is no longer the “Christian Age”.
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