The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
a) Proverbs 13:11; Genesis 47:14. Gather money little by little and make it grow.
b) Ruth 2:15. Ruth freely gathered among the sheaves.
c) Job 16:10. A mob that gathers are horrible people.
d) Psalm 33:7. God gathers the water of the seas into a heap.
e) Psalm 41:6. The heart gathers iniquity.
f) Psalm 147:2; Isaiah 56:8. The Lord gathers the exiles of His People.
g) Proverbs 10:5. A wise son gathers crops during the summer.
h) Isaiah 10:14. Farmers gather eggs.
i) Isaiah 17:5. A reaper gathers the standing grain.
j) Isaiah 34:15. The owl gathers her young.
k) Isaiah 40:11. The Lord gathers the lambs in His Arms.
l) Ezekiel 22:20. One gathers precious metal to be smelted.
m) Micah 4:12. The Lord gathers people like sheaves for the threshing floor.
n) Habakkuk 2:5. Greedy people gather to themselves all Nations and make them captive.
o) Matthew 23:37; Luke 13:34. A hen gathers her chicks under her wings.
p) Genesis 1:9. God gathered the water and the sky together in one place in Creation.
q) Genesis 12:5. Abram and Sarai gathered possessions.
r) Genesis 29:3, 7 & 8. When the flocks are gathered they can be watered.
s) Genesis 29:22. People gathered together for a feast.
t) Genesis 31:23. Sometimes relatives need to be gathered together to achieve the desired result.
u) Genesis 41:48. Sometimes it is necessary to gather up food to prepare for a time of famine.
v) Genesis 48:2. Sometimes we need to gather up our strength.
w) Exodus 4:29. There are times when Leaders need to gather together the Elders.
x) Exodus 16:17. We need to gather the manna that we need.
y) Exodus 16:21. Can be gathering daily.
z) Exodus 32:1. Sometimes people gather together in rebellion against God.
(Through this QT I more understand Gatherers)
‘Believers Should Gather Together.’
a) Acts 20:7. To break bread and study the Bible.
b) 1 Corinthians 11:23-26. To remember what Jesus Christ has done for us through partaking of Holy Communion.
c) Hebrews 10:25. Encourage each other to do so.
d) 1 Corinthians 16:1-2. To bring our offerings into God’s House.
(Through this Second one I am reminded that Believers Should Gather Together)
Strength is important – without strength we cannot live. Sometimes through the difficult experiences of life, we feel that we have no strength. In such times we need to do two things. Firstly, we need to pray to the Lord to give us strength. Secondly, we need to gather up the strength that we do have, we may feel that we have no strength, but actually we do have some.
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