The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Mature Believers Under The Headship Of Christ!
‘Mature Believers Under The Headship Of Christ!
Ephesians 4:15-16.
a) Speak the Truth in Love.
b) Grow in every way more and more like Christ.
c) Christ is the Head of His Body the Church.
d) Christ makes the whole Body fit together perfectly.
e) Each part of the Body has its own special work to do.
f) Each part of the Body helps the other parts to grow.
g) The whole Body should be:-
1- Healthy.
2- Growing.
3- Full of Love.
(This QT teaches me about Mature Believers Under The Headship Of Christ)
‘The Powerful Gentleness Of The Lord.’
a) Isaiah 40:11. The loving actions of the Lord, He will:-
1- Feed His Flock like a Shepherd.
2- Carry the lambs in His Arms.
3- Hold the lambs close to His Heart.
4- Gently lead the mother sheep with their young.
b) Isaiah 42:3-4. More loving actions of the Lord, He will:-
1- Not crush the weakest reed.
2- Not put out a flickering candle.
3- Bring justice to all people who have been wronged.
4- Not falter or lose heart until justice prevails throughout the Earth.
5- Give instruction to distant lands beyond the sea.
c) Psalm 119:41. The Lord gives us His Unfailing Love.
d) Psalm 119:41. The Lord gives us the Salvation that He Promises to us.
e) Psalm 119:42. The Lord helps us to answer those people who taunt us because we Trust in His Word.
(Through this Second one I find The Powerful Gentleness Of The Lord)
We should all be growing in the Lord. This does not just mean growing spiritually. Of course we should be doing that as we grow in the knowledge of the Word of God and Prayer. The fullness of the Holy Spirit also helps us to grow spiritually. We should also be growing emotionally too and in our responses to other people, bringing forth the fruit of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Finally we should be growing in our ministries and become increasingly able to do the things that God wants us to do.
The Love A Man Gives His Wife!
‘The Love A Man Gives His Wife.’
Ephesians 5:28.
a) It should be natural.
b) It should be the same love that the husband has for his own body.
c) The love a man should give his wife is very specific.
d) It should be the extension of his love for himself that enfolds her.
(This QT teaches me from Ephesians about The Love A Man Gives His Wife)
‘Love For One Another As Disciples Of Jesus.’
John 13:34-35.
a) The command to love one another was a new command given by Jesus to the Disciples.
b) Jesus’ Love is the model for our love for one another.
c) If we love each other with this love then all people will know that we are Jesus Disciples.
d) This is “such” love – a love that is intense and real.
(Through this Second one I understand about our Love For One Another As Disciples Of Jesus Christ)
The love that a man gives his wife is very important. It is an extension of the love that he has for himself. How can a man love his wife if he does not love himself? It is impossible. This is the cause of many marriage breakdowns, because the man is unable to love and yet wants to, he turns to lust. Lust is a marriage breaker. If a man does not love himself and therefore does not love his wife there is no given model to the children.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Bribery Is Sin!
‘Bribery Is Sin.’
a) Proverbs 21:14. A gift in secret averts anger.
b) Proverbs 21:14. A concealed bribe in the bosom averts strong wrath.
c) Proverbs 17:23. Wicked people take bribes to pervert the course of Justice.
d) Job 15:34. Fire consumes the tents of bribery.
(Through this QT I am reminded that Bribery Is Sin)
‘Before We Knew Christ.’
Titus 3:3.
a) We were foolish.
b) We were disobedient.
c) We were led astray.
d) We were slaves to various passions and pleasures.
e) We were passing our days in malice.
f) We were passing our days in envy.
g) We were despicable.
h) We were hating other people.
(This Second one makes me so grateful that I know Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour: Before I Knew Christ)
Before we knew Christ! Every True Believer has a time in their life which they talk about as the time before they knew Christ. Many of the things that happened during that time are things which we know are now forgiven and covered by the Love of God and the Blood of Jesus Christ. Our life as a True Believer is usually far from easy but we trust in the Word of God, the Grace of God and the Atoning Blood of Jesus Christ to keep us and answer for us.
This Person Does Not Have God’s Love!
‘This Person Does Not Have God’s Love.’
1 John 3:17.
a) They do not have God’s Love.
b) They have the World system’s goods.
c) They see a brother or sister in genuine need.
d) They refuse to help.
(Without doubt this QT shows to me that This Person Does Not Have God’s Love)
‘As True Believers Being One In Christ.’
John 17:21-23.
a) John 17:21. Our model of oneness is the Father in Christ and Christ in the Father.
b) John 17:21. We are to be one in the Father and in Christ.
c) John 17:21. Then the World’s people can Believe that the Father sent the Son Jesus Christ.
d) John 17:22. Christ gives True Believers the Glory that the Father has given to Him.
e) John 17:22. This enables True Believers to be one in the same way that the Father and Christ are one.
f) John 17:23. The Father in Christ and Christ in us, then we become completely one.
g) John 17:23. Then the World’s people may know:-
1- That the Father sent Christ.
2- That the Father loves them.
3- That the Father loves Christ.
(Through this Second one I know that As True Believers Being One In Christ is both necessary and important)
Without doubt the greedy person does not have God’s Love. All political systems are made by man but Government is instituted by God. This is why it is so important to pray for our Government. Greed is sin and any political system that encourages greed is surely wrong.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Christ’s Love For The Church!
‘Christ’s Love For The Church.’
Ephesians 5:25-27.
a) Ephesians 5:25. Christ Loves the Church and gave Himself up for her.
b) Ephesians 5:26. Christ’s desire is to Sanctify the Church.
c) Ephesians 5:26. Christ cleanses the Church by the washing of water with the Word of God.
d) Ephesians 5:27. Christ wants to present the Church to Himself:-
1- In splendour.
2- Without spot.
3- Without wrinkle.
4- Without any such thing.
e) Ephesians 5:27. Christ wants His Church to be Holy and without blemish.
(Through this QT I find the powerful and purifying effect of Christ’s Love For The Church)
‘The Correct Motive For Suffering For The Gospel’s Sake.’
Colossians 1:24.
a) Apostle Paul had been made a Minister of the Gospel by the Lord.
b) Apostle Paul sometimes suffered on behalf of other people who had heard the Gospel.
c) Apostle Paul was not sorry about this – he was glad.
d) It gave Apostle Paul a chance to complete in his own sufferings something of the untold pains for which Christ suffered on behalf of His Body, the Church.
(This Second one clearly teaches me The Correct Motive For Suffering For The Gospel’s Sake)
The Word of God is really powerful. It has power to cleanse us and it has power to cleanse the Church. There is a cleansing power of the Blood of Jesus Christ. There is also a cleansing power of the Holy Spirit. We should never forget the cleansing power of the Word of God.
The Cries Of The Poor People!
‘The Cries Of The Poor People.’
a) Proverbs 21:13. We should not shut our ears to the cries of the poor people if we do we will be ignored at our time of need.
b) Deuteronomy 15:7-11. We should be generous to the poor.
c) Isaiah 1:15-17. Social Justice is important.
d) Isaiah 58:6-8. Helping the poor people is important.
e) Zechariah 7:9-10. We are not to oppress the poor people.
f) James 2:13-16. We are to show Mercy.
(This QT reminds me that the Lord hears The Cries Of The Poor People)
‘God Calls His People Saints.’
a) Psalm 16:3. And delights in them.
b) Deuteronomy 33:3. They are in the Hands of the Lord.
c) Psalm 34:9; 89:7. And they are to Fear Him.
d) Psalm 89:5. And as they fellowship together in the congregation they are to declare His Faithfulness.
e) Hosea 11:12. And they are Faithful.
f) Zechariah 14:5. And they will accompany the Lord.
(This Second one reminds me that God Calls His People Saints)
We are not to oppress the poor people. This is really a part of God’s Heart. God has not forgotten the poor people, He Loves them. The Bible calls in both the Old and New Testaments for His People to reach out to the poor people. 90% of the World’s population are poor and we read recently that 99% of the population of USA are poor.
Friday, October 28, 2011
When We Are In Christ Jesus!
‘When We Are In Christ Jesus.’
Galatians 5:6.
a) When we are in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor un-circumcision accomplishes anything.
b) What matters is Faith.
c) Faith that is working through Love.
d) 1 Thessalonians 1:3. The Thessalonica Church recognised and lived out this Truth.
e) 1 Corinthians 13:1. Love is such an important foundation.
(This QT gives me a glimpse of what life should be like When We Are In Christ Jesus)
‘When Each Individual Part Works Properly.’
Ephesians 4:16.
a) Christ makes the whole Body (the Church) fit together perfectly.
b) Each part of the Body does its own special work. (There are not meant to be any spectators)
c) Each part helps the other parts grow.
d) The Body should build itself up in Love.
e) The whole Body is intended to be:-
1- Healthy.
2- Growing.
3- Full of Love.
(Through this Second one: When Each Individual Part Works Properly, I find how a healthy Church should be)
What matters is Faith. Without Faith we are told in the Scripture it is impossible to please God. Faith is not mere human effort or human loyalty. Faith is given to us by God. We can all have more Faith as we receive the Words of God. The only way that Faith works is through Love.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Submissive And Sacrificial Love In The Family!
‘Submissive And Sacrificial Love In The Family.’
Ephesians 5:22-25
(Here, if followed, parents set a great example for their children and a good role model)
a) Ephesians 5:22. Wives submit to their husbands as they do to the Lord. (They should not submit to someone else’s husband, even if he is the Church pastor.)
b) Ephesians 5:23. For a husband is the head of his wife as Christ is the Head of His Body, the Church; He gave His Life to be her Saviour. (Husbands should be loving their wives in the same way.)
c) Ephesians 5:24. As the Church submits to Christ (this is how the normal Church is supposed to function), so wives should submit to their husbands in everything. (Dysfunctional Churches are made up of dysfunctional families and so the next generation of young families will have no role model from the Church.)
d) Ephesians 5:25. Husbands must love their wives with the same love that Christ loved the Church. Christ gave up His Life for the Church.
(Through this QT I see the need for Submissive And Sacrificial Love In The Family)
‘When The Holy Spirit Controls Our Lives.’
Galatians 5:22.
a) When the Holy Spirit controls our lives.
b) He will produce this kind of fruit in us.
c) The Believer’s fruit basket:-
1- Love.
2- Joy.
3- Peace.
4- Patience.
5- Kindness.
6- Goodness.
7- Faithfulness.
(Through this Second one I find what happens to me When The Holy Spirit Controls My Life)
Dysfunctional Churches are made up of dysfunctional families. The way to heal a dysfunctional Church is to heal the families within it. If the Church is made up of emotionally and spiritually healthy families then the Church will become emotionally and spiritually healthy. Dysfunctional Churches are usually full of hurts, bitterness and problems, no matter whether the Church be large or small.
The Righteous One!
‘The Righteous One.’
Proverbs 21:12.
a) The Righteous One.
b) Observes the house of the wicked person.
c) He throws the wicked down to ruin.
(This QT helps me to trust in The Righteous One)
‘A Good Testimony.’
Philemon 1:5.
a) Philemon had Love for the Lord Jesus.
b) Philemon had Faith in the Lord Jesus.
c) Philemon had Love for all the True Believers.
(Through this Second one I want to have A Good Testimony just like Philemon)
A good testimony is very important. As True Believers having Love for the Lord Jesus and for our brother and sister True Believers should be a part of our Faith life. Faith is also a very important part of our Life. Faith should be clearly in the Lord Jesus. Not “faith” in a person or “faith” in a Church but Faith in the Lord Jesus.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Instructed To Love!
‘Instructed To Love.’
a) Colossians 3:14. It binds us all together in perfect harmony.
b) 1 Peter 4:8. It is most important to show deep love for each other. Love covers a multitude of sins.
c) 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. The nature of love:-
1- 13:4. Patient.
2- 13:4. Kind.
3- 13:4. Not jealous.
4- 13:4. Not boastful.
5- 13:4. Not proud.
6- 13:4. Not arrogant.
7- 13:5. Not rude.
8- 13:5. Not demanding.
9- 13:5. Not irritable.
10- 13:5. Keeps no record of being wronged.
11- 13:5. Not resentful.
12- 13:6. Does not rejoice about injustice.
13- 13:6. Rejoices when the Truth wins out.
14- 13:7. Never gives up.
15- 13:7. Never loses Faith.
16- 13:7. Always hopeful.
17- 13:7. Endures through every circumstance.
18- 13:8. Will last forever.
d) 1 Corinthians 13:13. The greatest of things that last forever is love.
(This QT reminds me that I am Instructed To Love and I find it challenging)
‘The Unregenerate Person.’
Titus 3:3.
a) Is foolish.
b) Is disobedient.
c) Is misled.
d) Is a slave to many lusts and pleasures.
e) Is full of evil.
f) Is full of envy.
g) Is inclined to hatred of other people.
(Through this Second and my own past experiences I can identify with, and understand the needs of The Unregenerate Person. The greatest need is Salvation in and through The Lord Jesus)
The unregenerate person is not aware of the reality of God. This person may have many ideas and opinions about God but they have never experienced the reality of God. The only way that we can experience the reality of God is through knowing the Lord Jesus personally as our Lord and Saviour.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Be Filled With The Holy Spirit!
‘Be Filled With The Holy Spirit.’
Ephesians 5:18-21.
a) Ephesians 5:18. We should not get drunk with wine which will ruin our lives.
b) Ephesians 5:18. We should be filled with the Holy Spirit.
c) Ephesians 5:19. Sing among ourselves:-
1- Psalms.
2- Hymns.
3- Spiritual songs.
d) Ephesians 5:19. Make music to the Lord in our hearts.
e) Ephesians 5:19. When we are filled with the Holy Spirit we are positive.
f) Ephesians 5:20. Give thanks for everything to God the Father in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
g) Ephesians 5:20. When we are filled with the Holy Spirit we are thankful.
h) Ephesians 5:21. We should submit ourselves to one another because of our reverence for Christ. When we are filled with the Holy Spirit we can do this.
(Through this QT I am encouraged to Be Filled With The Holy Spirit)
‘You Can Do It Because The Lord Will Help You.’
Judges 6:14-16.
a) Judges 6:14. The Lord ordered Gideon to go with all of his great strength and rescue Israel from the Midianites.
b) Judges 6:14. The Lord Himself was sending Gideon.
c) Judges 6:15. Gideon protested because of his status.
d) Judges 6:16. The Lord assured Gideon that he could do it because He would help him.
e) Judges 6:16. He would crush the Midianites easily.
(This Second one is very comforting: I Can Do It Because The Lord Will Help Me)
We should be filled with the Holy Spirit. This is not just a charismatic “hallmark” of Pentecostal and Charismatic Churches this is basic necessity for all True Believers – to be filled with the Holy Spirit. We need also to remember that the Holy Spirit is not just “gifts” but He is God filling our lives which have been created to be His temples. Surely our lives increasingly and positively change when we are filled with the Holy Spirit.
Intellectual Progress!
‘Intellectual Progress.’
Proverbs 21:11.
a) When the scoffer is punished.
b) The simpleminded people become wise.
c) When the wise people are instructed.
d) The wise person receives Knowledge.
(This QT shows me Intellectual Progress)
‘Renounce Friendship With The World System.’
James 4:1-4.
a) James 4:1. Where do wars and fights come from among us? Do they not come from our desires for pleasure that war in our members? (Not ‘spiritual warfare’ but us!)
b) James 4:2. We lust and we do not have.
c) James 4:2. We:-
1- Murder.
2- Covet.
3- Cannot obtain.
4- Fight and war.
d) James 4:2. We do not have because we do not ask.
e) James 4:3. We ask and do not receive, because we ask amiss, that we may spend it on our pleasures.
f) James 4:4. We are adulterers and adulteresses that do not know that friendship with the World system is enmity with God.
g) James 4:4. Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the World system makes themselves an enemy of God.
(This Second one clearly shows me that I must Renounce Friendship With The World System)
We need, if we are True Believers, to renounce friendship with the World system. The World system, I John tells us, is rooted in lust and pride. If we love the World system we will have great difficulty in growing spiritually. Let us be True Believers who live in Victory over the World system.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Hard Work That Needed To Be Done!
‘Hard Work That Needed To Be Done.’
Judges 6:11.
a) The Angel of the Lord came to visit Joash and his son Gideon.
b) Whenever the Angel of the Lord visits it was/is for a special reason.
c) The Angel of the Lord saw Gideon working so hard in very difficult circumstances.
d) The winepress was usually located at the foot of the hill, so the harvested grapes could be brought down to be processed.
e) The threshing floor was usually at the top of the hill so the chaff could be blown away by the wind.
f) Gideon was at the bottom of the hill threshing the wheat secretly, this was very hard and dangerous work.
g) If he went to the top of the hill he could easily be caught by the Midianites.
h) He was working so hard in a situation that the Angel of the Lord witnessed.
(Through this QT I realise that God sees and knows all about the Hard Work That Needed To Be Done)
‘In Distress We Sometimes Do Not Recognise The Lord Being There.’
Judges 6:12-13.
a) Gideon did not recognise the Angel of the Lord.
b) The Angel of the Lord brought Gideon an amazing Message but Gideon could not receive it.
c) The Angel of the Lord said to Gideon that the Lord was with him and that he was a mighty man of valour.
d) Gideon’s reply was that of a distressed man:-
1- If the Lord is with us, why has all this happened to us.
2- Where are all the wonderful deeds that our fathers recounted to us.
3- Did not the Lord bring us up from Egypt.
4- Now the Lord has forsaken us and given us into the hand of Midian.
e) Maybe some of us have had “why” questions to the Lord like Gideon did.
(In this Second one there is an experience that we need God’s help to overcome: In Distress We Sometimes Do Not Recognise The Lord Being There)
When God speaks to us He wants us to receive what He says. Whatever our external and environmental circumstance, whatever difficulty we may be going through in our heart, or whoever may be against us, the Lord wants us to receive it. When we receive what the Lord says to us, then we can move forward and on in His Will.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Living Sensibly!
‘Living Sensibly.’
Ephesians 5:15-17.
a) Ephesians 5:15. Be careful how we live.
b) Ephesians 5:15. Do not live like fools.
c) Ephesians 5:15. Live as people who are wise.
d) Ephesians 5:16. Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days.
e) Ephesians 5:17. Do not act thoughtlessly.
f) Ephesians 5:17. Understand what the Lord wants us to do personally.
(This QT encourages me to be Living Sensibly)
‘It Is Not Always The Answer We Want To Hear.’
Judges 6:7-10.
a) Judges 6:7. God’s People cried out to Him because of their situation in Midian.
b) Judges 6:8. The Lord sent a prophet to His People.
c) Judges 6:8-10. The Message from the Lord to His People:-
1-6:8. This is the Word of the Lord.
2-6:8. The Lord brought them up out of the slavery in Egypt.
3-6:9. The Lord rescued them from the Egyptians.
4-6:9. The Lord rescued them from all the people who oppressed them.
5-6:9. The Lord drove out their enemies.
6-6:9. The Lord gave them their land.
7-6:10. The Lord told His People that He is their God.
8-6:10. The Lord told them that they must not worship the gods of the Amorites in Midian.
9-6:10. But God’s People did not listen to Him.
(Through this Second one I fully understand that when I cry out to God, when He answers, It Is Not Always The Answer I Want To Hear)
We should not act thoughtlessly. Some people are very reactionary in their decisions. This is not a good way to live. Some people spontaneously respond to situations when they do not have to. It is wise to think things through when we make decisions – especially when those decisions affect other people. If we ask God for Wisdom He has promised to give it to us. Yes, we should not act thoughtlessly.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
No Consideration For Their Neighbour!
‘No Consideration For Their Neighbour.’
Proverbs 21:10.
a) The mind (faculty of thinking).
b) Of a wicked person.
c) Has no consideration for their neighbour.
(This QT teaches me that inconsiderate and selfish people have No Consideration For Their Neighbour)
‘Cry Out To The Lord For Help.’
Judges 6:1-6.
a) Judges 6:1. God’s People did what the Lord considered evil.
b) Judges 6:1. The Lord handed them over to Midian for seven years. When God’s People do evil surely something not good will happen to them.
c) Judges 6:2. Midian’s power was too strong for Israel.
d) Judges 6:2. To protect themselves from the Midianites God’s People made themselves hiding places in the:-
1- Mountains.
2- Caves.
3- Strongholds.
e) Judges 6:3. Whenever God’s People planted crops they were damaged by the:-
1- Midianites.
2- Amalekites.
3- Kedemites.
f) Judges 6:4. The enemy camped on the land and destroyed the crops all the way to Gaza. They left nothing for God’s People to live on—not one:-
1- Sheep.
2- Cow.
3- Donkey.
g) Judges 6:5. Like swarms of locusts, the enemies came with their livestock and their tents. They and their camels could not be counted. They came into the land only to ruin it.
h) Judges 6:6. God’s People became very poor because of Midian and they cried out to the Lord for help. God’s People must have been very far away from Him spiritually because it took them a long time to cry out to Him for help.
(Through this Second one I can see that it is very important for True Believers to Cry Out To The Lord For Help when they need to)
Donkeys were very common in Bible days and they were animals that were usually looked down upon by human beings. In humility Christ rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. They can be free, untamed and wild. They can be sensitive to the Messengers (Angels) of the Lord. Let us not despise God’s humble yet wonderful Creation.
Friday, October 21, 2011
In The Beginning!
‘In The Beginning.’
Genesis 1:1.
a) In the beginning.
b) God.
c) Created the Heavens.
d) Created the Earth.
(This QT totally convinces me that God has always been and will always be: In The Beginning)
‘The Blessings Of Seeking God.’
Proverbs 2:3-5.
a) Proverbs 2:3. We need to call out for insight.
b) Proverbs 2:3. We need to cry aloud for understanding.
c) Proverbs 2:4. We need to search for them as for silver.
d) Proverbs 2:4. We need to seek for them like hidden treasures.
e) Proverbs 2:5. Then we will understand the Fear of the Lord.
f) Proverbs 2:5. Then we will find the Knowledge of God.
(Through this Second one I am Blessed by The Blessings Of Seeking God)
We True Believers should be totally and unshakeably convinced that God has always been and will also be. In the Beginning…God! We should remember that human beings are not basically good but we are basically bad because of sin and we need the Redemption that is provided for us by and through the Lord Jesus Christ.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Christ Will Shine On You!
‘Christ Will Shine On You.’
Ephesians 5:14.
a) Light makes everything visible.
b) Awake sleeper.
c) Arise from the dead.
d) Christ will shine on you.
(This QT: Christ Will Shine On You, reminds me to be alert)
‘The Beginning Of Knowledge.’
Proverbs 1:7.
a) The Fear of the Lord.
b) Is the beginning of Knowledge.
c) Fools despise Wisdom.
d) Fools despise Instruction.
(This Second one shows me where to find The Beginning of Knowledge)
Christ wants to shine on us. If we are awake and alert spiritually, Christ will shine on us. His Light makes everything visible and easy to understand. Spiritual sleepiness causes us to miss out on so many things. Let us be awake and alert spiritually.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
It Is Better!
‘It Is Better.’
Proverbs 21:9.
a) To live alone.
b) In the corner of an attic.
c) Than in a house shared.
d) With a quarrelsome wife.
(This QT shows me that It Is Better)
‘Whom To Fear.’
Matthew 10:28.
a) Do not fear those people who can kill the body.
b) These people cannot kill the soul.
c) Fear Him (God) Who can kill both body and soul in Hell.
(This Second one is so clear, I know Whom To Fear)
Marriage is so important because it is meant to be a life time thing according to God’s Principles. Husbands need to care for and protect their wives also wives need to be positive encouragers for their husbands. A quarrelsome wife really alienates her husband even though maybe she does not intend to do it.
The Beautiful Works Of God!
‘The Beautiful Works Of God.’
Ecclesiastes 3:11.
a) Genesis 1:31. God has made everything beautiful in its time.
b) God has put Eternity into man’s heart.
c) Job 5:9; Romans 11:33. Man cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end.
(Through this QT I am in awe of The Beautiful Works Of God)
‘It Is Really Going To Happen.’
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17.
a) The Lord Himself will descend from Heaven with a cry of Command.
b) There will also be the voice of an Archangel.
c) There will also be the sound of the Trumpet of God.
d) The dead in Christ will rise first.
e) Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord.
(This Second one convinces me that It Is Really Going To Happen)
I am in awe of the beautiful Works of God. Father God has given me the privilege of visiting many wonderful and beautiful parts of this Earth over the past 30 years. I have also met many wonderful people created by Him. God is the Ultimate Creator and the Unique Creator
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Living In The Light!
‘Living In The Light.’
Ephesians 5:8-13.
a) Ephesians 5:8. At one time we were in the dark. But now we are in the light because of what the Lord has done. Live like children of the light.
b) Ephesians 5:9. The Light produces what is completely:-
1- Good.
2- Right.
3- True.
c) Ephesians 5:10. Find out what pleases the Lord.
d) Ephesians 5:11. We are to have nothing to do with the acts of darkness they do not produce anything good. We are to expose them.
e) Ephesians 5:12. It is shameful even to talk about what people who don't obey do in secret.
f) Ephesians 5:13. Everything that the Light shines on can be seen.
(Through this QT I want to be Living In The Light)
‘Hope Of Eternal Life.’
John 14:1-3.
a) John 14:1. Three important things to do:-
1- Do not let our hearts be troubled.
2- Job 5:7. All of us face trouble sometimes.
3- Trust in God.
4- Trust in Jesus Christ.
b) John 14:2. Jesus said:- “There are many rooms in My Father's House. If this were not true, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you.”
c) John 14:3. Jesus:-
1- Has gone away to prepare our place.
2- Will come back.
3- Will take us to be with Him.
4- Will take us to be where He is.
(This Second one strongly gives me Hope of Eternal Life)
Trust in God! What is the primary way that we can trust in God? It is through reading His Word. The Word of God is able to create Faith in our heart. The Bible says of itself that Faith comes by hearing (or reading) the Word of the Lord. Let us learn to trust in God.
Two Ways!
‘Two Ways.’
Proverbs 21:8.
a) The way of the guilty people is crooked.
b) The conduct of the pure people is upright.
c) The conduct of those people who are not guilty is honest.
d) Innocent people travel a straight road.
(Through this QT I can see that there are Two Ways and I want to travel a straight road)
‘Seeking And Finding God.’
Psalm 63:1-4.
a) Psalm 63:1. Seeking God:-
1- Earnestly.
2- With a thirsting soul.
3- With fainting flesh.
4- In a dry and weary land where there is no water.
b) Psalm 63:2. Finding God:-
1- In the Sanctuary.
2- Beholding His Power.
3- Beholding His Glory.
c) Psalm 63:3. Because His Steadfast Love is better than Life our lips will Praise Him.
d) Psalm 63:4. When we find God we can Bless Him as long as we live.
e) Psalm 63:4. When we find God we can lift up our hands in His Name.
(Through this Second one I discover the reality of Seeking And Finding God)
There are two ways in life. This is nothing to do with “Christian and non-Christian”, these two ways are confronting all humanity. The only way that we are going to be able to follow a straight road is through the personal knowledge of Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour and following Him.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Our Faithful And Consistent Lord!
‘Our Faithful And Consistent Lord.’
Psalm 119:88-90.
a) Psalm 119:88. His Steadfast Love gives us Life so that we can keep the testimonies of His Mouth.
b) Psalm 119:89; Matthew 24:35; 1 Peter 1:25. Forever the Word of the Lord is firmly fixed in the Heavens.
c) Psalm 119:90. His Faithfulness endures to all generations.
d) Psalm 119:90. He has established the Earth and it stands fast.
e) Jeremiah 31:35-37. Everything is Created by Him.
(Through this QT I trust My Faithful And Consistent Lord)
‘In Fellowship With Jesus Christ Our Lord.’
1 Corinthians 1:7-9.
a) 1 Corinthians 1:7; Hebrews 9:28. As we wait for the revealing of our Lord Jesus Christ we should not be lacking in any Spiritual Gift.
b) 1 Corinthians 1:8; Philippians 1:6; 1 Thessalonians 3:13. God will sustain us to the end. We will be guiltless in the Day of our Lord Jesus Christ.
c) 1 Corinthians 1:9. God is Faithful and He has invited us to be In Fellowship With Jesus Christ Our Lord.
(Through this Second one I thank God that I am In Fellowship With Jesus Christ My Lord)
God has established the Earth and it stands fast. We should be amazed at God’s Creation. Sometimes we take His Creation for granted. When this happens we become dull and loose our Biblical and Spiritual passion. When we simply take time to consider God’s Creation then surely our hearts are turned to Worship Him.
Big “No No’s” For All True Believers!
‘Big “No No’s” For All True Believers.’
Ephesians 5:3-7.
a) Ephesians 5:3. The things that are not even to be named among us and are not proper for True Believers:-
1- Sexual immorality.
2- Impurity.
3- Covetousness.
b) Ephesians 5:4. Things that are not correct for us.
1- Filthiness.
2- Foolish talk.
3- Crude joking.
c) Ephesians 5:4. Let there be Thanksgiving coming from our hearts and mouths.
d) Ephesians 5:5. We can be sure that these people have no inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ or of God:-
1- Sexually immoral.
2- Impure.
3- Covetous.
e) Ephesians 5:6. Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience.
f) Ephesians 5:7. We, as True Believers, should not become partners with these people.
(This QT clearly teaches me Big “No No’s For All True Believers)
‘Submit To The Son Over Us.’
Hebrews 3:6-8.
a) Hebrews 3:6. Christ is Faithful as a Son over God’s House.
b) Hebrews 3:6. We are God’s House if we keep on being very sure about our great Hope.
c) Hebrews 3:7. We should listen to what the Holy Spirit says.
d) Hebrews 3:8. The Holy Spirit tells us not to be stubborn as in the past. In the past we turned against God and tested Him when we were in the desert.
(This Second one reminds me to Submit To The Son Over Me)
Sexual immorality is something we should not be talking or gossiping about in the fellowship of True Believers. If this sin occurs within the Church it needs to be dealt with in a proper way. If we have any struggles in the area of sexual immorality we need to be restored in our relationship with God first before making any further decisions about our life and future. Normally this restoration process includes another mature True Believer who knows all the facts and is helping us.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
They Are Swept Away!
‘They Are Swept Away.’
Proverbs 21:7.
a) The violence of wicked people.
b) Causes them to be swept away.
c) Because they refuse to do what is just.
d) Not only hearts need to be changed – but actions too.
(This QT shows me that They Are Swept Away)
‘From Regret To Faith.’
John 11:21-22.
a) Martha was full of regret.
b) If only You had been here.
c) My brother would not have died.
d) In her regret she was indirectly blaming Jesus for not being there.
e) But she reminded herself of Faith.
f) Even now I know that God.
g) Will give You whatever You ask.
(Through this Second one I see that Martha went From Regret To Faith.
They are swept away! Sometimes we become overwhelmed by other people’s domestic problems, or even our own. We may be facing situations of domestic violence or know of other people who are suffering like that. Yes, pastoral or even police intervention is usually needed but God has the last word, The violence of wicked people will cause them to be swept away.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Good News For The Gentiles!
‘Good News For The Gentiles.’
Acts 13:48.
a) The Gentiles heard the news that the Gospel was for them too. It was not a Message exclusively for the Jews.
b) The Gentiles rejoiced at this Good News.
c) They glorified the Word of the Lord.
d) As many of the Gentiles that were appointed to Eternal Life believed.
(This QT teaches me that right at the beginning of the Church age there was, and still is, Good News For The Gentiles)
‘A Kind Leader.’
Daniel 6:14.
a) Feels compassion for people in trouble.
b) Tries to help people in trouble.
c) Works hard to rectify the situation for people in trouble.
(This Second shows me some qualities of A Kind Leader)
As many of the Gentiles that were appointed to Eternal Life believed. As True Believers we believe in God’s appointments. We are appointed to Eternal Life, that is a great privilege. God also arranges very meaningful encounters with Him as we follow in the path of His Will.
All these encounters are God’s appointments with us.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Living As God’s Beloved Children!
‘Living As God’s Beloved Children.’
Ephesians 5:1-2.
a) Be imitators of God.
b) Walk in Love.
c) Love as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us.
d) Live as a fragrant offering.
e) Be a living sacrifice to God.
(Through this QT I discover what it means to be Living As God’s Beloved Children)
‘Life Giving God.’
John 5:21.
a) The Heavenly Father raises the dead people.
b) He gives them Life.
c) So Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
d) Gives Life.
e) To whom He will.
(This Second one assures me that I have a Life Giving God)
Be a living sacrifice for God. In the case of being a living sacrifice for God this does not mean a physical sacrifice, although we may well live making certain sacrifices. Primarily it means the sacrifice of our will. We no longer want to do what we want to do, we want to do what God wants us to do. We are totally available to Him.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Acquire Honestly!
‘Acquire Honestly.’
Proverbs 21:6.
a) The acquisition of treasures is not forbidden in the Bible is it is done honestly.
b) We are not to acquire treasures with and by a lying tongue.
c) If we acquire treasures with and by a lying tongue they will be a fleeting vapour.
d) If we acquire treasures with and by a lying tongue we are following the pursuit of death.
(Through this QT I can see that the only way to acquire something is to Acquire Honestly)
‘The Result Of Christ’s Authority Over All Flesh’
John 17:2.
a) God the Father has given Jesus Christ Authority over all flesh.
b) For all the people that God the Father has given to Jesus Christ there is something special.
c) All these people are given Eternal Life by Jesus Chris.
(Through this Second one I find with Joy The Result Of Christ’s Authority Over All Flesh)
The only way to acquire something is to acquire it honestly. People think that they are “clever” when they make dishonest gains. I have met and heard people who boast about their dishonest gains and achievements. In the Old Testament we can read the true story of the time when God saw Moses kill the Egyptian, even though he thought no one was looking, God saw everything. It is exactly the same with our dishonest gains, God sees everything.
A True Believer!
‘A True Believer.’
Acts 16:14.
a) Her name was Lydia.
b) She heard the Word of the Lord.
c) She had a business.
d) She was a Worshipper of God.
e) The Lord opened her heart to pay attention to what was being said by Paul.
(Through this QT I find a lovely picture of A True Believer)
Jesus Has Authority Over Us.
John 17:2.
a) Father God has given to Jesus Christ Authority over all flesh.
b) Jesus Christ can give Eternal Life to all people that have been given to Him by the Father.
c) Jesus Christ is the Great and Exclusive channel of the Gift of Eternal Life.
d) Jesus Christ has awesome Authority. It is Authority to determine the ultimate destiny of people.
(This Second one reminds me that Jesus Has Authority Over Me)
The Lord opened Lydia’s heart to pay attention to what was being said by Apostle Paul. This gives us an understanding of how the Lord so often works in the hearts of people who genuinely open their lives to Him. It is the Lord who opens our hearts and not we ourselves. When our heart is truly opened then we surely pay attention to the Word of God
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
We Will Be Saved On The Day Of Redemption!
‘We Will Be Saved On The Day Of Redemption.’
Ephesians 4:30-32.
a) Ephesians 4:30. We should not bring sorrow to God’s Holy Spirit by the way in which we live.
b) Ephesians 4:30. Remember that God has identified us as His Own People.
c) Ephesians 4:30. God guarantees that we will be saved on the day of Redemption.
d) Ephesians 4:31. So we have to get rid of all:-
1- Bitterness.
2- Rage.
3- Anger.
4- Harsh Words.
5- Slander.
6- Evil behaviour.
e) Ephesians 4:32. We are:-
1- To be kind to each other.
2- To be tender hearted.
3- To be forgiving one another just as God in Christ has forgiven us.
(This QT reminds me that I Will Be Saved On The Day Of Redemption and shows me how I should be living in the Light of that fact)
‘The Incredible Greatness Of God’s Power.’
Ephesians 1:19-20.
a) We need to understand the incredible greatness of God’s Power for us who Believe Him.
b) This is the same mighty Power that raised Christ from the dead.
c) This is the same mighty Power that seated Christ in the place of Honour at God’s Right Hand in the Heavenly Realms.
(Through this Second One I can appreciate The Incredible Greatness Of God’s Power)
Get rid of all bitterness. Sometimes we make excuses for our bitterness, especially because of our past experiences in life. This is a wrong concept if we are True Believers, there should be no room for bitterness in our lives. Making excuses for our bitterness can cause many ongoing problems that affect our relationships and our spiritual growth.
Prosperity Or Poverty!
‘Prosperity Or Poverty.’
Proverbs 21:5.
a) The thoughts of the diligent lead only to plenteousness.
b) The plans of the diligent only lead to abundance.
c) Good planning leads to prosperity.
d) Hard work leads to prosperity.
e) Everyone who is hasty only comes to poverty.
f) Hasty shortcuts lead to poverty.
(This QT clearly puts before me Prosperity Or Poverty)
‘Keep In The Truth.’
a) 2 Thessalonians 2:10. We should not be deceived by lawlessness that:-
1-Would fool us and put us on the way to destruction.
2-Causes us to refuse to love the Truth.
3-Causes us to refuse to accept the Truth that would save us.
b) 2 Thessalonians 2:11. Because of this refusal to love and accept the Truth God sends us a working of error, a great deception, that causes us to believe a lie.
c) 2 Thessalonians 2:12. All people who do not believe the Truth will be judged because they have pleasure in unrighteousness and wickedness.
d) 1 Corinthians 8:5. There are many “gods” and “lords” we should not be led astray by them. Follow the God and Lord Jesus Christ as revealed in the Bible.
e) Psalm 115:5-8. We should not trust in idols. There is bondage associated with idolatry.
(This Second one reminds me to Keep In The Truth)
Everyone who is hasty only comes to poverty. Sometimes I cringe when I hear other people telling their children or their friends to be quick or to do something quickly. The Bible does not speak about any virtue of being hasty or quick. In reality, if we are under pressure of time we tend to make more mistakes.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Three Questions That Keep Us Humble!
‘Three Questions That Keep Us Humble.’
1 Corinthians 4:7.
a) Why do we judge other people and consider ourselves different?
b) What do we have that we did not receive from God?
c) Why do we boast as if what we have was not a gift from God but our own?
(This QT reveals to me Three Questions That Keep Me Humble. These are surely heart searching questions)
‘A New Heart And A New Spirit.’
Ezekiel 36:26.
a) Only God can give us a new heart and a new spirit.
b) He can take away the stony heart out of our flesh.
c) He can give us a heart of flesh.
(Through this Second one I thank God that He has given to me A New Heart And A New Spirit)
Searching questions are sometimes good for us when they are asked of us. If we go through life without being asked searching questions we may take many people and things for granted. As I am preparing this QT it is dawn time in Mok Po, South Korea. The sun is beginning to rise on another beautiful autumn day. Searching questions are like the sun shining into the deepest parts of our life.
Honesty In Doing And Speaking!
‘Honesty In Doing And Speaking.’
Ephesians 4:28-29.
a) The thief should no longer steal.
b) The thief whose life is changed by the Lord:-
1- Should learn to do honest work and labour.
2- Should use their own abilities to work.
3- Should learn to share with people in need.
c) No corrupting words should come out of our mouths.
d) We should speak what is good for building up.
e) We should speak what fits the occasion.
f) We should speak words that give Grace to those people who hear us.
(This QT reminds me that Honesty In Doing And Speaking is important)
‘Looking To Jesus.’
Hebrews 12:2.
a) We need to be looking to Jesus.
b) He is the Founder of our Faith.
c) He is the One Who perfects our Faith.
d) For the Joy that was set before Him Jesus endured the Cross and despised its shame.
e) Jesus is now seated at the right hand of the Throne of God.
(Through this Second one I am encouraged to be Looking To Jesus)
Someone who has repented and come to know Jesus Christ personally as their Lord and Saviour needs to bring forth the fruit of repentance in and from their lives. If there is no fruit of repentance we can, Biblically, doubt that person’s Salvation experience. One of the fruit of repentance is learning to share with people in need. A True Believer is not greedy or selfish.
Monday, October 10, 2011
This Is Sin!
‘This Is Sin.’
Proverbs 21:4.
a) Haughty eyes.
b) A proud heart.
c) Evil actions.
(This QT shows to me clearly that This Is Sin)
‘What God Does For Us When We Come To Christ.’
a) John 5:24. We pass out of death into Life.
b) John 3:3. We have a new birth.
c) Colossians 2:13. We are made alive.
d) Ezekiel 11:19. We have a heart of flesh instead of a heart of stone.
e) 2 Corinthians 5:17. We become a new creation.
(Through this Second one I understand What God Did For Me When I Came To Christ)
We are not doing our friends, church or God a “favour” when we come to Christ. It is truly the work of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God when we come to Christ. When we come to Christ in a Biblical manner we realise what God has done for us through Jesus Christ and we can personally accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Christ Is Greater!
‘Christ Is Greater.’
Ephesians 1:19-20.
a) God, in His Power, raised Christ from the dead.
b) God has set Christ sitting at His Right Hand in Heaven.
c) Christ is greater than any:-
1- Ruler
2- Power.
3- Chief.
4- King.
d) His Name is greater than any other Name in this World.
e) His Name is greater than any other Name in the World to come.
(Through this QT I proclaim that Christ Is Greater)
‘Tell People How Good God Is.’
1 Peter 2:9.
a) We are:-
1-A Chosen People.
2-Priests to our King.
3-A Holy Nation.
4-God’s very own People.
b) All this is so that we will tell people how Good God is.
c) God has called us out of darkness into His wonderful Light.
(This Second one calls me to Tell People How Good God Is)
Christ is greater than any power. The word “power” is often used today. People in the secular world system use their power to get promotion or job advancement. People in power over other people often use, or even abuse, their power to get something that they want. We all need to remember that Christ is greater than any power and that His Power is ultimate.
Resolve Our Anger!
‘Resolve Our Anger.’
Ephesians 4:26-27.
a) We are not to sin when we are angry.
b) Do not go to bed angry.
c) When we go to bed angry we give a place or opportunity to the Devil.
(This QT clearly tells me to Resolve My Anger)
A Clear Word From Jesus.
John 3:3.
a) Jesus answered Nicodemus.
b) Most assuredly and truly I tell you.
c) Unless you are born anew.
d) You cannot see the Kingdom of God)
(This Second on shows me A Clear Word From Jesus)
Many of the statements made by Jesus in the New Testament and Gospels are very easy to understand. Our part is to read the Bible and apply it to our lives. If we receive a clear Word from Jesus the simple thing to do and the correct thing to do is to act on it.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
How Are We Doing?
‘How Are We Doing?
Proverbs 21:2-3.
a) People think that everything they do is right.
b) But the Lord weighs the hearts.
c) Doing what is right and fair before the Lord is more acceptable than offering a sacrifice.
(This QT makes me check myself out: How Am I Doing?)
‘We All Really Need God.’
a) Psalm 14:2-3. Because we have turned away from Him so easily.
b) Romans 3:9. Because we are under the power of sin.
c) Galatians 3:22. Because the whole World system is controlled by the power of sin.
(This Second motivates my ministry today: We All Really Need God)
Yes! There are times that we need to check ourselves out and to ask ourselves the question raised here: How am I doing? If we do not check ourselves out we can easily go astray or start making wrong decisions and have incorrect thoughts. To check ourselves out is a necessary exercise.
A Correct Turn!
‘A Correct Turn.’
Psalm 119:59.
a) I gave thought to my steps.
b) My feet were turned.
c) Into the Way of the Lord’s unchanging Word.
(This QT reveals to me A Correct Turn)
‘Only God Can Change Us.’
Jeremiah 13:23.
a) Can the skin of an Ethiopian be changed.
b) Can the markings of a leopard by changed.
c) If they can it may be possible for us to do good by our own effort.
d) We are trained to do evil.
(Through this Second one I am totally convinced that Only God Can Change Me)
Only God can change us. If we realise and acknowledge this fact then it is surely possible for God to bring about change in our lives. We need change! The Bible tells us about being changed from Glory to Glory by the Spirit of the Lord. Yes we need the Word of God and the Holy Spirit of God.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Because We Are Members Of The Same Body!
‘Because We Are Members Of The Same Body.’
Ephesians 4:25.
a) We put away falsehood and lying to one another.
b) We speak the Truth with our neighbours.
c) Because we are members of one another.
(This QT teaches and shows me what to do Because I Am A Member Of The Same Body – The Body of Christ)
‘After Getting Right With God.
Psalm 51:13-15.
a) Psalm 51:13. We have a desire to teach transgressors the Way of the Lord.
b) Psalm 51:13. Through our life and testimony sinners will return to the Lord.
c) Psalm 51:14. We can pray for God to deliver us from blood guiltiness.
d) Psalm 51:14. We confess that God is the God of our Salvation.
e) Psalm 51:14. Our tongue wants to sing aloud of God’s Righteousness.
f) Psalm 51:15. We pray for the Lord to open our lips so that our mouth shall declare His Praise.
(Through this Second one I find a clear picture of what happens to our lives After Getting Right With God)
The Epistle to the Ephesians is one of the most practical Books of the Bible. I love the Ephesians because we can read this Book and easily learn how to be a True Believer. There are many so called “Christians” in this World who have no idea how to live Biblically many of them take the Bible for granted. We should never do that. We need to be a people of God’s Word. Knowing it and living it.
Every Christian Leader’s Heart Should Be Like This!
‘Every Christian Leader’s Heart Should Be Like This.’
Proverbs 21:1.
a) The Leader’s heart is like a stream of water.
b) The Leader’s heart should be directed by the Lord and in the Lord’s Hand.
c) The Lord guides the Leader’s heart wherever He:-
1- Pleases.
2- Desires.
3- Wishes.
(Through this QT I know that Every Christian Leader’s Heart Should Be Like This)
‘Repent Of Our Sins.’
Acts 17:30.
a) Yes, God overlooks peoples’ past ignorance. When we come into understanding and knowledge of what is sin and who is a sinner then God holds us responsible.
b) Now God Commands everyone everywhere to repent of their sins.
c) God Commands us all to turn to Him.
(Through this Second one I know that I must Repent Of My Sins)
The Lord should be in such a position in the Leader’s heart that the Leader should be guided by the Lord wherever He pleases. There needs to be a great example given by Leaders of God’s People to the ones that they lead of real submission to the guidance and Will of God. Leaders who set a good example in this part of their spiritual life and ministry will surely raise up good Disciples of Jesus Christ.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
God’s People Keep His Word!
‘God’s People Keep His Word.’
John 17:6.
This is a part of Jesus’ Prayer to His Father in Heaven.
a) He had manifested the Father’s Name to the people given to Him by Father God.
b) Father gave these people to Him out of the World system.
c) These people belonged to the Father.
d) The Father gave them to Christ.
e) Their special identity was that they kept the Word of God.
(This QT shows me that God’s People Keep His Word)
‘Be Pleasing To The Lord.’
a) Galatians 1:10. Do not be a people pleaser first.
b) 1 Thessalonians 2:4. Speak to please God not people.
c) John 12:42-43. Do not love the praises of people more than praise from God.
(This Second one reminds me to Be Pleasing To The Lord)
Every True Believer has confidence that they belong to Father God. This is a manifestation of Faith and not of feeling! So many people are misguided about the Love of Father God. In Romans chapter five and verse five it tells us that the Holy Spirit pours the Love of God into our heart. This also is Faith and the challenge is for us to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
A New Way Of Living In Christ!
‘A New Way Of Living In Christ.’
Ephesians 4:20-24.
a) Ephesians 4:20. When we become True Believers in Christ after receiving Him as our Saviour and Lord there is a new way of life to learn.
b) Ephesians 4:21. We hear about Jesus and we learn the Truth that comes from Him.
c) Ephesians 4:22-24. We are taught:-
1- With regard to our former way of life, to put off our old self which is corrupted by its deceitful desires.
2- To be made new in the attitude of our minds.
3- To put on the new self which is created to be like God in True Righteousness and Holiness.
(This QT teaches me that there is A New Way Of Living In Christ)
‘God Chose Abraham.’
Genesis 18:18-19.
a) Abraham was to become a great and powerful Nation.
b) All Nations on the Earth were to be Blessed through Abraham.
c) The Lord God had chosen Abraham.
d) Abraham would direct his children and his household after him to keep the Way of the Lord.
e) They would keep the way of the Lord by doing what was right and just.
f) Then the Lord would bring about for Abraham what He had promised him.
(Through this Second one I clearly see that God Chose Abraham)
We hear about Jesus and learn the Truth that comes along with that hearing. This is not only a challenge for the hearer but also it is a challenge for the Minister of God’s Word. If people are to fundamentally know the Truth as they hear they need to hear primarily, first and foremost, clearly about Jesus.
A Painful Reminder!
‘A Painful Reminder.’
Proverbs 20:30.
We all have our views about corporal punishment. No emotionally healthy person likes giving or receiving it. The Bible teaches that for God’s Jewish people in the Old Testament times it was effective. It is still a deterrent in some Nations today. We are also to remember the torture and beating that Jesus endured for us before He was crucified for us.
a) Evil is cleansed away by:-
1- Wounding blows.
2- The bruising of a wound.
3- The blueness of a wound.
4- Physical punishment.
b) Beatings purge the innermost parts.
c) Stripes cleanse the inner parts of the being.
d) Such discipline purifies the heart.
(Through this QT I have A Painful Reminder of what Jesus suffered on the Cross for me
‘A Profitable Declaration.’
Acts 20:20-21.
a) Apostle Paul did not shrink from declaring the Word of God.
b) He taught:-
1- What was profitable.
2- Publicly.
3- From house to house.
c) He testified and had one Message:-
1- For Jews and Gentiles alike.
2- Of repentance towards God.
3- Of Faith towards our Lord Jesus Christ.
(Through this Second one I find A Profitable Declaration)
Jesus was wounded for our transgressions. His torture was extremely severe. The Bible tells us that when Jesus hung on the Cross He was hardly recognisable as a human being. He suffered this bloody bruising and beating for us so that we do not have to be bruised and beaten for our sins.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
The Mysteries!
‘The Mysteries.’
a) Matthew 13:10-11. The Disciples of Jesus were allowed to understand the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven.
b) Job 11:7. The Mysteries of God cannot be solved.
c) Job 12:22; Daniel 2:47. God uncovers mysteries hidden in darkness.
d) 1 Corinthians 4:1. Paul and Apollos were Servants of Christ who were put in charge of explaining God’s Mysteries.
(Through this QT I understand that The Mysteries of God that were not solved in the days of the Old Testament came to be solved in the times of the New Testament)
‘Proclaiming And Praising.’
Psalm 22:22.
a) David Proclaimed the Lord’s Name.
b) He did so to to his brothers and sisters in the Lord.
c) David Praised the Lord.
d) Amongst His assembled People.
(Through this Second one I see how Proclaiming And Praising is an important part of the life of the Assembly of God’s people)
Teachers of the Bible are Ministry Gifts of Christ to His Body, the Church. The Church today needs Anointed and Pure Teachers of the Word of God. These Teachers need to be able to do what Apostle Paul did when he was explaining the Word of God. The Word of God needs to be clearly explained to the Church.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Believers, Please Do Not Live Like This!
‘Believers, Please Do Not Live Like This.’
Ephesians 4:17-19.
a) Ephesians 4:17. Apostle Paul insisted on this. True Believers must no longer live as Gentiles do, they live with futile thinking.
b) Ephesians 4:18. We are not to live like the Gentiles who are:-
1- Darkened in their understanding.
2- Separated from the Life of God.
3- Ignorant.
4- Hard hearted.
c) Ephesians 4:19. They:-
1- Have lost all sensitivity.
2- Given themselves over to sensuality.
3- Indulge in every kind of impurity.
4- Lust for more.
(Through this QT I proclaim and pray: Believers, Please Do Not Live Like This)
‘He Makes God Known.’
John 1:18.
a) No one has ever seen God.
b) God, the only begotten Son.
c) He is now at the Father’s side.
d) He has made God known.
(This Second one makes it very clear of the Lord Jesus that He Makes God Known)
We, as True Believers, are not to live like the godless Gentiles. Many of the godless Gentiles are bound in their minds and habits doing things that are sinful and directly opposed to the Word and Will of God. We are called, as True Believers, to live lives that Glorify God.
Value Our Strength!
‘Value Our Strength.’
a) Proverbs 20:29. It is the Glory of the young people.
b) Job 18:12. Hunger depletes it.
c) Psalm 28:8; Isaiah 33:2. The Lord is our Strength.
d) Psalm 73:4. Until we die.
e) Isaiah 40:31. It can be renewed as we wait upon the Lord.
f) Isaiah 41:1. As a Nation.
g) Jeremiah 9:23. It is not something to boast about.
h) Jeremiah 51:30. Do not let it fail.
i) Lamentations 1:11 & 19. It is revived by food.
(Through this QT I Value My Strength)
a) Ezra 8:27; Leviticus 6:28. Was used for Worship in God’s Temple.
b) 2 Samuel 22:35; Job 20:24; Psalm 18:34. Was used to make weapons.
c) Jeremiah 15:12. It cannot be broken.
d) Genesis 4:22. Takes a skilled man to make into something.
e) 1 Kings 7:14. To craft it needs:-
1- Wisdom.
2- Understanding.
3- Knowledge.
f) Deuteronomy 8:9. There was plenty of it in the Promised Land.
g) 1 Chronicles 22:14. Was used in the building of God’s House.
(Through this Second one I see that God is so practical – He even considers Copper so necessary)
We should value our strength until we die. As I get a little older I realise that I cannot do some things that I used to do when I was younger and sometimes that disappoints me. I do, however, still have strength and I value immensely the strength that the Lord has given to me. Thank you Lord!
Monday, October 3, 2011
The Unison And Unity Of Christ And The Father!
‘The Unison And Unity Of Christ And The Father.’
a) John 10:30. Christ and the Father are One.
b) John 1:1-2. Christ the Word existed in the beginning with God.
c) John 5:17. Christ and the Father are always working.
d) John 5:23. We honour the Father, we also are to Honour the Son.
e) John 14:9. Anyone who saw Christ saw also the Father.
f) John 14:23. Jesus replied, "All who love Me will do what I say. My Father will love them, and We will come and make Our home with each of them.”
g) John 16:15. Jesus said that all that belongs to the Father also belongs to Christ.
h) John 17:21. The Father and Christ are in oneness.
i) Matthew 11:27. If we truly know the Father we can also know the Son.
j) Matthew 28:19. In Name.
(Through this QT I understand more about The Unison And Unity Of Christ And The Father)
‘A Good Priority – Pray First.’
Luke 6:12-13.
a) Jesus went out to the mountain to Pray.
b) Jesus continued all night in Prayer to God.
c) After Prayer He called twelve Disciples.
d) He named them Apostles.
(This Second one shows me A Good Priority – Pray First)
Christ and the Father are always working. To be able to work is a gift from God and also a calling from God. Idleness is really not from God. We need to thank God for our work or studies and receive that work and study come from God and ultimately are for God.
The Church – A Healthy Body!
‘The Church – A Healthy Body.’
Ephesians 4:16.
a) The Lord Jesus Who is the Head of the Church makes the whole Body fit together perfectly.
b) As each part of the Body of Christ does its own special work it helps all the other parts grow.
c) The whole Body can then be:-
1- Healthy.
2- Growing.
3- Full of Love.
(Through this QT I can find The Church – A Healthy Body)
‘A Morning Prayer To The Lord.’
Psalm 5:3.
a) Listen to my voice in the morning Lord.
b) Each morning I bring my requests to you.
c) I wait expectantly.
(Through this Second one I desire to pray A Morning Prayer To The Lord)
The Church is the Body of Christ and He is the Head. It is God’s Plan for the Church to be healthy. If the Church was not healthy in the days of the New Testament it received correction so that it could be made healthy. The Church today that is not healthy needs the same correction from the Word of God.
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The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...
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