The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Sunday, May 31, 2020
Call On The Lord's Name!
'Call On The Lord's Name.'
Romans 10:13; Acts 2:21.
a) For everyone
b) Who calls on the Name of the Lord
c) Will be Saved.
(This QT reveals a sure way to be Saved)
PRAY: Calling on the Lord's Name for Salvation if necessary.
'Seen And Testified.'
1 John 4:14.
a) And we have seen and testify
b) That the Father has sent His Son
c) To be the Saviour of the World.
(Through this Second one we understand that the Father has sent His Son - Seen And testified)
PRAY: To have a good Testimony of Jesus Christ as Saviour.
The normal response to hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ should be to pray. Either praying to receive Him as Saviour and Lord of our lives, or, praying to thank Him for all that He has done for us. This can also be personalized: Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour of my life, or, praying to thank him in a personal way. THE PICTURE: Encourages us both to Pray and Thank God for His Provision for our lives.
Saturday, May 30, 2020
A Covenant Established!
'A Covenant Established.'
Genesis 17:7.
a) And I will establish My Covenant
b) Between Me and you and your offspring after you
c) Throughout their generations for an everlasting Covenant,
d) To be God to you
e) And to your offspring after you.
(This QT reveals A Covenant Established)
PRAYER: Thanking God for the Covenant He has made with us through the Blood of Jesus Christ His Son.
'In Christ Jesus.'
Galatians 3:26.
a) For in Christ Jesus
b) You are all sons of God
c) Through Faith.
(Through this Second one I realize the importance of being In Christ Jesus)
PRAYER: For assurance of being in Christ Jesus.
God establishes the covenants that He makes. He is never changing and never shaken from His purposes. This makes Him entirely trustworthy! We live in days when many people are "covenant-breakers" rather than covenant makers. One of the ways in which this trend can be reversed is by us being covenant makers!
Friday, May 29, 2020
Around Five Months!
'Around Five Months.'
Genesis 7:24.
a) The waters
b) Flooded the Earth
c) For one hundred and fifty days.
(This QT reminds me of the length of the Flood)
PRAY: For patience whilst God is at work.
'God And The Waters.'
Job 12:15.
a) If the Lord holds back the waters,
b) There is drought;
c) If He lets them loose,
d) They devastate the land.
(Through this Second one I understand more about God And The Waters)
PRAY: Trusting God, Who is in control of all things.
Something that the vast majority of us need to do is to Pray for patience whilst God is at work. God's Ways are far greater then our ways and His Works are far greater then our works. We live in an age where people are seeking instant answers, but God is not normally into giving instant answers. His Answer will surely come but we need to be patient.
Thursday, May 28, 2020
Absolutely No Distinction!
'Absolutely No Distinction.'
Romans 10:12.
a) For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek;
b) The same Lord is Lord of all
c) And is generous
d) To all who call on Him.
(This QT teaches me that there is Absolutely No Distinction)
PRAYER: Without a prejudiced mind.
'Together We Are His House.'
Ephesians 2:20.
a) Together,
b) We are His House,
c) Built on the Foundation of the apostles and the prophets,
d) And the corner stone
e) Is Christ Jesus himself.
(This Second one teaches me that Together We Are His House)
PRAYER: To understand what God's House Really Is.
This QT reminds me very clearly that the Lord makes Absolutely No Distinction! He is surely Lord of all, that is clear! For anyone who calls on Him sincerely, His response is generous. These are Biblical facts which we should never forget or ignore.
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
So That God May Be All In All!
'So That God May Be All In All.'
1 Corinthians 15:28.
a) Now when all things are made subject to Him,
b) Then the Son Himself will also be subject
c) To Him Who put all things under Him,
d) That God may be all in all.
(Through this QT I recognize that life should be So That God May Be All In All)
PRAY: To be submitted to the Lord.
'Do You Belong To God?'
1 Corinthians 3:23.
a) Do you belong to Christ?
b) If so,
c) You may know that Christ belongs to God.
(This Second one asks the important question, Do You Belong To God?)
PRAY: For assurance of Salvation.
The way in which we live, if we are True Believers, means that we make God our All in All. When God is our All in All we become unquestionably faithful. Our major inner conflicts come when we do not deliberately make God our All in All! Assurance of Salvation does have an important part to play here. The Word of God, ministered in our Churches, needs to give us both an understanding of God and Assurance of Salvation.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Only Noah Was Left!
'Only Noah Was Left.'
Genesis 7:23.
a) God wiped out every living thing on the Earth -
b) People: Livestock:
c) Small animals that scurry along the ground:
d) And the birds of the sky.
e) All were destroyed.
f) The only people who survived were Noah and those with him in the boat.
(This QT reminds me that Only Noah Was Left)
PRAY: To be ready for the Lord when He returns.
'All Subject To Christ.'
1 Corinthians 15:28.
a) Now when all things are made subject to Him,
b) Then the Son Himself will also be made subject to Him,
c) That God may be all in all.
(Through this Second One I agree with the statement: All Subject To Christ)
PRAY: To be honestly Subject To Christ.
God had, has and will have the Power to wipe out every living thing on the Earth. This is one of the reasons that we should have the Fear of the Lord. There are some people who think that their words are more important or powerful than the Word of God, this is not true. When I hear anti-biblical statements I know that I have authority to reject them in the Lord's Name. Every True Believer has the same authority.
Do We Believe?
'Do We Believe?'
Romans 10:11.
a) For the Scripture says:
b) "Whoever believes in Him
c) "Will not be disappointed."
(This QT causes me to ask: Do We Believe?)
PRAY: To be a True Believer.
'Our Foundation Stone.'
Isaiah 28:16.
a) Therefore,
b) This is what the Sovereign Lord says:
c) "Look!
d) "I am placing a Foundation Stone in Jerusalem,
e) "A firm and tested stone."
f) "It is a precious corner-stone that is safe to build on.
g) "Whoever Believes need never be shaken.'
(By this Second one I believe on our Foundation Stone)
PRAY: To believe on the Foundation Stone (Jesus Christ)
Read the Bible if you can! It is important for us to read the Word of God for ourselves. It does not matter how old we are, God does not want us just to receive bread from another's plate! We should read the Bible for ourselves and then we will experience God speaking to us from it.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Listen To What The Lord Says!
'Listen To What The Lord Says.'
Psalm 85:8.
a) I will hear what God the Lord will say;
b) For He will speak Peace to His People,
c) To His Godly ones;
d) But let them not turn back to folly.
(Through this QT I want to Listen To What The Lord Says)
PRAY: To listen well to the Lord.
'The Final Result Of Unresolved Sin.'
Jeremiah 8:13.
a) "I will surely snatch them away," says the Lord;
b) "There will be no grapes on the vine
c) "And no figs on the fig tree,
d) "And the leaf will wither;
e) "And what I have given them will pass away."
(This Second one teaches me The Final Result Of Unresolved Sin)
PRAY: For our sin issues to be properly resolved.
We rarely take time to listen to what the Lord says. It seems that our personal life issues often times become more important than our relationship with Him. If we really listen to Him we find that at the foundation of His Message to us is Peace - His Peace. He speaks peace to us so that we can get on with living the right kind of life.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
In The Last Days!
'In The Last Days.'
Acts 2:17.
a) "And in the Last Days it shall be,"
b) God declares,
c) "That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh,
d) "And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
e) "And your young men shall see visions,
f) "And your old men shall dream dreams;"
(This QT teaches me more about what happens In The Last Days)
PRAY: To be ready to live In The Last Days.
'Our Loving God.'
Psalm 66:20.
a) Blessed be God,
b) Because He has not rejected my prayer
c) Or removed His Steadfast Love from me.
(Through this Second one I am grateful to Our Loving God)
PRAY: With confidence because of God's Steadfast Love.
We need to remember the Source! When we experience some kind of an out-pouring of the Holy Spirit, whether personally, or in the assembled Church, the Source of that out-pouring is God Himself! We are not just seeking manifestations, we are seeking God.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Heart And Mouth!
'Heart And Mouth.'
Romans 10:10.
a) For it is by believing in your heart
b) That you are made right with God,
c) And it is by confessing with your mouth
d) That you are Saved.
(This QT reminds me that it is both with our heart and mouth we are Saved)
PRAY: For our personal belief and confession.
'Be Careful Brothers And Sisters.'
Hebrews 3:12.
a) Be careful then,
b) Dear Brothers and Sisters,
c) Make sure that your own hearts are not evil and unbelieving,
d) Turning you away from the Living God.
(Through this Second one I heed the call to:- Be Careful Brothers And Sisters)
PRAY: To be careful with, and to guard, our hearts.
We should, when we pray for ourselves, consider our personal belief and confession. A part of our Salvation is concerned with our heart and our mouth. There are some splendid missions and ministers who are doing much in serving the Gospel to the Nations, that is very wonderful! We should all, however, consider our personal belief and confession.
Friday, May 22, 2020
They Were Left Behind!
'They Were Left Behind.'
Genesis 7:22.
a) Everything on the dry land
b) In whose nostrils
c) Was the breath of life
d) Died.
(This QT reminds me that They Were Left Behind)
PRAY: Not to be left behind when Jesus comes!
'The Word Of God.'
Hebrews 4:12.
a) For the Word of God is alive and active.
b) Sharper than any double-edged sword,
c) It penetrates even to the dividing of soul and spirit,
d) Joints and marrow;
e) It judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
(By this Second one, I highly esteem The Word Of God)
PRAY: To be a diligent reader of The Word Of God.
God will always fulfill His Word. In this case, just as God had said, everything on dry land that breathed was destroyed. We should really take note of what God says of the End Times and be ready for them. The Lord will come in the same way that a thief comes in the night - unexpectedly - we need to be ready for Him.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Not Drunk, But A Fulfillment Of Prophecy!
'Not Drunk, But A Fulfillment Of Prophecy.'
Acts 2:16.
a) "No,
b) "This is what was spoken
c) "By the Prophet Joel:"
(This QT reminds me that their situation was: Not Drunk, But A Fulfillment of Prophecy.)
PRAY: To understand what the Bible says.
'Pharaoh Promoted Joseph.'
Genesis 41:43.
a) Pharaoh had Joseph ride in his second chariot.
b) The people called out before him: "Bow the knee!"
c) Pharaoh promoted him over all the land of Egypt.
(This QT teaches me a remarkable thing: Egyptian Pharaoh Promoted Joseph, an Israeli, over all the Land of Egypt)
PRAY: For Justice and good Government among our National Leaders.
It is good for us to Pray and come to God regarding His Word. We should never be having a proud attitude towards Bible knowledge. if we come humbly before the Lord, He will surely teach us His Ways! When our attitude is right before God, we can learn many things from His Word. Let us always check that we have that right attitude before Him.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
When Jesus Returned Into Galilee!
'When Jesus Returned Into Galilee.'
Luke 4:14.
a) Jesus returned to Galilee
b) In the Power of the (Holy) Spirit,
c) And the news about Him
d) Spread throughout the surrounding region.
(This QT reveals to me what happened When Jesus Returned Into Galilee)
PRAY: To be a person who spreads the Good News about Jesus.
'The Ministry Of Jesus Christ.'
Matthew 4:23.
a) And Jesus went about all Galilee,
b) Teaching in their synagogues,
c) And preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom,
d) And healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease
e) Among the people.
(Through this Second one I find The Ministry Of Jesus Ch.rist)
PRAY: For The Ministry Of Jesus Christ to be more evident in our Churches today.
The emphasis of Jesus' earthly ministry was Teaching, Preaching and Healing. He did not have big evangelistic meetings or "special events" to try to fill the crowds. The ministry of Jesus was basically very simple. The people were drawn to God by His ministry. It would be good for the Church to follow Jesus' model today.
In The Power Of The Holy Spirit!
'In The Power Of The Holy Spirit.'
Luke 4:14.
a) Then Jesus, in the power of the (Holy) Spirit,
b) Returned to Galilee,
c) And news about Him
d) Spread throughout the surrounding countryside.
(This QT reminds me that Jesus was In The Power Of The Holy Spirit)
PRAY: To be In The Power Of The Holy Spirit when we need to be.
'Are We Spreaders?
Matthew 9:31.
a) But they went out
b) And spread the news about Him
c) All over that region.
(Through this second one I ask the question: Are We Spreaders?)
PRAY: To be a spreader of the Good News.
Jesus was in the Power of the Holy Spirit! If He was, how much more should we be? If we live our daily life in the Power of the Holy Spirit, surely Jesus Christ will be glorified in our lives. This does not depend on our living experience, it depends on our relationship with God. I exhort everyone who may read this to have a good relationship with God through Bible Reading and Prayer. The picture shows a good fellowship meal.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
The Creation That Was Excluded From The Ark!
'The Creation That Was Excluded From The Ark.'
Genesis 7:21.
a) And all flesh died that moved on the Earth,
b) Birds, livestock, beasts, all swarming creatures that swarm on the Earth,
c) And all mankind.
(This QT reminds me of the fate of The Creation That Was Excluded From The Ark)
PRAY: To be included in God's Kingdom.
'The Fate Of The Old World.'
2 Peter 3:6.
a) And that by means of these
b) The World that then existed
c) Was deluged with water and perished.
(Through this Second one I find The Fate Of The Old World)
PRAY: For a good understanding of God's Word.
A very important question for us to ask ourselves is: Am I in God's Kingdom? The only way into this Kingdom is through knowing Jesus Christ personally as our Saviour and Lord. We are encouraged in the Bible to believe in Him and to receive Him personally as our Lord and Saviour. PICTURE: Even the most beautiful things on the Earth will not last forever!
Monday, May 18, 2020
They Were Not Drunk!
'They Were Not Drunk.'
Acts 2:15.
a) These people are not drunk
b) As you suppose.
c) It's only nine in the morning.
(This QT reminds me that They Were Not Drunk)
PRAY: To accept the genuine manifestations of the Holy Spirit.
'We Are Not Of The Night.'
1 Thessalonians 5:7.
a) Those who sleep,
b) Sleep at night.
c) And those who get drunk,
d) Are drunk at night.
(Through this Second one I proclaim that We Are Not Of The Night)
PRAY: To not be people of the night.
In the incident that took place, recorded here in the Book of Acts, the general public thought that the Christians were drunk. This kind of manifestation had never been seen before. The Apostles had to explain that they were not drunk but that it was a manifestation of the Holy Spirit! it would be good today if the Church can also briefly explain to the congregation, especially on Sundays, what is actually going on in the services! PICTURE: A true fellowship meal!
Sunday, May 17, 2020
No Rebellion And Stubbornness Please!
'No Rebellion And Stubbornness Please.'
1 Samuel 15:23.
a) For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft,
b) And presumption is as iniquity and idolatry.
c) Because you have rejected the Word of the Lord,
d) He also rejected you from being king.
(This QT reminds me: No Rebellion And Stubbornness Please)
PRAY: Not to be rebellious or stubborn.
'This Is Dangerous.'
Jeremiah 44:16.
a) As for the word you have spoken to us
b) In the Name of the Lord,
c) We will not listen to you.
(Through this Second one I understand that This Is Dangerous)
PRAY: That we will listen to what is spoken to us In The Name Of The Lord.
If the Christian family or Church is functioning in the Lord's Grace and Way then there should be no room for rebellion or stubbornness within that family or Church. Any rebellion, presumption or stubbornness should be rejected and the right way be taught. How can children know the right way if they are not taught by their parents and family?
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Amazingly Deep Waters!
'Amazingly Deep Waters.'
Genesis 7:20.
a) The waters prevailed
b) Above the mountains,
c) Covering them fifteen cubits deep.
(This QT reminds me that they were Amazingly Deep Waters)
PRAY: To believe God's Miraculous acts.
'Only In The Lord Our God.'
Jeremiah 3:23.
a) Truly, in vain is Salvation hoped for from the hills,
b) And from the multitude of mountains,
c) Truly, in the Lord our God
d) Is the Salvation of Israel.
(Through this Second one I understand that Salvation is only in the Lord our God)
PRAY: To believe in the Lord's Gift of Salvation.
Believing in miracles is not something that comes naturally to people! God reveals His Miracles to His People and then gives them Faith to Believe in those Miracles. Right from the beginning of Old Testament days God has been doing miracles. We should Believe Him in what He does.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Listen Carefully To Explanations!
'Listen Carefully To Explanations.'
Acts 2:14.
a) But Peter,
b) Taking his stand with the eleven,
c) Raised his voice and declared to them:
d) "Men of Judaea and all who dwell in Jerusalem,
e) "Let this be known to you and give heed to my words.
(This QT reminds me to Listen Carefully To Explanations)
PRAY: To be a good listener.
'If We Know What Is Right.'
Isaiah 51:7.
a) Hear me,
b) You who know what is right,
c) You people who have taken my instruction to heart:
d) Do not fear the reproach of mere mortals
e) Or be terrified by their insults.
(Through this Second one I can find the correct responses If I Know What Is Right)
PRAY: To continually know what is right.
We need to be as good at listening as we are at talking. Some people pretend to listen but they do not listen at all, they are simply waiting to speak. This is an incorrect way to behave. It is important for us all to learn to be good listeners. We can be far more effective at helping to people if we listen to them well.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Should We Be Persuaded?
'Should We Be Persuaded?'
Judges 19:7.
a) And when the man got up to go,
b) His father-in-law persuaded him,
c) So he stayed there that night.
(Through this QT I ask myself the question: "Should I be persuaded?")
PRAY: To discern every situation well.
'Our Boast.'
Psalm 44:8.
a) In God
b) We make our boast
c) All day long,
d) And we will Praise Your Name forever.
(This Second one reveals our focus of Boast)
PRAY: To make our boast in God alone.
We are faced with a multitude of decisions and situations every day. It may seem that the busier we are, the more the need for making decisions comes pouring into our lives. That is surely a pressure that no-one likes to bear. God sends us His Holy Spirit as our Helper and one of the ways in which He helps us is as our Guide, making our decisions a whole lot easier.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The Waters Prevailed So Mightily!
'The Waters Prevailed So Mightily.'
Genesis 7:19.
a) The waters prevailed so mightily on the Earth
b) That all the high mountains
c) Under the whole heaven
d) Were covered.
(This QT teaches me that the flood Waters Prevailed So Mightily)
PRAY: To believe God's Word in its entirety.
'Mere Wishful Thinking.'
Luke 16:30-31.
a) The tormented one said: "No, father Abraham,
b) But if someone goes to them from the dead,
c) They will repent."
d) Abraham said to him: "If they do not hear Moses and the Prophets,
e) "Neither will they be convinced if someone should rise from the dead."
(Through this Second one I find an example of Mere Wishful Thinking)
PRAY: Not to be deceived by Mere Wishful Thinking'.
There are times in which we need to pray for Faith, praying to believe God's Word. The Bible its self tells us that Faith comes as we receive the Word of God, this is very true. We need, however to apply that Word into our lives and experiences so that we can have living and real Faith. A good place to start is praying to believe God's Word for ourselves.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
They Mocked God's People!
'They Mocked God's People.'
Acts 2:13.
a) Others mocking said:
b) "These men
c) "Are full of new wine."
(This QT shows me that They Mocked God's People.)
PRAY: For God's People who may be facing some form of persecution.
'A Word Of Caution.'
Proverbs 17:5.
a) He who mocks the poor
b) Taunts his Maker;
c) He who rejoices at calamity
d) Will not go unpunished.
(Through this Second one I heed A Word Of Caution)
PRAY: That we will have the correct attitude towards poverty and calamity.
One of the most important prayers that can be said in the Church Prayer Meeting is the prayer for the persecuted people and Churches. Persecution takes many different forms, coming from individuals and going up even as far as Nations. Wherever it comes from, persecution is never a joyful experience, it can sometimes even make the persecuted people quite damaged and bitter. Let us remember to pray for the persecuted.
Monday, May 11, 2020
The Time For Gladness!
'The Time For Gladness.'
Revelation 19:7-8.
a) "Let us be glad and rejoice,
b) And let us give honour to Him.
c) For the time has come for the Wedding Feast of the Lamb,
d) And His bride has prepared herself.
e) She has been given the finest of pure white linen to wear."
f) For the fine linen represents the good deeds of God's Holy People.
(This QT shows me The Time For Gladness)
PRAY: For Gladness to be in our Faith Life.
'Sometimes An Introduction Is Needed.'
Acts 9:26-28.
a) Acts 9:26. After Saul arrived in Jerusalem,
b) Acts 9:26. He tried to join the Disciples.
c) Acts 9:26. But everyone was afraid of him.
d) Acts 9:26. They wouldn't believe that he was a Disciple.
e) Acts 9:27. But Barnabas took him and brought him to the Apostles.
f) Acts 9:27. And he declared to them how he had seen the Lord on the road,
g) Acts 9:27. And that he had spoken to him,
h) Acts 9:27. And how he had preached boldly at Damascus in the Name of Jesus.
i) Acts 9:28. Then Saul went throughout Jerusalem with the Disciples.
j) Acts 9:28. He spoke boldly with the Power and Authority of the Lord.
(This Second one reminds me that Sometimes An Introduction Is Needed)
PRAY: For Churches to be free from false 'ministers' who manipulate themselves into the pulpit.
When Gladness is in our Faith life, it makes Faith seem like an attractive thing to other people. If we read the Book of Acts, we can find that the early Church leaders were so often filled with Joy, even in the most difficult of circumstances. the Bible teaches us that the Joy of the Lord is our strength, let us Pray for more of this Joy. This Joy is something deep in our hearts and has nothing to do with strange laughter.
Amazing Flood!
'Amazing Flood.'
Genesis 7:18.
a) The waters prevailed
b) And increased greatly on the Earth,
c) And the Ark
d) Floated on the face of the waters.
(This QT reminds me of the Amazing Flood)
PRAY: To believe the entirety of God's Word.
'The Beautiful Bride Of Christ.'
Revelation 19:7-8.
a) Let us be glad and rejoice,
b) And let us give honor to Him.
c) For the time has come for the wedding feast of the Lamb,
d) And His Bride has prepared herself.
e) She has been given the finest of pure white linen to wear.
f) For the fine linen represents the good deeds of God's Holy People.
(This Second one reveals to me The Beautiful Bride Of Christ)
PRAY: To be ready for The Wedding Feast Of The Lamb.
The waters prevailed on the Earth. When God does something, He does it well. The flood that God sent at the time of Noah is still taught about and spoken about today. It was an incredible miracle. When God really says something, we should believe it. The problem is that there are a host of people around these days saying: "God says", when He has not spoken at all.
Sunday, May 10, 2020
They Really Wanted To Know!
'They Really Wanted To Know.'
Acts 2:12.
a) All of these devout men were stunned and puzzled.
b) They asked each other:
c) "What can this mean?"
(This QT reveals to me that They Really Wanted To Know)
PRAY: For more understanding of God's Words and Works.
'God's Perfect Time.'
Psalm 12:5.
a) "Because the poor are plundered
b) "And the needy groan,
c) "I will now arise,"
d) Says the Lord.
e) "I will protect them from those who malign them."
(Through this Second one I believe that there is always God's Perfect Time)
PRAY: To be sensitive to God's Perfect Time.
Something that all of us can do is to Pray for more understanding of God's Words and Works. If we think that we understand everything that there is to be understood about God, it is a sure sign that we have a problem of spiritual pride. A theme that recurs frequently throughout Scripture is the plea for us to be humble. God rewards the humble, it is a clear promise of God.
Saturday, May 9, 2020
We Should Not Break Faith!
'We Should Not break Faith.'
Joshua 7:1.
a) But the Israelites broke faith
b) In regard to the devoted things:
c) Achan son of Carmi
d) Son of Zabdi
e) Son of Zerah,
f) Of the Tribe of Judah,
g) Took some of the devoted things;
h) And the anger of the Lord burned against the Israelites.
(This QT reminds me that I Should Not Break Faith)
PRAY: That we, and the people with whom we are in fellowship, Should Not Break Faith.
'None Are Righteous.'
Romans 3:9.
a) What then?
b) Are we any better off?
c) No, not at all;
d) For we have already charged that all,
e) Both Jews and Greeks,
f) Are under the power of sin.
(Through this Second one I understand that None Are Righteous)
PRAY: To have the humble realization that None Are Righteous, therefore we all need Christ.
We need to realize that there is no perfect people group or tribe here on this Earth. The Jewish people were, at some point in time God's Chosen People, but they really "messed up" in their relationship with God and went completely out of fellowship with Him. All humanity needs to be redeemed and there is only one way that that can happen, it is through the Blood of Jesus Christ. Any group or race that claims to have a special relationship with God without being washed by the Blood of Jesus Christ is surely a cult or false religion.
PICTURE: Even famous people need the Grace of God!
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The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...

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