The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Saturday, April 13, 2019
Early Church Community Life Together!
'Early Church Community Life Together.'
Acts 2:44.
a) All who Believed
b) Were together
c) And had all things
d) In common.
(This QT teaches me about the practical and radical first Church: Early Church Community Life Together)
PRAY: For the meaning of "Community" to be increased in the Church as opposed to 'selfishness'.
'Practical Help And Love.'
Acts 2:45.
a) They sold property and possessions
b) To give to anyone
c) Who had need.
(This Second one is historical rather than practical life today)
PRAY: For the Churches to be aware of the people who really need help and take any appropriate action.
The key word here is Believed. The kind of Community Life that is mentioned here is only for those people who truly Believe. There were no 'passengers' being carried along in this situation. They were truly 'those who Believed'. There may be some Nations and cultures within which this could work today but it is definitely not a universal solution.
In Bible days, their culture made them all of similar status. Today, everyone is so different, there are so many complicated 'levels' of status, so to truly and happily live a Biblically based Community Life without a high level of personal sacrifice is virtually impossible. Nonetheless, it may be possible for some committed and called people to live in a Christian Community within their culture.
The picture is of part of a healthy and nourishing community meal from a 'non-Western' cuisine.
The Christian Life!
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