The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
A Natural Faithless Response!
'A Natural Faithless Response.'
Acts 3:3.
a) Seeing Peter and John
b) About to go into the Temple,
c) The beggar asked to receive alms.
(This QT shows me A Natural Faithless Response)
PRAY: To exercise our Faith at all times.
'Peter And John.'
a) Luke 8:51. Were taken into a house by Jesus to accompany Him in Healing Ministry.
b) Luke 9:28. Were taken by Jesus, up the mountain, to accompany Him in Prayer.
c) Luke 22:8. Were sent by Jesus to prepare the Passover.
d) Acts 1:13. Were among the Disciples waiting in the Upper Room.
e) Acts 3:1-3. Went up to the Temple at the Time of Prayer.
f) Acts 4:19. Listened to God.
g) Acts 8:14. Went out on Mission together.
(This Second one reminds me of the importance of Peter and John to the early Church)
PRAY: For the Servants of the Lord to understand the importance of Personal Prayer.
Peter and John listened to God. Here, within this simple statement, is a very clear encouragement for us! If Peter and John needed to listen to God, how much more do we need to listen to God! There is a great temptation for those people who are serving God today to simply trust in what they know, rather than listening to God.
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