The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Tuesday, April 30, 2019
The Lord's Regret!
'The Lord's Regret!'
Genesis 6:6.
a) The Lord regretted
b) That He had made
c) Human beings on the Earth,
d) And His Heart
e) Was deeply troubled.
(Through this QT I discover The Lord's Regret)
PRAY: That we will not cause the Lord to regret.
'Do Not Grieve The Holy Spirit.'
Ephesians 4:30.
a) And do not grieve
b) The Holy Spirit of God,
c) By Whom you were sealed
d) For the Day of Redemption.
(Because of this Second one I receive this careful instruction: Do Not Grieve The Holy Spirit)
PRAY: Not to grieve the Holy Spirit.
I really do not want to cause the Lord to regret! The Word of God is very clear, the Lord can be pleased, the Lord can be angry and the Lord can be caused to regret. When we go in the opposite way other than the Will of God for our lives, I am sure that this causes the Lord to regret. When we follow the Plan and Purpose of God for our lives, this pleases Him.
Monday, April 29, 2019
A Better Gift!
'A Better Gift.'
Acts 3:6.
a) Then Peter said:
b) "Silver and gold have I none;
c) "But such as I have I give you:
d) "In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth
e) "Rise up and walk."
(This QT reveals to me about A Better Gift)
PRAY: For the people in your Church to Believe for A Better Gift.
'God's Anointing Upon The Lord Jesus Christ.'
Acts 10:38.
a) You know about Jesus of Nazareth,
b) Whom God anointed with the Holy Spirit
c) And endowed with power.
d) Jesus traveled around doing good
e) And healing everyone oppressed by the Devil
f) Because God was with Him.
(Through this Second one I understand more about God's Anointing upon the Lord Jesus Christ)
PRAY: For God's Anointing to be upon those whose minister in your Church in different ways.
It is amazing and wonderful to read about the Life and Ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ! We can see how God the Father anointed Jesus Christ His Son with the Holy Spirit so that Christ could fulfill the Purpose and Plan of God for His Life and Ministry. Surely, if we God-created Believers want to fulfill the Purpose and Plan of God, we need to seek Him for the filling and anointing of the Holy Spirit for our lives.
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Weak Or Weary?
'Weak Or Weary.'
Isaiah 40:29.
a) He gives Strength
b) To the weary,
c) And increases
d) The power of the weak.
(This QT reminds me that the Lord cares about Weak Or Weary People)
PRAY: To bring our weariness to God if we are weary.
'God Is Our Strength.'
Psalm 46:1.
a) God is our Refuge and Strength,
b) An ever present Help
c) In trouble.
(This Second one reminds me that God Is Our Strength)
PRAY: For the strength that we need from God today.
The reality is that God is an Ever Present Help in trouble. Sometimes, it seems that He is far away and does not really care about our troubles. That is not truth, even at the most difficult times God has not abandoned us but is ready to execute His Will and Salvation for our lives. Truthfully, our lives are in His Hands, we can Trust Him for His Will to be done in our lives.
Friday, April 26, 2019
People Without God!
Genesis 6:5.
a) The Lord saw
b) That the wickedness of man was great in the Earth,
c) And that every intention
d) Of the thoughts of his heart (Matthew 15:19. For out of the heart come evil thoughts)
e) Was only evil continually.
(This QT tells me of the condition of People Without God)
PRAY: For people that are close to you without God: wherever they may be)
'The Lord Looks.'
Psalm 14:2.
a) The Lord looks down from Heaven
b) On the children of men,
c) To see if there are any who understand,
d) Who seek after God.
(This Second one reminds me that The Lord Looks)
PRAY: To live the life that is pleasing to God.
God looks to see if there are any people who understand and seek after Him. This is a challenge for the Church today. It is important that we can understand the Word of God and His Heart revealed in His Word. Not only should the Church and the TV/Radio/Internet ministries also do the same thing. Then people also can understand and seek God for themselves. There are people who are flying all over the World, just like in the picture above, we should never be jealous of them, and we need not be jealous, if God is in our life.
False Expectation!
'False Expectation.'
Acts 3:5.
a) The beggar fixed his attention on Peter and John.
b) The beggar expected
c) To receive something from them.
(This QT reveals a problem that most missionaries face: False expectation)
'Paying Attention.'
a) Acts 8:6 & 10. To Philip.
b) Acts 13:24. To John.
c) Acts 27:11. Wrongly, to the captain and owner of the ship.
d) Mark 4:24. To what you hear.
e) Acts 2:14. To the Words of Peter.
f) Ephesians 5:15. To how we live.
g) Philippians 3:17. To those people who are living examples for us.
h) Colossians 4:17. To the Ministry which we have received from the Lord.
i) 1 Timothy 4:13. To:-
1-Public Reading. (of Scripture)
j) 1 Timothy 4:16. To our life and teaching as we serve the Lord.
k) Hebrews 2:1. To what we have heard.
l) 2 Peter 1:19. To the prophetic Word which we have received.
(This Second one reminds me of the importance of Paying Attention)
PRAYER: That we will pay attention to the good Teaching of God's Word that we receive. We may listen to it or read it.
There are times, not too frequently I hope, that we may be given 'prophetic words' that may be from the Lord. If that is so, those words will come to pass. We are not to depend on 'spiritual manifestations' to build our Faith, rather we are to depend on the Word of God.
Where Has He Gone?
'Where Has He Gone.'
Song of Solomon 6:1.
a) Where has your beloved gone,
b) O most beautiful among women?
c) Where has your beloved turned aside,
d) That we may seek him with you?
(This QT asks a pertinent question about the beloved: Where Has He Gone?)
PRAY: For relationship problems in your family, or among your friends, to be solved.
'Deliver Me Please.'
Psalm 60:5.
a) That Your beloved may be delivered,
b) Save with Your Right Hand,
c) And hear me.
(This Second one reveals the humble plea of God's Servant)
PRAY: Humbly for deliverance when we need to.
"Save with Your Right Hand." This is a very simple and humble Prayer for God's Help. It is a Prayer that most of us will pray during our lifetime. We are told in the Scripture that God is a God of Salvation, He is a God who is willing to Save! Our problem is, so often, that we try to work things out for ourselves first and not Pray to God. Praying about it first is wise.
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Amazing Ancient History!
'Amazing Ancient History.'
Genesis 6:4.
a) There were giants on the Earth in those days.
b) And also after that,
c) When the sons of God came into the daughters of men,
d) And they bare children to them,
e) The same became mighty men
f) Which were of old,
g) Men of renown.
(This QT teaches me some ancient history as recorded in the Bible)
PRAY: For understanding of the Word of God.
'Being Close To God In Daily Life.'
a) Genesis 5:22 & 24. Enoch walked with God.
b) Genesis 6:9. Noah walked with God.
c) Genesis 17:1-2. Abram.
d) Genesis 35:1. Jacob.
e) Exodus 33:9; Numbers 12:8. Moses.
f) John 14:23. Through keeping the Words of Christ.
g) 1 John 1:3. Through the Fellowship of the Body of Christ.
(Through this Second one I understand more about Being Close To God In Daily Life)
PRAY: For our personal daily walk with God.
Jacob was a mild man, that is what the Bible tells us. There are few men that the Lord calls 'mild' but it is actually a very lovely testimony when the Lord calls a person 'mild'! This mildness is something that can be developed through a daily life in God. It would be an excellent testimony if the brothers in the Churches would be called 'mild'.
A Word Of Authority!
'A Word Of Authority.'
Acts 3:4.
a) And Peter directed his gaze at the beggar,
b) As did John,
c) And said:
d) "Look at us!"
(This QT reveals that A Word Of Authority preceded the Miracle of Healing)
PRAY: For more Spiritual Authority in the Ministry of our Churches.
'Understanding More Of God's Heart.'
Psalm 149:4.
a) For the Lord takes pleasure
b) In His People.
c) He crowns the humble
d) With Salvation.
(By this Second one I have Understanding More Of God's Heart)
PRAY: To have more understanding of God's Heart.
It is very wonderful for God's Word to tell us that the Lord has both the desire and the ability to take pleasure in His people. As I travel this World I can find many people who take pleasure in their gods, sometimes taking a lot of effort and expense. We should be grateful to God that He takes pleasure in His people.
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Four Delightful Aspects Of Christ!
'Four Delightful Aspects Of Christ.'
Song Of Solomon 5:16.
a) His Mouth is sweetness itself.
b) He is altogether lovely.
c) He is our Beloved.
d) He is our Friend.
(This QT reveals to me Four Delightful Aspects Of Christ)
PRAY: To know Christ more and more.
'To Rebuild The Sanctuary.'
Isaiah 64:11.
a) Our Holy and our Beautiful House,
b) Where our fathers Praised Thee,
c) Is burned up with fire:
d) And all our pleasant things
e) Are laid waste.
(Through this Second one, I know that, for some people, it is time To Rebuild The Sanctuary)
PRAY: For Wisdom and Provision to Rebuild The Sanctuary where necessary.
Even in these days, it is possible for Church buildings to face some kind of damage. Here it speaks especially about fire damage. Sometimes we read or hear stories about such tragedies. The first compassionate thing to do is to Pray for the affected congregation. It may be that we can make a donation, or give practical help in some other way, when we hear or read about this happening. One thing we should not do is say that it is some kind of "judgment of God"! He really does not work in such a heartless and destructive way.
God's Spirit Will Not Always Strive With Us!
'God's Spirit Will Not Always Strive With Us.'
Genesis 6:3.
a) Then the Lord said:
b) "My Spirit shall not strive and remain with man forever.
c) "Because man is indeed flesh:
3-Given over to sensual appetites.
d) "Nevertheless his days shall yet be 120 years."
(This QT reminds me that God's Spirit Will Not Always Strive With Us)
PRAY: For God to help us to submit to Him.
'Fill The Earth.'
Genesis 9:1.
a) And God Blessed Noah and his sons and said to them:
b) "Be fruitful,
c) "Multiply,
d) "Fill the Earth."
(This Second one reminds me of God's original intention.)
PRAY: For humanity to fill the Earth.
The Blessing of God is not something vague that is difficult to understand. God is not mystical. The Blessing of God is tangible! It can be felt, seen, tasted and experienced. When we talk or write about the Blessing of God it should be something that is easily understood.
A Natural Faithless Response!
'A Natural Faithless Response.'
Acts 3:3.
a) Seeing Peter and John
b) About to go into the Temple,
c) The beggar asked to receive alms.
(This QT shows me A Natural Faithless Response)
PRAY: To exercise our Faith at all times.
'Peter And John.'
a) Luke 8:51. Were taken into a house by Jesus to accompany Him in Healing Ministry.
b) Luke 9:28. Were taken by Jesus, up the mountain, to accompany Him in Prayer.
c) Luke 22:8. Were sent by Jesus to prepare the Passover.
d) Acts 1:13. Were among the Disciples waiting in the Upper Room.
e) Acts 3:1-3. Went up to the Temple at the Time of Prayer.
f) Acts 4:19. Listened to God.
g) Acts 8:14. Went out on Mission together.
(This Second one reminds me of the importance of Peter and John to the early Church)
PRAY: For the Servants of the Lord to understand the importance of Personal Prayer.
Peter and John listened to God. Here, within this simple statement, is a very clear encouragement for us! If Peter and John needed to listen to God, how much more do we need to listen to God! There is a great temptation for those people who are serving God today to simply trust in what they know, rather than listening to God.
Monday, April 22, 2019
The Physical Strength Of The Glorified Jesus!
'The Physical Strength Of The Glorified Jesus.'
Song of Songs 5:14-15.
a) His Arms are rods of gold, set with topaz.
b) His Body is like polished ivory, decorated with sapphires.
c) His Legs are pillars of marble, set on bases of pure gold.
d) His Appearance is like Lebanon, choice as its cedars.
(This QT teaches me about The Physical Strength Of The Glorified Jesus)
PRAY: To fully put our Trust in Jesus.
'Hope In The Lord.'
Isaiah 40:31.
a) But those people who Hope In The Lord
b) Will renew their strength.
c) They will soar on wings like eagles;
d) They will run and not grow weary,
e) They will walk and not be faint.
(Through this QT I am encouraged to Hope In The Lord)
PRAY: To Hope in the Lord.
Many of us who are following or serving the Lord face times in our lives when we really understand that we need our strength to be renewed in every way. We can understand from the Scriptures that the Lord has immense strength. How about our strength? The Bible tells us that if we Hope in the Lord, our physical strength can be renewed.
Sunday, April 21, 2019
The Beautiful Ones!
'The Beautiful Ones.'
a) Genesis 6:2. The daughters of men.
b) Genesis 12:11 & 14. Sarah.
c) Genesis 24:16. The young woman.
d) Genesis 26:7. Rebekah.
e) Genesis 29:17. Rachel.
f) Exodus 2:2; Hebrews 11:23. The baby Moses.
g) Leviticus 23:40. Trees.
h) Deuteronomy 6:10. Cities.
i) Deuteronomy 8:12. Houses.
j) 1 Samuel 25:3. Abigail.
k) Esther 1:11. Queen Vashti.
l) Esther 2:7. Esther.
m) Job 42:15. The daughters of Job.
n) Romans 10:15. The feet of the Preachers of the Gospel of Peace.
(This QT reveals to me The Beautiful Ones)
PRAY: For those people whom we deem to be beautiful.
'That Which Is Uttered.'
a) Job 15:5. Thy mouth utters thine iniquity.
b) Psalm 19:2. The day utters speech.
c) Proverbs 1:20 & 21. Wisdom utters her voice in the streets.
d) Proverbs 10:18. Slander.
e) Jeremiah 51:16. The Voice of God.
f) Micah 7:3. People utter a mischievous desire.
g) Leviticus 5:4. People sometimes utter a rash oath.
h) Psalm 41:6. Some people utter empty words.
(This Second one calls me to consider That Which Is Uttered)
PRAY: For our self-control in the area of speech.
There are times that people may utter a mischievous desire. If this happens in the school where our children attend then we need to discourage them from paying attention to those mischievous desires. It may also happen in the adult 'circle': Church, family or workplace. We need to ignore such utterances and wash them away from our minds with God's Truth.
Helpless But Hopeful!
'Helpless But Hopeful'
Acts 3:2.
a) The man was lame from birth.
b) He was carried to the Temple gate every day.
c) He was helpless.
d) He was taken there for the purpose of begging.
(This QT reveals a man who was Helpless But Hopeful)
PRAYER: For Gospel outreaches to helpless people.
'Blind At The Roadside.'
Luke 18:35.
a) As Jesus approached Jericho,
b) A blind man
c) Was sitting by the roadside
d) Begging.
(Through this Second one I find a man Blind At The Roadside)
PRAYER: For the Church to be motivated to help handicapped people well.
The Ministry of the Church to the blind and other handicapped or helpless people is really a compassionate ministry rather than a specialized one. There is very little natural or financial return for such ministry, that is why it is not so popular. The spiritual 'returns' from the Lord for such a outreach and care however will be rewards that are immeasurable.
Saturday, April 20, 2019
The Fragrance Of Jesus Christ!
'The Fragrance Of Jesus Christ.'
Song Of Solomon 5:13.
a) His Cheeks are like gardens of spices,
b) Giving off fragrance.
c) His lips are like lilies,
d) Perfumed with myrrh.
(This QT reveals to me The Fragrance Of Jesus Christ)
PRAY: For a new closeness with the Lord Jesus Christ.
'Fix Our Eyes On Jesus.'
Hebrews 12:2.
a) Let us fix our eyes on Jesus,
b) The Author and Perfecter of our Faith,
c) Who for the joy set before Him
d) Endured the Cross,
e) Scorning its shame,
f) And sat down at the right hand of the Throne of God.
(This Second one encourages me to Fix My Eyes On Jesus)
PRAY: To decide to fix our eyes on Jesus.
Sometimes it can really help our 'spiritual exercises' (Bible Reading, Prayer, Worship) if we simply, by Faith, fix our eyes on Jesus. There is no more wonderful Person, than the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, who ever walked upon this Earth. When we fix our eyes on Jesus, surely our Faith and our love for Him grows. This is one of the important reasons why we partake of the Holy Communion. Because of His Love for humanity we are encouraged to evangelize.
Friday, April 19, 2019
Moses' Encounter With God!
'Moses' Encounter With God.'
Exodus 3:1-6.
a) Exodus 3:1. Moses the faithful and God-fearing shepherd.
b) Exodus 3:2. The Lord appeared to Moses in a flaming bush.
c) Exodus 3:3. Moses went over to the bush to see what it was all about because the bush did not burn up.
d) Exodus 3:4. The Lord called to Moses from the bush.
e) Exodus 3:5. This was Holy Ground.
f) Exodus 3:6. God revealed Himself to Moses.
(This QT gives me Faith and Encouragement... Moses' Encounter With God)
PRAY: For our Faith to grow.
'David's Charge To Solomon.'
1 Chronicles 28:8-10.
a) 1 Chronicles 28:8. This charge was:
2-In the Lord's Assembly.
3-In the hearing of God.
i) Be careful to follow the Commandments of the Lord.
ii) Inherit the land.
iii) Pass the land on as an inheritance to the next generation.
b) 1 Chronicles 28:9. Solomon was to:
1-Acknowledge God.
2-Serve God with wholehearted devotion.
3-Serve God with a willing mind.
The Lord:
1-Searches every heart.
2-Understands every desire and thought.
3-Will be found if you seek Him with all of your heart.
4-Will reject you if you forsake Him.
c) 1 Chronicles 28:10. Consider that the Lord has chosen you to do His Work. Be strong and do it.
(This Second one gives me good understanding about David's Charge To Solomon)
PRAY: For God's help so that we can do His Will wholeheartedly.
Sometimes we may get the false impression that there are certain Books of the Bible that are somewhat boring. This is a completely false assumption. As we learn to study the Bible in different ways and methods we discover wonderful Truths from it. The Bible is God's Word from beginning to end and we should learn to study it and treat it as such.
Going Together To The Prayer Meeting!
'Going Together To The Prayer Meeting.'
Acts 3:1.
a) Now Peter and John
b) Were going up to the Temple
c) At the Hour of Prayer
d) The ninth hour.
(This QT reminds me that even Apostles were Going Together To The Prayer Meeting)
PRAY: For True Believers not to neglect the Prayer Meeting if possible.
'Public Bible Reading Is Christlike.'
Luke 4:16.
a) Jesus went to Nazareth,
b) Where He had been brought up,
c) And on the Sabbath Day
d) He went into the Synagogue,
e) As was His custom.
f) He stood up to read.
(This Second one reminds me that Public Bible Reading Is Christlike)
PRAY: For the Churches not to neglect Public Bible Reading.
Jesus Christ our Lord sets His Church a good example by going to the public place of Worship on the Sabbath Day. There are various justifiable reasons why Christian people may not be able to go to a Church on Sundays or Worship days, but surely they will go when they can and where they can. I have met some people who really love the Lord but because of the environment, they simply cannot go to the Church. God understands each person's environmental situation and He can provide some kind of good input and expression of Christianity for those people.
Our Eyes!
'Our Eyes.'
(What kind of eyes do we have?)
a) Song of Solomon 5:12. Gentle and sensitive, like dove's eyes.
b) Genesis 18:3; 19:19; 30:27. Eyes that find favour.
c) Genesis 29:17; Psalm 31:9. Weak eyes.
d) Numbers 20:8. Eyes that are watching for a miracle.
e) Deuteronomy 28:32. Eyes that are worn out, watching for the children to come home.
f) Deuteronomy 28:65. Eyes that are weary with longing.
g) Deuteronomy 29:3. Eyes that see:
1-Great trials.
3-Great wonders.
h) Deuteronomy 34:7. Eyes that are not weak.
i) Joshua 24:17; 1 Samuel 12:16. Eyes that witness the Acts of God.
j) Ruth 2:2; 1 Samuel 1:18; 20:3. Eyes that give favour.
k) 1 Samuel 3:2. Eyes that become so weak.
l) 1 Samuel 12:3. Eyes that are shut by a bribe.
m) 1 Samuel 14:27 & 29. Eyes that are brightened because of food eaten.
n) 2 Samuel 6:22. Eyes that witness the humiliation of self.
o) 1 Kings 1:20. Eyes that watch their leader.
p) 1 Kings 1:48. Eyes that see a successor.
q) 1 Kings 8:29. Eyes that are open towards the place of Worship.
r) 1 Kings 8:52. Eyes that are open to the pleas of other people.
s) 1 Kings 20:38. Eyes that are covered.
t) 2 Chronicles 20:12; Psalm 25:15; 123:1. Eyes that are on the Lord.
u) 2 Chronicles 29:8. Eyes that witness the Anger of the Lord.
v) 2 Chronicles 34:28. Eyes that do not see disaster.
w) Ezra 9:8. Eyes that are given light by God.
x) Job 3:10. Eyes that see trouble.
y) Job 4:16. Eyes that discern a form.
z) Job 7:7. Eyes that never see happiness.
(This QT makes me consider my eyes)
PRAY: For our eyes to witness good things.
'More About Our Eyes.'
a) Job 10:4. Eyes of flesh.
b) Job 15:12. Flashing eyes.
c) Job 16:9. Piercing eyes.
d) Job 16:16. Eyes with dark shadows around them.
e) Job 16:20. Eyes that pour out tears to God.
f) Job 17:17; Psalm 38:10; 88:9. Eyes that are dim with grief.
g) Job 21:20. Eyes that witness self-destruction.
h) Job 29:15. Being eyes to the blind people. (Helping them)
i) Job 31:1. Making a covenant with your eyes not to be lustful.
j) Job 32:1. Being righteous in their own eyes.
k) Psalm 16:8. Eyes that are always on the Lord.
l) Psalm 18:27. The Lord brings low those people whose eyes are haughty.
m) Psalm 19:8. The Commands of the Lord give light to the eyes.
n) Psalm 35:21. Sneering eyes.
o) Psalm 36:1. Eyes without the Fear of God.
p) Psalm 36:2. In their own eyes they flatter themselves.
q) Psalm 54:7. Eyes that look in triumph on their foes.
r) Psalm 69:3. Eyes that fail whilst looking for God.
s) Psalm 69:23. Eyes that are darkened so that they cannot see.
t) Psalm 91:8. Eyes that see the punishment of the wicked people.
u) Psalm 92:11. Eyes that see the defeat of our enemies.
v) Psalm 121:1. Eyes that are lifted up to the mountains.
w) Proverbs 3:7. Do not be wise in our own eyes.
x) Proverbs 4:25. Eyes that look straight ahead.
y) Proverbs 28:11. The rich people are wise in their own eyes.
z) Proverbs 28:27. Those people who close their eyes to the poor will receive many curses.
(By this Second one I continue on the theme of Eyes)
PRAY: For our eyes to see all enemies defeated.
The way in which we focus our us is really important to us and for other people. We should be careful with our eyes! Careless eyes can cause us to sin. There are some people who have 'wandering' eyes. These eyes can, however, be trained not to wander.
Thursday, April 18, 2019
We Have A Great God!
2 Samuel 7:22.
a) How Great You are,
b) O Sovereign Lord!
c) There is no-one like You,
d) And there is no God but You,
e) As we have heard with our own ears.
(This QT makes me realize that We Have A Great God)
PRAYER: To appreciate more that We Have A Great God.
1 Kings 18:18.
a) "I have not made trouble for Israel," Elijah replied.
b) "But you and your father's family have.
c) "You have abandoned the Lord's Commands
d) "And have followed the Baals."
(This Second one teaches me the real meaning of spiritual Troublemakers)
PRAYER: For our Churches to be free from Troublemakers {in this sense}.
Sometimes the genuine and humble Servants of the Lord have the most terrible accusations unjustly railed at them, even written accusations. This is not fair and it is not nice. When we consider the Lord Himself, He suffered the same kinds of accusations. It is really important for us, when we face these kinds of accusations, that we come to the Lord in Prayer for His Help and Protection.
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
A Good Pattern And Environment!
'A Good Pattern And Environment.'
Acts 2:46-47.
a) Every day they continued to meet together in the Temple courts.
b) They broke bread in their homes
c) And they ate together with glad and sincere hearts,
d) Praising God
e) And enjoying the favor of all the people.
f) And the Lord added to their number daily
g) Those who were being saved.
(This QT reveals A Good Pattern And Environment)
PRAY: For the Church to discover A Good Pattern And Environment.
'Waiting And In Process.'
Psalm 110:1.
a) The Lord says to my Lord:
b) "Sit at My Right Hand,
c) "Until I make Your enemies
d) "Your Footstool."
(This Second one reveals something that is Waiting And In Process)
PRAY: To be patient, just as the Lord is patient.
It is wonderful to see the communications of God. The Heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit enjoy perfect communication with each other. One of the aspects of God that we can learn from is communication. Both from the communication within the Triune God and from His communication with us.
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The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...

‘Pharisees Always Question And Doubt.’ John 1:24-25. a) Now those who were sent were from the Pharisees. b) And they asked Him saying: c)...
'The Place Where Our Offerings Should Go.' Leviticus 3:7. a) If he offers a lamb b) For his offering, c) Then he shall offer i...
'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a) And God was doing b) Extraordinary miracles c) By the hands of Paul, d) So that even han...