The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Sunday, March 31, 2019
Life And Joy!
'Life And Joy.'
Acts 2:28.
a) You have made known to me
b) The Ways of Life;
c) You will make me
d) Full of Joy
e) In Your Presence.
(This QT reminds me that the Lord is the Source of my Life And Joy)
THANK GOD: For the Life and Joy that He gives.
'It Is Freely Done.'
a) John 8:32. By Truth.
b) John 8:36; Galatians 5:1. By the Son of God.
c) Romans 6:18. To become servants of Righteousness.
d) Romans 6:22. To become servants of God.
e) Romans 8:2. Freedom from the Law of sin and death.
f) Romans 8:21. The Glorious Liberty of the Children of God.
(Through this Second one I thank God that It Is Freely Done)
PRAISE GOD: That It Is Freely Done.
The Ways of Life are fully and properly taught for us in the Holy Bible, the Word of God. There are many aspects of our personal Bible Reading that are important. I just want to mention two of them here. Firstly: Application - we should apply to our lives what we read that has meaning for us. Secondly: Regularity - Bible Reading should be to the True Believer a healthy and regular habit .
Saturday, March 30, 2019
Conditions Of The Human Heart!
'Owned Conditions Of The Human Heart. (1)'
a) Song of Solomon 5:2. I was sleeping but my heart was awake.
b) Psalm 57:7. My heart is steady.
c) Judges 5:9. My heart is with the Commanders of Israel who volunteered freely.
d) 1 Samuel 2:1. The Lord has filled my heart with Joy.
e) Job 17:11. The desires of my heart are gone.
f) Psalm 13:2. How long must I worry and feel sad in my heart all day.
g) Psalm 13:5. My heart is happy because You saved me.
h) Psalm 38:10. My heart pounds and my strength is gone.
i) Psalm 51:10; 73:13. (God, please) ... Create in me a pure heart.
j) Psalm 69:20. My heart is broken because of the insults of other people.
k) Psalm 73:21. A sad heart can produce anger.
l) Psalm 86:12. A heart to Praise God.
m) Psalm 111:1; 138:1. A thankful heart.
n) Psalm 119:10, 34 & 69. A heart committed to obeying the Lord.
o) Psalm 119:58 & 145. A heart that wholeheartedly Prays.
p) Psalm 139:23; Jeremiah 12:3. A heart examined and known by God.
q) Song of Solomon 4:9. A heart filled with loving anticipation.
r) Jeremiah 24:7. A heart to return to the Lord.
s) Jeremiah 31:33 Hebrews 8:10; 10:16. A heart with the Lord's Teachings written on it.
t) Jeremiah 48:36. A heart that cries sadly for others.
u) Lamentations 1:20. A heart that is troubled by its own stubbornness.
v) Ezekiel 33:31. A heart that desires selfish profits.
w) Ezekiel 36:5. A heart that contains hatred.
x) Matthew 26:38; Mark 14:34. A heart filled with sorrow.
y) Luke 1:47. A heart that rejoices in Saviour God.
z) John 14:27. Do not let your heart be troubled or afraid.
(This QT teaches me some Owned Conditions Of The Human Heart)
PRAYER: For a heart that is fully open to God.
'Owned Conditions Of The Human Heart (2)'
a) Romans 1:9. A heart that wholeheartedly serves God.
b) 2 Corinthians 2:4. A heart that is very troubled and unhappy.
c) 2 Corinthians 6:13. A heart that is open to other people.
d) 2 Corinthians 12:21. A heart that is changed to turn from sin.
e) Philippians 1:7; Colossians 2:5. A heart that cares for other people.
f) Philemon 1:20. A heart that needs to be refreshed.
(Through this Second one I find more Owned Conditions Of The Human Heart)
PRAYER: For a heart that is restored from all trouble and unhappiness.
A very necessary Prayer to pray is for a heart that is fully open to God. It seems to me that when people's hearts are inclined to be 'closed' to God that their invisible and even visible problems mount up. The first way in which our hearts need to be 'open' is being 'open' to God. As in the picture, when our hearts are open, we can follow God's Way.
Friday, March 29, 2019
The Dead Rise Again!
'The Dead Rise Again.'
Mark 12:26-27.
a) "Now, about the dead rising -
b) "Have you not read in the Book of Moses,
c) "In the account of the Burning Bush,
d) "How God said to him:
e) " 'I am the God of:
f) "He is not the God of the dead,
g) "But of the living,
h) "You are badly mistaken."
(This QT assures me that The Dead Rise Again)
PRAY: For confident trust in the Resurrection.
'Understanding And Joy.'
Acts 2:28.
a) You have made known to me
b) The paths of life;
c) You will fill me with Joy
d) In Your Presence.
(Through this Second one I know that the Lord gives Understanding And Joy)
PRAY: To know the paths of life.
God said, and still says of Himself: "I am God". He is not the God of the dead, He is the God of the living. When we only consider Him as a God of History, a God for times past, we are really making a big mistake. God is a God Who is alive today, He still gives understanding and joy! God wants to make known to us the paths of life now and prepare us for the Resurrection in the future.
Thursday, March 28, 2019
The Faithfulness Of Father God!
Acts 2:27.
a) For You will not abandon my soul into Hades,
b) Or let Your Holy One
c) See corruption.
(This QT reminds me of The Faithfulness Of Father God)
THANK GOD for His Faithfulness.
'I Shall Not Be Shaken.'
Psalm 16:8.
a) I have set the Lord
b) Always before me;
c) Because He is at my right hand,
d) I shall not be shaken.
(Through this Second one I proclaim that I Shall Not Be Shaken)
THANK GOD that He can stop us being shaken.
The Lord has Promised that we shall not be shaken if we set the Lord always before us. This means that we can and should have an on-going trust of God. His Promises are True and He is our Faithful God. There are many situations in the World today that could potentially shake us, but if we have the Lord with us, we are safe and secure.
The Garden!
'The Garden.'
a) Song of Solomon 5:1. Was a place of Fellowship and Love.
b) 2 Kings 21:18. Was a place of burial for kings.
c) Song of Solomon 6:2. Was a place of pleasant fragrance.
d) John 19:41. Was the place of burial for the Lord.
e) Genesis 2:16; Song of Solomon 4:16. Was a place of provision for food.
f) Song of Solomon 4:15; Genesis 13:10. There may be a spring of water there.
g) Jeremiah 29:5 & 28; Amos 9:14. Needs to be cultivated and some of its produce eaten.
h) Genesis 3:8. The Lord God walked in it.
i) Genesis 2:8. The Lord planted a garden in Eden.
j) Song of Solomon 1:14. There may be a garden in the desert.
k) Song of Solomon 8:13. A place where one could sit.
l) Jeremiah 31:12. A joyful life is like a lush garden.
m) Amos 4:9. May be used as a form of punishment by the Lord.
n) John 18:1. Jesus went into a garden with His Disciples.
(This QT teaches me some details about The Garden)
THANK GOD: For the Garden because many people do not have one.
'Because David Saw The Lord.'
Acts 2:26.
a) His heart was glad.
b) His tongue rejoiced.
c) His body lived in Hope.
(Through this Second one I can see what happened Because David Saw The Lord)
PRAY: For a glad heart.
We should be grateful to God for His Provision for our daily food. Do we ever consider that gratefulness? There is a very large sphere of Provision from the Lord. God's original intention was for just and fair distribution of that food, but man, because of his greed, has forced the distribution to be unequal, causing relatively few people to have an abundance whilst many are living in hunger.
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
The Sadducees Greatly Mistaken Question!
'The Sadducees' Greatly Mistaken Question.'
Mark 12:19-25.
a) Mark 12:19. The Law regarding the death of a man who dies childless.
b) Mark 12:20-22. One by one the seven brothers had her as wife, but there were no children.
c) Mark 12:23. The Sadducees' Question: "In the Resurrection, whose wife will she be? All seven brothers had her as wife?"
d) Mark 12:24. Jesus told them their real problem, they did not know the Scriptures or the Power of God.
e) Mark 12:25. In the Resurrection we are like the Angels in Heaven, there is no marriage any more.
(This QT opens The Sadducees' Greatly Mistaken Question)
PRAY: To answer people's questions about Faith well.
'The Source Of Real Security.'
Acts 2:25.
a) David said about the Lord:
b) "I know that the Lord is always with me.
c) "He is at my right hand,
d) "I will always be secure."
(Through this Second one I find The Source Of Real Security)
THANK GOD: That He Promises to be with us.
When we read of some family situations in history, even in the Holy Bible, we can read of what are called today dysfunctional families. The Gospel Message, as preached today tells us that "God Loves Families"! This means that not only the "healthy" families can come to the Lord, but also the dysfunctional ones. God can restore dysfunctional families and bring wholeness into family relationships.
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
A Definite Plan Of God!
'A Definite Plan Of God.'
Acts 2:23.
a) Jesus was handed over
b) By God's set Plan and Foreknowledge,
c) And you,
d) By the hands of the lawless,
e) Put Him to death
f) By nailing Him to the Cross.
(This QT reveals A Definite Plan Of God)
PRAY: Thanking God for the Cross of Jesus Christ, a part of His Definite Plan.
'God Raised Him Up'
Acts 2:24.
a) But God raised Him up again,
b) Putting to death the agony of death,
c) Since it was impossible for Him
d) To be held by its power.
(Through this Second one I believe that God Raised Him Up)
PRAY: Thanking God for the Resurrection of His Son - Jesus Christ, and all that it means for us.
Jesus Christ was handed over from the court to the executioner. This was a very awful act, but it was all a part of God's Loving Redemption for humankind. He was sentenced unjustly and taken to be crucified. Until today, there are people in prison all over the World unjustly, simply because of their Faith or their Ministry, we should pray for them. This QT text is repeated today, it reveals the 'other side of the story'.
Monday, March 25, 2019
The Wind And The Beloved!
'The Wind And The Beloved.'
Song of Solomon 4:16.
a) The "Wind that blows" is the Holy Spirit.
b) The "Garden" is the Believer's Sanctified life.
c) The perfumes are the Presence and Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
d) The fruits are the Fruit of the Holy Spirit.
e) The Beloved is the Lord Himself.
(This QT teaches me about The Wind And The Beloved)
PRAY: For more of the Fruit of the Holy Spirit to be in our lives personally and in the Churches.
'The Ultimate Result Of Lawlessness.'
Acts 2:23.
a) Christ was delivered up by:
1-The Set Plan of God.
2-The Foreknowledge of God.
3-Lawless men.
b) They crucified Him.
c) They put Him to death.
(This Second one reveals to me The Ultimate Result of Lawlessness)
PRAY: Thank God that He gave His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, to die, taking the punishment for our sins.
We need more of the Beloved Lord in our lives. The manifestation of the Beloved Lord in our lives is by the Fruit of the Holy Spirit. When we are truly filled with the Holy Spirit, His Fruit will be in our lives. I pray that the obvious Fruit of the Holy Spirit will be in our lives today.
Sunday, March 24, 2019
Religious But Hopeless!
'Religious But Hopeless.'
Mark 12:18.
a) Some Sadducees,
b) Who say that people
c) Will never come back to life,
d) Came to Jesus,
e) They asked Him ...
(This QT teaches me about a religious people who are hopeless)
PRAY: That we will not be Religious But Hopeless.
'Through This Man.'
Acts 2:22.
a) "Men of Israel,
b) "Listen to what I say:
c) "Jesus of Nazareth was a Man
d) "Whom God brought to your attention.
e) "You know that
f) "Through this Man
g) "God:
1-Worked miracles.
2-Did amazing things.
3-Gave signs."
(This Second one reveals that both the Divinity And Humanity of God came Through This Man)
PRAY: That, through the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, God's Works will be done in our Church.
It is important that all the Works of the Lord in the Churches are done in His Name and not in the name of any other. No Church, no famous 'evangelist' or television program should use their own name when doing ministry. The Works of the Lord must only be done in His Name. As it says above: "Let God take over". When God takes over, there is no manipulation by human authority effort!
The local Church does not exalt the name of their Pastor, he is simply their precious shepherd, given by the Lord. This same principle needs to be followed wherever the Gospel is preached. We should never exalt a human being, only exalt the Lord Jesus Christ.
Saturday, March 23, 2019
I Will Show Wonders!
'I Will Show Wonders.'
Acts 2:19-20.
a) I will show wonders in the heavens above
b) And signs on the Earth below:
c) Blood.
d) Fire.
e) Vapor of smoke:
f) The Sun shall be turned into darkness,
g) And the moon into blood,
h) Before the Day of the Lord come,
i) That Great and Notable Day.
(This QT reminds me that God says: 'I Will Show Wonders.')
PRAY: To be ready, in our Church, for God to show Wonders
'An Enduring Promise.'
Acts 2:21.
a) And it shall be,
b) That everyone who calls
c) Upon the Name of the Lord
d) Shall be Saved.
(Through this Second one I am Blessed by An Enduring Promise)
PRAY: For people - especially our Beloved ones - to call upon the Name of the Lord and be Saved.
The Promises of God are all True. There have been some 'signs in the skies' regarding the Second Coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Just like any other 'signs' mentioned in the Word of God, these 'signs' are not given by God simply to attract us - they are given by God to remind us that the Lord Jesus Christ is coming again. As per the picture above, just like the plants grow and are clearly seen through the snow, so the 'signs' of our Lord's Second Coming will be clearly seen and not be spurious.
Friday, March 22, 2019
A Refreshing Personality!
'A Refreshing Personality.'
Song Of Solomon 4:15.
a) A garden fountain.
b) A well of flowing water.
c) Water streaming down from Lebanon's mountains.
(This QT is a lovely description of A Refreshing Personality)
PRAY: For the person that we project toward other people to be A Refreshing Personality.
'When The Holy Spirit Is Poured Out.'
Acts 2:18.
a) I will even
b) Pour out My Spirit
c) On My Servants
d) In those days,
e) Both men and women
f) And they will prophesy.
(Through this Second one I can find one result (of many) that occurs When The Holy Spirit Is Poured Out)
PRAY: For the Holy Spirit to be poured out in your Church, Family and Personal Life.
I would really like to be called "a well of flowing water"! That is a very good description of a lovely personality in the Lord! We are called, as True Believers, to be "life-givers". Whether young or old, healthy or ill, we are to be "a well of flowing water" towards other people. This personality does not depend on outward circumstances, it depends on a personal relationship with God. When we consider today's QT we can well understand Jesus' Teaching about "rivers of living water" flowing out from us when we are filled with Holy Spirit. Some of us may be "walking a lonely road" for our lives at the present time, just like the road in the picture. If this is the case ... keep going ... you will find a well where there is refreshment and fellowship.
Thursday, March 21, 2019
Do It Properly!
'Do It Properly.'
Mark 12:17.
a) Then Jesus said to them,
b) "Give back to Caesar what is Caesar's
c) "And to God what is God's."
d) And they were amazed at Him.
(This QT reminds me that, when handling what is ours, we should Do It Properly)
PRAY: For our personal stewardship, that we will Do It Properly.
'A Declaration From God.'
Acts 2:17.
a) "And in the Last Days it shall be,"
b) God declares,
c) "That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh,
d) "And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
e) "And your young men shall see visions,
f) "And your old men shall dream dreams."
(Through this Second one I find A Declaration From God)
PRAY: For an outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon our Churches.
The Study of the Gospels can be a wise and fruitful thing to do. If you have come to the end of a Bible Study Plan and you do not know what to do next, I suggest that you Study the Gospels: Mark, John, Luke, Matthew. This may take some time but can have a fruitful effect on our lives.
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
All According To God's Word!
'All According To God's Word.'
Acts 2:16.
a) But this is
b) What was spoken
c) By the Prophet Joel.
(Through this QT I understand that the Pentecostal outpouring of the Holy Spirit was All According To God's Word)
PRAY: For our Faith to be grounded All According To God's Word.
Numbers 21:5.
a) And the people
b) Spoke against God and against Moses:
c) "Why have you brought us up out of Egypt
d) "To die in the wilderness?
e) "For there is no food
f) "And no water,
g) "And our soul loathes this worthless bread."
(This Second one reminds me that God's Old Testament People were Complainers)
PRAY: That we shall not be Complainers.
The Word of God is always True, this is why we should read it, or have it read to us if we cannot read. The Spoken Message, whether it be live in Church, or through a TV program, or a recording, is not always 100% true and must be measured by the Bible. If we are True Believers, our own personal Bible Reading, in our first and natural language, is always best. All of us can test the spoken Message with the Word of God.
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
a) Song of Solomon 4:14; Proverbs 7:17. Has a romantic fragrance.
b) Revelation 18:12-14. Can be found in the market (for culinary use).
c) Exodus 30:22-24. Was an ingredient of the anointing oil.
(This QT shows me the uses of one of my favorite spices - Cinnamon)
PRAY: For skill in discovering uses of Cinnamon.
'A Prophet.'
a) 1 Samuel 9:9. A Seer, who had the Word of the Lord.
b) Deuteronomy 18:18; 1 Kings 13:20; 14:18. Have God's Words in their mouth.
c) Exodus 15:20; Luke 2:36. May be female.
d) Deuteronomy 18:15 & 18; 1 Samuel 3:20. Is raised up in their ministry by the Lord God.
e) Deuteronomy 18:20 & 22. Must never be presumptuous in their ministry.
f) Judges 6:8. Is sent by the Lord.
g) 1 Samuel 10:10-11. May serve as a part of a "team ministry".
h) 2 Samuel 12:25. Sometimes give names for children.
i) 1 Kings 18:4. Sometimes lives a hazardous life.
j) 1 Kings 18:13. At times need to be hidden and protected.
k) 1 Kings 18:36. Prays with spiritual authority.
l) 2 Kings 17:13; Nehemiah 9:30. May be used by the Lord to warn God's People.
m) Jeremiah 14:15. Must be sent by the Lord.
n) Jeremiah 27:18; 42:2. Are Intercessors.
o) Jeremiah 36:8. Turn to the Word of the Lord.
p) Jeremiah 37:2. Need to be heard when they have the Word of the Lord.
q) Ezekiel 13:3. Must not be foolish.
r) Micah 3:11. Should not act like "fortune tellers".
s) Matthew 5:12. Is sometimes persecuted.
t) Luke 1:70. Are holy people.
u) John 9:17. Jesus Christ was sometimes (mistakenly) seen as a "prophet who heals".
v) Acts 11:27. Sometimes ministered as a team.
w) 1 John 4:1. Beware of false prophets.
(This Second one gives me more understanding about the life of A Prophet)
Especially, the Ministry of the New Testament Prophet is a gift from the Lord for God's People (the Church). The Message of the New Testament Gift of Prophecy is for edification, exhortation and comfort. There is a Ministry Gift Prophet, who is given to the Church, telling forth the Word of God. There should be absolutely no similarity between the Biblical New Testament Prophet and the "fortune teller"!
Monday, March 18, 2019
Jesus Taught With Illustrations!
'Jesus Taught With Illustrations.'
Mark 12:16.
a) They handed Jesus a coin.
b) Jesus said: "This engraving -
c) "Who does it look like?
d) "And whose name is on it?"
e) "Caesar" they said.
(This QT reminds me that Jesus Taught With Illustrations)
PRAY: For good Bible Teaching to be in our Churches.
'Refute The Accusing Lies.'
Acts 2:15.
a) "These people aren't drunk
b) "As some of you suspect.
c) "They haven't had time to get drunk,
d) "It's only nine-o-clock in the morning."
(Through this Second one I have confidence to Refute The Accusing Lies)
PRAY: To Refute The Accusing Lies.
We are always to pray for and respect our National Leaders, or the Leaders of the Nation that we may be visiting or residing in. The Bible tells us to Pray for National Leaders. Whether these Leaders are "good" or "bad" in our eyes, we must remember that it is God Who has put them there.
Sunday, March 17, 2019
The Word - The Lord Jesus Christ!
'The Word - The Lord Jesus Christ.'
John 1:1.
a) In the Beginning was the Word,
b) And the Word was with God,
c) And the Word was God.
(Through this QT I Believe in the Word - The Lord Jesus Christ)
PRAY: To Trust fully in the Word - The Lord Jesus Christ.
'Jesus' Prayer For Glorification.'
John 17:5.
a) "And now,
b) "Father,
c) "Glorify Me in Your Presence
d) "With the Glory I had with You
e) "Before the World existed."
(This Second one is Jesus' Prayer For Glorification)
PRAY: To Believe the Word of God.
Jesus sets a very good example for us in His Prayers to the Father. Even when He taught His disciples to Pray, He taught them to Pray to our Father! There are so many kinds of Prayer that may be prayed. If we are not sure how to Pray, it is good to read the Gospels and to study the prayers of Jesus Christ. These prayers of Jesus Christ are surely good model Prayers for us. Just as the men in the picture can teach us to cook, Jesus Christ our Lord can teach us to Pray.
A Fruitful Church!
'A Fruitful Church!'
Song of Solomon 4:13.
a) There the plants flourish.
b) They grow like an orchard of pomegranate trees
c) And bear the finest fruits.
d) There is no lack of henna and nard.
(This QT reminds me about A Fruitful Church)
PRAY: For our local Churches to be Fruitful.
'Please Listen Carefully.'
Acts 2:14.
a) Peter stood up with the eleven,
b) Peter raised his voice,
c) And proclaimed to them:
d) "Fellow Jews and all you residents of Jerusalem,
e) Let me explain this to you
f) And pay attention to my words."
(This Second one reminds me of an important part of Church Worship: Please Listen Carefully {to both the ministers and the Lord} God wants to speak to us)
PRAY: For ears to hear the Word of the Lord.
Spiritually healthy Churches will grow continually in different ways and will eventually produce more healthy Churches. The healthy Church consists of a majority of spiritually healthy True Believers. The desire of a spiritually healthy Church to produce other Churches is a correct and Biblical desire. In most Nations of the World there is still plenty of room for spiritually healthy "Church planting" ministry. {This means going to a place where there is no Biblical and spiritually healthy Church and planting one.) There are different ways in which a Church may be "planted". Of one thing I am sure, planting a local Church should never harm an already existing healthy (or functioning) local Church. There should never be a "competing for souls" between Churches in the same locality.
Saturday, March 16, 2019
A Trick Hypocritical Question!
'A Trick Hypocritical Question.'
Mark 12:14-15.
a) And they came and said to Him:
b) "Teacher, we know that You are True
c) "And do not care about anyone's opinion.
d) " For You are not swayed by appearances,
e) "But truly Teach the Way of God.
f) "Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar, or not?
g) "Should we pay them? Or should we not?"
h) But, knowing their hypocrisy,
i) He said to them: "Why put Me to the test?...
(This QT reveals to me A Trick Hypocritical Question)
PRAYER: For Wisdom when people ask us A Trick Hypocritical Question.
'Heart Is More Important Than Words.'
Psalm 55:21.
a) The words of his mouth were smoother than butter,
b) But war was in his heart:
c) His words were softer than oil,
d) Yet they were drawn swords.
(Through this Second one I know that Heart Is More Important Than Words)
PRAYER: For our emotional heart to be in good condition.
Unless we are talking with family members, or with the closest of friends, we always need to be cautious about how we respond to the words that are being spoken to us. We should not be drawn into the trap of unnecessarily mistrusting people or getting into a divisive situation or attitude. God teaches us, not only how to speak, but also how to listen.
Friday, March 15, 2019
The Lord Is A Kind Healer!
'The Lord Is A Kind Healer.'
Isaiah 57:18-19.
a) "I have seen their ways
b) "But I will heal them;
c) "I will guide them
d) "And restore comfort to Israel's mourners,
e) "Creating Praise on their lips.
f) "Peace, Peace, to those far and near,"
g) Says the Lord.
h) "And I will heal them."
(This QT reveals the Lord's Heart to Heal, Guide and give Peace)
PRAY: For a greater understanding of the Lord's Heart.
'God Can Do Anything.'
Micah 5:2.
a) But you,
b) O Bethlehem Ephrathah,
c) Who are too little to be among the clans of Judah,
d) From you shall come forth for Me
e) One Who is to be Ruler in Israel,
f) Whose coming forth is from old,
g) From ancient days.
(This Second one reminds me that God Can Do Anything)
PRAY: Submitting to the Lord our Ruler.
This QT reminds me that the Lord also considers the small Nations and the insignificant people. He really can use anywhere and anyone. Even until today, we can see the Lord's Hands on insignificant Nations and people. We should never despise insignificant Nations and Peoples.
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
The Personal Part!
'The Personal Part.'
Song of Solomon 4:12.
a) A garden locked
b) Is my sister, my bride,
c) A spring enclosed,
d) A sealed fountain.
e) Proverbs 5:15. Drink water from your own cistern, flowing water from your own well.
(This QT teaches me about The Personal Part of the bride's life)
PRAY: For the brides-to-be in your family and Church. Those who are now preparing for their marriage.
'Accusing Their Exuberance.'
Acts 2:13.
a) But other people mocking,
b) Made fun of them and said:
c) "They are filled with new wine."
(Through this Second one I can see the onlookers at the Early Church Believers Accusing Their Exuberance)
PRAY: For wise and godly behaviour when you are filled with the Holy Spirit.
A spring enclosed is a very lovely thing: its waters are fresh and kept clean because this spring is not for public use, it is only for the one on whose property it flows. There is something very special about the spring enclosed: being around it, drinking from it and even bathing in it are are lovely and even exhilarating experiences.
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
Pharisees And Herodians!
'Pharisees And Herodians.'
Mark 12:13.
a) And they sent some of the
b) Pharisees and Herodians to Him (the Lord)
c) So that they could
d) Catch Him in His Words.
(This QT reveals the cunning nastiness of the Pharisees And Herodians, they were enemies of Jesus)
PRAY: For God's Protection for His Servants from the subtle actions of the enemies of Jesus.
'What Can This Mean?'
Acts 2:12.
a) They were all amazed
b) And greatly perplexed,
c) Saying to one another:
d) "What can this mean?"
(This Second one reveals to me the response of many people to the manifestations of the Holy Spirit: "What Can This Mean?")
PRAY: For the people to pay attention when the Holy Spirit is poured out in our Churches.
Sometimes cunning and religious people come into our Churches with cunning nastiness, they want to trap and bring down the Servants of the Lord. It happened to Jesus, it happened in the early (New Testament) Church and it still happens today. We need to pray for the protection of the Church Leadership wherever we live.
Monday, March 11, 2019
No One Else Can Save Us!
'No One Else Can Save Us.'
Acts 4:12.
a) No one else can save us.
b) Indeed,
c) We can be Saved
d) Only by the Power
e) Of the One Named Jesus
f) And not by any other person.
(This QT reminds me that No One Else Can Save Us)
PRAY: For our Christian family members and Church members to have Assurance of Salvation.
'Just Like Any Other God-sourced Miracle.'
Acts 2:8-11.
a) Acts 2:8. Why do we hear them speaking with our own native dialects?
b) Acts 2:9-11. We are:
We are from:
9-Cyrene in Libia.
10-Jewish people.
11-Jewish converts.
12-Visitors from Rome.
13-Visitors from Crete.
14-Visitors from Arabia.
c) Acts 2:11. We hear these men in our own languages
d) Acts 2:11. As they tell about the Miracles that God has done.
(Through this Second one I can see that this was Just Like Any Other God-sourced Miracle)
PRAY: For God-sourced miracles to be manifested in our Churches.
This was an amazing miracle, given by God, for the extension of His Kingdom in the early New Testament times. These early Disciples of the Lord were speaking of the wonderful works of God in languages that they had never properly learned. These languages were well understood by the hearers. This was indeed a real miracle from God.
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The Christian Life!
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