The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Thursday, March 28, 2019
The Garden!
'The Garden.'
a) Song of Solomon 5:1. Was a place of Fellowship and Love.
b) 2 Kings 21:18. Was a place of burial for kings.
c) Song of Solomon 6:2. Was a place of pleasant fragrance.
d) John 19:41. Was the place of burial for the Lord.
e) Genesis 2:16; Song of Solomon 4:16. Was a place of provision for food.
f) Song of Solomon 4:15; Genesis 13:10. There may be a spring of water there.
g) Jeremiah 29:5 & 28; Amos 9:14. Needs to be cultivated and some of its produce eaten.
h) Genesis 3:8. The Lord God walked in it.
i) Genesis 2:8. The Lord planted a garden in Eden.
j) Song of Solomon 1:14. There may be a garden in the desert.
k) Song of Solomon 8:13. A place where one could sit.
l) Jeremiah 31:12. A joyful life is like a lush garden.
m) Amos 4:9. May be used as a form of punishment by the Lord.
n) John 18:1. Jesus went into a garden with His Disciples.
(This QT teaches me some details about The Garden)
THANK GOD: For the Garden because many people do not have one.
'Because David Saw The Lord.'
Acts 2:26.
a) His heart was glad.
b) His tongue rejoiced.
c) His body lived in Hope.
(Through this Second one I can see what happened Because David Saw The Lord)
PRAY: For a glad heart.
We should be grateful to God for His Provision for our daily food. Do we ever consider that gratefulness? There is a very large sphere of Provision from the Lord. God's original intention was for just and fair distribution of that food, but man, because of his greed, has forced the distribution to be unequal, causing relatively few people to have an abundance whilst many are living in hunger.
The Christian Life!
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