The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Friday, November 9, 2018
What Kind Of Mouth Do We Have?
'What Kind Of Mouth Do We Have?
a) Exodus 4:15; Psalm 78:1. A teacher's mouth.
b) Numbers 22:38; 23:12; 1 Kings 17:24. A mouth committed to the Word of the Lord.
c) Job 6:30. A mouth that discerns malice.
d) Job 8:21. A mouth filled with laughter.
e) Job 15:5. A mouth prompted by sin.
f) Job 16:5. A mouth that brings encouragement and comfort.
g) Psalm 19:14. A mouth that speaks words that please the Lord.
h) Psalm 40:3; 63:5; 119:108. A mouth that sings a new song of Praise to God.
i) Psalm 49:3. A mouth that speaks words of Wisdom.
j) Psalm 54:2. A mouth that prays.
k) Psalm 66:14. A mouth that speaks when we are in trouble.
l) Psalm 66:17. A mouth that cries out to God.
m) Psalm 71:15. A mouth that tells of the Lord's Righteous deeds.
n) Psalm 89:1. A mouth that sings of the Lord's Great Love.
o) Psalm 109:30. A mouth that greatly extols the Lord.
p) Psalm 141:3. A mouth guarded by the Lord.
q) Psalm 145:21. A mouth that speaks in Praise of the Lord.
r) Proverbs 4:24. A mouth free from perversity.
s) Proverbs 6:12. A corrupt mouth.
t) Proverbs 8:7. A mouth that speaks the Truth.
u) Proverbs 8:8. A mouth that speaks only just words.
v) Proverbs 10:11. A mouth that is a fountain of life.
w) Proverbs 10:14. A mouth that invites ruin.
x) Proverbs 10:31. A mouth that produces the fruit of Wisdom.
y) Proverbs 14:3. A mouth that lashes out with pride.
z) Proverbs 18:20. Words that, when spoken, will eventually fill the stomach.
(This QT makes me think: What Kind Of Mouth Do I Have?)
PRAY: For our words to be pleasing to the Lord.
'What Kind Of Mouth Do We Have? (2)
a) Proverbs 26:28. A flattering mouth.
b) Proverbs 27:2. A mouth that does not praise self.
c) Ecclesiastes 5:2. A mouth that does not give quick answers.
d) Ecclesiastes 5:6. A mouth that does not lead us into sin.
e) Isaiah 37:29. An angry and rude mouth corrected by God.
f) Isaiah 49:2. A mouth like a sharpened sword.
g) Isaiah 51:16. A mouth that speaks God's Words.
h) Jeremiah 1:9. A mouth touched by the Lord.
i) Jeremiah 5:14. A mouth that speaks God's fiery Word.
j) Ezekiel 3:27. A mouth opened by the Lord.
k) Malachi 2:6&7. A mouth that speaks true instruction.
l) Matthew 12:34; Luke 6:45. The mouth speaks what the heart is full of.
m) Romans 10:10. A mouth that professes Faith and Salvation.
n) 2 Thessalonians 2:15. The mouth of a Bible Teacher.
o) James 3:10. The incorrect mouth that both blesses and curses.
p) Revelation 13:5. A mouth that utters proud words.
(This Second one continues with the same challenging theme: What Kind Of Mouth Do I Have?)
PRAY: That our mouths will not lead us into sin.
If a Believer has an angry or rude mouth I know that this sin and problem can be corrected by God. The solution is very simple, it starts with confession to God. We ask Him to cleanse us and forgive us for all the angry and rude words that we have spoken, all our words that have hurt others and have been displeasing to God.
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