The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
Church Or Family: We Need Our Shepherd!
'Church Or Family: We Need Our Shepherd.'
a) Song of Solomon 4:2. Sheep need to be:
2-Washed. (Genesis 29:2)
3-Together. (Ezekiel 34:5)
b) Genesis 12:16. Abram was given sheep.
c) Genesis 29:6 & 9. The shepherd was sometimes female.
d) Genesis 29:7 & 8. Sheep need to be watered and pastured.
e) 2 Chronicles 18:16. Sheep that have no shepherd get scattered.
f) Psalm 23:1; 28:9; Isaiah 40:11. The Lord is our Shepherd.
g) Psalm 78:72. The shepherd needs integrity and skill.
h) Jeremiah 3:15; 23:4. True shepherds are the Gift of God.
i) Jeremiah 10:21. When shepherds do not seek the Lord they become stupid and do not prosper.
j) Jeremiah 49:19. No shepherd can stand against the Lord.
k) Jeremiah 50:6. Some shepherds lead their sheep astray.
l) Ezekiel 34:2 & 8. Some shepherds feed themselves but not their flocks.
m) Ezekiel 34:7. Shepherds need to hear the Word of the Lord.
n) Ezekiel 34:10. The Lord sometimes removes shepherds from their work.
o) Ezekiel 34:12. A real shepherd cares for the flock.
p) Micah 5:4. True shepherds need the strength of the Lord.
q) Micah 7:14. The Lord shepherds His People with His Scepter.
r) Nahum 3:18. When shepherds sleep the people scatter.
s) Zechariah 10:2. Sheep get afflicted when there is no shepherd.
t) John 10:14; Hebrews 13:20; 1 Peter 2:25. The Lord Jesus is the Good Shepherd.
u) Acts 20:28; 1 Peter 5:2. The Church of God needs shepherds.
(This QT reminds me that: Church Or Family: We Need Our Shepherd)
PRAY: For your Church Shepherds.
'Alive To God.'
Romans 6:11.
a) Consider yourselves
b) To be dead to sin,
c) But alive to God
d) In Christ Jesus.
(Because of this Second one I remember that I am Alive To God)
PRAY: To be alert: Alive To God.
There are some Shepherds of God's People who are asleep. This is not sleep because of hard work, this is sleep because of depression and discouragement. Such Shepherds need humbly to find fellow ministers and friends to help them and not stay stuck in the depressive sleep. God's People should always be praying for their Shepherds.
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