The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Make No Obstacle For Anyone!
'Make No Obstacle For Anyone.'
2 Corinthians 6:3.
a) We live in such a way
b) That no one will stumble because of us.
c) And no one
d) Will find fault with our ministry.
(This QT calls me to Make No Obstacle For Anyone)
PRAY: Not to be an obstacle for anyone.
'A Positive Solution.'
Ezekiel 18:31.
a) Cast away from you all the transgressions that you have committed,
b) And make yourselves a new heart
c) And a new spirit.
d) Why will you die
e) O House of Israel?
(Through this Second one I see A Positive Solution)
PRAY: For A Positive Solution.
We should live in response to all that the Lord has done for us. This is the only way in which we can progress along the pathway that the Lord has for us to walk along. If we lose sight of what the Lord has done, we tend to wander off the pathway. We need to continue to walk by Faith.
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
A Pure And Lovely Wedding Day!
'A Pure And Lovely Wedding Day.'
Song of Solomon 3:11.
a) Young women of Zion,
b) Come out and look at King Solomon!
c) Look at his crown,
d) The crown his mother placed on him
e) On his wedding day,
f) His day of joyful delight.
(This QT reveals A Pure And Lovely Wedding Day)
PRAY: For those people you know that are getting married soon.
'A New Heart.'
Ezekiel 36:26.
a) God can give us a New Heart.
b) God can put a New Spirit within us.
c) God can remove our stubborn heart.
d) God can give us an obedient heart.
(Through this Second one I thank God for His Gift for us of A New Heart)
PRAY: For a new heart if we know that we need one.
It seemed that, in the Old Testament days, the young women of Zion, even though they came from good Jewish families, were also well cared for in the environment in which they lived. Family cared for them and society cared about them. If the young women in the Churches today were well loved and cared for in both family and Church, there would be far fewer broken hearts all round!
Monday, October 29, 2018
Good Fathers Esteem And Protect Their Daughters!
'Good Fathers Esteem And Protect Their Daughters.'
Genesis 34:1-3.
a) Genesis 34:1. This was Dinah's honourable intention. She wanted to visit the women of the land.
b) Genesis 34:2. Shechem, the son of a provincial ruler, did evil to her.
c) Genesis 34:3. Shechem's heart was not right.
(This QT reminds me that Good Fathers Esteem And Protect Their Daughters, Dinah was not properly protected.)
PRAY: For lovely and good families to be in your Church and Community.
'They Do Not Know God.'
1 John 4:8.
a) Anyone who does not love
b) Does not know God,
c) For God is love.
(Through this Second one I understand that They Do Not Know God)
PRAY: For Love to be a major part of the life of your Church.
In several Nations there are now specific ministries that reach out to the fathers in the Churches. This is a very positive idea and quite an effective ministry. When Church families are in good condition, it means that in some way, they are experiencing the Blessing of the Lord. One of the most effective witnesses of the Lord in the Church is the family witness. Unchurched families are more likely to come to Church if they can see wholesome families in the Church.
Sunday, October 28, 2018
The Desire For Mobility!
'The Desire For Mobility.'
Song of Solomon 3:9-10.
a) King Solomon made for himself a carriage/sedan chair.
b) It was made from the trees of Lebanon.
c) Its:-
1-Posts were made of silver,
2-Back was made of gold.
3-Seat was purple.
4-interior was lovingly inlaid by the daughters of Jerusalem.
(This QT proves to me that even Royalty has The Desire For Mobility)
PRAY: For those people in our Family and Church who may be immobile.
'God's Work.'
Genesis 1:31.
Genesis 1:31.
a) God saw everything that He had made,
b) And it was very good.
c) And there was evening,
d) And there was morning -
e) The sixth day.
(Through this Second one I Praise God for His Work)
PRAY: To understand, and have a revelation of, God's Work.
Whatever God does is very good. He is Eternally Changeless. He says of Himself: 'I do not change!' That is why, when we come to God in Prayer, we can trust Him. To be sure, we will not always understand Him and we never will! BUT we can and should trust Him. Our Prayer time is a very important part of our relationship with God. To be sure, the enemy of our souls will try to deprive us of our personal time with God. Keep on coming to God in Prayer!
c) And there was evening,
d) And there was morning -
e) The sixth day.
(Through this Second one I Praise God for His Work)
PRAY: To understand, and have a revelation of, God's Work.
Whatever God does is very good. He is Eternally Changeless. He says of Himself: 'I do not change!' That is why, when we come to God in Prayer, we can trust Him. To be sure, we will not always understand Him and we never will! BUT we can and should trust Him. Our Prayer time is a very important part of our relationship with God. To be sure, the enemy of our souls will try to deprive us of our personal time with God. Keep on coming to God in Prayer!
Solomon's Beautiful Palanquin!
'Solomon's Beautiful Palanquin.'
Song of Solomon 3:9-10.
(A Palanquin is a beautiful enclosed carriage.)
a) Pillars of silver.
b) Support of gold.
c) Seat of purple.
d) Interior paved with love by the daughters of Jerusalem.
(Through this QT I can see Solomon's Beautiful Palanquin)
PRAYER: For the Leaders of your Nation.
'Incredible Love.'
2 Corinthians 5:21.
a) For He made Him
b) Who knew no sin
c) To be sin for us,
d) That we might become
e) The Righteousness of God
f) In Him.
(This Second one reminds me of God's Incredible Love)
PRAYER: Thank God for His Incredible Love.
The Lord Jesus Christ was and is the Spotless Lamb of God. He knew no sin, He did no sin, and yet, in His Humanity He took our sins upon Himself. He became the Sacrifice for our sins, that, through His Suffering and Death He paid the price to redeem us from the penalty for our sins. It is through Believing in Him and receiving Him personally as our Lord and Saviour that we can experience God's Great Gift of Salvation.
Friday, October 26, 2018
The Most Important Message!
'The Most Important Message.'
2 Corinthians 6:1-2.
a) This is the Message from the Workers of the Lord.
b) The Lord says:
1-In an acceptable time
2-I have heard you,
3-And in the Day of Salvation
4-I have helped you.
c) Behold, now is the Accepted Time;
d) Behold, now is the Day of Salvation.
(This QT reveals The Most Important Message)
PRAY: For the Ministers in your Church to have The Most Important Message.
'God's Workers.'
a) 2 Corinthians 5:18. Have the Ministry of Reconciliation.
b) 2 Corinthians 5:19. Have the Word of Reconciliation.
c) 2 Corinthians 5:20. Implore the Church, on Christ's behalf to be reconciled to God.
d) 1 Corinthians 3:9. Are God's Fellow Workers.
(Through this Second one I thank God that I am one of God's Workers)
PRAY: For God's Workers.
We should not receive the Grace of God in vain. Foremost, as God's Workers, we should never forget the Grace of God. The absolute whole reason we do what we do to serve the Lord is because of the Grace of God. Do not receive the Grace of God in vain.
Thursday, October 25, 2018
Jacob's Altar!
'Jacob's Altar.'
Genesis 33:20.
a) Then Jacob erected an Altar there.
b) And called it:
c) "El Elohe Israel."
d) It means: "God, the God of Israel."
(This QT teaches me about the importance of personal altars - spiritual ones - Jacob's Altar)
PRAY: And establish your Jacob's Altar, your personal one.
'A New Creation.'
2 Corinthians 5:17.
a) Therefore, if anyone is in Christ,
b) He is a New Creation.
c) The old has passed away;
d) Behold,
e) The new has come.
(Through this Second one I thank God that I am in Christ)
PRAY: For personal assurance of being in Christ. [Being A New Creation]
It seems that there was a spiritual principle, in the Old Testament, of naming the places where one had a significant encounter with God. It gives us a helpful example for our lives today, of naming significant places with significant names, usually names from Biblical origin. I know certain men and women of God today who do this.
I am not going to give examples, we know our own relationship with God and our own Prayer Life. We know how, where and when we maintain our personal QT lives.
These Biblically significant places really bring stability to our Spiritual life, both as we come to them, take time in them, and when we look back (remember) on them.
Probably, the most important part of our Spiritual life is our personal relationship with God. Believers who have 'grown up' in their relationship with Him who live mostly in a non-believing environment will value, not only their personal relationship with God but, also, the places where they can enjoy fellowship and participate in mutual Spiritual Life with other Believers.
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Victory In The Night!
To all the people who were praying for me during my recent absence due to a minor successful hospital procedure (hip replacement), I want to express my grateful thanks for your prayers. I value your continued prayer for my complete recovery.
'Victory In The Night.'
Song of Solomon 3:8.
a) Here are Solomon's warriors.
b) They are all skilled in using swords.
c) They are all experienced in combat.
d) Each one has his sword at his side.
e) Each one guards Solomon and his people from the terrors of the night.
(This QT teaches me about Victory In The Night)
PRAY: For Victory In The Night for all those people who find the night - time difficult. Especially those people in your family and Church.
'The First Fruits And Most Important Of All God's Creatures.'
James 1:18.
a) God decided
b) To give us life
c) Through the Word of Truth
d) To make us
e) His most important creatures.
(Through this Second one I understand more about the Grace of God because He has made us The First Fruits And Most Important Of All God's Creatures)
(Pray for the Revelation and Understanding of the fact that we are The First Fruits And Most Important Of All God's Creatures)
Prayer for one another and Prayer for other people is both effective and important. We should be praying for those people who are having various kinds of difficulties. Although we may not understand them, there are, in our Churches some people who find night-time difficult. If we know of such people, our prayers can be so helpful.
Sunday, October 14, 2018
Three Lovely Promises Of God!
'Three Lovely Promises Of God.'
Ezekiel 11:19.
a) Unity - "I will give them one heart."
b) Anointing - "A New Spirit I will put within them." (Ezekiel 36:26)
c) Spiritual and Social Sensitivity - "I will remove the heart of stone from their flesh and give them a heart of flesh."
(This QT reveals Three Lovely Promises Of God)
PRAY: For these Three Lovely Promises Of God to be our life experience.
'With This New Spirit And Heart.'
Ezekiel 36:26-27.
a) We will have a renewed heart and will not be hard-hearted.
b) We will be anointed by the Holy Spirit.
c) We will obey the Lord.
(This Second reveals our life - style With This New Spirit And Heart)
The Promises of God's Word, when relevant for our lives, are for us to Believe. There are many Promises in God's Word, we should not abuse them and Servants of the Lord should not manipulate True Believers with them. One of the dangers of some 'Television Ministries' is the manipulation of simple people, trying to get their money, takes place in their programs. We should avoid such programs and just watch edifying ministry.
Saturday, October 13, 2018
A Policy Of Honesty!
'A Policy Of Honesty.'
Genesis 33:19.
a) For 100 pieces of silver
b) Jacob bought from the sons of Hamor,
c) The father of Shechem
d) The land he camped on.
(This QT reveals A Policy Of Honesty in Jacob's life at that time)
PRAY: That we will be principled people with A Policy Of Honesty.
'A Clear Difference.'
John 3:6.
a) That which is born of the flesh
b) Is flesh,
c) And that which is born of the (Holy) Spirit
d) Is spirit.
(Through this Second one I can see A Clear Difference)
PRAY: To have a clear understanding and confidence that personally you are born of the Holy Spirit. {Jesus our Lord used the Words: "Born Again"}
Jacob bought the land he camped on from the sons of Hamor. This really teaches us that in many ways Jacob had "Godly principles". He did not just move somewhere and not pay anything for it. He wanted to keep a clear conscience with God and man.
Jacob was not an invited guest of the sons of Hamor, nor was he a part of his family. He was just camping!
When we are family, or 'family of God' we can, and should, be free to live as a family but, if we are just living on someone's land, we should be able to pay for it unless the land owner has invited us to be there (even then there needs to be some kind of contract).
This applies very much to people involved in 'mission', having God's Provision does not necessarily mean that there is no need to pay for it, unless the person responsible tells us, with contract, or by agreement, that there is no need to pay.
Friday, October 12, 2018
A Formidable Procession!
'A Formidable Procession.'
Song Of Solomon 3:7.
a) Look,
b) It is Solomon's carriage,
c) Escorted by sixty warriors,
d) The noblest of Israel.
(This QT reveals to me A Formidable Procession)
PRAY: For the National Leaders, wherever we live.
'The Way Of Entry.'
John 3:5.
a) Jesus answered:
b) "Truly, truly, I tell you,
c) "No one can enter the Kingdom of God
d) "Unless he is born of water (natural birth)
e) "And the Spirit (spiritual birth - 'Born Again')
(Through this Second one I can clearly see The Way Of Entry)
PRAY: For our unsaved relatives and friends to find The Way Of Entry.
There are times of National Occasion in most Nations when the Armed Forces make some kind of public display in front of many dignities and their Nation. (We saw this recently on television, a wonderful and powerful military parade from R.o.Korea, which was also attended by many VIPs from other Nations). These parades were celebrated in the Bible Days, also, in the Old Testament and then again during the Roman occupation.
Perhaps the most powerful, yet unimpressive, display that ever affected the human race was one where Jesus walked the lonely Way of Pain and Humiliation, carrying the Cross. It was the kind of display that only the bloodthirsty or demonized people could look at. Normal people could not enjoy this!
When we have our Holy Communion Worship, that is the time to gratefully and worshipfully remember all that Jesus Christ suffered for us at the time of His Humiliation and Crucifixion. It should also be the time when, in some meaningful way, we can respond to this 'Message Of The Cross'. This Holy Communion Worship can and should be a part of the regular Church Worship, it can also be taken at home or at the hospital bedside (if requested by the patient).
Please pray for the elderly and infirm people who need to go outside for some reasons during the severe winter weather, especially those who may be your family members or friends. Pray for their Health and Safety, also, if possible, for someone to assist them on their journeys, however short or long those journeys may be.
Thursday, October 11, 2018
The Promise Of Truthful God!
'The Promise Of A Truthful God.'
Numbers 23:19.
a) God is not a man,
b) That He should lie.
c) God is not the son of a man who changes his mind.
d) What God has said, He will do.
e) When He speaks, He will fulfill it.
(This QT reminds me of God's Character: The Promise Of A Truthful God)
PRAY: Believing the Promises of God.
'God Remains Faithful.'
2 Timothy 2:13.
a) If we are faithless,
b) He remains Faithful -
c) For He cannot deny Himself.
(Through this Second one I know that God Remains Faithful)
PRAY: Thanking God for His Faithfulness.
When God has said it, He will do it. Here is a good test of the person who says: "God has said...". It is a very simple, powerful and truthful test. Every manifestation in the Body of Christ must be open to testing. We are told in the Scripture to test it. The intelligent Believers of the Early New Testament Churches were always advised to test what was spoken to them. We are advised to do the same. When the speaker says: "God says..." We should check it.
Jacob Came Safely And Peacefully!
'Jacob Came Safely And Peacefully.'
Genesis 33:18.
a) And Jacob came safely and peacefully
b) To the City of Shechem,
c) Which is in the land of Canaan,
d) On his way from Paddan-Aram,
e) And he camped before the city.
(This QT encourages me to Pray for every journey that I may take: That I will arrive Safely And Peacefully)
PRAYER: For our next journey to be Safe and Peaceful.
'Three Specific Points Within God's Promise.'
Romans 8:28.
a) And we know that
b) For those WHO LOVE GOD,
(This Second one reveals to me Three Specific Points Within God's Promise)
PRAYER: That I will always remember these Three Specific Points Within God's Promise.
I think it right to Pray, that when we know that we are to take a journey in the Will of God, to Pray that we can arrive at our destination Safely and Peacefully! It is very different when we are taking a journey in the Will of God and just simply taking a journey. Taking a journey in the Will of God is like an "investment in Eternity", there is a sense of purpose and direction about that journey. As I grow older I want to always have assurance that the journeys I take are in the Will of God right from the first thoughts about taking the journey.
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
Coming Out Of The Wilderness!
'Coming Out Of The Wilderness.'
a) Song of Solomon 3:6. The Church, the Body of Christ.
b) Ezekiel 20:10; Luke 3:2; Numbers 1:1. Where God taught us.
c) 1 Samuel 23:14. It was 'home' for David.
d) Psalm 78:15-16. It was a place of miraculous provision.
e) Jeremiah 9:2. Jeremiah had wanted to live in the wilderness.
f) Jeremiah 2:2. A place in which we can seek after the Lord.
g) Psalm 107:4. A lonely place.
h) Joshua 8:15. Can be a way of escape.
i) Psalm 106:9. God led His People through.
j) Numbers 3:4. A place where there is temptation to compromise with impure "worship".
k) Judges 8:7. A place where there are unpleasant thorns.
l) 1 Kings 19:4. A place in which to die.
m) Revelation 12:6. God can prepare a place for us there.
n) Numbers 9:1. A place where God spoke to Moses.
o) 2 Samuel 17:16. It is not a good place to choose to spend a night.
(This QT encourages me always to be Coming Out Of The Wilderness, if I find myself in one)
PRAYER: To come out of, and to keep out of, The Wilderness.
'We Shall Be Like Him.'
1 John 3:2.
a) Beloved,
b) Now we are Children of God;
c) And it has not yet been revealed
d) What we shall be,
e) But we know that,
f) When He is revealed,
g) We shall be like Him.
h) For we shall see Him as He is.
(Through this Second one I have glorious assurance: We Shall Be Like Him)
PRAYER: To keep hold of this glorious assurance.
Yes, there are times that all of us may find ourselves in some kind of 'spiritual wilderness'. When we consider all things, we come to the conclusion that it probably been that God has sent us into the wilderness for a specific reason. Rest assured, He will lead us out and onward towards our 'Promised Land'. The length of time that we remain in the wilderness does not depend on us, but on Him Who led us there. Jesus has been there first and for us! If we are in a wilderness (desert experience), we can expect the Lord to lead us out of it as and when His Purposes are achieved.
Tuesday, October 9, 2018
It Is Impossible For God To Lie!
'It Is Impossible For God To Lie.'
Hebrews 6:18.
a) So God has given both His Promise and His Oath.
b) These two things are unchangeable,
c) For it is impossible for God to lie.
d) Therefore,
e) We who have fled to Him for refuge
f) Can have great confidence
g) As we hold to the Hope
h) Set before us.
(This QT reminds me that It Is Impossible For God To Lie)
PRAYER: To continue to Trust, and take Refuge in, God.
'Who Is This?'
a) Song Of Solomon 3:6. Coming up from the wilderness like columns of fragrant smoke?
b) 1 Samuel 17:26. Uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the Living God?
c) Job 38:2. That darkens counsel by words without knowledge?
d) Psalm 24:8 & 10. King of Glory.
e) Luke 9:9. Who is this, about Whom I hear such things.
f) John 12:34. Who is this Son of Man?
(Through this Second one I pray that God's Truth can answer the question: Who Is This?)
PRAY: For those in our family and Church to ask the question: Who Is This?
Hope is something that we need to hold on to. Faith comes, it comes as we receive the Words of God. Hope is somewhat different. God is the God of Hope, when He gives us Hope, we need to embrace it and make it ours. If we have no Hope to hold on to, we become hopeless.
Monday, October 8, 2018
Have Love For One Another!
Have Love For One Another! |
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a) John 13:35. Your love for one another will prove to the World that you are My Disciples.
b) Acts 4:32. All the Believers were united in heart and mind, and they felt that whatever they owned was not their own, so they shared everything they had.
c) Acts 4:34-35. There were no needy people among them, because those who owned land or houses would sell them and bring the money to the Apostles to give to those people in need.
d) 1 John 3:11. This is the Message that you have heard from the beginning: we should love one another.
PRAYER: That we will have Love for one another in the Body of Christ.
That Person Is A Liar!
1 John 4:20.
a) If someone says: "I love God",
b) But hates a Christian Brother or Sister,
c) That person is a liar,
d) For if we do not love people we can see,
e) How can we love God,
f) Whom we cannot see?
PRAYER: That we will not be hypocritical liars.
On To Succoth!
'On To Succoth.'
Genesis 33:17.
a) Jacob travelled on to Succoth
b) There he built himself a house
c) And he made shelters for his livestock.
d) That is why the place is named "Succoth".
e) Succoth means "shelters".
(This QT reveals a wise move by Jacob... On To Succoth)
PRAY: For Wisdom from God in how and where we live.
'All Creation Is Eagerly Waiting.'
Romans 8:19.
a) All of Creation
b) Waits with eager longing
c) For God
d) To reveal His Children.
(Through this Second one I understand that All Creation Is Eagerly Waiting)
PRAY: To wait with expectant Faith for God to reveal His Children.
Jacob was a wise and Godly man. He was a good steward of what God had given to him. He went to a place where he could dwell safely. It was a sheltered place. He also looked after all that the Lord have given to him and Blessed him with. He wanted to wisely live in a 'sheltered place'.
It is much better living in a God-given place of safety and security than to be living in a place where we cannot relax and are continually trying to protect ourselves and our family. Unless God calls us to a specific place for a specific ministry and a specific length of time, it is much better for us to live in a God-given place of safety and security. Please note that God does not always call us all to specific places, ministries and seasons, it is "spiritual romanticism" to believe that He does.
We should be:
2-Secure in God's Provision and Blessing.
3-In a safe environment if it is possible. (Unless God is really leading us otherwise)
Whoever we may be, whatever our calling from God may be, we have a Biblical injunction, as far as is possible, to raise our family well if we have one and to live in the best possible and most practical environment.
Sacrifice in serving God does not necessarily mean sacrificing the security, safety and happiness of our own family first. Sacrifice in serving God means the sacrificing of our will to the Will of God, whatever that may be.
Sunday, October 7, 2018
Confess And Acknowledge The Lord Before Men!
'Confess And Acknowledge The Lord Before Men.'
Matthew 10:32.
a) Everyone therefore,
b) Who acknowledges Me before others,
c) I also will acknowledge
d) Before My Father which is in Heaven.
(Through this QT I understand that it is sometimes right to Confess And Acknowledge The Lord Before Men)
PRAY: For our personal Testimony.
'Tell It As It Is.'
Acts 20:27.
a) For I did not shrink
b) From declaring to you
c) The whole purpose of God.
(This Second one encourages me to Tell It As It Is)
PRAY: For our personal sharing of the Word of God.
We should be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and also to the person or people that we may be talking with when we share God's Words with them. Some people are put off because of insensitive sharing of God's Words by well-meaning Christians. My plea is: Please be sensitive!
A Lovely Commandment!
'A Lovely Commandment.'
John 13:34.
a) A New Commandment I give to you,
b) That you love one another: (1 John 3:11)
c) Just as I have loved you,
d) You also are to love one another.
(This QT teaches me A Lovely Commandment)
PRAY: That Churches will learn A Lovely Commandment.
'Inherit The Kingdom.'
Matthew 25:34.
a) Then the King will say to those on His Right:
b) "Come,
c) "You who are Blessed by My Father,
d) "Inherit the Kingdom prepared for you
e) "From the foundation of the World."
(Through this Second one I hope to Inherit The Kingdom)
PRAY: To be ready to Inherit The Kingdom.
Believers in Christ are made Heirs of God. This is something that we cannot do for ourselves, it is something that God does for us when we follow the Lord Jesus Christ. Every True Disciple and Follower of Jesus Christ is an Heir of God. Every True Disciple and Follower of Jesus Christ has an amazing and wonderful Eternal Future. This is something that is impossible to imagine, but we can Believe it by Faith because it is God's Word.
Saturday, October 6, 2018
Back To Seir!
'Back To Seir.'
Genesis 33:16.
a) So Esau
b) Returned that day
c) On his way to mountainous Seir.
(This QT shows me that Esau looked for safety, he went Back To Seir)
PRAY: Always to follow God's Way (the BEST way) for you and your family.
'The Father's Good Pleasure.'
Luke 12:32.
a) Do not fear,
b) Little flock,
c) For it is your Father's good pleasure
d) To give you the Kingdom.
(Through this Second one I am grateful for The Father's Good Pleasure)
PRAYER: To affirm our Trust of Heavenly Father.
God will always reveal His Will for His People if they are walking in obedience to Him. He will not reveal His Will to those people who are not walking in obedience to Him, all He reveals to them is the necessity to come back to the place of obedience (spiritually and sometimes physically too). For the True Believer, living in obedience to God is both a necessity and a peaceful place for the inner man.
The most fulfilled and joyful people are those people who are living in obedience to God, they have confidence and assurance about their lives in the Will of God, even though their environment may not be easy.
We should pray for the Will of God for our life and family, and then live in that Will.
Friday, October 5, 2018
Love Stirred Up Can Be Dangerous!
'Love Stirred Up Can Be Dangerous.'
Song Of Songs 3:5.
a) Promise me,
b) O women of Jerusalem,
c) By the gazelles and wild deer
d) Not to awaken love until the time is right.
(This QT teaches me that Love Stirred Up Can Be Dangerous)
PRAYER: To have healthy and respectful relationships, especially in the Church.
'The Present.'
a) 1 Corinthians 3:21-23. Is the time to belong to the Lord.
b) Joshua 22:3. Is the time to obey the Lord.
c) Jeremiah 36:2. Is the time to seriously study God's Word.
d) Luke 12:56. Needs to be interpreted well.
e) 1 Corinthians 4:13. We still get hurt, even up to the present time.
f) 1 Corinthians 7:26. May be a time of crisis.
g) Jude 1:25. Is the time when God our Saviour, through our Lord Jesus Christ receives, right through until the future:
1-All Glory.
(Through this Second one I want to live heartily in The Present)
PRAYER: To practically, spiritually and emotionally live in The Present.
The Church is sometimes treated like an emotional and relational rubbish dump. A place where we can come and dump our trash, then walk away 'feeling better'. This is a completely wrong concept. If we have this concept, our Church will never be free or Blessed. Firstly our Church is supposed to be a place of pure Worship, if we are not pure, we should deal with that before we come to Church.
Although our Lord is The Healer, we should not treat Church like a hospital, it is a place to come and learn and grow in the Lord. Finally, for today, a Church is not the place where we can manipulate our favourite person to have some position or authority in. We should follow God's Appointments.
Thursday, October 4, 2018
Gazing Into Heaven - Full Of The Holy Spirit!
‘Gazing Into Heaven - Full Of The Holy Spirit.’
Acts 7:55.
But he,
Being full of the Holy Spirit,
Gazed into Heaven and saw
the Glory of God,
And Jesus standing at the
Right Hand of God.
(Through this QT I can visualize what it is like to be Gazing Into
Heaven, Full of the Holy Spirit)
PRAYER: To make more time for God in our lives.
‘Biblical Deacons.’
Acts 6:3.
Need to be sought out in the
Should be men of good reputation.
Should be full of the Holy
Should be full of Wisdom.
Can be appointed over Church
(This Second one
teaches me about Biblical Deacons)
PRAYER: For your Church Deacons.
What a very wonderful picture is given to us here by Stephen before his martyrdom death. What comfort he must have received as he saw this Vision. This was truly the Martyr's reward at His death. He saw the Glory of God, he saw Jesus standing at the Right Hand of God.
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