The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Thursday, October 11, 2018
The Promise Of Truthful God!
'The Promise Of A Truthful God.'
Numbers 23:19.
a) God is not a man,
b) That He should lie.
c) God is not the son of a man who changes his mind.
d) What God has said, He will do.
e) When He speaks, He will fulfill it.
(This QT reminds me of God's Character: The Promise Of A Truthful God)
PRAY: Believing the Promises of God.
'God Remains Faithful.'
2 Timothy 2:13.
a) If we are faithless,
b) He remains Faithful -
c) For He cannot deny Himself.
(Through this Second one I know that God Remains Faithful)
PRAY: Thanking God for His Faithfulness.
When God has said it, He will do it. Here is a good test of the person who says: "God has said...". It is a very simple, powerful and truthful test. Every manifestation in the Body of Christ must be open to testing. We are told in the Scripture to test it. The intelligent Believers of the Early New Testament Churches were always advised to test what was spoken to them. We are advised to do the same. When the speaker says: "God says..." We should check it.
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