The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
The Canaanites!
'The Canaanites.'
a) Genesis 15:21; 24:3 & 37. Were not popular with the Jewish people.
b) Genesis 34:30. Jacob was afraid of them.
c) Exodus 3:17; 13:5. Had a Blessed land.
d) Exodus 13:11. Had a "promised land" for God's People.
e) Exodus 23:23. Would be defeated by the Angel of the Lord.
f) Numbers 13:29. Liked to live by the water.
g) Numbers 14:43 & 45; Joshua 24:11. Attacked and overcame God's People.
h) Numbers 21:3. Israel eventually destroyed them.
i) Deuteronomy 7:1. Were cast out by the Lord.
j) Joshua 17:16 & 18. Had chariots of iron.
k) Judges 1:4. Were defeated by Judah.
l) Judges 1:27. Had a strong will.
(Through this QT I learn some more about The Canaanites)
PRAYER: For the Salvation of the people that we live amongst, in the street, the land, or the city)
'Live By The Spirit.'
a) Galatians 5:25; Romans 8:1. We should behave in accordance with Him, we should walk in Him.
b) Luke 2:25-26. Receive revelations from Him.
c) Luke 4:18. Live out the Ministry of Jesus Christ.
d) John 4:23-24. Worship in Spirit and Truth.
e) John 15:26. He is our Helper.
f) John 16:13. He will guide us into all Truth.
g) Acts 1:8. And receive power from God.
h) Acts 2:4; 9:17. Be filled with Him.
i) Acts 4:31. Especially after prayer.
j) Acts 16:6-7. He can specifically lead the mission of God's People.
k) Acts 20:28. He appoints the Leaders of the Church.
(This Second one gives me the desire to Live By The Spirit)
PRAYER: To be filled with the Holy Spirit, so that we can live by Him)
The Canaanites were defeated by Judah. God's People are not to be too "enemy conscious"! There are some people who are always talking, or even praying, about 'defeating the enemy', this is true but needs to taken in balance with God's Word and living out the Christian Life in a proper way. The Lord actually promises His People victory, our part is to enter into it by Faith.
The Christian Life!
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