The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Holy To The Lord!
'Holy To The Lord.'
a) Luke 2:23. Jesus Christ as a baby.
b) Exodus 28:35-36. Written on Moses' Holy Garment.
c) Exodus 30:10. The ritual of the Atonement.
d) Exodus 30:37. The incense for Old Testament Worship.
e) Exodus 31:15; 35:2. The Old Testament Sabbath.
f) Leviticus 27:30 & 32. The tithes.
g) Numbers 6:8. The serving Nazarites.
h) Numbers 18:19. The Israelites' offerings.
i) Deuteronomy 7:6; 14:2; Ezra 8:28. The Lord's People.
j) Deuteronomy 14:21; 26:19. The Lord's Old Testament people.
k) 2 Chronicles 30:17. The Passover Lamb.
i) 2 Chronicles 35:3. The teaching Levitical priests.
j) Nehemiah 8:9-10. A day of celebration before the Lord.
k) Ezekiel 48:14. Designated land.
l) Zechariah 14:20. Engraved on the bells of the horses.
(This QT teaches me what is written as Holy To The Lord)
PRAYER: That our lives will be Holy To The Lord)
'The Promise Of Life Eternal.'
Romans 8:13.
a) If we are living according to the impulses of the flesh, we are going to die.
b) But if we are living by the power of the Holy Spirit
c) We are habitually putting to death the sins of the body,
d) We will really live forever.
(Through this Second one I find The Promise Of Life Eternal)
PRAYER: To live by the Power of the Holy Spirit.
Those people who served the Lord in the days of the Old Testament were Holy to Him. Not only did the Lord say this, but also, the people affirmed it. To serve the Lord in the Old Testament days was a privilege and it was hard work too. The lifestyle of many modern day servants of the Lord is generally much easier. It is important for modern-day servants of the Lord to live out their lives Holy before Him.
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
God's Intention To Satisfy His People!
'God's Intention To Satisfy His People.'
Psalm 81:16.
a) I would feed you (Israel),
b) With the finest of the wheat,
c) And with honey from the rock
d) Would I satisfy you.
(This QT reveals the caring Heart of God: God's Intention To Satisfy His People)
PRAY: That our hearts will be open and receptive to the Lord about all things and at all times.
'An Inner Clash.'
Galatians 5:17.
a) For what the flesh desires is opposed to the Spirit,
b) And what the Spirit desires is opposed to the flesh.
c) For these are opposed to each other
d) To prevent you from doing what you want.
(This Second one teaches me about the cause of my inner conflicts: An Inner Clash)
PRAY: To for Grace to obey what God wants us to do in the times of inner conflicts.
What the Spirit wants is opposed to the flesh. This is a very clear Teaching from God's Word. It calls us to Pray for what God wants, surely God will reveal what He wants as we seek Him, obey Him, and follow His leading in our lives (Whatever form that leading may take). In every aspect of our lives we should be ready for what God wants. This means that He will reveal His Will for and about us, not to someone else for us, but to us, clearly, first.
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
A Very Caring Angel!
'A Very Caring Angel.'
Genesis 16:7-11.
a) Genesis 16:7. The Angel found Hagar by a well in the wilderness.
b) Genesis 16:7. It was the well on the way to Shur.
c) Genesis 16:8. The Angel asked Hagar what she was doing there.
d) Genesis 16:8. Hagar simply explained - she was running away.
e) Genesis 16:9. The Angel told her to return and submit to her owner Sarai.
f) Genesis 16:10. The Angel also gave Hagar God's Promise: she would be the mother of many descendants.
g) Genesis 16:11. The Name of her son was to be called Ishmael, because the Lord had heard her cries and given heed to her affliction.
(This QT reveals A Very Caring Angel)
PRAYER: Thanking God for the many ways that He cares for us.
'Do Not Be Ruined.'
Ephesians 5:18.
a) Do not be drunk with wine,
b) Which will ruin you.
c) But be filled with the Holy Spirit.
(Through this Second one I do not want to be ruined, I receive this advice: Do Not Be Ruined)
PRAYER: For God to help you overcome any bad habit that you struggle with.
The Angel found Hagar by a well in the wilderness. I am sure that Hagar was then in a very distressed state. She had been despised, and rejected and had nowhere to go. It must have been a very fearful experience. She listened to the Angel and returned to her owner. God Blessed her and she became the mother of many generations.
Monday, August 28, 2017
They Simply Obeyed God's Word!
'They Simply Obeyed God's Word.'
Luke 2:22.
a) And when the days for their purification according to the Law of Moses were completed,
b) They brought Him (Jesus) up to Jerusalem
c) To present Him to the Lord.
(This QT teaches me that they Simply Obeyed God's Word)
PRAYER: For us to simply obey God's Word.
'Our Mind Set.'
Romans 8:5.
a) Those people who live according to the flesh
b) Set their minds on the things of the flesh,
c) But those who live according to the Spirit
d) Set their minds on the things of the Spirit.
(Through this Second one I examine my Mind Set)
PRAYER: For our life-style and Mind Set
One of the most significant signs of personal Faith and personal Revival is the strong desire to obey God's Word. When the Church people begin to lose this strong desire, the spiritual 'rot' sets in and they, their family and their Church begin to drift away from a personal Faith Life and walk with the Lord.
Sunday, August 27, 2017
Ask Him!
'Ask Him.'
Luke 11:13.
a) If you then,
b) Being evil,
c) Know how to give good gifts to your children,
d) How much more will your Heavenly Father
e) Give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?
(This QT, Ask Him, reminds me to ask Heavenly Father for the Holy Spirit daily)
PRAYER: Ask Heavenly Father to fill you with the Holy Spirit.
'Be Led By The Holy Spirit.'
Galatians 5:18.
a) If you are led
b) By the Holy Spirit,
c) You are not under the Law.
(This Second one calls me to Be Led By The Holy Spirit)
PRAYER: To Be Led By The Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is God, part of the Holy Trinity. If we want to be filled by and with the Holy Spirit then we need to ask our Heavenly Father for the Holy Spirit. Jesus teaches us that if we pray this Prayer, asking the Heavenly Father to fill us with the Holy Spirit, He surely will do that.
Saturday, August 26, 2017
No Protection!
'No Protection.'
Genesis 16:6.
a) Abraham said to Sarai:
b) "Look, she is your servant,
c) "So deal with her as you see fit."
d) So Sarai treated Hagar so harshly,
e) That Hagar finally ran away.
(This QT teaches us about a culture where there is No Protection for servants)
PRAYER: For God to Bless your servants if you have any.
'A Generous Heavenly Father.'
Matthew 7:11.
a) If you then,
b) Being evil,
c) Know how to give good gifts to your children,
d) How much more will your Heavenly Father
e) Give good gifts to those of His Children who ask Him.
(This Second one reveals A Generous Heavenly Father)
PRAYER: For yourself, that you will treat your children well.
Hagar finally ran away, to run away was the only answer that she had because of her harsh masters. There was no protection for her at all. In some Nations and cultures today there are still conditions similar to the situation that we read of here. There are no Trade Unions for servants, there may be little, or no, protection for them. It is right to pray for servants who work and live in such environments.
Friday, August 25, 2017
Special Naming - Special Person!
'Special Naming - Special Person.'
Luke 2:21.
a) Eight days later,
b) When the Baby was circumcised,
c) He was named Jesus,
d) The Name given Him by the Angel
e) Even before He was conceived.
(This QT, Special Naming - Special Person, reveals to me the Hand of God upon this Special Baby, even before He was conceived)
PRAYER: For the name of your new baby.
'A Repentance Prayer.'
Psalm 51:11-12.
a) Do not banish me from Your Presence,
b) And don't take Your Holy Spirit from me.
c) Restore to me the Joy of Your Salvation,
d) And make me willing to obey You.
(This Second one teaches me and reminds me of A Repentance Prayer)
PRAYER: For any necessary repentance.
This was a very beautiful incident, the Naming of Jesus by the Angel. The Name was given even before the Baby was conceived. For Joseph and Mary there must have been many inner responses to the Angelic Message: joy, amazement, fear, faith, humility, willingness, just to name a few of them. The World system sometimes names babies from a family tradition, with the naming meaning very much for the entire family. Other times the name(s) may be given by grandparents, even in some cultures, by a fortune - teller. If the parents of the baby in the womb are True Believers, it is good for them to Pray and ask God for the name of their child.
Thursday, August 24, 2017
A Life Giving Message!
'A Life Giving Message.'
Ezekiel 37:9.
a) The Lord said to Ezekiel:
b) "Prophesy to the breath,
c) "Prophesy, son of man,
d) "And say to the Breath
e) " 'Thus says the Lord God:
f) " 'Come from the four winds, Oh Breath,
g) "And breathe on these slain,
h) "That they may live.'"
(This QT reveals to me A Life Giving Message)
PRAYER: For our Churches to give, every week, A Life Giving Message for the people.
'A Generous Wage.'
2 Chronicles 2:10.
a) 20,000 kors of ground wheat.
b) 20,000 kors of barley.
c) 20,000 baths of wine.
d) 20,000 baths of oil.
(This Second one reveals A Generous Wage)
PRAYER: For companies, especially Christian companies, to pay their staff and workers A Generous Wage.
We should always follow the Bible Principles if we are True Believers. Here it speaks of something that is very private and yet so important, the salary or wage that is paid to the employees and staff of a company or a business, for my purpose, primarily, a Christian company or business. It is an excellent testimony when the company or business can give A Generous Salary or Wage.
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
We Should Not Despise!
'We Should Not Despise.'
a) Genesis 16:4-5. As Hagar despised Sarah.
b) Genesis 25:34. As Esau despised his birthright.
c) Numbers 15:31; Proverbs 14:2; Ezekiel 16:59. The Lord's Word.
d) 1 Samuel 10:26-27. As the evil men despised their king.
e) Job 36:5. God despises no-one.
f) Psalm 22:6; 2 Peter 2:10. Our leaders.
g) Psalm 106:24. The pleasant land.
h) Psalm 107:11. The plans of the Most High.
i) Proverbs 3:11. The Lord's Discipline.
j) Proverbs 14:21. Our neighbour.
k) Proverbs 15:20; 23:22. Our mother.
l) Proverbs 15:32. Ourselves.
m) Matthew 6:24. God, for the sake of money.
n) Matthew 18:10. Little children.
o) 1 Corinthians 11:22. The Church of God.
(This QT reminds me that I should not despise)
PRAYER: To be free from the despising of other people.
'What It Means To Be Set Free.'
Romans 8:2.
a) Through Christ Jesus
b) The Law of the Spirit Who gives life
c) Has set me free
d) From the law of sin and death.
(This Second one explains What It Means To Be Set Free)
PRAYER: For the desire To Be Set Free when we need it.
When God gives us a home and a pleasant land we should not despise them. Sometimes we 'miss' our family ancestral home town or nation, if we do that we need to come to God with our Prayer, rather than to become negative toward the place where we currently live. Because we are God's Children, and He leads us, we should not complain as His Old Testament people did.
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Just As They Were Told!
'Just As They Were Told.'
Luke 2:20.
a) The shepherds returned.
b) They gave Glory and Praise to God.
c) Everything that they had seen and heard
d) Was just as they had been told.
(Through this QT I can see that it was Just As They Were Told)
PRAYER: Should Glorify and Praise God for the things that we see and hear when God's Promise and Word is fulfilled.
'Life Giving Spirit And Words.'
John 6:63.
a) It is the Holy Spirit Who gives life;
b) The flesh profits nothing.
c) The Words I speak to you are full of the Spirit.
d) They give life.
(This Second one reveals to me the source of Life Giving Spirit And Words)
PRAYER: That we will receive Life Giving Spirit And Words from the Lord.
When we see and hear the fulfillment of God's Promises, just like the shepherds, we have a desire to Glorify and Praise God. This is a part of normal and regular faith-life. If giving Glory to and Praising God is missing from our daily relationship with God, walk with God and QT then we become miserable and our spirituality suffers.
Monday, August 21, 2017
The Lord Jesus!
'The Lord Jesus.'
Isaiah 9:6.
a) The Government will be upon His Shoulders.
b) His Name shall be called:-
3-Mighty God.
4-Everlasting Father.
5-Prince of Peace.
(This QT exalts The Lord Jesus)
PRAYER: To exalt The Lord Jesus in our lives, families and communities.
'It Came Into His Heart.'
Acts 7:23.
a) When he was forty years old.
b) It came into Moses' heart.
c) To visit his brethren.
d) The children of Israel.
(Through this Second one I understand that It Came Into His Heart)
PRAYER: For our heart to be in good condition and sensitive today.
It is the privilege and responsibility of every True Believer to exalt the Lord Jesus Christ. We can exalt Him in many different ways, some of them traditional and some of them modern and creative. We should ask the Holy Spirit to help us to exalt the Lord.
Sunday, August 20, 2017
A Huge Mistake!
'A Huge Mistake.'
Genesis 16:3.
a) Sarai, Abram's wife.
b) Took Hagar, her Egyptian slave.
c) And gave her to her husband Abram
d) As a wife for him.
e) This happened
f) After Abram lived in the (promised) land of Canaan ten years.
(This QT reveals A Huge Mistake)
PRAYER: For our family to function in a Godly way.
1 Corinthians 13:4-5.
a) Suffers long.
b) Is kind.
c) Does not envy.
d) Does not behave rudely.
e) Does not seek its own.
f) Is not provoked.
g) Thinks no evil.
(This Second one gives me a Prayer and longing to see the evidence of Love in the Church)
PRAYER: For the Lord to fill His Church with His Love.
Sarai took Hagar, her Egyptian slave, to be a wife for Abram. This may have been acceptable, but obviously not the best way, in the days of the Old Testament. Today it is obviously not. We know the reasons why Sarai did this and we can 'file' it under 'Old Testament' in our mind, but that does not make it right. Dysfunctional family always creates many problems, whatever culture we may be living in.
Saturday, August 19, 2017
Valuing The Moment!
Valuing The Moment!
Luke 2:19.
a) Mary treasured all these things.
b) They were in her heart.
c) She meditated on them.
(This QT teaches me about Valuing The Moment)
PRAY: To learn to Value The Moment when we should.
'The Ways Of The Lord.'
Hosea 14:9.
a) Let whoever is wise understand these things.
b) Let whoever is insightful recognise these things.
c) The Ways of the Lord are right.
d) The Righteous walk in them.
e) The rebellious stumble in them.
(This Second one helps me to esteem The Ways Of The Lord)
We need to Pray to value the moment when we should. Life is full of many kinds of moments. Every day has its moments, we need to discern those moments and to value the ones which we should and not recall the useless ones. Valuing moments is an important thing to do.
Friday, August 18, 2017
A Desperate And Dysfunctional Decision!
'A Desperate And Dysfunctional Decision.'
Genesis 16:1-2.
a) Sarai, Abram's wife bore him no children.
b) Sarai had an Egyptian slave named Hagar.
c) Sarai said to Abram:
1-The Lord has kept me from having children.
2-Go, sleep with my servant.
3-Perhaps I can build a family through her.
d) Abram agreed to what Sarai said.
(This QT reveals to me A Desperate And Dysfunctional Decision)
PRAYER: That we will always make good decisions.
'It Is The Same Now.'
Galatians 4:29.
a) At that time
b) The son born according to the flesh
c) Persecuted the son born by the Power of the Holy Spirit.
d) It is the same now.
(This Second one reminds me that It Is The Same Now)
PRAYER: For those persecuted by reason of their Christian Faith or background.
We cannot look to the lives of people in the Old Testament as examples for our behaviour and values today. We can read about, and be encouraged by, their Faith. For today's behaviour and values we need to look into the Teachings of Jesus Christ and the Epistles in the New Testament. If our lives, families and values are based in the New Testament, we are surely "heading in the right direction". Surely, reading about the characters in the Old Testament can enhance our Faith.
Thursday, August 17, 2017
a) Isaiah 53:12. Was made by Jesus for the transgressors.
b) Jeremiah 7:16. Was sometimes forbidden by the Lord.
c) Jeremiah 27:18. True prophets make intercession to the Lord.
d) Romans 8:26 & 27. The Holy Spirit makes intercession for us.
e) Romans 8:34; Hebrews 7:25. Christ makes intercession for us.
(This QT teaches me about Intercession)
PRAYER: For the Ministry of Intercession in our Churches.
a) Matthew 5:44. For those people who spitefully use you and persecute you.
b) Matthew 6:7. Without vain repetitions.
c) Matthew 6:9. To the Heavenly Father.
d) Mark 1:35; 6:46; Luke 22:41. Jesus prayed alone early in the morning.
e) Mark 11:24. With Faith.
f) Mark 11:25. And forgive others.
g) Luke 6:28. For the people who spitefully use you.
h) Luke 9:28. With a team.
i) Luke 11:2. Jesus taught His Disciples to Pray.
j) Acts 1:24. The Disciples prayed about the successor to Judas Iscariot.
k) Acts 6:6. Before the Ministry of Laying on of Hands.
l) Acts 9:40. Then perform miracles.
m) Acts 10:9. On the house-top.
n) Acts 10:30. Pray in the house.
o) Acts 21:5. Before saying farewell.
p) Philippians 1:9. Pray that in the Church will be:
q) Colossians 1:9. Pray for the Church to be filled with the knowledge of God's Will in all Wisdom and spiritual understanding.
(This Second one encourages me to Pray)
PRAY: For more desire to Pray.
We are encouraged to Pray without vain repetitions. This is a necessary instruction from our Lord. Our Prayers are not meant to be performances to entertain the Lord, or indeed other Believers, they are meant to be a heart cry to God. Jesus called us to Pray at all times.
They Wondered!
'They Wondered.'
a) Luke 2:18. The people, when they heard what the shepherds told them.
b) Isaiah 59:16. The Lord, when He saw that there was no person to intercede.
c) Matthew 15:31. The crowd, when they saw they people healed by Jesus.
d) Luke 1:63. The people, when John's father, Zechariah, wrote that his son should be named 'John'.
(This QT reveals to me that They Wondered)
PRAYER: That wonder and amazement shall be returned to our faith-life.
'Written On Our Heart.'
Proverbs 3:3.
a) Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake us.
b) Bind them around our neck.
c) Write them on the tablet of our heart.
(This Second one reminds me what should be Written On my Heart)
PRAYER: For steadfast love and faithfulness to always be in our heart and life.
There are times when I have seen the Lord do certain things and I was filled with wonder and amazement. This was, and is not, a regular occurrence, just certain times. If it happened regularly there would be no wonder and amazement. I thank God for His Amazing Grace and love for us.
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
The Canaanites!
'The Canaanites.'
a) Genesis 15:21; 24:3 & 37. Were not popular with the Jewish people.
b) Genesis 34:30. Jacob was afraid of them.
c) Exodus 3:17; 13:5. Had a Blessed land.
d) Exodus 13:11. Had a "promised land" for God's People.
e) Exodus 23:23. Would be defeated by the Angel of the Lord.
f) Numbers 13:29. Liked to live by the water.
g) Numbers 14:43 & 45; Joshua 24:11. Attacked and overcame God's People.
h) Numbers 21:3. Israel eventually destroyed them.
i) Deuteronomy 7:1. Were cast out by the Lord.
j) Joshua 17:16 & 18. Had chariots of iron.
k) Judges 1:4. Were defeated by Judah.
l) Judges 1:27. Had a strong will.
(Through this QT I learn some more about The Canaanites)
PRAYER: For the Salvation of the people that we live amongst, in the street, the land, or the city)
'Live By The Spirit.'
a) Galatians 5:25; Romans 8:1. We should behave in accordance with Him, we should walk in Him.
b) Luke 2:25-26. Receive revelations from Him.
c) Luke 4:18. Live out the Ministry of Jesus Christ.
d) John 4:23-24. Worship in Spirit and Truth.
e) John 15:26. He is our Helper.
f) John 16:13. He will guide us into all Truth.
g) Acts 1:8. And receive power from God.
h) Acts 2:4; 9:17. Be filled with Him.
i) Acts 4:31. Especially after prayer.
j) Acts 16:6-7. He can specifically lead the mission of God's People.
k) Acts 20:28. He appoints the Leaders of the Church.
(This Second one gives me the desire to Live By The Spirit)
PRAYER: To be filled with the Holy Spirit, so that we can live by Him)
The Canaanites were defeated by Judah. God's People are not to be too "enemy conscious"! There are some people who are always talking, or even praying, about 'defeating the enemy', this is true but needs to taken in balance with God's Word and living out the Christian Life in a proper way. The Lord actually promises His People victory, our part is to enter into it by Faith.
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Only One Gospel!
'Only One Gospel.'
Galatians 1:8.
a) Even if Apostle Paul and his team,
b) Or an Angel from Heaven,
c) Preach any other Gospel to you
d) Then what we have preached to you,
e) Let him be accursed.
(This QT reminds me strongly that there is Only One Gospel)
PRAYER: That those who preach would remember that there is Only One Gospel.
'Love The Lord First.'
1 Corinthians 16:22.
a) This is written to anyone who does not love the Lord Jesus Christ.
b) That person is in danger of being cursed.
c) The Lord will come.
(Through this Second one I am reminded of the First Commandment: To Love The Lord First)
PRAYER: For the Holy Spirit to help us to Love The Lord First.
The words that Apostle Paul uses against those people who preach any 'other gospel' are strong words. The reason for this is that those people who preach that 'other gospel' are actually leading other people away from the Truth of the Gospel as revealed in God's Word. There is only one Way, there is only one Gospel, it is the life-changing Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Monday, August 14, 2017
The First Evangelistic Witness!
'The First Evangelistic Witness.'
Luke 2:17.
a) The shepherds had seen Jesus.
b) They spread the Word
c) Concerning what had been told them
d) About this Child.
(This QT reveals to me The First Evangelistic Witness in the New Testament)
PRAYER: For us to have the same enthusiasm about the Lord as the shepherds had.
'Only One Gospel.'
Galatians 1:8.
a) But even if we,
b) Or an Angel from Heaven,
c) Should preach a "gospel" other than the one we preached to you,
d) Let them be under God's curse.
(This Second one assures me that there is Only One Gospel)
PRAYER: For Churches and Ministers to remember that there is Only One Gospel.
The evangelism recorded in Luke 2 regarding the shepherds' witness seemed to be very natural, they were excited about the Lord and simply wanted to tell others. When 'duty' replaces 'excitement' in evangelistic witness, that witness simply becomes a religious act. If we evangelize, we need to be joyful about the news we share, the shepherds saw Jesus, we should have encountered Him in some way.
Sunday, August 13, 2017
The Hittites!
'The Hittites.'
a) Genesis 15:20. God gave their land to Abraham.
b) Genesis 23:3. Abraham spoke to them, just after being in his deceased wife's presence. (He knew what he needed to do, and did it despite his grief.)
c) Genesis 23:7. Abraham humbled himself before them.
d) Genesis 23:16-20; 25:10. Abraham bought a field from them as a burial site.
e) Exodus 3:17; 13:5. Their land was flowing with milk and honey.
f) Exodus 23:23. Were going to be wiped out by the Lord.
g) Exodus 23:28; Deuteronomy 7:1. Were driven out of the way by the Lord.
h) Judges 3:5. The Israelites settled among them.
i) Ezra 9:1. The Israelites intermarried with them.
(Through this QT, the Hittites, I understand more about God's Will and Permission)
PRAYER: For the families of God's People today not to compromise with the World System and its ways.
'A Coming Time Of Restoration.'
Acts 3:19-22.
a) Acts 3:19. We need to repent so that we can enter this time of Restoration and Refreshing.
b) Acts 3:20. Jesus Christ the Lord will come again.
c) Acts 3:21. This time of Restoration will definitely and clearly come.
d) Acts 3:22. We are to carefully listen to what the Lord says to us.
(This Second one teaches me about A Coming Time Of Restoration)
PRAYER: For our readiness for the Coming Time of Restoration.
Abraham bought a field from the Hittites to be a burial site for his family and his people. This means that Abraham was also a planner. He was the "father of Faith", a great source of inspiration for us, but also he was a practical father/leader. The mixture of Faith and Practicality is important for all of us. We need to live with Faith but we also need to be practical in the outworking of the "Life of Faith".
Saturday, August 12, 2017
Aim To Pass This Test!
'Aim To Pass This Test.'
1 Thessalonians 2:4.
a) We are always spreading the Good News.
b) God trusts us to do this,
c) Because we have passed His Test.
d) We do not try to please people,
e) But we try to please God,
f) Who tests our motives.
(This QT should motivate every Church Minister, everywhere, Aim To Pass This Test)
PRAYER: For your local Church Minister to always try to please God.
'God In Control Of Everything.'
1 Corinthians 15:28.
a) When God puts everything under Christ's Authority.
b) The Son will put Himself under God's Authority.
c) Then God will be in control of everything.
(Through this Second one I revere the Authority of Christ and God: God In Control Of Everything)
PRAYER: To trust God, Who is in control of everything.
Apostle Paul wrote to the Thessalonians that he tried to please God. He did not write: "I please God", rather, "I try to please God". Here is a great motivational statement written by the Apostle, giving us all, but especially Ministers, a clear and excellent model and example to follow. If we are simply trying to please God, I am sure that we will be pleasing to Him.
Friday, August 11, 2017
They Hurried!
'They Hurried.'
a) Luke 19:6. Zaccheus, to welcome Jesus to his home.
b) Genesis 18:6-7. Abraham, to ask Sarah to prepare food for the guests. (1 Samuel 28:24)
c) Genesis 43:30. Joseph, seeking a place to hide and weep.
d) Judges 13:10. The woman, to tell her husband what had happened,
e) 1 Samuel 23:26. David and his men. to get away from King Saul.
f) 1 Samuel 25:18. Abigail, preparing her gift.
g) 1 Samuel 25:23. Abigail, getting off her donkey, to greet David.
h) 1 Samuel 25:42. Abigail, to marry David.
i) 2 Chronicles 26:20. Uzziah, struck with leprosy by the Lord, to leave the Temple.
j) Psalm 48:5. The enemies of the Lord's People hurried away.
(This QT teaches me that being quick is sometimes important: They Hurried)
PRAYER: To discern the times when we need to hurry.
'They Had A Chance.'
Luke 19:27.
a) They refused to submit to the King's Rule.
b) They were brought in front of the King.
c) They were executed.
(This Second one reminds me that They Had A Chance)
PRAYER: That those people who hear the Gospel will respond positively to it.
Abigail was wise when she hurried to prepare her gift. There are some people who always hurry about everything, they are not wise. There are some people who never hurry about anything, even when they should hurry, they are also not wise. We should be wise like Abigail, hurry when we need to hurry!
Thursday, August 10, 2017
The Kenites!
'The Kenites.'
a) Genesis 15:19. Occupied land.
b) Numbers 24:21. Lived securely amongst the rocks.
c) Numbers 24:22. Would be destroyed eventually by the Assyrians.
d) Judges 1:16. Travelled along with the Tribe of Judah.
e) 1 Samuel 15:6. Were kindly warned by King Saul to move on.
f) 1 Samuel 27:10. Were attacked by David and his army.
(This QT teaches me about the tough life of The Kenites)
PRAYER: For those people or peoples that we know of today that are facing and living out a tough life.
'Approaching Pioneer Mission.'
Romans 5:13.
a) Sin indeed was in the World
b) Before the Law was given,
c) BUT
d) Sin is not judged when there is no Law.
(Through this Second one I am challenged how to be Approaching Pioneer Mission)
PRAYER: For Wisdom for those missionaries who are involved in Pioneer Mission.
There are still many tribes today that are facing very difficult environments, simply existing day-by-day. Many of them have yet to hear, or understand, the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Unreached tribes still exist today. Please pray for those potential Missionaries that are preparing to go out and serve such people.
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The Christian Life!
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