The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Friday, March 31, 2017
Sincere Worship Was A Part Of His Life!
'Sincere Worship Was A Part Of His Life.'
Genesis 12:1-8.
a) Genesis 12:1. God told Abram to leave his own land with everything he had. (It was obviously a permanent leave.)
b) Genesis 12:2. God gave Abram promises:-
1-He would become a great Nation.
2-He would Bless Abram.
3-He would make his name respected.
4-He would be a Blessing to other people.
c) Genesis 12:3. God said:-
1-He would Bless those people who Blessed Abram.
2-He would curse those people who cursed Abram.
2-All the families of the Earth would be Blessed because of Abram.
d) Genesis 12:4. Abram left, just as the Lord told him. He was 75 years old at that time.
e) Genesis 12:5. Abram took everyone and everything he had and went to Canaan.
f) Genesis 12:6. When Abram arrived in Canaan, the first place that he went to was the place of Worship.
g) Genesis 12:7. The Lord spoke to Abram there and gave him the Promise of inheriting the land.
h) Genesis 12:8-9 Abram's response was to Worship the Lord as he went around the Land.
(This QT reminds me that Sincere Worship Was A Part Of His {Abram's} Life)
'Our Heavenly High Priest.'
Hebrews 8:1.
a) The Main Point of what is being said is this:
b) That we have a High Priest.
c) He is now sat down at the right hand of the Throne of the Majesty in the Heavens.
(Through this Second one I have full confidence in Our Heavenly High Priest)
Abram left, just as the Lord told him to leave. He was 75 years old at that time. Abram did not know where he was going, but he trusted God Who had told him to leave. This was the end of his time at home and he knew that he was going on to inherit God's Promise.
Thursday, March 30, 2017
The Result Of God's Favour!
'The Result Of God's Favour.'
Luke 1:30.
a) This Message came from God's Angel.
b) The Angel was speaking to Mary.
c) She was not to be afraid.
d) Because she had found favour with God.
(This QT teaches me The Result Of God's Favour)
'Jesus - The High Priest That We Need.'
Hebrews 7:26.
a) This is the kind of High Priest that we need:
b) Holy.
c) Innocent.
d) Undefiled.
e) Separated fron sinners.
f) Exalted above and made higher than the Heavens.
(This Second one reveals to me Jesus - The High Priest That We Need)
When we experience God's Favour it is not something mystical, or hard to be believed, it is something very real. When the Angel gave this Message from God to Mary it was very clear. The result of the Message was obvious, not weird or mysterious. I pray today for those readers who may especially need God's Favour .
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
a) James 1:16. We are not to be.
b) Revelation. 19:20; 20:10; Genesis 3:13. Satan is the deceiver.
c) Genesis 29:25; 31:7. God's people did it - even to each other.
d) Deuteronomy 11:16; 1 Corinthians 15:33. We will not be if we take heed to ourselves.
e) Job 12:16. The Deceived people belong to God.
f) Isaiah 44:20. A deceived heart turns us aside.
g) Jeremiah 49:16. By our own ferocity.
h) Lamentation 1:19. By lovers.
i) Obadiah 1:3. By our own pride.
j) Luke 21:8. We are to take heed that we are not deceived.
k) Romans 7:11. Sin can deceive and kill us.
i) 1 Corinthians 6:9. We are not to be, concerning the Kingdom of God.
j) 2 Timothy 3:13. Deceivers are evil people.
k) Revelation 19:20; 20:10. People will be deceived in the Last Days.
(This QT warns me not to be Deceived)
'Into The Most Holy Place.'
Hebrews 6:20.
a) On our behalf.
b) Jesus has gone into the Most Holy Place.
c) Jesus has become a High Priest foreve.
d) In the Priestly Order of Melchizedek.
(This Second one reminds me that Jesus has gone into The Most Holy Place)
From the earliest days, until now, some of God's People have been guilty of deception. It can happen in many ways, I am not writing a list, but it is a common sin. Of course deception is displeasing to God, but my question is: "Why does deception happen amongst God's People?" Deception can break up and wound a Christian family, destroy Christian friendships, and it can also break up a Church.
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
God Says: I Will Give You!
'God Says: I Will Give You.'
a) Genesis 12:7; 13:15; Leviticus 25:2. Land.
b) Genesis 16:10; 17:2. A big family.
c) Leviticus 26:4. Rain.
d) Leviticus 26:6; Jeremiah 14:13. Peace in the land.
e) Deuteronomy 12:10. Rest.
f) Deuteronomy 18:18. A man who speaks for God.
g) Joshua 3:7. Honour.
h) Joshua 8:7. The city.
i) 1 Samuel 23:4; 2 Samuel 5:19. Victory in battle.
j) 1 Kings 3:12. A wise and understanding heart.
k) 1 Kings 3:13. What you have not asked for.
l) 2 Chronicles 1:7. Anything that you ask for.
m) 2 Chronicles 1:12. 1-Isaiah 45:3. Riches. 2-Money. 3-Honour.
n) Psalm 2:8. Ownership of the Nations.
o) Psalm 23:6. Goodness and Lovingkindness all the days of your life.
p) Psalm 37:4. The desire of your heart as you Rejoice in Him.
q) Psalm 119:32. A willing heart.
r) Psalm 119:93. New Life.
s) Isaiah 1:26. Judges and Wise men.
t) Isaiah 41:10; 45:5. Strength and help.
u) Isaiah 58:11. Strength for your body.
v) Jeremiah 3:15. Shepherds after My Own Heart.
w) Jeremiah 18:2. My Message.
x) Matthew 16:19. The Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven.
y) Luke 21:15. Words and Wisdom that none of your enemies will be able to oppose or prove wrong.
z) Acts 13:34. Enduring Love.
(In this QT God Says: 'I Will Give You.')
'The Priesthood.'
a) Leviticus 5:13. Has Jesus for a Model.
b) Exodus 32:29. Is by nature sacrificial.
c) Hebrews 7:24. Jesus Christ has an Eternal Priesthood.
d) 1 Peter 2:9. We are a Royal Priesthood.
(This Second one makes me grateful for The Priesthood of Jesus)
The Lord has plans for us. He is the Author of our lives. We can trust Him and His Ability to keep His Promises. Even the most prominent of Bible Characters had their moments of doubt and unbelief, but God was Faithful to restore them. He remains Faithful today!
Monday, March 27, 2017
What Is This?
'What Is This?'
Luke 1:29.
a) Mary was greatly troubled at the saying of the Angel.
b) Mary considered in her mind.
c) What was the Greeting that the Angel gave to her?
d) "What is this that I am going through?"
(Through this QT: What Is This? I realise more the Power and Authority in His Words when God speaks, even through an Angel)
'Hold Firmly To Our Faith.'
Hebrews 4:14.
a) We have a great High Priest ascended into Heaven.
b) He is Jesus, The Son of God.
c) Let us hold firmly.
d) To the Faith we profess.
(This Second one exhorts me to Hold Firmly To My Faith)
There is always Power and Authority in His Words when God speaks. One part of the Personality of God is that He is Ultimate Authority. His Words are not open to negotiation. We find His Words in the Bible. The Authority of God is only in the Preacher's "Message" if the Preacher is preaching the Word of God.
Sunday, March 26, 2017
Always Find The Way!
'Always Find The Way.'
1 Thessalonians 5:15.
a) Make sure.
b) Nobody pays anyone back, evil for evil.
c) Instead.
d) Always find the way to do good.
e) To one another.
f) And to everybody.
(This QT encourages me to Always Find The Way)
'Jesus - Our King And Priest.'
Zechariah 6:13.
a) He shall build the Temple of Jehovah.
b) He shall bear the Glory. and Majesty.
c) He shall sit and rule upon His Throne.
d) He shall be a Priest upon His Throne.
e) He shall be a Counsellor of Peace.
(This Second one reveals to me Jesus - Our King And Priest)
We are, in normal environments, set as functioning parts of the Body of Christ. Most of us, in normal circumstances, desire that our human body be for the Glory of God. This means that, as the Church, (The Body of Christ), we have a desire to function in a Biblical way. It is for ourselves to ask ourselves: "Does our Church function in a Biblical Way?" If it does not, we need to ask ourselves: "What Can or Should I Do About it?"
Saturday, March 25, 2017
Mount Sinai!
'Mount Sinai.'
a) Leviticus 25:1; 27:34; Numbers 3:1. Was a place where God spoke to Moses.
b) Leviticus 26:46. Was a place where God revealed His Law.
c) Numbers 28:6. Was a place where offerings were ordained.
d) Acts 7:30. Was the place where God revealed Himself in a burning bush.
e) Galatians 4:24-25. Is a "type", a place of bondage.
(This QT teaches me more about Mount Sinai)
'God Proclaimed Over His Son.'
Psalm 110:4.
a) The Lord has sworn.
b) And will not change His Mind.
c) "You are a Priest".
d) "Forever".
e) "After the Order of Melchizedek".
(This Second one reveals what God Proclaimed Over His Son)
I really enjoy investigating and studying the Bible. There is always more to learn. Someone once said this about the Bible. 'The more I learn, the more I realise how little I know.' The Bible is not only God's Holy Word, it is also a source of much education and realization about Him and about Life as He would have us live it. As True Believers we should love to read our Bible and also learn more about His Word revealed in it.
Friday, March 24, 2017
A Good Beginning For The Message!
'A Good Beginning For The Message.'
Luke 1:28.
a) The Angel said:
b) Greetings!
c) Favoured one.
d) The Lord is with you.
(This QT reveals to me A Good Beginning For The Message)
'The Son Given For Us.'
Isaiah 9:6.
a) He was born for us.
b) He is a Son Who is given to us.
c) Authority rests upon His Shoulders.
d) He is Named:
1-Wonderful Counsellor.
2-Mighty God.
3-Everlasting Father.
4-Prince of Peace.
(Here is Grace: The Son Given For Us)
If the Message is from the Lord, it will have A Good Beginning. This Message will capture the minds of those people who hear it. Because of the Good Beginning, they will listen. Whenever we read the Messages from the Lord for His People in the Bible, the Beginning of the Message always captured their attention. This is a good lesson for all the Servants of the Lord today. There was not a boring "build-up" in the Lord's Messages.
Thursday, March 23, 2017
A Heart For Godly Celebration!
'A Heart For Godly Celebration.'
1 Corinthians 5:8.
a) Let us celebrate the (Passover) Festival.
b) Not with the old bread of wickedness and evil.
c) But with the new bread of Sincerity.
d) And with the new bread of Truth.
(This QT teaches me about A Heart For Godly Celebration)
'Who Can?'
Romans 11:34.
a) Who can know the Lord's thoughts?
b) Who can know the Mind of the Lord?
c) Who can know enough to give the Lord advice?
d) Who can counsel the Lord?
(This Second one teaches me a Biblical reality...Who Can?)
As True Believers, we need A Heart For Godly Celebration. One of the reasons why so many people are leaving Churches all over the World, (Note: "one of the reasons" and not "the reason") is that many Churches have lost the Joy of Godly Celebration. In UK Churches are few and far between that know about Godly Celebration. This is a fact, and can only be rectified by the Lord as spiritually thirsty and sincere True Believers seek Him.
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
The Lord Commanded Moses!
'The Lord Commanded Moses.'
a) Leviticus 24:23; Numbers 1:54; 2:34. The Moses and the people obeyed.
b) Numbers 1:19. So Moses obeyed.
c) Numbers 2:33. In a specific way.
d) Numbers 3:16. By His Word.
e) Deuteronomy 34:9. And Moses imparted that Authority to Joshua.
f) Joshua 8:33. To Bless the people of Israel.
g) Joshua 11:15. And Moses passed the Commands to Joshua.
h) Joshua 11:20. To exterminate the enemies of Israel.
i) Joshua 14:5. How God's People were to divide the land.
j) Joshua 17:4. That God's People should have an inheritance.
k) 2 Chronicles 35:6. That His People be prepared for the Passover Festival.
(Through this QT I learn from what The Lord Commanded Moses)
'A Unique Speaker.'
John 7:46.
a) The officers answered.
b) No-one
c) Has ever spoken.
d) Like this Man.
(This Second one reveals that Jesus Christ was A Unique Speaker)
Moses obeyed what God spoke to Him. Moses endeavored to follow the Lord's Word in a simple, yet wonderful way. Moses' obedience is, in principle, a good example for us. There is a temptation today to use prayer as an attempt to negotiate with God to get our own way rather than to find His Way for us. The Principle was very simple, God spoke and Moses obeyed. May we learn from Moses.
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
The House Of David!
'The House Of David.'
a) Luke 1:27. Was the family which Jesus Christ was born into.
b) 1 Samuel 20:16. Jonathan made a Covenant with it.
c) 2 Samuel 3:1 & 6. Was at war with the House of Saul for a long time. (Jealousy issues)
d) 1 Kings 12:19; 2 Chronicles 10:19. Israel rebelled against it.
e) 1 Kings 12:20. Became unpopular.
f) 2 Kings 17:21. Israel was torn from it.
g) 1 Chronicles 17:24. Was a subject for Prayer.
h) 2 Chronicles 8:11. Was not to be defiled.
i) 2 Chronicles 21:7. The Lord would not destroy it.
j) Psalm 122:5. Was a place of Judgment.
k) Isaiah 22:22. Has keys that are in Christ's Hands.
l) Zechariah 12:10. Shall receive the Spirit of Grace and Supplication.
m) Zechariah 13:1. Could be washed from sin and uncleanness.
n) Luke 1:27. Joseph, the stepfather of Jesus, came from this family.
o) Luke 1:69. Produced a Horn of Salvation. (Jesus Christ)
(This QT teaches me the significance of The House Of David)
'The Revelation of Jesus Christ.'
Revelation 1:1.
a) Was given to Jesus Christ By God The Father.
b) Jesus Christ was to reveal these things to God's Servants.
c) The things that were to take place.
d) These things were to take place soon.
e) They were communicated to John, the Lord's Servant.
(This Second one helps me to understand The Revelation of Jesus Christ)
The Lord would not destroy the House of David. Whatever our political opinions are, it is very sure that the Lord will not destroy the House of David, or allow it to be destroyed. What hostility this House has endured over the centuries until now is immense, but it still stands, kept by and according to the Word of, the Lord.
Monday, March 20, 2017
Keeping The Peace!
'Keeping The Peace.'
Matthew 5:39-41.
a) Matthew 5:39. Jesus says that we are not to resist the evildoer. (That is do not make an unnecessary dispute)
b) Matthew 5:39. Whoever strikes us on the right cheek, turn the other cheek to the striker also.
c) Matthew 5:40. If someone wants to sue you for your tunic.
d) Matthew 5:40. Give him your coat also.
e) Matthew 5:41. If someone compels you to go a mile.
f) Matthew 5:41. Be willing to go with that person for two miles.
(This QT teaches me that Jesus was radical about Keeping The Peace)
'Jesus Christ Has Made God Known.'
John 1:18.
a) No one has ever seen God at any time.
b) The only begotten Son.
c) Who is in the bosom of the Father God.
d) He has declared the Father God.
(This Second one affirms to me that Jesus Christ Has Made God Known)
We live in days, especially in some parts of the 'prosperous' parts of the World, where suing has become a part of life rather than an unusual occurrence. This is very profitable for lawyers, but for lay people getting involved in such court cases can be a devastating experience, heaping bitterness into their lives, whether they win or lose the case.
Sunday, March 19, 2017
God's Words Are For All People!
'God's Words Are For All People.'
Leviticus 24:22.
a) One Law will be the same for the foreigner as for the native, He is fair to all.
b) I am the Lord your God.
c) Exodus 6:7. He Saves us.
d) Exodus 15:26. He Heals us.
e) Leviticus 19:2. He calls us to be Holy.
f) Leviticus 24:22. He loves us and all people.
g) Deuteronomy 4:40. He gives us a settled home.
h) Deuteronomy 11:22; 28:13. We are to obey Him and love Him.
i) Deuteronomy 12:5. We are to look for the places that He chooses.
j) Deuteronomy 14:29. He desires to Bless us and the work that we do.
k) Deuteronomy 15:4. He wants to richly Bless His People.
i) Deuteronomy 16:11. We are to Worship at the place that He gives to us.
j) Psalm 81:10. He wants to feed us.
k) Isaiah 41:13. He helps us so that we need not be afraid.
l) Isaiah 48:17. He teaches us and leads us.
(This QT reminds me that God's Words Are For All People)
'The Spirit Of Christ.'
a) Romans 8:9. Is the seal that we belong to Him.
b) 1 Peter 1:11. Within us is a Spirit of Revelation and Understanding.
c) 2 Corinthians 3:3. Writes on human hearts.
(Through this Second one I thank God for The Spirit Of Christ)
God's Word tells us that He Loves all people. This is not meant to be a challenge to us, that we are to love all people too, that is a practical impossibility. There will always be people in person, or by Nation, that we may not love. We can, however, pray for them -because God Loves all people.
Saturday, March 18, 2017
a) Luke 1:26. Was an Angel sent from God.
b) Daniel 9:20-21. Came to Daniel.
c) Luke 1:19. Normally stands in the Presence of God.
(This QT makes me thank God for Angel Gabriel and all the Angels of God)
'Children's Ministry Is Important.'
Matthew 18:5.
a) Whoever
b) Receives and gives honour
c) To one little child in the Lord's Name,
d) Gives honour to and receives the Lord.
(This Second one reminds me that Children's Ministry Is Important)
The Disciples of Jesus wanted to know who was the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus called a little child and set him before the Disciples and all the other people who were present. The Message of Jesus was very clear: The people and the Disciples needed to hear this. Unless they were converted, and became like little children, they would not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. This makes me think that if a Church is to grow, it needs to have some kind of Discipleship Classes and Training.
Friday, March 17, 2017
Unjust And Lonely!
'Unjust And Lonely.'
Jeremiah 20:10.
a) I heard many people whispering.
b) They whispered: "Terror on every side.
c) Let's denounce him.
d) All my close friends watch my steps.
e) They say:
1-"Perhaps he will be deceived."
2-"We can prevail against him."
3-"We can take vengeance on him."
(This QT about Jeremiah's experience reminds me that God knows when we go through situations that are Unjust And Lonely)
'A Prophet Like You.'
Deuteronomy 18:15.
a) The Lord Your God.
b) Will raise up a Prophet like you.
c) A Prophet like Moses.
d) From amongst the People of God.
e) You must listen to Him.
(The Lord was going to raise up a Prophet like Moses for the next generation - following him)
Jeremiah is sometimes portrayed in a negative way, out of context, and for their convenience, by preachers. This is really a wrong concept. Jeremiah was a chosen prophet, a Servant of the Lord who faithfully proclaimed the Words of God. God allowed him to go through certain experiences that, if we read them, may apply to our lives too, we can read and esteem the Prophetic Book of Jeremiah.
Thursday, March 16, 2017
God's People Must Not Kill!
'God's People Must Not Kill.
Leviticus 24:21.
a) Whoever kills an animal.
b) Must make restitution.
c) Whoever kills a human being.
d) Must be put to death.
(This QT clearly instructs me that God's People Must Not Kill)
'The Uniqueness Of Moses.'
Deuteronomy 34:10.
a) There has not arisen a prophet since in Israel.
b) Like Moses.
c) Whom the Lord knew.
d) Face to face.
(This Second one reminds me of The Uniqueness Of Moses)
God's People are on the Earth to be life-givers, they must not kill. God's Heart is revealed here. Killing an animal belonging to another person had to be made good. There was to be restitution. The sentence killing another human being required the death penalty. God is a Life-Giver and He wants His People to choose life every time. If we value life then we will not physically damage another person.
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Elizabeth Praises The Lord!
'Elizabeth Praises The Lord'
Luke 1:25.
a) Thus has the Lord done for me.
b) In the days when He looked on me.
c) To take away my reproach among people.
(In this QT Elizabeth Praises The Lord)
'A Mocking And Evil Demand.'
Matthew 26:68.
a) Some of the irate Israeli worshippers.
b) Stimulated by their high priest.
c) After they physically abused Jesus Christ.
d) Goaded Him to Prophesy to them.
e) Goaded Him to have a Word of Knowledge about the identity of the people who struck Him.
(This Second one reveals A Mocking And Evil Demand)
Some people live in conflict in their home, school, workplace, or even Church. Emotionally it can be a very painful and 'soul destroying' experience. In such an environment, sometimes mocking and evil demands are made. Those who suffer from being on the end of those demands are painful victims. Everything is hidden, the Truth only comes out when it is too late. If you are living as a victim of mocking and evil demands I suggest that you discreetly and quickly get appropriate help.
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
When Our Enemies Fall And Stumble!
'When Our Enemies Fall And Stumble.'
Proverbs 24:17-18.
a) Do not rejoice when your enemy falls.
b) Do not let your heart be glad when your enemy stumbles.
c) Lest the Lord see it.
d) And be displeased.
e) And turn away His anger from your enemy.
(This QT teaches me about response When My Enemies Fall And Stumble)
'The Revelation Of Jesus Christ.'
Revelation 1:1.
a) This was the Revelation of Jesus Christ.
b) Which God gave Him.
c) To show His Servants.
d) The things that must soon take place.
e) God made it known by sending His Angel.
f) To His Servant John.
(This Second one helps me to understand The Revelation Of Jesus Christ)
We should always leave matters about those people whom we may see as our enemies with God. Let God deal with them. When we get wrong attitudes and revenge into our hearts we will be the ones who suffer most. In fact, God says that when we get those wrong attitudes God is displeased. Our attitudes are very important, that is why Jesus has given to us the Sermon on the Mount as the basis for our Life as a True Believer. The Sermon on the Mount is best found in Matthew Chapters 5 - 7.
Monday, March 13, 2017
When The Punishment Fitted The Crime!
'When The Punishment Fitted The Crime.'
Leviticus 24:20.
a) Fracture for fracture.
b) Eye for eye.
c) Tooth for tooth.
d) Whatever injury a person gives to another.
e) Shall be given to him.
(This QT reminds me that When The Punishment Fitted The Crime was a part of life for God's Old Testament People)
'A Part Of God's Power To Keep us.'
John 16:1.
a) Jesus said these things to His Disciples.
b) To keep them.
c) From falling away.
(This Second one reveals A Part Of God's Power To Keep Us - His Words)
There was no question of an excuse. In the Law of the Old Testament, if an Israeli person injured another person, he was to be punished in a very specific way. Whatever injury a person gave to another person shall be given to the person who initially injured the other.
Sunday, March 12, 2017
A Good Response To Pregnancy!
'A Good Response To Pregnancy.'
Luke 1:24.
a) After those days.
b) Zechariah's wife Elizabeth.
c) Became pregnant.
d) And went into seclusion for five months.
(This QT teaches A Good Response To Pregnancy)
Jesus Christ - Sent By God.'
John 3:34.
a) Jesus Christ is Sent By God.
b) Jesus Christ speaks God's Words.
c) God gives Jesus Christ the Holy Spirit without limit.
(By this Second one I Honour and Exalt Jesus Christ - Sent By God)
The Bible, its Teachings, its Testimonies and its stories, teaches us many things, including practical and helpful things. We read of the Blessing of Elizabeth's pregnancy, she was able to go into seclusion for five months. Modern society seems to treat pregnancy as a Blessing on one hand and an inconvenience on the other. Maybe the bonding between mother and child would be enhanced if the modern mother were allowed the same experience as Elizabeth? If the pregnant mother were supported well, there would be no need for her to work. In the long term, this could produce happier families and less delinquent children.
Saturday, March 11, 2017
A Schemer!
'A Schemer.'
Proverbs 24:8.
a) Whoever plots evil.
b) Will be known as
c) A schemer.
(Through this QT I never want to be known as A Schemer)
'A Real Prophet.'
Deuteronomy 18:18.
a) I will raise up for them a prophet.
b) Like you.
c) From among their fellow Israelites.
d) And I will put My Words In His Mouth.
e) He will tell the people.
f) Everything I command him.
(This Second one teaches me about A Real Prophet)
The Lord Jesus Christ Himself is revealed in the Scripture as 'A Real Prophet'. He is Prophet, Priest and King! The Real Prophet only speaks forth the Words that are given to Him to speak from the Heavenly Father. For us, These Words come from the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. There is no other way for A Real Prophet or a Real Gift of Prophecy. The Bible also tells us that a prophecy can be judged or discerned.
Friday, March 10, 2017
According To The Injury Inflicted!
'According To The Injury Inflicted.'
Leviticus 24:19.
a) This is a part of God's Old Testament Law.
b) Anyone who injures their neighbour.
c) Is to be injured.
d) In the same manner.
(This QT reveals to me about punishment According To The Injury Inflicted)
'The Spirit Of Christ Within.'
1 Peter 1:11.
a) They wondered about the time.
b) They wondered about the situation.
c) The Spirit of Christ within them.
d) Was talking about.
e) The Spirit of Christ told them in advance.
f) About Christ's suffering.
g) And about His Great Glory afterwards.
(This Second one teaches me that The Spirit Of Christ Within us can tell us things about times, situations and Christ)
In God's Laws of the Old Testament there was place made for punishment to be given According To The Injury Inflicted. This was not a 'cruel' Law, it was a 'just' Law. This would put some restraint on, and fear into the heart of anyone who was seeking revenge. God clearly states in His Word that Revenge is His - He will repay.
Thursday, March 9, 2017
He Simply Went Home!
'He Simply Went Home!'
Luke 1:23.
a) When Zechariah's time of service was completed.
b) His 'shift' was over.
c) He simply...
d) Returned home.
(This QT shows me that He Simply Went Home)
'First Announced By The Lord.'
Hebrews 2:3.
a) How shall we escape?
b) If we do not pay attention.
c) To God's Great Salvation?
d) The Lord first announced that Salvation.
e) Those people who heard Him.
f) Gave the Message about it.
(This Second one reminds me that the Message of God's Great Salvation was First Announced By The Lord)
Zechariah sets a very good example for the Christian Minister today! After completing his duty, he Simply Went Home. If the Church and the Ministers of the Church truly followed God's Agenda for the Church, when their work is done for the day, then they can and should Simply Go Home. There are certain situations where Church Leaders suffer 'burn out', breakdown, or broken marriage, because they do not Simply Go Home when they should.
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
Plotting Or Planning?
'Plotting Or Planning?'
Proverbs 14:22.
a) Do not those people who plot evil go astray?
b) But those people who plan what is good,
c) Find love and faithfulness.
(This QT is a challenge: are we Plotting Or Planning?)
a) Luke 4:23. Jesus did His Works there.
b) Luke 4:31; John 6:59. Jesus taught the people there.
c) Luke 10:15; Matthew 11:23. Jesus told the place that it would go to Hell.
d) John 2:12; Matthew 4:13. Jesus sometimes stayed there.
e) Matthew 8:5. A Centurion asked Jesus for help there.
(This Second one makes me understand the Heart of Jesus for Capernaum)
We read in the Gospels that Jesus made certain places and people significant for the purpose of giving understanding of His Message. His Way of Ministry was clearly unique and He gave the people more understanding of the Ways of God. Capernaum was a significant place in that Jesus did miracles there, taught the people there and sometimes stayed there.
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